14 Deconstruction 3

How can we be prepared for sonship?   

 Preparation with help from tutors.  

 Preparation through entering rest.  

 Preparation through soul transformation at different levels.  

Deconstruction of the mind. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father.  

Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that distort the nature of God as father and the relationship we have with Him must be deconstructed and renewed.  

 In relationship the Father gives us identity, position and authority: a mandate so we can be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule.

Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that limit our sonship must be deconstructed and renewed. Mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that are based in old covenant thinking create fear, duty, obligation through the law. 

Law based mindsets often create barriers to intimacy because of the wrong sort of fear of God.  

The Joshua Generation are forerunners of a restoration that will revolutionize our experience of the true nature of God as love- by iconoclastically destroying the false images of God created by the religious systems we have been programmed by .  

We need to see all walls; barriers and partitions come down, penetrated by the God of love who casts out all fear.  

This process of deepening intimacy in a face to face relationship results in a continuing process of transformation. 

We are going to look at the deconstruction of the mind from religious and cultural programming. This will require cognitively dissonant encounters with the Father, Jesus the living word of God and the Spirit of Truth to discover true reality.  

 We were all taught a pernicious habit for knowing God which is to look outward and evaluate what is true and who is right by information and reason and maybe a gut feeling assumed to be spirit. Because everyone has different reasoning skills and access to only certain information over the centuries it is not surprising, we have division, arguments and tens of thousands of perspectives and opinions upon which people determine their eternal destiny. The winners of truth are determined by the popularity of the figures teaching, the size of the congregation, the breadth of one’s education, the credibility.  

Many people think that ready meals are the true culinary taste be it Italian, Indian, Chinese, Thai or Mexican but when they taste authentic restaurant cooked dishes it is a whole new world. Microwave religion will never satisfy the spiritually hungry.  

True reality and abundant life can only be experienced in the face to face relationship with the source, the creator, Me, your Father. 

All religion is but a substitute for the genuine and inoculates My children against Me. 

The Religious Mind is at war with The Mind of Christ.

Vain imaginations, arguments and debates are at war with the knowledge of God which declares that we are new creation sons of God through the faith of Christ.

We are adopted into the family. We are righteous, holy, worthy, sanctified, justified, purified, perfected; forever loved, saved, delivered, healed, reconciled to the Father, sealed by the Holy Spirit and overcomers Bought by the blood of Jesus, included in Christ, given resurrection life, seated with Christ in heavenly places in Christ Jesus far above all principalities and powers, rulers and authorities, dominions and powers.  

The whole of mankind is seeking for love, joy and peace from the wrong sources of religion, relationships, wealth etc. They can have no true rest, just an imitation that can never restore true sonship or truly connect them to creation so that they can find their true identity and position.  

Meditation and mindfulness are based on good principles but are restricted and limited to the soul realm of the DIY tree knowledge. Expanding consciousness can only be fully accomplished through the spirit and engaging the mind of Christ.  

Many seek to engage celestial planes and other dimensions but most are stuck within the fantasy creations of their own soul or the limitations of the earthly spiritual realms. Some people have opened the doorways between dimensions but they have only created more problems rather than finding true ascension.  

The power of the soul is immense but pales into insignificance compared to the power of the spirit.  

When the mind and the spirit are in unison then the full potential of sonship’s creative consciousness will be discovered.   

Destiny can never be fulfilled when the mind is tethered to the soul and physical realms.  

True identity, position and authority can only be discovered when soul and spirit are reintegrated and whole.  

True freedom can only be found when ascending the 9 firestones into sonship.  

When we are joined and one spirit with the Creator within the circle of the dance, we can discover true rest.  

Delta wave state is not to be confined to deep sleep but is the state of consciousness that is discovered in true rest. That state of consciousness can be the normal state that has access to beta, alpha and theta wave states where quantum possibilities can create a reality that is tuned and aligned to the rhythm of My heart’s deepest desires framed in love.   

Sonship is truly about living loved and loving living in the joyous moment of infinite possibilities that are then expressed by living loving.  

The true image of God has been veiled so all God’s children cannot see the reality of who He truly is. This religious veil is the covering of lies and deception that has blinded us to a God who is love, light, spirit and fire. This veil began when Adam and Eve followed the wrong DIY tree path of self-enlightenment.  

Not only did they lose sight of God, they lost sight of themselves, the true image of theirsonship .They became slaves to their own DIY efforts to restore what they already had: love, acceptance, approval, affirmation, significance and purpose.  

Mankind has sought to fill that God-shaped hole within by the DIY efforts of self-improvement and self-help. We have tried many solutions: power, position, money, materialism, religion, other relationships. All the DIY efforts have done is cause us more pain so then we have to self-medicate to cover it up or block it out .  

All religious systems are DIY attempts to please or appease God to get back what was lost, our truesonshipidentity. 

All religious systems have continued to create veils over our minds ever since Adam chose the DIY path. If we don’t know the relational truth about God and ourselves then we are actually helping to keep the veils in place 2 Cor 4:4.  

The survival and self-improvement programs of the religious systems of this world veil the minds of the unbelievers; exploiting their ignorance about their true origin and their redeemed innocence.   

The veil of unbelief obstructs a person’s view and keeps them from seeing what the light of the gospel so clearly reveals: the glory of God is the image and likeness of our Maker redeemed in human form; this is what the gospel of Christ is all about.   

The god of this age refers to the religious systems, governing structures and self-help solutions of this world. Our own minds will inevitably be veiled by the things we already believe. 

Our mindsets, world-views and strongholds can all be veils or filters over our minds that obstruct and filter how we process and perceive reality. 

We all have what is called confirmation bias operating in us that helps us maintain the status quo of what we already know. This is the tendency to interpret new evidence as a confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.  

Confirmation bias is particularly strong concerning religious beliefs Theology and doctrines, tend to cause us to interpret everything through their filters or lenses.  

It takes a major experience, almost a trauma, to shake us loose from the limitations of what we already believe. Rom 12:2 Do not allow current religious tradition to mould you into its pattern of reasoning. Like an inspired artist, give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. Become acquainted with perfection. 

To accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within. 

We need to behold God who is Father, Son and Spirit; then as if in a mirror we can become like the image of our sonship that we see within Him. 

Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks within his heart, so is he. Has our image of God and therefore ourselves been distorted? Do we think like a slave or a son?

 Prov 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. 

When we encounter God let’s make sure we don’t develop a new understanding or doctrine but only rely on a continual living loving relationship. God is wooing us into a deeper level of intimacy with Him in relationship. 

There is a new level of experiential relationship with God, Father, Son and Spirit, that is being unveiled to us through the encounters we can have in the spiritual dimensions.

A new level of communication with God, the ability to hear and see what God is revealing. We can have a new mind, the mind of Christ, continually flowing from our relationship with Him. 

We don’t need new theology or doctrines that become new foundational understanding to rely on; we only need pure, blissful intimacy.

I had many encounters that were designed to challenge my beliefs. Son, walk with Me. We walked within the recesses of my mind. Son, look at the dysfunction of the broken paths; look at the mindsets that are like obstacles blocking the pathways. Son, look at the rigid networks conforming and framing the pathways within your mind. Now see fluidity and beauty of the pathways that can be formed by My mind through renewal. I saw a glimpse of what could be and there is no comparison. 

See the simplicity of truth; now compare it to the construction of the interpretation of truth that arises from religion and culture. 

Son, let Me renew your mind to a new level. Open up your mind to Me; let the truth remove the cages constructed by following the pathways of the knowledge of good and evil. I saw a framework, a construction with 9 pillars holding it up I saw a grid like a series of connecting cross members attached to the pillars He then started to shine a spotlight onto those pillars. 

Son, these are the pillars upon which your paradigms are built. He focused the light of truth on the pillar of evangelicalism, then sola scriptura. The light focused on the pillars of Greek and then Hebrew thought and exposed them as constructs of man. The light focused on Augustinianism and exposed it. It began to shine on the pillar of Protestantism. It shone on scientific rationalism and then on cultural relativism and on humanism. There were 9 pillars holding it all up. 

Evangelicalism Sola Scriptura Greek thought Hebrew thought Augustinianism Protestantism Scientific rationalism Cultural relativism Humanism Ezekiel 28:11… You were the sealer of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering… (9 stones). On the day you were created they were prepared. 

9 levels of revelation that would have framed our existence in sonship.  

The covering cherub’s role was to absorb and reflect the light released from the throne of God.

As the light bearer and musician of heaven, he was responsible to release frequencies that would carry the image of God that revealed our sonship. 

He chose another path and he led mankind down the DIY tree path. 

The stones of the light bearer were to reflect out the revelation of God to affirm our sonship .9 stones became counterfeited and perverted as 9 pillars framing our minds. Each pillar, like a veil, filters the light of God and distorts God’s and our own image. Each veil controls how our mind works and interprets the data we receive. 

What are the pillars that form the constructs and veils of your mind? What are your 9 pillars?  

Spend your reflective time meditating on those pillars Ask the Father to walk in your mind to reveal the identity of those pillars so they can be removed. 

Mind-sets established from beliefs that someone has taught us. Revelation from old theological truth meant for a previous day. The resting place for other people’s words that frame our belief systems. We need a new revelation of truth for our day. God asked me if I wanted Him to deconstruct my mind I said “Yes, Father, deconstruct the frameworks of my mind and strip away the presumptions and the assumptions of my thinking.” Son, I can continue dismantling these constructs piece by piece or I can remove the foundations and dogma of the pillars that supports those constructs so that they begin to collapse. This may be traumatic and disorientating for a short while but will be the most effective and quickest way to free your consciousness from its constraints, limitations and restrictions. Father, please remove the dogmatic pillars and foundations of my beliefs and restore the true foundations of eternal truth. I said “Pull the pillars out”. Then I thought I might lose my mind, so I quickly added “Please do it one at a time”.  

As those pillars were ripped from my mind it felt like my mind was shaking, wobbling – like amindquake. Then I started to see things I could not see before and realise how many assumptions and presumptions I was living according to .The truth began to challenge me Once the first pillar was removed, which was evangelicalism, the theological belief systems began to crumble Doctrines began to be exposed to the light of truth. I could now see things I never saw, connected with people who were invisible before.  

Doctrines and theological positions not reflecting God’s love began to be exposed as deceptions.  

Long-held beliefs were challenged by the experiences of God’s love. 

I was having My whole relationship with God changed as I began to see everything through the lens of love . 

I asked the Father what would replace those pillars and constructs. 

Son, let Me form the pathways of the tree of life to form the construct of your mind. Son, let Me reform and connect the ancient paths within your brain so your consciousness will become unrestricted and your creative potential will become unlimited. 

My relationship with you as the living word must now be the first pathway and the trunk that brings life support. 

I must plant new roots within your mind that will be able to flow from the eternal source; let them be entwined as the pathways to truth. 

I felt the root system begin to form deep in my mind. There were 9 main roots that began to grow like an organic system and network of connections. They started to bore into my unconscious and subconscious. it felt like an intrusion into my very being but I welcomed it.  

Son, you must embrace the firestones and wisdom’s pillars again and again for these roots to supply your mind from the tree of life. 

The constructs began to become unstable as one by one the pillars were removed from my mind. 

I have engaged God’s heart many times but as I stood in the creative mind of God in eternity and embraced the thoughts of God, that consciousness and reality began to reconnect the pathways within my brain to restore my mind and consciousness to the eternal perspective. 

Son, I am the master of all reality everything that is good is contained within Me.

I AM, therefore everything is contained within infinite potential possibilities of My mind that you now have access to Son, you are created and crafted with the creative nature of I AM as a son of God. Your true potential is limitless but is controlled by the boundaries that exist within your consciousness. 

Son, rest in the 7th day to embrace the new beginnings of the 8th day.  

Relax and focus on your own mind. Ask the Father to walk with you into the recesses of your consciousness. Ask the Father to reveal the pillars that frame your consciousness.  

Angels are marking you out for love. Invite Him to release those love bombs over you. Let those love bombs explode over you. Let your heart and mind be cocooned in love. Let Jesus reveal His love for you .Let the Father reveal His love for you. Let the Spirit explode His love in you. Let the love of God touch your minds. Let Him encounter you with love that will explode any wrong image of Him. Let Him remove the veils that obscure and distort Him. Let Him explode your limited reality.  

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