11 Soul core issues

Before we can separate and reintegrate soul and spirit, we need to reintegrate the fragmented soul.  We need to see all walls, barriers and partitions come down penetrated by the love of God that casts out all fear.

We are a 3- part being Spirit, Soul, Body. God is a tri-part being Father, Son, Spirit. We may have lost the true knowledge of our identity that came from knowing who we are in God. We have become fragmented through the sin (lost distorted image).

Man was designed for intimate relationship with God. Originally man was not self-conscious apart from relationship with God our identity, image, esteem, value, worth, security, protection, provision all flowed from the vast sum of God’s amazing thoughts about us through heart-to-heart cardio gnosis.

When Adam chose independence and spiritual separation, we all lost our identity through spiritual death. Mankind has since that point tried to rediscover our identity from the world around. We became self-conscious and world conscious in independence.

Our efforts through self-knowledge independent of the truth have caused damage to each other and ourselves through selfishness and self-centeredness . Whenever we seek to use our own knowledge as opposed to God’s we are falsely trading.

Whenever we use a substitute instead of God’s provision -falsely trading. Whenever the motives of our heart are selfish -falsely trading. This creates hurt, pain, damage, fear etc.  Man was created and mandated to survive to be fruitful, multiply etc.

We develop survival mechanisms to enable us to live in the world, we were supposed to subdue and rule. Coping Mechanisms. Defense Mechanism. Skins, layers, masks, behaviors. We try to get back what we lost through our own self effort.

Self-importance, Self-promotion, Self-control. Self-respect, Self-esteem, Self-worth, Self-image, Self-reliance, Self-sufficiency, Self-belief, Self-expression. Self-denial, Self-righteousness, Self-help, Self-improvement, Self-gratification, Self-indulgence.

 How did we get fragments, skins, layers, masks, behavior patterns?  Nature-DNA genetic and epigenetic programming. Nurture-environmental programming. Trauma-experiential programming.

Nurture –environmental programming record of our upbringing. Parents –Acceptance, Affection, Affirmation, Approval –Security. Family, School, Friends, Church. Words –curses, vows, agreements, lies. Familial & Familiar spirits.

Nature. Blood line –records of family sin, behaviors, spirits -iniquity. Seed line –DNA genetic record. Reptilian seed –Cain. Nephilim seed –angelic/human hybrid. Righteous seed –Noah.

Trauma –record of our experiences. Layers of protection, coping & defense mechanisms. Abuse –physical, sexual, emotional, physiological, verbal. Incidents & Accidents –emotional and physical. Grief & loss, death, divorce, moving home.

Heb4:12 dividing, separating, judging -3 layers. Soul & Spirit -Behaviors. Thoughts & Intentions -Motives. Bone & Marrow -Root or source. Transgression –The Sin –Iniquity.

There are different levels of transformation.  Most inner healing and deliverance deals with the behavioural level.  Now we look to engage in a deeper level in the realms of the kingdom we also need to go to a deeper level in those things.

If you dealt with the surface level – the skins of behavior (coping and defense mechanism) that will get you as far as the kingdom of God, but if you want to engage in kingship you need to go deeper and deal with the thoughts, motives & intentions of the heart, the trading!

There is a deeper level.  Order of Melchizedek has no earthly genealogy no longer of Adam’s line. If we want to come into true sonship, we need genetic transformation.  We use the power of the body and blood of Jesus through communion.

The wonderful reality is that wholeness is not only possible but is our destiny.

Eph 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love. 5 He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,

Eph 1:4 He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus is God’s mind made up about us! He always knew in his love that he would present us again face- to-face before him in blameless innocence. 1:5 He is the architect of our design; his heart dream realized our coming of age in Christ.

1 Thes5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Thes5:23 There, away from any effort of your own, discover how the God of perfect peace, who fused you skillfully into oneness just like a master craftsman would dovetail a carpentry joint -has personally perfected and sanctified the entire harmony of your being without your help! He has restored the detailed default settings. You were re-booted to fully participate in the life of your design, in your spirit, soul and body in blameless innocence in the immediate presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is not in my “I-used-to-be-ness” or “I’m-trying-to-become-ness”, but in my “I-am-ness!”. All this comes from His immediate presence in me and around me as I am in Him and He is in me.

Jesus who knows what it is like to be fully human as the son of man and fully identified with our brokenness when He cried My God why have you forsaken me. Jesus came to represent fallen Adam not sinless Adam.

Hebrews 2:14-15 Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.

Hebrews 4:15-16 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 2:14 Being one with the children of God presupposes the fact that he lived and died in a body exactly like theirs; being as fully human as we are, he is qualified to remove the dominion of death that was introduced as a result of Adam’s fall. 15 As a fellow human, he re-defined death and delivered them from the lifelong dread of death.

Hebrews 4:15 As High Priest he fully identifies with us in the context of our frail human lives. Having subjected it to close scrutiny, he proved that the human frame was master over sin. His sympathy with us is not to be seen as excusing weaknesses which are the result of a faulty design, but rather as a trophy to humanity. (He is not an example for us but of us.)

Son the goal is wholeness restoration of all that has been lost, broken, fragmented, fractured and all that had been used to protect can be removed.  The coping mechanisms and defense mechanisms that have been employed by the subconscious mind can be safely removed in My presence.

In My presence there is no fear, in My presence there is fullness of joy and a peace beyond all earthly understanding.  

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

John 14:27 Peace be with you! I give you my own peace -this is not the kind the world gives –this is peace in the midst of troubled times; therefore, you have nothing to fear! Let not your hearts be timid.

John 14:21 Whoever resonates and treasures the completeness of my prophetic purpose cannot but fall in love with me and also find themselves to be fully participating in my Father’s love and I will love this one and make myself distinctly known and real to each one individually. In this embrace of inseparable union love rules!

This spells inseparable, intimate oneness! Note that it is not our knowing that positions Jesus in the Father or us in them! Our knowing simply awakens us to the reality of our redeemed union! Gold does not become gold when it is discovered but it certainly becomes currency!

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.  The barriers, walls and separation of our souls through fear including parts can only be reintegrated through the presence of love joy and peace.

1 John 4:18 Fear cannot co-exist in this love realm. The perfect love union that we are talking about expels fear. Fear holds on to an expectation of crisis and judgment [which brings separation] and interprets it as due punishment [a form of karma!] It echoes torment and only registers in someone who does not realize the completeness of their love union [with the Father, Son and Spirit and with one another.]

Will we choose to allow the presence of the Lord to remove the barriers the defense and coping mechanisms. We are in Him and He is in us this is a safe place for all brokenness and fragmentation to be healed and restored. Soul to be reintegrated and whole.

Psalm 139: Search me oh God and know my Heart, try me (put me on trial) and show me my anxious thoughts (the way of thinking that the enemy uses). Show me if there is any wicked (idolatrous) iniquitous way in me.

We really need to know who we are, who God created us to be. So we can be realigned and conformed to that.  Trauma is a major problem. It can set up instant neural pathways to memories that continue to influence us. Or dissociated pathways around them.

Sometimes that can cause dissociation or stuck parts where we are emotionally undeveloped or immature in an area.  Even our cells can contain the record of trauma. They need a trauma release. Trauma usually creates fear, and the enemy comes in and occupies that.

Father, I thank you for your presence around me and in me. I thank you for this safe place within your love, joy and peace. I choose to open my heart up to You.

Reveal my blind self to me show me the hidden motives of my heart. Show me how I look compared to your image. Wash me and cleanse me with your living words of love, joy, peace and comfort.

I stand in the light of your truth. I ask you to search me. I present myself to you Jesus my High priest as a living sacrifice. I ask you to skin me remove all barriers, walls and partitions.

Remove all layers of self-righteousness. Remove all the masks that I hide behind. Remove all my defensive behavior patterns. Remove all my coping mechanisms.

Remove all my mind-sets and strongholds that I have built to defend my false beliefs and values. Remove all patterns of thinking, philosophies, ideals, lies & values not of your kingdom. Remove all layers of doubt & unbelief. Remove all my emotional layers of rejection, insecurity, fear, dependence.

Remove all layers of guilt and shame. Remove all layers of anger, resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness. Remove all layers of control, independence, stubbornness and rebellion, pride and self-sufficiency.

Give me revelation of my true identity as a son of God. Renew my mind to the mind of Christ. Meet all my unmet needs in yourself. Heal all my unhealed hurts. Restore my soul to wholeness by reintegrating all my parts.

I receive your unconditional love, acceptance, affirmation, approval. I stand transparent naked and unafraid before you. I hear you say I see you and I love you. I receive your value, esteem and worth.

I receive your strength, patience, perseverance, courage, boldness, humility and confidence

We are going to engage Jesus in our spirit through first love. Take the yoke of Jesus upon us and be yoked to Him. Jesus as the Way, Truth and Life is going to lead us to each gateway of our soul. Jesus as perfect love and Prince of Peace will cleanse the gateways of our soul from fear.

Close your eyes and picture that door. By faith reach out to the handle and open the first love door. Welcome Jesus’ presence into your spirit.

Start to think and meditate on your soul gates. Activate your imagination as Jesus walks with you to your conscience gate. love is going cast out all fear, guilt, shame and condemnation. The Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness in your conscience.

Jesus is going to walk you to your imagination gate. Perfect love is going cast out all fear cleanse negative images. Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness cleansing the blockages in your imagination and purify it.

Jesus is going to walk you to your reason gate. Perfect love is going cast out all fear. Jesus the Truth is going to challenge wrong, mind-sets, belief systems, doctrines and theology. Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness to cleanse and enable truth to flow.

Jesus is going to walk you to your mind gate. Perfect love is going cast out all fear from your conscious mind. Jesus the Truth is going to challenge any lies that you are believing. Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness to cleanse and enable truth to flow.

Perfect love is going cast out all fear from your unconscious mind. Perfect love is going cast out all fear from your subconscious mind. Jesus the Truth is going to challenge any lies that have programmed you that are lodged in your memories. Prince of Peace is bringing wholeness to cleanse and enable truth to flow.

Jesus is going to walk you to your emotions gate. Perfect love is going heal the hurts, pains and rejection. The Prince of Peace is bringing healing and wholeness to your emotions. Jesus as the life is going meet your unmet needs for love and acceptance.

Jesus is going to walk you to your will gate. Perfect love is going to cast out fear. The Truth is going to challenge and cast out doubt and unbelief. The Prince of Peace is bringing healing and wholeness to your will.

Jesus is going to walk you to your choice gate. Perfect love is going to cast out fear. The Prince of Peace is going to ask you to worship Him and surrender your free will choices to only do what you see the Father doing.

We are now going to release healing sounds and fragrances to release any trauma within your soul memories known or hidden. To release trauma from the cells of your brain and body. To bring love joy and peace into your being.

Jesus is yoked to you as the Prince of Peace.  Jesus is the Way, Truth and life. Jesus is perfect love. Jesus is safe and secure, and you can trust Him with your soul.

Let the sound frequencies and fragrances penetrate any barriers. Let your body, soul and spirit resonate as the sounds and frequencies go around you and in you. It may feel like an intense intrusion but try not to resist it.

Let the healing frequency of love released trauma from your memories. Let healing frequencies release trauma from the cells of your body. Let the healing frequencies release trauma from your mind and the cells of your brain. Let love, joy and peace heal you and fill you.

Allow the fragrance and sound frequency of love joy and peace penetrate into the sub-conscious layers of fear and trauma. We are then going ask Jesus to call any part stuck or fragmented into the safe place of His love.

Ask Jesus to reveal if you are emotionally stuck at any ages call the part to come to Jesus. Jesus is inviting that part of you to walk into Him, find peace and be restored in love. Each child come back into peace and be reintegrated into emotional wholeness.

Ask Jesus to call any dissociated fragment parts of you to come out of the fear of darkness into the light of His love. You can call them yourself to come into the safe place of peace and love with Jesus. Let each part respond and into peace and love to be reintegrated.

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