13 Deconstruction 2

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Deconstruction of the mind. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father.

Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that distort the nature of God as father and the relationship we have with Him must be deconstructed and renewed. In relationship the Father gives us identity, position and authority, a mandate so we can be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule .

Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that limit our sonship must be deconstructed and renewed. Mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that are based in Old Covenant thinking create fear, duty, obligation through the law. Law based mindsets often create barriers to intimacy because of the wrong sort of fear of God.

The Joshua Generation are forerunners of a restoration that will revolutionize our experience of the true nature of God as love by iconoclastically destroying those false beliefs.

God called me to legislate in 2016. To make laws, legislative decrees etc. I did not realize that He was going to use those decrees to iconoclastically deconstruct my mind and expand my consciousness. God spoke to me directly to inspire that legislation process. The mists around closed and clouded minds must be dissipated. The hindrances and entanglements must be removed so the limitations of minds that are stuck in what has been, can become free to embrace what can be so it can become what will be.

The veils must be removed, and restrictions lifted to embrace the limitless potential of My reality. The way, truth and life are to be experienced not conceptualized and contained. The limits of what is possible must be removed for My purpose to be achieved. You must begin to entertain limitless grace and mercy to be able to grasp what is true reality beyond all your limited expectations.

New dimensions of everything can be yours if you are willing to let go of the old and embrace the challenge of the new. God was challenging the restrictions that limit our sonship. 

It is time to clear away the obstacles to remove the shadows and step into the light. It is time for our minds to be deconstructed and for our reality and consciousness to be expanded. 

My legislative response.

I call for the removal of the limits to unveil the beyond, the limitless potential possibilities of eternal reality.

I call for freedom from the religious restrictions that are creating limitations.

I call for justice against all the fear-based entanglements that are hindering the renewal of minds.

I call for hearts, minds and wills to be filled with compassion, zeal and passion.

I call for all confusion to be removed from the hearts and minds.

Law of Religious Freedom.

I hereby authorize the law of religious freedom. This law approves the right of the Joshua generation to set God’s people free from religious restrictions and limitations.

You are authorized to bring freedom to the oppressed, to release light into the shrouded darkness of the old order mindsets. You are authorized to administer Emmaus Road like encounters to those whose minds have been veiled by the coverings of men.

You are authorized to call for and administrate justice for God’s children. In love you are empowered to challenge the old wineskins and their associated mind-sets.

You are to call the Joshua Generation to action, to call them into the valley of decision and release heaven’s sound and light.

You have been assigned the ordinances of the angelic hosts to engage with visitations, dreams and visions.

The old order mountains can be shaken with the Winds of Change and the Sound of Many Waters. Use this legislation wisely and with precision and many will be set free to receive their inheritance.

The Law of Deconstruction.

The context is the renewal of the mind.

Rom 12:2 and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

Eph 2:23 and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind.

The deconstruction of the mind’s pillars by challenging and shaking old mindsets with love bombs of truth.

You are authorized to accelerate the process of cognitive dissonance.

You are authorized to release traumatic encounters that will fracture the illusions of minds.

You are authorized to expose the old systems to new levels of revelation.

You are authorized to release the messenger angels to facilitate mind-quakes.

You are authorized to increase the intensity and pressure for transformation through facilitating deeper dimensional encounters with the Truth.

It is our destiny to rule in God’s kingdom by being enthroned so we can administrate heaven on the earth. We need to be free from the tethering of our soul to this physical realm so we will not need to continually step in and out of heaven.

The process must be relational so the focus is on engaging God as love so we can live loved, love living and live loving. We can begin to fulfil our destiny by answering creation’s groaning to bring about the restoration of all things.

Therefore, there are 2 main goals for this process.

Deconstructing our minds from the beliefs that restrict and limit who God is and who we are.

The expanding of our consciousness to accept the true reality of our creative sonship.

Deconstruction of our minds.

The act of breaking something down into its separate parts in order to understand its meaning, especially when this is different from how it was previously understood: Removing the framework of beliefs that frames and limits our reality. 9 Pillars of DIY beliefs that mimic the 9 firestones of ascension to maturity. Deconstructing how our mind and consciousness operates from fixed rigid beliefs systems. Not just the physical brain although there may be some physical rewiring and reconnecting to abilities lost or hidden.

How do our beliefs, paradigms, world views affect our understanding and our choices?

Confirmation Bias – tendency for our present beliefs to cause us to reaffirm what we already believe. What shapes our thinking and therefore our reality?

Evangelicalism Sola Scriptura. Greek thought. Hebrew thought. Augustinianism, Protestantism, Scientific rationalism, Cultural relativism, Humanism.

You don’t have to believe what I believe. In fact, you would have needed to follow my exact path to be where I am. But what I do want to do is challenge you to think. Because if you can think differently, you might believe differently. 

Son, the mind is a battleground for many people, but it is designed to be the place of dimensional convergence from a place of rest. Rest is the state of abiding in love, joy and peace which is fully abiding in I AM. To be at rest (love, joy, peace) is to live loved, love living and live loving within the perichoretic circle of the dance that can be experienced only with a renewed mind and expanded consciousness.

The limitations placed on the mind by the religious and cultural systems restricts My children to a life of being slaves to the system. A mind free from past restrictions has the capacity to shape reality creatively through the living connection to My grace within all things. Know My heart the precepts, know My mind the statutes and use My voice the laws to shape reality so the beginning and end converge in time from eternity.

Religion is a veil of darkness masquerading as light but it is only a DIY system of beliefs that conform My children to slavery. The religiously conformed mind is an illusion of having freedom and enlightenment when in reality the mind is chained and darkened. Son, let Me show you something.

I stood in the midst of the limitlessness of creative thought as a conversation between Father, Son and Spirit. I was able to hear a passing thought concerning love’s light that is so simple yet so profound that it is more true than all men’s philosophy combined. That one thought was like a vast neural net of interactivity with many access points. One of God’s thoughts is beyond the sum total of humanities knowledge, but we have been made in God’s image with our minds capable of understanding complexities beyond our present reality.

Expanding our consciousness which is the state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings. A person’s awareness or perception of something. Awareness of, knowledge of the existence of, alertness to, sensitivity to, realization of, cognizance of, mindfulness of.

Religious deconstruction will challenge our views of God. Challenge our views of man’s theology and doctrines. Challenge our views of ourselves. Challenge our views of creation and dimensional reality.

After deconstruction there must be a renewing of the mind. True metanoia, the agreement with God’s mind. Once the limitations and restrictions are removed there can be an expanding of our consciousness that awakens us to true reality.

Son, you have the legislation; now use it to open the hearts and minds of My children. When My sons arise, they will be able to live in the continual now with nonlinear thinking and the ability to create alternate realities. The ability to choose the end from the beginning and continually realign reality to enable love to bring good in all things. 

Sonship is inextricably intertwined with creation and its freedom from corruption and its restoration back to God’s original intent. Restoration is but the beginning; what follows is the release of the creative abilities of My sons who will fulfil the mandate to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule by expanding throughout the dimensions.

Love’s light will shine with a radiant frequency that will bring an end to darkness and everything will be illuminated. Sons arise and shine your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Now is the time for creation to respond to the light of your glory to be liberated into the freedom of your sonship.

Will you let God have unlimited access to your mind with no “no go” areas? Will you let God slay your sacred religious cows?

Samuel of SML Music has composed some music to help in the activations. Let the sound penetrate your minds as deep is calling to deep to awaken your sonship. Relax and rest in that sound; be immersed with the presence and intent of God within that sound. Invite God to engage your mind and consciousness. Invite God to penetrate your mind with Truth. Invite God to walk with you into your mind and begin to show you the constructs and frameworks of your belief systems.

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