12 Deconstruction

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Deconstruction of the mind. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that distort the nature of God as father and the relationship we have with Him must be deconstructed and renewed.

In relationship the Father gives us identity, position and authority a mandate so we can be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule. Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that limit our sonship must be deconstructed and renewed. Mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that are based in Old Covenant thinking create fear, duty, obligation through the law. Law based mindsets often create barriers to intimacy because of the wrong sort of fear of God. We need to see all walls, barriers and partitions created through the law come down as they are penetrated by the God of love who casts out all fear.

Encounters with love will deconstruct and demolish those walls of wrong thinking. Love encounters are key to intimacy. Deepening intimacy through face-to-face relationship will result in a continual process of transformation by deconstructing and renewing our minds during those encounters with God.

The Joshua Generation are forerunners of a heavenly royal priesthood according to the heavenly order of Melchizedek. Also, on earth we are oracles and legislators aligning heaven and earth as gateways of heaven into the earth.

The Joshua Generation are also forerunners of restoration this will revolutionize our experience of the true nature of God as love Iconoclastically destroying the false images of God created by the religious systems we have been programmed by Son, a new vista that has a new landscape for the Ecclesia and the Joshua Generation is being established.

Although many of the old order will die in the wilderness even more will cross over into their inheritance. This cannot take place without major shifts in your consciousness through deconstruction and renewal of your mind. The religious constructs must be challenged through powerful encounters with the truth of the living word of God.

These encounters will expose and remove false doctrines and theology concerning My nature that have been created through man’s own understanding of the Bible. I AM is speaking today as I AM has always spoken but there are many more today with ears to hear than ever before. This is so that three generations of My family can come together in the unity of heart, mind and purpose.

Son, herald the call and proclaim the beginning of the dawning of a new season to release heaven’s frequency, the frequency of heaven’s sound and light into the earth Heaven’s frequency is the frequency of love; it is the sound of Me wooing My children back into a restored face to face relationship of innocence with Me At the dawning of this new day.

I call for the light of love to burst forth from this new horizon with the new hope of a new reality.

I call for love’s light to shine with the radiance of God’s true glory and essence.

I call for the iconoclastic power of love to deconstruct the false idols of religious doctrine and theology.

I call for the true nature of God as love to beginning to resonate within the hearts and minds of the children of God.

God the great iconoclast is revealing Himself to forerunners in such a way that the destruction of our conformation to religious programming is inevitable. Being living sacrifices is key to the deconstruction of our mind and expansion of our consciousness.

Rom 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Rom 12:2 Do not allow current religious tradition to mold you into its pattern of reasoning. Like an inspired artist, give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. Become acquainted with perfection. To accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within. (The word, aion, is traditionally translated as “do not be conformed to this world.” Actually, aion points to a period of time of specific influence. In the context of this writing, Paul refers to the religious traditional influence of his day. This means to accommodate oneself to the opinions, desires, and interests of others.)

It is our desire that the Engaging God program will impart revelational experiential truth through encounters and engagements. We want everyone to find an oasis of time and space to be able to engage our heavenly Father in intimacy as His sons/daughters to allow Him to deconstruct and expand our minds. The deconstruction of the mind and expanding of our conscious reality is vital if we are going function as fully mature sons. God is calling His children to arise as mature sons.

We need encounters with the precepts of God that will turn our hearts back to the reality of who the Father truly is. The deconstruction of the mind will challenge our preconceived ideas about God, Bible, Christianity, Church etc. It will iconoclastically destroy the false assumptions and presumptions of our minds created by religious programming. God is going to explode our minds by destroying the box He has been put in.

Activations give opportunities to engage, encounter and experience the truth. Activations are not intellectual exercises but experiential opportunities. Practice to retrain our senses through intentionally repeated experiences. Activations can become our continual living testimonies if we will pursue them out of desire until the experiences become part of the fabric of our being.

Pursuit is the evidence of desire but do not strive, it takes time. Your personal times of reflection are key to maturing in sonship. We have legislated for the Engaging God program to be a safe place to help you connect with the Father and allow Him to begin to deconstruct your minds by revealing the religious and cultural frameworks that restrict and limit you. We have legislated for the Engaging God program to help facilitate the expansion of your consciousness and your reality by equipping you to go beyond the boundaries and barriers that have imprisoned you and explore the infiniteness of God through experiential encounters.

These encounters are not always conscious and cognitive. Sometimes your mind is not yet ready to let go of long held beliefs, but your spirit is being prepared by these experiences. When the time is right the truth will be revealed so do not give up.

I am not asking you to believe what I am saying – in fact I am asking you not to! I am asking that you take everything to the Father for yourself and allow the Truth to be revealed. Don’t fight or resist the Truth; allow Him to set you free. This is a process, a journey to go beyond your past experience.

The preparation of engaging the Father brings an intimacy of relationship that reveals our sonship so we can be invested and enthroned, seated in the heavenly realms. Engaging the dark cloud is the process of separating and reintegrating soul and spirit that enables us to live and function in dual and multiple realms. The purpose is to enable us to arise as sons, be seated in heaven and bring heaven to the earth.

This part of the journey is about deconstructing the mind from religious and cultural programming and subsequently expanding our consciousness. As sons we can then choose and frame our reality using our expanded consciousness.

We can learn to engage different states or levels of consciousness Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves. Creative and intuitive Cognitive, logical and analytical Spiritual insight and revelation Deep rest that connects them all.

Our consciousness can function through the learning and developing the principles of quantum observation. Frequency and energy can be manipulated and controlled by the power of our minds. Understanding frequency and vibration can help us use the power of our consciousness to create reality through intention by focusing our thinking to choose a reality that resonates with the heart and thoughts of God. Energy changes and forms matter.

Jesus used the principles of quantum physics that He created to do what we now call miracles or supernatural manifestations. Jesus knew how to control the vibrational frequency of matter for transmutation, quantum tunnelling and quantum entanglement.

There are different aspects of the mind that we need to engage. There are many sources of good materials that can generally help us. Lie busting, cleansing toxic thinking. Mindfulness and meditation are about using focused thinking to create a resting state of creative consciousness. This is an important factor in destressing from life and living life from that state of rest.

Meditation can help us access and use different states and levels of consciousness. Being mindful can help us focus and develop creative and intuitive ways thinking.

We must be intentional about these things; they don’t just happen by accident. There are a number of processes that work together to bring us to a place of maturity. These processes sometimes are consecutive and sometimes concurrent and interconnected. They help restore to us the creative potential of our sonship.

Some of these processes are: Deconstructing the mind from religious and cultural programming. Experiencing cognitive dissonance to discover God’s true nature. Discovering the true nature of reality through encountering truth that challenges our present false reality.

Being set free from evangelical doctrinal bondage regarding the use of the Bible in our lives. Challenging the Bible as the word of God. Experiencing the truth of Jesus Himself as the true living word of God. Rewiring the mind to reconnect to lost and latent abilities.

Restoring lost ESP-type abilities by accessing expanded energy bandwidths. Telepathy, telekinetic transmutation abilities. Doing the works of Jesus and greater. Remapping the mind with the eternal consciousness of our spirit. Engaging our spirit’s pre-existence memory. Developing the nonlinear thinking abilities from the eternal now. Reconnecting with creation as sons for its restoration. Using the transformational power of communion to renew our minds and expand our consciousness. Engaging the frequency of the mind of Christ within the elements of communion to restore the power of our consciousness. Expanding our mind and our conscious reality by encountering the Truth and Reality of Jesus – revealing our true sonship. Going beyond our present limitations and restrictions to know and embrace our full potential as sons of God. Understanding how frequency relates to the expanding our consciousness and creating reality through quantum observation. The power and use of intention in creating reality from the eternal now and heavenly perspectives free from earthbound limitations. Using the power our consciousness for creating, choosing and framing a new reality.

We can be free of the earthbound limitations of present thought and go beyond what is possible from the limited present knowledge of mankind. We need to have our mind deconstructed, and consciousness expanded to fully engage the spiritual realms. Choose to translate in time and space. Choose to see from eternal and heavenly perspectives. Choose to create reality from an eternal perspective. These are all starter sessions for ongoing development. All the different areas will need desire and perseverance to bring about transformation, transfiguration and metamorphosis.

It is our destiny as sons to be fruitful, increase, expand, subdue and rule. If we are to fulfil our destinies, we need our minds deconstructed from some of the belief systems that we use to create our reality. The beliefs from the DIY tree path that have framed our lives are lies that rob us of the truth of who we are as sons of God.

Samuel of SML Music has composed some music to help in the activations. Let the sound penetrate your minds as deep is calling too deep to awaken your sonship. Relax and rest in that sound; be immersed with the presence and intent of God within that sound. Invite God to engage your mind and consciousness. Invite God to penetrate your mind with Truth. Invite God to walk with you into your mind and begin to show you the constructs and frameworks of your belief systems.

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