The kingdom is inherited

God delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt (a type of the world) by judging all the gods (fallen angels) of the Egyptians. He led them through the wilderness (a type of testing) to the mountain (place of authority) of God where they were to worship the Lord. God gave them the 10 commandments… Continue reading The kingdom is inherited

Categorized as Kingdom


Rapture is not just a doctrine, it is an experience. I am not talking about having our body transformed but those who have been caught up into heaven. Many have experienced heaven in their spirit, also in their soul through visions and trances. But those who have been raptured have been taken up in their… Continue reading Rapture

Fixing our eyes on Jesus

We take our eyes off the problem, and fix them on Jesus, and as we fix them on Jesus we will begin to see differently. We will get a different perspective on our current circumstances that will release the joy of the Lord, and faith will start to flow into us and we will come… Continue reading Fixing our eyes on Jesus

Categorized as Destiny

False prophets

Math 7: 15Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening (greedy for power, gain, self) wolves. 16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt ( comes… Continue reading False prophets

A jar of salt

In II Kings 2, we find a miracle of Elisha which can show us how to position ourselves for the next miracle of the Kingdom. We are going to learn to open our awareness to the next step in our progressive walk with God. If Elijah was a prophet of fire, Elisha was a prophet… Continue reading A jar of salt

Hath God said

We need to understand the law of action and reaction, the moving of the Spirit of God and the moving of the enemy. We live in the conflict of two kingdoms. For every action of the kingdom, there will be a corresponding reaction of the enemy, until we become more than a conqueror and the… Continue reading Hath God said

Categorized as Hearing God

How intense is God ?

We know that His first requirement is that we love Him with all of our heart and soul, all of our mind and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). This we purpose to do. All the problems of religious Babylon, of Laodicean lukewarmness, come because they give God less than the full intensity of love. How intensely does… Continue reading How intense is God ?

Categorized as Authority

Heavenly language

The language of heaven is very diverse and comprehensive. Our native language is very limited when compared to the language of heaven. When we are born into the kingdom of God we have to learn the language of that kingdom. This language is far superior to our native language. The language of the spirit realm… Continue reading Heavenly language

Categorized as Hearing God

Our identity

We have been seated with Christ in heavenly places; Jesus is no longer just an individual but a many member body. In the eternal realm we are already perfect in our spirit. But we have to see who we are in the eternal realm, so that we can bring that reality down into our lives… Continue reading Our identity

Our growth in God

John 3: 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.  To enter into an intimate relationship with God, It is absolutely necessary that we be born from above. Unless our spirit is… Continue reading Our growth in God

Categorized as Growth

The Parousia

We are living in the time of the Parousia, the time of His presence where Jesus will appear to us. We are going to see ever-increasing manifestations of Jesus to His people. This term PAROUSIA has virtually always been used exclusively in reference to the second coming of the Lord. IT DOES REFER TO THAT… Continue reading The Parousia

Categorized as Hearing God

Dark speeches

Numbers 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, [I] the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, [and] will speak unto him in a dream.7 My servant Moses [is] not so, who [is] faithful in all mine house.8 With him will I speak mouth… Continue reading Dark speeches

Categorized as Hearing God


A very important aspect of walking with God is the art of Meditation. Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that I [am] God: BE STILL AND KNOW We live our lives in such turmoil and busyness, which causes us to live in a constant state of inner tension. This isolates us from God and keeps… Continue reading Meditation

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Categorized as Hearing God

The mind working with the spirit

The Lord can communicate with us in Words, Feelings and Pictures. He mostly communicates with us through spontaneous thoughts. These thoughts sound like our own thoughts but they are spontaneous, They flow into our mind from our spirit through the Holy Spirit. We do not start them, they light upon us. When we choose to… Continue reading The mind working with the spirit

Categorized as Hearing God

To walk with God

We can walk and talk with God like Adam did in the Garden. In these last days, it is vitally important to know the voice of the Lord. Our survival may depend upon it. We need to know how God wants to communicate with us and to be clearly able to hear his voice for… Continue reading To walk with God

Categorized as Hearing God

Our spirits

When we get a Word from the Lord it seems like everything goes in the opposite direction of that word. You get a Word and you’re tried in it before it comes to pass. “Until the day that it came to pass, the Word of the Lord tried him,” was the way the Psalms talked… Continue reading Our spirits

Categorized as Our spirit

From futility to maturity

The book of Ephesians has many good chapters, but the fourth chapter often becomes the focus of our attention. Let me give a brief resume of this chapter, starting from verse 8. Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father with all majesty and authority and gave gifts to men. He gave some as… Continue reading From futility to maturity

Getting off the soul level

God breathed into us our spirit. When the spirit entered the body the soul was formed. In our soul and body are the instinctive drives we have being human. When we are born from above the seed of God is conceived in our spirit and we become a child of God by nature, our spirit… Continue reading Getting off the soul level

Categorized as Our soul


The eighth chapter of Romans teaches us that creation has been subjected to futility, but in hope, that when the sons of God come forth in their manifestation, they in turn will release creation from futility. The problem is not with creation; the problem is with the sons of God being loosed from futility. They… Continue reading Complete

What do you emanate?

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, through our soul and out our body into the natural world around us. But how do we get that life flowing? The kingdom of God is in a different dimension, it is in the unseen realm of God’s Spirit. The kingdom is the realm… Continue reading What do you emanate?

Categorized as Fullness


We need to understand that things like love, joy, peace, thanksgiving, anger, hate and jealousy and all the like are not just attitudes.  They are far more than just attitudes, they are a power, they are a substance, and we need to understand this. Each of these attitudes radiates out from us as a power… Continue reading Attitudes

A lonely bird on the roof

In this day, the Holy Spirit is bringing forth the unity of the Body of Christ; Satan, on the other hand, is trying in every way possible to isolate the members so that they cannot communicate or work with one another. Psalm 102 reveals the heart of a man who felt isolated and alone. He… Continue reading A lonely bird on the roof

Categorized as Relating

Eyes of the spirit

God has given us all the capacity to see physically, spiritually and heavenly .We are responsible to develop that capacity .We are responsible to use these abilities.   2 Cor 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen… Continue reading Eyes of the spirit

From many comes one

The most effective weapon ever created by God is coming forth in the earth, today. It is the ministry of the Body of Christ. A oneness of spirit is coming forth in the Body of Christ. It is first a oneness with the Lord and then a oneness with one another in the body.  … Continue reading From many comes one

Categorized as Oneness

The parable of the sower

The gospel of the Kingdom is the gospel that Jesus preached. The bible is a concealed revelation, in order to understand it; the Holy Spirit who is sent to teach us must open up our spiritual eyes. The Holy Spirit is the teacher. God has set certain ministries in the Church that the Holy Spirit… Continue reading The parable of the sower

Categorized as Growth

How change comes

The teaching that reaches our mind is not what changes us, if we are just a hearer of the word and not a doer of the word we will forget what we hear. The word we hear with our mind must get into our spirit. The word reaches our spirit through the revelation of the… Continue reading How change comes

Categorized as Change

How we change

The primary work of the Holy Spirit is to transform us into the Image of Jesus Christ. Transformation is a change of life form; it is a change from death into life. It describes the amazing way in which a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. The worm in the cocoon dies and breaks out of… Continue reading How we change

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Categorized as Change

How God sees us

God sees things from an eternal perspective; He sees things different than we do. He sees the beginning from the end. He sees the finished product. It is important that we begin to see things the way that God does. What does God actually see when He looks at us? He sees a reflection of… Continue reading How God sees us

Honesty of heart

It is as we learn how to maintain a right spirit where our spirit is fellowshipping with God; that we will find that it is not that difficult to submit to anything the Lord requires of us. It is when our spirit is out of fellowship with God, where our spirit is not communing with… Continue reading Honesty of heart

His reflection

Our human nature is unacceptable to God. We were born in sin, we inherited a fallen nature. We can’t bring to God what we are as a human being and say, Lord I am doing the best I can, will You please accept this old nature. That which is born of the flesh is flesh.… Continue reading His reflection

Him who fills all in all

Ephesians 1:20b–23.He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under His… Continue reading Him who fills all in all

Categorized as Fullness

Growing up

When our spirit became alive in the Lord, our spiritual eyes and ears were opened. Our spiritual growth is a growing awareness of the life of the Lord. This life of the Lord begins to grow in us as we come into submission to it. It is called the mystery of the Kingdom-the Lordship of… Continue reading Growing up

Categorized as Growth

God becomes our strength

As we learn how to get the gateways of our spirit, soul and body open and flowing with the life of God, then we begin to hear what the father is saying and see what He is doing, so that we can co-operate with Him. We have to discipline ourselves to have an encounter with… Continue reading God becomes our strength

Categorized as Change

Control of our spirit

CONTROLING OUR SPIRIT Many passages in the Bible speak about the end time. We read in I Timothy 4:1: But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. In the latter times we are going to be up against… Continue reading Control of our spirit

Communication of spirit

There is no human language that is great enough for God to adequately express Himself through. God communicates to us Spirit to spirit. Spirit to spirit communication is beyond language. It is like deep calling unto deep (1 Corinthians 2:10, 11; Romans 8:26, 27). It is like an impartation of experience and knowledge. The way… Continue reading Communication of spirit

Before they call

Isaiah 65:       17    For, lo, I am creating new heavens, and a new earth, And the former things are not remembered, Nor do they ascend on the heart (come to mind). 21And they have built houses, and inhabited, And planted vineyards, and eaten their fruit. 22They do not build, and another inhabit, They do… Continue reading Before they call

Categorized as New age

Being in the Spirit

          BEING IN THE SPIRIT Our spirit has eyes and ears, it has perception and feeling. Our spirit is a person. God is a person and He is spirit. Our re-created man is a person and is a spirit, with a full set of senses separate to our natural senses. Fellowship with Jesus requires an… Continue reading Being in the Spirit

Categorized as Ascension

Being aware of our spirit

The will of God is first of all a state of spirit. A lot of Christians are not really aware of their spirit. Our spirit is the part of us that connects to God, where His life flows into it. To understand our spirit it is important to look at every reference in the bible… Continue reading Being aware of our spirit

Categorized as Our spirit

Fountain of living waters

Rev22:1 and he showed me a pure (clean, unalloyed) river of water of life; clear (shining, bright, radiant) as Crystal (transparent), proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. We are coming into the day of transparency, when the vessels of the Lord shall be filled with His glory. The Lord is… Continue reading Fountain of living waters

Categorized as Change


Everything we receive from God depends upon our focus. Jesus has made a perfect provision for us, and the Holy Spirit was given to us to help us receive it. We have to focus on a promise of God, until we receive it as a revelation in our spirit. We have to meditate upon it… Continue reading Focus,focus

Fixing our eyes on Jesus

We take our eyes off the problem, and fix them on Jesus, and as we fix them on Jesus we will begin to see differently. We will get a different perspective on our current circumstances that will release the joy of the Lord, and faith will start to flow into us and we will come… Continue reading Fixing our eyes on Jesus

Categorized as Change


Our focus needs to be upon becoming, and not just doing. To be a Christian is to be a possessor of the nature of Christ, and the ability of the Holy Spirit. We want to manifest Christ in character, in demonstration, and in ministry. When we become a Christian, God breathes Himself into our very… Continue reading Becoming

Categorized as Change

Awareness of our spirit

When our spirit was made alive with God’s eternal life, a new realm of existence was opened up to us. We can now experience heaven on earth every day of our lives. Because we bring the will of God down upon the earth, we will experience burdens and mourning in the spirit, but even in… Continue reading Awareness of our spirit

Categorized as Our spirit

Earnest expectation

People will never believe what God is doing and saying in the earth today unless God first takes away the veil and brings a release from the dullness that is on their hearts. The demonic spirits that deceive and hold people in deception must be removed. The bulk of Satan’s activity is directed toward God’s… Continue reading Earnest expectation

Categorized as Kingdom

Becoming spiritual

We need to understand what it means to be spiritual. We are living either on a spirit level, a soul level or just a natural or physical level. Being spiritual does not mean that we cease being normal. When we are spiritual- simply means that the Holy Spirit now becomes the governor and ruler of… Continue reading Becoming spiritual