Having a desire to prophesize is half the battle, as Paul taught in first Corinthians 14:1 pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophecy. In some situations, I have not been in the mood to prophecy. It’s always in those moments, I hear the Lord say stir up your spirit. You must… Continue reading Operating in prophecy
Month: April 2024
Three phases of revelation
Generally, there are three parts to the prophetic. A word of knowledge often opens people up, while a prophetic word fills the gap created. Finally, a word of wisdom can give instructions on what to do next. These three elements work together to form the broader prophetic gifting. A word of knowledge is simply revelation… Continue reading Three phases of revelation
Judgment seat of Christ
Some people may not fully live out their intended destiny, but encounter purification at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where that which is of lasting value is distinguished from what is not. The Lake of Fire symbolises purification rather than eternal damnation, a place of refining in God’s presence, not the end of the world… Continue reading Judgment seat of Christ
New beginnings
Prophecy can restore people’s dignity and self-respect. It can give them hope again. But to do this, we must be immersed in God’s love. We are either living in the present /past or the present /future in our relationship with the Lord and one another. Some relationships are stuck in the past because they are… Continue reading New beginnings
Pursue love
Historically, the biggest failure in the prophetic has been a lack of love in prophet’s hearts. The apostle Paul addressed that very shortcoming: 1 Corinthians 14:1- pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophecy. For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no… Continue reading Pursue love
Intimate prayer
God is speaking about a new kind of prayer he is about to release to us. Paradoxically, this new method is an ancient way of prayer, one in which God’s faithful servants like David and Paul flourished. These heroes of the faith learned how to pray exactly what God willed for a person, and saw… Continue reading Intimate prayer
Evan Roberts
Lived from 1878 to 195. At the age of 20, Roberts had a prophetic vision that changed his life. In it, he saw the moon, full and bright, with an arm stretching from it into Wales. Immediately, he knew that God was able to touch his country, bringing 100,000 people to the faith. It wasn’t… Continue reading Evan Roberts
Righteousness or being righteous is a foundational truth for a believer in Jesus. Righteousness is part of the Great Exchange and allows Holy Spirit to enter a person. Righteousness is a gift, and we are the righteousness of God. We will look at 1. The Great Exchange. 2. What righteousness is. 3. How our being… Continue reading Righteousness
Martin Luther
Lived: 1483 to 1546. The man who changed church history forever spent hours meditating on a particular piece of scripture. It is clear from his own words that God spoke to him through it: As I meditated day and night on the words as it is written, the righteous person shall live by faith, I… Continue reading Martin Luther
Saint Cuthbert
Lived 635to 687. Cuthbert was 15 years old when his life changed forever. While out tending sheep on a hill in Northumbria, he had a vision. As he described it: me thought I saw a dazzling radiance shine suddenly out of the darkness, and in the midst of this streaming light a choir of angels… Continue reading Saint Cuthbert
Saint Augustine of hippo
Lived: 354 to 4:30 Few have done more to shape Christian theology and thought than Saint Augustine. Born to be a Pagan father and devoutly Christian mother, Augustine struggled throughout his earthly life to find the one true path. The Wilder he lived, the less contentment he found. His mother, Monica, prayed diligently for her… Continue reading Saint Augustine of hippo
Spiritual listening
I find joy in spending time in God’s presence. I have moved beyond the need to only meditate on the Bible, because interpreting it can be complex and subjective. Instead, I allow God room to speak to me in various ways. I relax, clearing my mind and focusing solely on the Father or on Jesus.… Continue reading Spiritual listening
King Oswald
Lived: 605to 643 Oswald, born in Northumbria, the northeastern corner of England, spent 17 years on the Isle of Iona, learning to be a monk. When his uncle, king Edwin, died the murderous Cadwallan seized the throne and tormented Oswalds people. So, the good Prince returned, with his older brother Eanfrid, to rid Northumbria of… Continue reading King Oswald
Saint Brigid
lived: 450 to 523. Renowned for her generosity and hospitality, this Irish Saint was also wonderfully prophetic. And a prophecy eerily similar to one given by her contemporary, Saint Patrick, she foretold the ministry of Saint Columba, even giving the saints Irish name and mother’s identity: the man-child of longsided Ethne, as a sage he… Continue reading Saint Brigid
Saint Patrick
lived: 387 to 461 Ireland’s patron Saint was actually English; as a young boy, he was taken as a slave to Ireland. Years later, he escaped back to his homeland, but God had other plans for him. One night, Patrick saw a vision of a man, whose name was Victoricus, coming as it was from… Continue reading Saint Patrick
Saint Aidan
lived: 600 to 651 When king Oslo sent for help to evangelize his Kingdom in 635 AD, Aidan answered the call. He traveled across Britain and set up a community on the holy island of Lindisfarne. Aidan loved the Northumbrian people, walking all over northern England, preaching the gospel, and healing the sick. As the… Continue reading Saint Aidan
Saint Columba
Lived: 521 to 597 Banished from Ireland for his role in starting a war, Columba sailed to the Scottish island of Iona and set up a mission there. The Scots loved him and quickly adopted him as their own. He was a gifted teacher, healer, and prophet. The Holy Spirit would make the Saint sound… Continue reading Saint Columba
Smith Wigglesworth
Lived: 1859 to 1947 Few evangelists have pushed the kind of religious buttons Smith Wigglesworth pushed. His methods seem bizarre, but the fruits of his life and ministry are profound. Wigglesworth’s wife, Polly, was a powerful preacher, but Smith was painfully shy. He hated to speak in public, until the day the Holy Spirit got… Continue reading Smith Wigglesworth
Maria Woodworth Etter
Lived: 1844 to 1924 Maria Woodworth Etter was barely a teenager when God spoke to her: I heard the voice of Jesus calling me to go out in the highways and hedges and gather in the lost sheep. Still, Maria married a man who did not believe in women in ministry. Five of their six… Continue reading Maria Woodworth Etter
Kathryn Kuhlman
Lived: 1907 to 1976 Separated from her husband, and having just lost her ministry, Kathryn Kulman was desperate for God in the mid-1940s. After praying for several days, she was touched by the Holy Spirit: 4:00 o’ clock that Saturday afternoon, having come to the place in my life where I surrendered everything, I knew… Continue reading Kathryn Kuhlman
John G Lake
Lived: 1870 to 1935 Surrounded by death and illness all his life (eight of his fifteen siblings died young), lake was desperate for God to heal. In the 1890s, Lake heard about John Dowie’s healing rooms, and took his brother to one: the man was healed. Later, he took his sister, who suffered from cancer… Continue reading John G Lake
Aimee semple McPherson
Lived: 1891 to 1944. Born in rural Canada, Amy accepted Christ at age 17 in a revival meeting led by Robert Semple. Months later, she married Semple and traveled with him to China to spread the gospel there. Upon their arrival in Hong Kong, however, both contracted Malaria. Aimee was a few months pregnant when… Continue reading Aimee semple McPherson
Saint Joan of Arc
lived: 1412 to 1431. With her country under siege, God visited Joan, a young farm girl in rural France, with a series of prophetic messages. Shortly after her 13th birthday, Joan spent a day fasting and praying. During that fast, God spoke to her: when I was about 13, I received revelation from our Lord… Continue reading Saint Joan of Arc
Saint Martin of tours
lived: 316 to 397. Martin was a young soldier when he came across a beggar at the gate of the city of Amiens, France. Gripped by compassion for the poor, freezing man, Martin tore his own cloak in two and handed a part of it to the man. That night, Martin had a vision of… Continue reading Saint Martin of tours
Saint Francis of Assisi
lived: 1182 TO 1226 Born the son of a wealthy merchant, Francis turned his back on his former life when he heard God tell him to go, Francis, and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin. Francis followed this revelation and worked to fix a rundown local church. Despite being mocked… Continue reading Saint Francis of Assisi
Prayer, power, process
Living constantly in the presence of God can heal us of our old wounds, and even our physical illnesses. Emotional, spiritual, mental, physical needs are all the same to the father. We know that God is able to heal instantly, but there are also occasions when he heals us over a long period of time.… Continue reading Prayer, power, process
Unceasing prayer
Prayer is vital in our preparation to prophesy. Prayer and prophecy are inseparably linked in terms of the communication process. Both involve listening before talking. In my own prayer time, I usually find myself somewhere in the spiritual paradox between wonderful and frustrating, joyful and painful, confident and uncertain, anointed and unanointed. Fortunately, all those… Continue reading Unceasing prayer
Speaking in tongues, for those people who have the gift, is a very important part of our devotional life and our relationship with God because it edifies our spirit and renews our mind. I love tongues because I can pour out my heart to God in whatever situation I’m in, even if I’m in pain… Continue reading Tongues
Soul and spirit
It is very important that we understand the discipline of how to live with God because everything flows out of our relationship with Him. What we think about God is the single most important thing in the world-it is the revelation that will drive our life and provide the channel through which our prophetic gift… Continue reading Soul and spirit
The spirit precedes the mind at all times
Sometimes, God asks us to do something unreasonable, and our minds try to talk us out of it. The mind deals with information, and the spirit with revelation. It can be difficult for those two elements to coexist. But we must submit our mind to our spirit. 1 Corinthians 2: 14 but the natural man… Continue reading The spirit precedes the mind at all times
Waiting on God
Meditation is all about waiting on God and giving ourselves the time and space to be in communion with him. This is not an unfocused event but carries a deep sense of purpose: we want to be open to hearing God’s voice everywhere. I constantly carry a notebook with me because God speaks to me… Continue reading Waiting on God
Meditation: loving God with all your mind
I love having quiet times with God. There is nothing like experiencing God’s love, touch, and blessing in stillness with him. His job is to be our lover; ours is to be his beloved. I love letting God touch me. He draws me into himself, erasing all the striving, pressure, frustration, and frantic pace of… Continue reading Meditation: loving God with all your mind
Rejoicing always
Rejoicing is a key ingredient in moving in the power and presence of God. Many Christians have been conditioned to think that they enter God’s presence with prayer. But scripture is clear that thankfulness is the door to his presence-enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful to him,… Continue reading Rejoicing always
The process of prophecy
If prophecy, like a website, had a list of frequently asked questions, this one would be on top of it: when I am moving in prophecy, how can I tell if it’s me, the Lord, or the enemy? It is a legitimate question. We are human beings, subject to pain, dissolution comment, hurts, dreams, aspirations,… Continue reading The process of prophecy
Eliminate the complicated
In this generation it is easy to wish for many things. But you will have to choose between a luxurious life of enjoying all of life’s pleasures, and a life in which you do the perfect will of God. Perhaps you are wondering, “Why must I choose? Why is it such an issue? As long… Continue reading Eliminate the complicated
Identified with Christ
There are truths in the Bible which are not accepted literally, but are still given a mystical, poetical interpretation. In order to know how to act and move in certain circumstances, we must understand the divine principle of identification. One individual can become so identified with another that that they lose their individual identity. Marriage… Continue reading Identified with Christ
Changes come as we are suddenly confronted with something we have not seen or experienced before, and we say in our hearts, “Why can’t things just be normal? Why can’t they go on as they were?” You may cry a few tears when you see that things are changing. When I was eleven years old… Continue reading GOOD-BYE, YESTERDAY
For every one of the young people in this move of God, there are another thousand somewhere whom God has marked to walk with us. Right now they may be on some kind of drug trip and really lost; but they belong to the Lord. They are among those whom the Lord knew before the… Continue reading INSTANT SAINTS
The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is dedicated to the great men of faith in Bible times. It tells how they walked with God and what they did. In our day, we have tended to relate faith to belief, to the conviction held in a person’s heart that certain facts are true. We have almost made… Continue reading AND THE RAIN CAME
All creation has been subjected to futility because of the fall; but in the redemption of Christ, now after 1900 years, it is time that the Lord bring forth the active manifestation of the victory of Jesus Christ, reversing the downward pull upon people and causing the upward pull to become stronger and stronger. People… Continue reading FROM PLOWS TO SWORDS
From swords to plows
God does not move sovereignly in a situation, but He does make Himself available to us. The availability of God in every situation is a wonderful truth. Life creates an illusion completely opposite: we pray and nothing seems to happen right away. It seems as though everything works against us, that we have no control… Continue reading From swords to plows
Expanding vision
Some of our visions and dreams may seem fantastic and even crazy by the world’s standards; yet many dreams have come to pass, and the people of the Lord are encouraged and are looking for the promises of the Lord to be fulfilled. One of our dreams is to see Kingdom cities come forth and… Continue reading Expanding vision
Thirst to learn
The Lord must help us to bypass the slow process of assimilating the word of God and help us to learn how to better appropriate His promises. There must be some miraculous way that we can reach into the full appropriation of the life of Jesus Christ as we partake of the Body and Blood… Continue reading Thirst to learn
The creative day of the kingdom
The day is coming in which God’s people will acquire knowledge and wisdom by faith. Sciences that have long been forgotten and those not even known will be planted by God in the minds of His people. The wise will understand, and knowledge will be increased (Daniel 12:10, 4). Years ago the Lord showed me… Continue reading The creative day of the kingdom
All things in subjection
For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. Hebrews 2:1. King James reads, lest at any time we should let them slip; however, the truth does not slip. We drift away from it. No spiritual state is maintained automatically. A business will not… Continue reading All things in subjection
Perfect wisdom and perfect revelation equal perfect joy
There is an old saying that ignorance is bliss. Have you ever heard the little jingle, “If ignorance is bliss, not knowledge, then why do we bother going to college”? The Scripture says that when you increase knowledge, you increase sorrow (Ecclesiastes 1:18); but that is actually a half truth. There is a state of… Continue reading Perfect wisdom and perfect revelation equal perfect joy
Dedicated to the rules of the road
The Lord is setting something wonderful before us. Not only does He promise us His help and His grace, but He helps us with our weaknesses by the assurance of His constant presence. He becomes our sustaining strength for whatever He sets before us. Then He does something more: He inspires us. He inspires us… Continue reading Dedicated to the rules of the road
The family with a purpose
There are among the young men those who will be called “family men” and also those called to be only “ministry men,” who will not have families. No one should accept this walk with God just as an occasion to find someone who halfheartedly wants to walk with the Lord thinking this will be an… Continue reading The family with a purpose
The humble shall prevail
The fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah deals with fasting, the restoration, the end time, the Sabbath, and even more. Verses 9–12: “Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ If you remove the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,… Continue reading The humble shall prevail
The school of the prophets
It is good to have a vision of what is to come in the will of God. With that vision we have wasted no time in preparing ourselves in that which will be essential and important in the days ahead. Firstly, we are working for the Body to learn how to survive and care for… Continue reading The school of the prophets
New Testament church pattern
God is restoring the foundational gift ministries; and coupled with that, He is restoring the order of the local church and real authority. With the exercise of this authority, a tremendous amount of submission is required. In this order the elders are a part of an apostolic company. A man who is not an apostle… Continue reading New Testament church pattern
Immunity of the remnant in the end time
The New Testament Church is not a denomination, inasmuch as the churches are not bound together in organization. They are only bound together by the mutual spiritual tie of the ministries that God has raised up. In the New Testament times Jesus Christ was Lord; and under His Lordship, foundational ministries were sent forth upon… Continue reading Immunity of the remnant in the end time
The shape of things to come
As we discern the shape of things to come, we must change. We will not hesitate to stop anything we are doing if it becomes a soulish practice. I would rather we come and stand before the Lord without opening our mouths than get on a merry-go-round as has happened to other movements. So far,… Continue reading The shape of things to come
The early church
The persecution of the early Church was such that the Christians could not meet in one large group or invite people to the services at random as we do today. They ministered to people and talked to them, but they had to be very careful whom they brought to the services because there were many… Continue reading The early church
There are always many decisions that must be made for the brethren, the churches, and the different projects that are before us. As I feel my own inadequacy for this, I realize that there is a growing tide that almost despises the humility which confesses, “I do not know, but I will seek an answer… Continue reading Betrayal
What believers should know about these times
In the third chapter of II Timothy, we are impressed with the description of situations that will exist in the end of the age. It must be understood that the expression “the last days” refers to the last days of one order or one dispensation; it does not speak of the end of time or… Continue reading What believers should know about these times
Jubilee-release and restore
We need a release from deep-rooted limitations in our thinking that may have escaped our attention. Because we have been conditioned not to take hold of the full provision of the Lord, we are often not aware of our unbelief. It is difficult to understand this unless we review briefly what takes place in our… Continue reading Jubilee-release and restore
Samuel said, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in failing to pray for Israel” (I Samuel 12:23). That is a good word. Why would we be sinning against the Lord in failing to pray for our country and for God’s will to come forth? The Lord has revealed His will for this… Continue reading Agony
Purged, purified, and refined
The great end-time period of spiritual revelation, as well as of trouble and tribulation, is the climate in which the greatest saints, apostles, and prophets who ever lived will come forth. The climate is being created. Out of almost utter chaos, they will arise. There is going to be a time of trouble—called “a time… Continue reading Purged, purified, and refined
We don’t have much time
We need to face things that are coming to pass upon the earth without being fearful. We find some of the greatest parables of Christ in the thirteenth chapter of Matthew. One of the principal parables is that of the sower and seed, or better termed, “the various kinds of soil.” The seed is the… Continue reading We don’t have much time
Glorified in His saints
God has a timetable of judgment that is involved with His timetable of blessings. The blessings into which the remnant is to enter have to be in harmony with God’s schedule of judgments. This is a divine principle in the Word. Abraham was led out of Ur of Chaldees and finally made it to Canaan.… Continue reading Glorified in His saints
Be diligent! Be alert!
There has never been a more critical time in the history of mankind for people to walk with the Lord and have Him fulfill a purpose in their lives. He died to bring forth this hour of triumph in which the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His… Continue reading Be diligent! Be alert!
Being led by the Lord
We are preparing ourselves for the day when God shall speak to His people and lead them by a pillar of fire. I thank the Lord for the leadership He has laid upon my shoulders for the people. Now I thank Him for the day that is coming, when this will be required less and… Continue reading Being led by the Lord
Feeding the 5000-a prophetic sign
In order to advance God’s Kingdom on earth, we must recognize prophetic signs in our day and learn how to gain revelation from them. The best way to learn how to do this is to look at some of the prophetic signs Jesus used to teach us disciples. One such example is the miraculous feeding… Continue reading Feeding the 5000-a prophetic sign
Occupying the gates of the heavenly city
It’s important to look further at what the gates of this city (Jerusalem) allegorically represent. The function of gates and natural government terms was explained earlier. This was powerfully illustrated in the days of David’s Kingdom and again in the restored city of Jerusalem when it was rebuilt in the days of Nehemiah. The gates… Continue reading Occupying the gates of the heavenly city
Jerusalem-the first city church
On the day of Pentecost, the first city church was born, and it began to function as the first manifestation of the spiritual heavenly Jerusalem. Within about two years, the church in Jerusalem had the structure and numbers of a spiritual city. Within two years the church had grown to about 20,000 members, which was… Continue reading Jerusalem-the first city church
The battle for the walls
When the people began to build the walls according to Nehemiah’s plan, there was immediate, tremendous opposition. The enemies of the Jews knew that if the walls were completed and the gates were hung, the city would become secure and the rule of the whole land of Israel from Jerusalem would begin soon afterward. Every… Continue reading The battle for the walls