
How do we deal with iniquity? As we have seen throughout this book, iniquity is not a simple sin that we just ask for forgiveness and and the problem. Iniquity is an entire body of sin and evil, rooted within our spirit. Iniquity has corrupted the whole structure of our thoughts and our behavior, and… Continue reading Conclusion

Categorized as Iniquity

The dwellings of iniquity

Genesis 2:7 – and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. Genesis 1:28 –… Continue reading The dwellings of iniquity

Categorized as Iniquity


The major hindrance to see God’s glory manifested in your life. I’m greatly way down within my soul as I observed thousands and hundreds of thousands of Christian suffering greatly, going through never ending deserts, bearing sicknesses with no apparent relief and burdened by irrevocable curses. This suffering is caused me to intensely seek God’s… Continue reading Iniquity

Categorized as Iniquity

My personal journey

Over the past for 5 years my personal journey has changed. I don’t spin my wheels as much in my pursuit relationship with God. I no longer focus on not committing sins. That is one thing the Lord showed me early on. If you focus on not committing the sin, you are still focused on… Continue reading My personal journey

Feeding your spirit

John 6:63 – it is a spirited quick enough; the flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak on you, they are spirit in their life. There are the things that should be more obvious, like prayer and Bible study. Another things like church attendance and fellowship as well. These things are a given for… Continue reading Feeding your spirit

Honor and focused

Then the Lord answered me and said: right division and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it – Habakkuk 2:2 Journaling One of the very 1st things you should do is buy a journal or a notebook of some kind. You will need this in which to record all the… Continue reading Honor and focused

Weapons of our warfare

We have an arsenal. We have angelic armies. We have the blood covenant and the resurrection power the Holy Spirit. We have not been left lacking any needed thing. If we feel, or are, defeated in any area of her life, it’s not because the Lord and make provision for us. Usually it’s because we… Continue reading Weapons of our warfare

Busting through

The Lord has given us everything we need to get us where he wants us to go. That includes recovering our site. I say recovering our site because children usually have no or very little trouble seeing into the spirit realm. It one time you probably saw in the spirit just fine. What happens is,… Continue reading Busting through

Focus and awareness

One night I woke up and decided to pray for a little while. I just continued to lie in bed and began to engage the Lord in conversation. After a little while, I began to talk to Lord about one of my favorite subjects, seeing in the spirit. The conversation between us was not at… Continue reading Focus and awareness

The spirit realm

The spirit realm is the superior realm that we live in. The scene realm was created from the unseen realm. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which are visible – Hebrews 11:3. It is a little… Continue reading The spirit realm

Wisdom and understanding

The Bible tells us to get wisdom, and with wisdom get understanding. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding – Proverbs 4:7. You can get the greatest wisdom, from people who see openly in the spirit realm. From those who are where you would like to be.… Continue reading Wisdom and understanding

The Changing Church: War and Peace!

The Church is changing direction as God leads His people directly, deals with the hirelings, and bypasses the pulpits which have usurped His Headship. This section goes from the arrival of the glorious Bride-Church – to the backlash from current structures that are shouting loudly against God’s move. Millions are living as disciples, as doers… Continue reading The Changing Church: War and Peace!

Ecclesia rising

Matthew 16:18 – I will build my ecclesia; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. In our modern Bibles the word church has been used in place of the original Greek word ecclesia. Much has been lost to us through this translation. At that time in history ecclesia was a familiar word… Continue reading Ecclesia rising

The redemption of pain

We are of matchless worth. As the angel entered into the room accompanied by the heavy presence of God he handed me what looked like tiny red glass perfume bottles. Each one I understood contained our tears mingled with the tears of God, representing the compassion of Christ. The angel then gave me the title… Continue reading The redemption of pain

For all who are hurting

Jesus – will you come with me into the next chapter of your life, where I kiss your wounds and cause you to fly. A word from God’s heart Don’t fear little one it is the father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom. Don’t fear for I’m with you always to the very end of… Continue reading For all who are hurting

His great love

Every miracle provides us with a window into the heart of God. Every healing touch of Jesus enables us to know him more completely. Every time we become aware of his compassion flowing towards us and we turn in our heart towards our God of love, we receive the river of his presence touching us,… Continue reading His great love

Living in Christ

Created as a doorway between two realms our spirits receive and release the river of his presence. Just as Jesus came first and revealed the fullness of the nature of father, so in Christ we are about to experience a whole new measure of being fully filled with him. Christ in us is the hope… Continue reading Living in Christ

The coming glory

Prepared by the spirit of Awe, our hearts are being made ready to steward power. While in conversation with a dear friend, the presence of God suddenly became very heavy, completely enveloping me then gently lifting me upwards, as through a vortex. Within seconds I found myself standing alongside Jesus only this time in heaven,… Continue reading The coming glory

Ekklesia rising

Ecclesia – the mystical body of Christ; a people called out from the world to God. a people ruled by the government of God’s indwelling spirit. Citizens of another realm. Ambassadors of the eternal kingdom, of heaven. Introduction There is a body of people rising up in the earth, destined to be the counterpart of… Continue reading Ekklesia rising

Where is the conflict?

Several years ago I was chosen for jury duty. The case was an armed robbery of a convenience store. The young man on trial was one who supposedly was the lookout for this robbery. The deciding factor for us as the jury, was his actions, movements and countenance as he was caught on the surveillance… Continue reading Where is the conflict?

Voices in the courts

There are many different voices in a court. There is the voice of the judge, the voice of the attorneys, the voice of witnesses, the voice of bailouts, the voice of recorders, the voice of the jury and others as well. There are also many different voices in the courts of heaven. Our job is… Continue reading Voices in the courts

The voice of the judge

The O.J. Simpson trial was hailed as the trial the century. He was charged with the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Simpson, and Ron Goldman. The outcome of the trial was that OJ was found innocent of the crime and set free. This was a surprising verdict that is debated to this day. What I… Continue reading The voice of the judge

The mediator’s testimony

I have a friend who found himself being sued for the fulfillment of a contract his company had signed. The company had agreed to pay this person a salary of $42,000. The problem was that the company that had been started, floundered and went out of business. This person, who is demanding payment, had been… Continue reading The mediator’s testimony

The books of heaven

If we really want to get results from the courts of heaven, we need to know how to operate within these courts. Lawyers go to school for years to learn how to operate within our judicial systems. They learn to speak the language of the courts. Just as they must know how to address the… Continue reading The books of heaven


Most people I know believe intensely in prayer. Even those who would not consider them selves Christians, actually believe in prayer – especially in times of trouble, trauma and tribulation. Yet, even with this strong belief in prayer there is still a great deal of frustration concerning how it operates and what we need to… Continue reading Introduction

Contending for the books

On a trip to Germany found myself operating in a heavenly courtroom setting. The folks that I was ministering with a very skilled at going into the courts of heaven in getting things legally in place of God’s will can be done on the earth. As we were functioning in this fear and contending with… Continue reading Contending for the books

Books and destinies

Everything in the spirit realm is about legalities. God is given mankind freedom of choice and therefore he can do nothing unless we give him the legal right. The devil, also, can do nothing unless it is legally allowed. We, as people of the earth, grant a legal permission for either the devil to work… Continue reading Books and destinies

My Blood

One day, Jesus spoke what could be the most important words concerning His legacy upon the earth. These words shook His followers and provoked absolute wrath among the religious leaders of His time. His statement made hell tremble. It would mark the difference between those who had been given to Him truly by the Father,… Continue reading My Blood

Jesus the Son of Man

Understanding why Jesus is called the Son of Man will give us invaluable knowledge in how to move in the power of God. Jesus as the Son of God, we are learning the bible teaches that Holy Spirit conceived Jesus, and the Father was there for His birth. Jesus was always the Word of God… Continue reading Jesus the Son of Man

7 Step Daily Meditation for Rest

1. Love – feeling compassion. 2. Joy – feeling thankful and grateful. 3. Peace – forgiveness and blessing. 4. Surrender – being living sacrifices. 5. Engaging destiny – having clear vision. 6. Framing life – creating reality. 7. Living in blessing and empowerment. Preparation Close your eyes, think about and focus on your breathing and… Continue reading 7 Step Daily Meditation for Rest

Testimony- Seeing

Hearing God’s voice, visions etc, seeing in the spirit, Spirit travel, and heavenly encounters. All seem easy as I describe them but… it is a Long Journey of discovery. Forerunner open the door for others Persevere & press in. I had a Methodist & Brethren background. Strong Fear of public speaking or even reading out… Continue reading Testimony- Seeing

Language of the spirit 

We are going on a journey or an adventure together. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership.  2 Cor 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what… Continue reading Language of the spirit 

Open Heaven

We are going on a journey or an adventure together. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership. Rick Joyner – “Torch and the Sword”:  “The body of Christ is about to go through… Continue reading Open Heaven


We are going on a journey an adventure together. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership .  2 Cor 4:18- so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what… Continue reading Faith 


We are going on a journey or an adventure together. There is 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership.  2 Cor 4:18- So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what… Continue reading Angels