
Leviathan is a spirit assigned to stop God’s call to the apostolic people of God. Old Testament Leviathan Most references to Leviathan have come from the book of Job, with some verses in Isaiah and Psalms. Multi-headed Psalms describe Leviathan as being multi-headed: PSALMS 74:14 YOU BROKE THE HEADS OF LEVIATHAN IN PIECES, AND GAVE… Continue reading Leviathan

Sin Entered the World


The Feast of Trumpets

Jesus fulfilled the Feast of Trumpets two thousand years ago. The law is now obsolete, dying on the cross.  Jesus’ “Second Coming” is the popular fulfilment of the Feast of Trumpets. However, Jesus has fulfilled the law, and therefore the feasts. So how then did Jesus fulfil the Feast of Trumpets? it is essential to… Continue reading The Feast of Trumpets

Holy Spirit and Jesus

By understanding how Jesus, moved in healings, signs and wonders, we can understand how we, as sons and daughters of God, can do the same and more than what Jesus did. Jesus could not do any signs and wonders without the Father AND the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is the same with… Continue reading Holy Spirit and Jesus

Baptism With Fire

Carrying the Holy Spirit and the baptism with fire, we can be fire-starters of revival across the nations. Do you want the Holy Spirit to move in and through you to start revival fires? God desires to co-labor with us, and He also wants to take us on a personal journey to the next level,… Continue reading Baptism With Fire

God is in command, He is not in control

This message explains why we should replace “God is in Control” with “God is in Command”. We will also look at “control” through the perspective of our heavenly Father looking after His children. There are three stages of our Christian life (children, including babes, adolescents, and adults). The Power of the Tongue Language is persuasive… Continue reading God is in command, He is not in control

Our awareness of Him

Our growth in God is a matter of awareness. The Holy Spirit desires to interpenetrate us, in such a way that we don’t really know if it is us or Him. We are caught up into an oneness of spirit, that we are aware of God in the words we speak, we are aware of… Continue reading Our awareness of Him

Categorized as Awareness

Feast of Tabernacles

In the “Old Covenant” we looked at the Old Testament law, its purpose and effect on humanity. In “The Law No Longer Applies” we find that the law is obsolete, dying on the cross. Passover, Pentecost and Day of Atonement. These are the three most important feasts in the Hebrew calendar. Jesus fulfilled all of… Continue reading Feast of Tabernacles

Jesus the Son of Man

Understanding why Jesus is called the Son of Man will give us invaluable knowledge in how to move in the power of God. Jesus as the Son of God, we are learning the bible teaches that Holy Spirit conceived Jesus, and the Father was there for His birth. Jesus was always the Word of God… Continue reading Jesus the Son of Man

Jesus the son of God

We are going to look at how Jesus became the Son of God. How He became the Son of God is essential to understanding how we can be a glorious son or daughter of God as He intended. EPHESIANS 1:5 HAVING PREDESTINED US TO ADOPTION AS SONS BY JESUS CHRIST TO HIMSELF, ACCORDING TO THE… Continue reading Jesus the son of God

Sabbath Rest

The purpose of God’s original Sabbath resting was physical REST from hard work. The Roman soldiers nailed the law to the cross. The Old Covenant had to die with Jesus for there to be a New Covenant. Under the New Covenant, the sabbath rest is none other than faith in the finished work of Jesus… Continue reading Sabbath Rest

Fellowship in the gospel

There are five fellowships mentioned in the Bible.1- Fellowship of the mystery of His will 2- The fellowship of the gospel 3- fellowship with His son. 4- fellowship with the Holy Spirit and 5- fellowship with His sufferings. Fellowship in the Gospel is the first of the five fellowships we encounter in our walk with… Continue reading Fellowship in the gospel

Further names of YHVH

We are going to learn some further attributes of Yahweh. These same attributes carry through into our relationship with God as our Father. The Trinity is the Pre-Existing Ones. Our heavenly Father’s original plan was to have sons and daughters. God lives inside of His creation (but can choose to live outside of creation). He… Continue reading Further names of YHVH

Studying the Bible

Two essential Truths. When it comes to Studying the Bible, there are two essential truths to understand: 1-The first truth we learn is weighed more heavily than all other teachings. 2- What we already believe is weighted more heavily than all other teachings. Therefore the danger is; that if we have been taught incorrectly, or… Continue reading Studying the Bible

Judgement of God

As we look into the topic of Judgment, we see that Hebrews 6 includes judgement as part of the new believers foundational truths. HEBREWS 6:1 THEREFORE LET US LEAVE THE ELEMENTARY DOCTRINE OF CHRIST AND GO ON TO MATURITY, NOT LAYING AGAIN A FOUNDATION OF REPENTANCE FROM DEAD WORKS AND OF FAITH TOWARD GOD, AND… Continue reading Judgement of God

Kingdom Anointing

When we desire to see kingdom anointing expressed through us in signs and wonders and people entering the family of God, our focus needs to be on loving God and also loving the anointing. We do this by studying the anointing and learning how to flow in it. The essential requirement to moving in Kingdom… Continue reading Kingdom Anointing

God’s Plan for Kingdom Rule

To understand God’s plan for us to have kingdom rule, we need to look at the Old Testament and see the forerunners to this kingdom. The glory of the latter kingdom is greater than the former kingdom. Jesus has now ascended and has been crowned the King and has sat down at the right hand… Continue reading God’s Plan for Kingdom Rule

Categorized as Kingdom

God’s Kingdom is Here NOW

God has a plan to build a heavenly kingdom for all His sons and daughters right from the beginning. Some believe that God’s kingdom is still to come, and therefore it is still ‘near’. The truth is similar but very different. The kingdom of God is here, and inside us. Some people do not believe… Continue reading God’s Kingdom is Here NOW

Categorized as Kingdom

Covenant Atonement

The preaching of covenantal and victorious atonement is central to our success in preaching. So, if we can understand the theology behind this, it will produce great fruitfulness if you allow God’s Word to become alive within you and written on your heart. How does atonement bring in the new covenant? The Hebrew for Atonement… Continue reading Covenant Atonement


Millennium Heresy These heresies have slipped into present-day Christianity and keep believers in fear of the Great Tribulation in the future. This fear hinders people from moving in signs, wonders and miracles that believers can see happen through the power of God. Until after the First World War horrors, the predominant view was not a… Continue reading Millenium

Grace and favor

In this message, we will see that favor starts with the foreknowledge and predestination of God upon our lives which resulted in God calling us, drawing us, and our responding to the moving of God upon our heart in saying yes to His will in our life. Which resulted in being born from above, becoming… Continue reading Grace and favor

Categorized as Grace

El Shaddai

Some use El-Shaddai or God Almighty to refer to His omnipotence. Yet there is only one reference to God’s omnipotence in the Bible. We see that He is indeed God Almighty and all-powerful in this teaching. Yet the idea of omnipotence may be detrimental to our evangelism efforts. God being omnipotent may bring thoughts of… Continue reading El Shaddai


The apostle Paul and Peter’s teaching The popular teaching is that the Antichrist (sometimes called anti-Christ) is still to come, resulting in the Great Tribulation. Jesus prophesied about the Great Tribulation within One Generation of His death and resurrection. He clearly stated there would never be another like it. MATTHEW 24:21 FOR THEN THERE WILL… Continue reading Antichrist