12 Separating and reintegration

1 Thes 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Heb 4:12 The message God spoke to us in Christ, is the most life giving and dynamic influence in us, cutting like a surgeon’s scalpel, sharper than a soldier’s sword, piercing to the deepest core of human conscience, to the dividing of soul and spirit; ending the dominance of the sense realm and its neutralizing effect upon the human spirit. In this way a person’s spirit is freed to become the ruling influence again in the thoughts and intentions of their heart. The scrutiny of this word detects every possible disease, discerning the body’s deepest secrets where joint and bone-marrow meet.

The moment we cease from our own efforts to justify ourselves, by yielding to the integrity of the message that announces the success of the Cross, God’s word is triggered into action. What God spoke to us in sonship (the incarnation), radiates his image and likeness in our redeemed innocence. [Heb 1:1-3] This word powerfully penetrates and impacts our whole being; body, soul and spirit.

2 Cor 3:18 are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. Process of change to display glory –the manifest presence of God on earth as it is in heaven. We can choose to embrace, pursue the process of change or maturity or stay babies, toddlers or infants.

Psa 139:23 Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; 24 And see if there be any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way.  Examine, try & reveal.

Judge the thoughts and intentions of our hearts –Our motives. Where did they come from? Our past decisions that form patterns within our hearts. Programming through personal experiences & environmental lacks. Record of previous generational blood line decisions. Programming through generational patterns of iniquity.

Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Pathway & source of all self. Roots sourced from Satan’s trading –I will ascend, I will be like God.

Motives of the heart. Trading –exchange based on the desires of our hearts as result of sin in our nature. First negative trade –Satan before time. First negative trade on earth –Adam & Eve.

Legitimate desires of my heart inbuilt by God met by following the pathway of earthly, natural or demonic wisdom. Trading all relationships formed to meet my own needs for love etc.  All pathways of the knowledge of good and evil.

All counterfeit methods we use for giving us:  Acceptance, affirmation, approval, significance, security, provision, purpose & destiny. Happiness -Joy. Satisfaction -Fulfilment. Leisure -Peace. Cause –Destiny.

Trading Floors. Demonic substitutes for God’s provision. Offer a perverted altar to sacrifice on. Trades with deadly strings attached. Generational patterns. Familiar spirits -activate & operate them.

We trade when we take the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil. Option for the shortcut to gratification, success, money, position, influence or power. Offers us identity from performance, work or ministry. Devil’s temptation of Jesus.

Tyre -money, materialism.

Athaliah -kingly seed .

Jezebel -Manipulation, control, domination, witchcraft.

Cain -murder.

Delilah -seduction.

Leviathan -Gossip, lies, deception .

Apollyon -opposes the gospel.

Present yourself for examination. Examine yourself regularly. Be ruthlessly honest about your past. Remember God loves you. Own your past trading & motives. Confess your trading as sin. Seek revelation about family trading.

Father, I thank you that You have made a way for me to access your heavenly presence. By faith I step in through the veil of Jesus through the way of the cross. I present myself to you Jesus my high priest in surrender as a living sacrifice.

I submit to the authority of the living word in my life. I step through the veil of truth into the Holy Place. I stand in the light of your truth. I ask you to search me. Reveal my blind self to me, show me the hidden motives of my heart.

I stand in the light of your truth. Show me the pathways of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil that I have followed. Show me where I have accepted Satan’s deceptions. Reveal where I have followed earthly, natural or demonic wisdom to meet my own needs.

Show me where I have traded by taking the shortcut to gratification through success, money, position, influence or power. Show me where I received my identity from performance, work or ministry.

Show me where I have formed relationships to meet my own needs for love, acceptance, affirmation & approval. Show me where I have sought to meet my own needs through humanism & rationalism following the forbidden pathway of self.

I submit & surrender my life to following the pathway of the tree of life as my source. I commit myself to a lifestyle of renouncing all negative trading.

I renounce my sin where I have followed the pathway of good & evil as my way of life. I renounce of the patterns of sin in my heart. I renounce all my defense, coping & survival mechanisms.

Give me revelation of my true identity as a son of God. Give me a heart secure in its identity. Renew my mind to the mind of Christ. Meet all my unmet needs in yourself. Heal all my unhealed hurts. Restore my soul to original condition

I receive your unconditional love, acceptance, affirmation, approval from the source of the tree of life. I stand transparent naked and unafraid before you. I hear you say I see you and I love you. I receive your value, esteem and worth.

I choose to follow the pathway that leads to my source, the tree of life Jesus. I step back into this realm to walk in the ways of your kingdom. Manifest your glory through me on earth as it is in heaven so I will fulfil my eternal destiny.

We are going to invite Jesus the living word of God the Truth into place within us between soul and spirit. We are going to ask Jesus the Truth to reveal any umbilical cords from soul to spirit. We are going to ask Jesus as the living word and sword of the Spirit to divide our soul and spirit.

We are going to invite Jesus the living word to untether our spirit from the soul and being earth bound. We are going to be able to fly like the butterfly soar like the eagle.

We are going to invite Jesus the Prince of Peace to make us whole by reintegrating our soul and spirit. By reconnecting our spirit and soul gates. By quantumly entangling us to live in dual realms.

Embrace the transformation process, so you become whole! The more we become transformed into the image of God the more authority and power will be released because we will be recognized as the children of God.

Our soul wants to be recognized for what we do, surface issues. The soul looks to provide for its own needs, we then look for affirmation, affection, approval from people for what we do instead of just being who we are (trading!).

I choose to surrender my soul’s rights to you. I choose to surrender any path I have followed from the DIY tree. I choose to surrender all works of the soul to validate itself. I choose to surrender my redemptive gift to you and I declare I will not use it for self-validation.

I ask that you untether me from being earth bound. Free me so that I am free to sore beyond the earth into the spiritual and heavenly dimensions.

I ask that you the sword of the Spirit the living word of God Jesus to severe any umbilical cord or ties in my soul that have fed off my spirit, that gives my soul power to live. I ask you to untether and separate me from any ungodly tie connected to my redemptive gift.

I ask that the Prince of Peace reintegrate my soul and spirit from the inside out. I ask that you reconnect and quantumly entangle my soul and spirt that ever my spirit is in the spiritual realms that will be continually connected so that heaven can flow through me.

Prophet. Servant. Teacher. Exhorter. Giver. Ruler. Mercy.

Jesus we invite you are the living word of God as the sword of the spirit to walk through our spirit gate of worship where surrender to you.

Consciously surrender all ties, connections from your soul to your spirit and allow Him to sever and separate and untether you from your soul.

Allow Him to reintegrate you and make you whole. To reconnect your spirit to your soul.

Fear of God gate and reverence gate to your conscience.

Hope gate to your imagination.

Prayer gate to your mind.

Revelation gate to your reason .

Intuition gate to your emotions.

Faith gate to your will .

Worship gate to your choice.

Let heaven flow through as rivers of living water.

Allow Him to reintegrate you and make you whole. Allow Him to quantumly entangle your soul and spirit. Let heaven flow into your being.

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