
The restoration of apostolic and prophetic ministries has opened the way for greater revelation to be released to the Church worldwide. God is opening up the Spirit realm and pioneers are helping us enter into new realms of understanding. The revelation contained in this book has a pioneering thrust to set the captives free. I… Continue reading Restoration

My Father’s Resurrection

Testimony of the Resurrection of My Father When the Lord Took Him Out of the Captivity of Death. On December 28, my father was diagnosed with multiple pneumonias and was developing lung cancer. The situation was complicated by the fact that my father was an alcoholic and as a result, suffered from diabetes. We had… Continue reading My Father’s Resurrection

The Deliverance of Philip

The powers of darkness are extremely aware of how important it is to affect human beings in infancy. In this time of such fragility, they try to put hooks in children’s souls so they can use them later and drag them toward their corrupt plans. Rose had a high-risk pregnancy. At different times, she suffered… Continue reading The Deliverance of Philip

Set Free from Homosexuality and Drug Addiction

Our team’s objective is to release people from the captivity in which satan has held them due to iniquity and generational decrees. The purpose of my testimony is to give glory to my beloved King Jesus. Before knowing Christ, I served the devil in a number of ways: homosexuality, drug addiction, alcoholism, witchcraft, fraud, and… Continue reading Set Free from Homosexuality and Drug Addiction

Section Two Amazing Testimonies of Deliverance From Captivity

Chapter 8 A Gadarene by Prophetess Flory González M EXICO The Powerful Deliverance of a Satanist Living in a Cave in Brazil M y name is Flory Gonzales, I have a prophetic ministry in Mexico City and have been part of Dr. Ana Mendez Ferrell’s spiritual warfare team for more than 20 years. In 2005… Continue reading Section Two Amazing Testimonies of Deliverance From Captivity

The Era of New Revelations

THIS is a time when God is pouring out treasures of wisdom. The apostolic and prophetic era in which we are living is bringing us new dimensions of Jesus’ light. The Scriptures are being understood with far greater clarity. There is an unprecedented revelation of the power and manifestation of the Kingdom of God. God… Continue reading The Era of New Revelations

Part 4 – inner relation of the spirit, soul and body

Chapter 12 – inner relation of the tripartite being Our entire being: spirit, soul and body are intimately related and all its parts. We are the temple of the spirit in our integral composition. Therefore, the way the natural body is assembled similar to how the spiritual is put together.  Colossians 2:1 – vainly puffed… Continue reading Part 4 – inner relation of the spirit, soul and body

Chapter 11 – frequencies of the spirit and the soul

All things in the universe whether visible or invisible, are formed from energy; both spiritual and physical. Energy forms an electromagnetic field around all things in both realms. Science measures is energy in terms of frequency. They have not figured out how to define the spiritual dimensions, but they have been able to identify them… Continue reading Chapter 11 – frequencies of the spirit and the soul

Chapter 10 – the soul

As we saw in the beginning, the soul is the decoder between the spirit and body. Just like the spirit, the soul is composed of a spiritual substance and has all the necessary elements to survive and function, even when the spirit is dormant. 1 – states of the soul A – the Adamic soul… Continue reading Chapter 10 – the soul


Knowing our spirit, in all its forms and functions, is the key element that allows us to grow as sons of God. The knowledge of how our interbeing was designed has been a hidden mystery for centuries. After much searching, I have come to the conclusion that nothing has been written to shed light with… Continue reading Introduction

The 4 chambers of the heart

The 4 chambers of the heart are: 1- the garden of the heart, 2-the dance floor, 3- the soaking room of preparation and 4- the bridal chamber. I would like to teach on these subjects from my own personal experience. First chamber – personal garden The first chamber of the heart is the personal garden.… Continue reading The 4 chambers of the heart

Trading in the heavens

Unlocking your scroll of destiny For us to understand where we are going and what YHVH wants us to do, we have to understand and remember where we have come from. We’ve got to go back to the very root of our origins, to the source of our life and how we were originally created… Continue reading Trading in the heavens

Seated in heavenly places

We have entered a new millennium, and with it the most amazing and exciting age of the church (ecclesia). The ecclesia is those called out of the world, to rule the world. God is bringing upon the earth amazing waves of anointing and revelation with the mandate-commission of bringing about a powerful, apostolic Reformation (the… Continue reading Seated in heavenly places

The governing church

Revelation 12:5 – and she brought forth a man child, who was the rule all nations with a rod iron: and her child was caught up on the God, and to his throne. God is calling the church to govern the earth. The establishment of the kingdom of God implies one government that will replace… Continue reading The governing church

Section 2 – Reformation – chapter 8 – principles of Reformation

Second Corinthians 4:3 – but if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Since entering… Continue reading Section 2 – Reformation – chapter 8 – principles of Reformation

Chapter 6 – the dwellings of the spirit in heavenly places

Ephesians 1:3 – Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Understanding the prophetic realm The spiritual man God reveals to us a spiritual world through the Scriptures, and it is in the Scriptures that we can find the… Continue reading Chapter 6 – the dwellings of the spirit in heavenly places

9 – the blueprint

first Corinthians 15:49 – and as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. I really find that when Yahweh speaks, he does not speak into what we know. He speaks into what we do not know in the hope that we would be yoked to… Continue reading 9 – the blueprint

8 – the pattern

there is an intimate desire in every single one of us to create. We need to understand that if we are going to be a priest over something in a king over something, to have a voice and bring government into it, we must understand how it was made. We are limited concerning the process… Continue reading 8 – the pattern

7 – Kingship

Within the boundaries of the order of Melchizedek, one of the faces is a king. Yahweh calls us Kings and priests of our God so we need to understand kingship ( first Peter 2:9, Revelation 1:6). A king is a judge, a provider and a protector. God gave Adam dominion over the earth to rule… Continue reading 7 – Kingship

5 – judge your house

Leviticus 4:13 – and if the whole congregation of Israel sins through ignorance, and the thing be hid from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done somewhat against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which should not be done, and are guilty… 16 – and the priest that is anointed… Continue reading 5 – judge your house

3 – Faith, hope, desire and truth

Before we look at faith, hope, desire and truth, I need to address an issue that people often misunderstand: assumed spiritual responsibility in contrast to delegated spiritual responsibility. We can assume spiritual responsibility, but whether we have been delegated to that spiritual responsibility is a completely different arena. Responsibility is measured by our maturity. Maturity… Continue reading 3 – Faith, hope, desire and truth

14 bridal chamber

1 Cor 6:17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought… Continue reading 14 bridal chamber

13 marriage ceremony

Marriage Ceremony 26th April 2018.The time of the separation of singlehood is nearly over. The joy of walking together in the celestial and the terrestrial will be restored.  Come fire walk with Me and new vistas and new horizons will come into view. This marriage will be a marriage consummated in fire just as it… Continue reading 13 marriage ceremony

11 Soul core issues

Before we can separate and reintegrate soul and spirit, we need to reintegrate the fragmented soul.  We need to see all walls, barriers and partitions come down penetrated by the love of God that casts out all fear. We are a 3- part being Spirit, Soul, Body. God is a tri-part being Father, Son, Spirit.… Continue reading 11 Soul core issues

10 dark cloud testimony

The 4 chambers of the heart represent the 5 aspects of marriage. Lakah–Garden . Segullah–Dance Floor . Micvah –Soaking Room . Ketubah terms of relationship . Huppah–Bridal Chamber 2 year season 2010 to 2012 that birthed transformation in my life. 2 year season of becoming a disciple through the discipline of the transformation process.  I… Continue reading 10 dark cloud testimony

9 Make a Ketubah

To make a Ketubah we need to understand God’s promises and purpose. The new covenant becomes the basis of our Ketubah. Ketubah needs to be made in light of our destiny scroll that was formed in God’s heart and agreed with our spirit in eternity. Psa139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in… Continue reading 9 Make a Ketubah

8 ketubah

Relationship and intimacy are perfectly expressed in God in eternity between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Perfect love, joy and peace expressed in that eternal relationship. God desired to share that relationship and so He spoke the created order into existence Eph 1:4 He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus… Continue reading 8 ketubah

7 fires of transformation

5 aspects of marriage. Lakah–Garden. Segullah–Dance Floor. Mikvah –Soaking Room. Ketubah-terms of relationship. Huppah–Bridal Chamber. Matt 11:28 come to me and find rest for your soul gentle and humble in heart, identify and authority yielded to a higher purpose. This is a commitment to be yoked or betrothed to Jesus to only do what the… Continue reading 7 fires of transformation

6 soaking room

Rom 12:1 do not be conformed to this world –removing the programming that has come from outside in from nature, nurture or trauma is a key. Rom 8:29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;… Continue reading 6 soaking room

5 dance floor

Our heart is our very core where soul and spirit are joined in the secret place of intimacy. This is where the essence of who you are in personality and how you are redemptively wired can come into union with your eternal spirit self. Restored image conformed to the vast sum of His thoughts revealed… Continue reading 5 dance floor

4 redemptive gifts

Individual inheritance includes our Identity, Redemptive Gift & Destiny. Who am I –my identity. How am I made –redemptive gift. What am I made for –destiny or birthright. That gift is put in us at conception, and determines the course of our lives, regardless of whether we become Christians or choose to reject Christ.  Each… Continue reading 4 redemptive gifts

3 healing father wounds

Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. Engage the Father’s presence into your spirit. Allow your whole being, spirit, soul and body engage Him in a loving embrace.… Continue reading 3 healing father wounds


Gen 1:1 In the beginning God…  Perfect relationship Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Love, joy and peace perfectly expressed. Transformed my experience, understanding and outworking of love. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God.  John… Continue reading 2-Fatherhood

The dark cloud

‘Sons Arise!’ is the cry from the Father’s heart to unveil, reveal and release His children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim god-like ones. The Dark cloud is a description of a process of transformation – a metamorphosis. The Dark cloud also describes where the person… Continue reading The dark cloud

Sons can change the world1

Sons can change their world; the key is to come into sonship, to grow up into the full stature of Christ (Eph 4:13). Babies can’t do a thing. We need to be clear about what is a son and what is a babe spiritually. Eph 4: 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some… Continue reading Sons can change the world1

Categorized as Sonship

Ageing and immorality

Is Death a promotion? The mindset around death needs to change. We have been conditioned to believe that death is a promotion to another realm and state of being, and that this is a good thing. This is how it has been presented to us. However, when it talks about Jesus bringing life and immortality… Continue reading Ageing and immorality