We are looking for God to prepare us for what he is doing. We enter into a process where he prepares us, where he purifies and refines us where he removes stumbling blocks from us. Angels have been commissioned to do this, to bring coals from the altar. because there is judgment coming to God’s household. And we need to be ready. We need to be ready for when the harvest of laborers  comes in, to equip them in the supernatural realms of the kingdom of God. We need to be ready for the shaking of the systems of the world so that we can bring in the harvest.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. God knew us before we were created here in eternity. Psalm 139:16 there was an unseen substance that was our spirit and according to what was written in eternity, all our days were ordained in the purposes of God. And that includes our destiny to rule. To bring heaven to earth. Adam and Eve are called to bring that rule to the earth and manifest God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, to rule in Gods place as a representative Of him.

 For this to take place there needs to be a dethronement of self an abdication. If we are going to fulfill the purposes of God our soul needs to be dealt with, me, myself and I. Because self gets in the way of God’s purposes to dictate its own purposes. Our soul has been programmed by nature, our DNA has been programmed from our past and the record of our parents and past generations through nurture, environmental programming, the things we have been brought up with and also through trauma and experiential programming.

 God wants to reprogram our soul so that we are flowing from our spirit. So that we are restored to our original eternal condition. And this is God’s desire for us. there are two things we need to do. – Build up our spirit, so that our spirit is strong active and operating in the fullness of what God’s intention for it was. We also need to receive a restoring and a refining of the soul. So that our spirit, soul and body come back into alignment as was Adams in the garden where his spirit directed his soul and directed his body. So that the glory of God can be manifested on the earth and beyond through sons of light. And the whole of creation is groaning and waiting for those sons to be revealed. And God wants to reveal us as his sons. There is a process in which the glory of God in us needs to be released as we open up the door, the Gateway of first love to allow him to have first place in our lives.3:32

And he flows through the spirit Gates of our lives and through our soul and our body. Everything flows from the inside out. Often the world does things from the outside in. We try to change ourselves from the outside.

 as we allow God to have reign in our lives, as he is King in our lives as we surrender control to him he will change us and transform us from the inside out and will manifest himself through us. Like he did with Jesus. Jesus manifested God’s glory and kingdom on earth as it was in heaven. He was connected to the heavenly realms and manifested that and therefore the works of Jesus demonstrate the power and the authority of the kingdom and God wants us to demonstrate that same power and authority on earth as it is in heaven.

We need to learn how to keep our spirit in constant communion and connection with God and have a flow of revelation from heaven.

 We need to learn how to wait on the lord and be still. Do we trust the Lord. can we do nothing but wait in his presence.

Those who wait on the lord shall change and renew their strength. He becomes our source and we draw from him all that we need in our lives, to fulfill our destiny. God wants us to know him, not in our heads but personal encounter. To know him is to encounter him intimately. We have to stop trying to do it in our own strength.

With unveiled face we behold as in a mirror, are transformed into the same image. As we behold and look at jesus and wait in that place where we are beholding him, we become like that which we behold. The kingdom is as close as the hand to the face and we can turn into it. we can behold what is in Gods kingdom and become like the image we are seeing. Or look at the problems and become more like them. It is a choice what are we going to look at.7:26

 So when we look in  a mirror what do we see?  We see a reflection of ourselves. religion is actually so when we look in a mirror we see the glory of the Lord think about that is what God wants to see when we look at ourselves in ourselves through his eyes to see ourselves he created actually full of his presence in his glory the fullness him and we therefore look at ourselves with opposing the the changes us one the time so become more like him so when you actually looking at physical mirror we start to see what we align in the kingdom allow the enemy looks us state we are in our relationship with God the light description of what the only see those recline at how the kingdom revelation one with fire in our lives so coming out for the mind you see the we can the inside the more we focus on God all we waiting’s presence the more we learn to behold him more that life begins to shine on you us so we need to fix our eyes on Jesus Hebrews 12 to author factor very so we think so I on him he the one who will begin to change us responsibly just a click so and the whole him so we can become like him we focus on the problems those and Jesus all the smaller until we feel problem you and you can where is a relationship with God. Smaller until he sees a solution and change Luke one of nothing will be impossible God no situation nothing happened to us in the nothing that without right now that we looked at you that he cannot change cannot transform nothing is impossible with his although he does and all things to him describe who strengthens me there is nothing you can overcome nothing. You fulfil your destiny if you allow him to strengthen its is strengthening we are love become builds our spirit and character time just waiting in the presence of God’s looking at him need to be a Scripture looks like respectability subconsciously to ways his presence and you will strengthen us the about building our spirit now more soul because God is a lot of doing us Galatians 3 way I been crucified with Christ this is no longer I who live Christ lives in me life which Christ and I now live in the flesh Christ and I live by faith God not being able whole relationship changes when I die to self been crucified because God enable we need to join with me in manifesting itself the world around us and) search me thoroughly oh God and know my heart people pray that prayer and God taste what they so you willing to pray that prayer he will search your heart and you will enable you to know what only as well try me and know my anxious thoughts feelings any hurtful always way the and lead me in the everlasting way this is part the process of change we have to be willing to allow God to search our heart shows what their one Corinthians 1020 20 ourselves because we willing to learn and see what’s going on the inside one Corinthians 1113 says judge yourselves because we willing to actually look our lives and hold it in comparison to Jesus that is what we get the not anyone else in the world we judge ourselves the image of Jesus God wants to transform us into the hearts this is really important thing we are looking Matthew 13 parable so it was that the heart is the parable so when anyone hears the word kingdom does not understand the evil one comes and snatches away was been sown in his heart who were sown into our heart is the one whom seed was sown the road is on the trampled so often in our heart areas which are saddled outside down heart seed cannot take root in those areas in our heart what seems rocky places it is the man who hears the word of God immediately receives it with joy yet through himself is only temporary when affliction of persecution arises because of the word immediately falls away because there was something our heart word take root because were things happened to us the word done were probably is not be conformed to we need to deal with the those things in our hearts receive sown on the thorns we this is the marriage hears the word the worry of the world and the fullness of wealth choke the word becomes unfruitful the one who seed was sown on good soil cells. So rocky really and we need to transform our heart we are things so our heart good soil so the word of the kingdom of God can grow so can produce fruit in us process that we have to go through to deal with things are in our heart 14 says you described in the cells of the disciples encourage you to continue they centuries good so far saying through many tribulations we must the kingdom we to encouraging actually the process we go through situation In our lives tribulation troubles or trials God uses things are in our hearts lots of sickness things like that God is bring anything us to situations and circumstances in our lives the highlight where our heart James want to consider it all joy my brethren you encounter various trials people considered Jordan trials joy well actually it’s the attitude that you have to the trials which will determine how and if we consider the God uses trial to transform us we will a process the situations we face in our life you will trials to be steppingstones to change transformation and growth all trials they will change us so how and have your you treat them with feeling place so you got the trials he brings because we know the outcome in that the testing of your faith produces endurance enjoying is a file blatantly lacking in nothing lives lives to be a complete laughing nothing just like Jesus a tainted way the process of change we need to be willing to assume things that happened in our lives so that we can learn from them overcome them grows through the change the insidecrystals is Romans 53 this we also themselves in tribulations totally the opposite what the flesh want to do results in our tribulations knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance perseverance proven character proven character home and hope you disappoint the love of God important within our hearts in the Holy Spirit and given to us see we want to grow in the spirit become more like Jesus it’s a process is through grows grace was DDS character not receive the gift can come through dealing with the trials. In our lives shapes character causes Jesus through life everything breakthrough that’s what God has been poured out into our heart through the Holy Spirit enables us to deal with any situation retrial retrial that we face the love of God is in us that we know that God is not discipline us because the government us something that can be has for us he loves us he wants us to be transformed and changed so display from your mouth sons of God shining with light display character root because to align transformed through the situation we face a sound to private can be more pleasant if we surrender to the process Jesus; the we will be broken means our soul can be broken and then restored or fullness of the cross it’s like broken because the programming fragrances of God’s presence was coming for you can respray is by crushing us to release the God wants us to be changing remains God us and we can give hearts and surrender to the process be filled with joy and peace allow through the process and try resist it in our soul all do resonating time we going opportunity to do the same issue… He gives us time and time again opportunities to change be transformed and to grow and immediately ran amazing was what your person got one to actually situations we basic was 1900 deal with overcome climb this mountain mismatches elevate the higher into the God my life that sharing your diagram with God gave me went through some things in my life and deals with things that happened to us and also the way which we can use those things that happened to us learn from and to grow through the hall and takes place case to us and we have reactions to that event it might be the situation we insecure as you reacted defensively or in a situation what you confronted so you know that confrontation now you mean or angry or aggressively or even you get what comes sometimes criticised a we will start to that criticism sometimes we feel rejected by people how we respond to rejection sometimes word place danger and situation that is fair and we feel that are emotions we deal with those there things that we face many situation fear intimidation always things producing a certain reactions after their automatic there are events and coping mechanism with the issues of life we build up over years we can in legal situations and if we have real situations those situations will differently ultimately what generally something happens is the online starts we play the events in the your mind going over the events in these you probably universal us and when online starts to replay the event little process goes on our imagination can picture the process so we can remember what someone say we can are emotions. To feel emotions we start use online my Chinese rejection things are we repeated what happens at that. Heating those things are going into our heart those stones that are in our heart things that happened to us with not dealt with that we can meditated on with you when we play our minds and go over what was said that you been is while they say that the glory go through as well and the title issues now that is taking place those things become we and seen in our heart because I because of those things that happened to us though you I want you to see that each event we can deal with the time can be something that we learn from now the everything our heart and Moses behaviour because we place and we meditate on familiar spirits who know us and in our heart will always coming agreement with those things so we feel rejected we get the word no one likes you the rounds you in very nice I know we can listen to those things result of the Lord the God not lots of times familiar spirits will agree with those ways of thinking and they will so our minds all we start to agree with start to confess speak out and therefore a whole life gets change to operate according to the stones that are in our heart we the motives are caused by things that happened to us and then they repeat patterns it may in a send and then convince you you’re no good God don’t know you can you Christian your failure something to make herself feel better pretend where runout things are start to go on in our minds and then those patterns get playing repeated because we go nation we the same situation and we develop behaviour patterns according to the things are in our hearts we do something about it first thing you when you find yourself replaying a situation or actually first thing doing that we get to that point is forgive and release situation to God and releasing people is why the foundational principles of the word of God because if you give Jesus can be forgiven see get quarter and live in chamber of the experience it you face and you carry that experience lowballing say behind you we’ll way down and do having so when it happens to us regardless of whether I was what I was wrong usually you feel something my heart 19 I need to forgive and release situation that might be of the matter if I send I you to receive the forgiveness God dinner in the Guild no shame no consternation a really long in the bushes I run to God and receiving welcome receive his righteousness living in forgive myself in a result her pain rejecting me I have to choose to forgive and something in the early choose to forgive the just begin my head and release them from what and I will lead into the hands of God so I can bless them if you can bless truly I say you not forgive and release. It’s time actually we carry nothing in our heart someone because we can bless them to forgive and release key principle of God are to deal with what happened so variety God counsel to evaluate what you thinking my emotions my behaviour whether I was the to evaluating to show the his will is heart’s mind give me revelation about what went on cellular and what as a result of that will bring in courses not all view this site you know you can go into the heavenly realms because you can take your accusers there you can find out what is accusing you and you can deal with it receiving God’s judgement on yourself been declared not guilty you power to change I still the God wisdom and laissez usually was my it wasn’t my fault I was just a bit in unison of this situation very very occasionally that might be true a little bit of playing most situations most of time we have we do we can pray receive the possibility that something can pray God (they will be transformed release God forgiven them sometimes we might have positive encourage with the same behaviour both of you got problems in them so we go to the front window back resolving the issues of those) relationship we do that confrontation is always going not revenge if you are revenge not forgive and release so on is really important you love because you want the person blessed to be transformed my shoe those sites using the way changes by your own issues so you can deal with it because you probably were building and his this problem you will you with yours and projection is one of the easiest way to get will not be someone else’s fault will our heart in any situation now mainly but you there is a weakness sin so we have the power to issue the this is what God says to resolve the situation like you I repent I was now is the word of God near so means programming has to building ministries the transfer situation in my life so I can work out that situation only and recognise actually yes there is problem I have God can help me with that actually navy there are you because a change in that area personally and still is a blessing not very school and then you truly right not understand that you therefore building you in our area someone gives so obviously be strong in an area with God not call me to be strong will we are people in the church above the hustle and hearts in that area so refuses that the activation because actually is not like it phentermine friendly and approachable different thing and she was wrong about need to address why friendly and approachable what might have anything why will people do not mean that in case you have to be willing to Esther that was your life and not so to be signed area to encourage the people who are so I encourage is for them: seven learn from them as well thinking about it deal with the better not as you know I’m not called to do the actually in a weakness where you should be in those areas you okay a disciple me and see how that are in that area can help me to grow so I can learn to become strong the different things here that might result from addressing the issue that you face now in my you and weakness casino character flaw a so from the he me which is not been that therefore an looking for that to be met in somebody else or through something else so I sin you something therefore I need to deal with NetMeeting so I need acceptance and been accepted strong God find a people always be open to be hurt and damage there will always be rejection in the world in their heal her me@carrying a result your things were not been hurt healed from the then I can God to heal me and restore me when I only, recognising now those things my nature you hang family my operating that doorway the generational things are in family lines were all years in our family you will we also fear will you are things you need to be controlled by generational passive or new creation in Christ God wants you to be changed by your future destiny and your spirit not defects in yourself.

Spoken only another nature nurture three things were been brought and I behold the Lamb users all my life and I believed it therefore I have out of that behaviour is always process allowing you to see this file troubles and situations that happen in your life and allow you to deal with them by brain to God let God show you what’s going on soil this come from where this outwork can do that by evaluating that happens to you can also do it by looking into your own heart your own behaviour mindsets mechanisms of curbing the light emotions ask yourself why do I feel like that into a room new felt alone in people his own what you think a certain way will likely at yourself what you can your behaviour and you in certain situations and why and when you ask yourself why you can then take that the same process go God revelation that we can deal with our behaviours we can be honest about how we are living in the current situation so we can change be real if we carry our and just losses me carry on in the same want to change we got deal things are in our heart so because of the style or my love godly righteous great that we display that’s the world speak the truth demonstrate that attitude the love may not be godly who loved only only deal with it, the attitudes or behaviours for mindset of “my at and behave with through the spirit Lovejoy peace get it right all the time you are why willing to ask God to search my heart show me anything in my heart which is directing you towards this. You are my weaknesses saying we knowledge and and we are in become a Christian everything God ourselves so we find see revelation for the revelation of his work see the true in a weakness you gives you a username and grow to work that name because of these are now needs a result and resolve issues in our lives now how we deal with them anything need to go through a process known these are just the basics first thing is where is given releasing hold of anything you to chamber you will talk to you and you will feel much much worse your repeat the same behaviour all give every situation you come across words in your us us owning God you can change unless you mean that what you identity use you saying this is what the you change you have to deal with where came from therefore confess it seeing confess it since those are the answers my problem for my weakness only thing repent of it and renounce it God change you if you try and attend were renounce it I am not able and not of through this way any more I renounce that all right point where God repent turn away from it keep looking at something looking at problems are the solution Jesus change meditate on the truth we mainly, lives we need to know the truth read the word of God you so son website which are scriptures about fashion you are truth of your identity we need to introduce the truth and the light of spirit into our heart so that we actually deal with those things are there to get rid of the stones the weeds that are spirit you every time you whisper in your head something which is not God absolutely hammered the truth take you and destroying you do not be listening to the enemy was bringing your green him and then living out that you have to how that it really possible takes you can destroy those things money deliverance you can destroy those things in your life starts feeling according to your future not your past, diligence the truth of God’s work you are your identity you are a child of God that got desires you may need deliverance you may be feeling in a restoration place for you for that is on your own if you’re realising I’m looking to overcome a particular issue struggling be accountable someone else you scary you are doing the talk about really Jesus

find someone who loves you who willing to support you be accountable to the process so that you can change as God wants to restore all of us desire that we will be like Jesus reflecting the image of Jesus demonstrating the kingdom of God, but we have to be willing to surrender to the process and deal with our hearts you can use the diagrams as a pattern so when you start next time you confrontation we get some feelings of rejection with do the same all will change it addressing and become a different by overcoming it truth soil joy joy will bring the strength of the into your life if you treat situation and proposal God doing your be fighting against God is a good idea surrender to the process of God is doing and in change and growth it means to examine ourselves themselves not going on you the understanding of that navelgazing time problem when a problem arises when situation happened deal with it you know you problem in a certain area thinking all emotions or behaviour just be content carry on as you are willing to change their practice these things just happen automatically by doing once you have to practice it was 540 as a practice train your senses just good and evil to know the spirit and soul thoughts and intentions of our practice it is then you God now you practice what we did last week in out always been represented living sacrifice is doing came so you stuff you want to be) that place you can straightforward that stepping in stepping about his presence has can see what step into the presence of God realm again this right there you right now you can step into the presence of God by simply taking a step they into his presence do go through this precedent presents us God really along with me the same doing to start father thank you you away from me can come into by faith is the realm you into the holy place in our stand fully present myself of the living sacrifice you Jesus my high priest today Jesus worldly with desire to flow my heart seated crucified like/I choose no longer I send you my life again your life death is in our lives righteousness season with my surrender to your lordship actually will your in my life you like a dream choose the first your kingdom and righteousness you mean removed; place around I remove everything a username and saddles you and renounce all worse remove all my mouse pretenses coping mechanism seamlessly reopened out about marrow cleanse heart exposes secure thoughts and intentions restore my heart your desire renew my mind my emotions strengthen my were suitable my face I surrender my walls you I choose only to do this in given thanks he is they are not outside of Israel I choose to you do your work through me a your finger this world around you can do that every day I knew that every single day/you to happen you because it’s I was really all the Scripture is now I can do that religious you know the truth and present yourself millennial God will transform and change you I will help you the you go through the process of examining yourself you’ll see God well that you can step into yet you might the also sense you might feel already some of you your junior imagination you use encounters all a by faith God always respond always in the space we can step been they you might into the presence of God and receive the righteousness of God robes of righteousness and time again you can step in and the righteous Bellarmine and righteous we step into the presence of God so to the board Zechariah and he gives us robes of righteousness just because we come into his presence of children in you’ve been blessed by this teaching is physical lives freedom trust total with/place they will find a full range of resources God’s forgiveness and to raise up Joshua generation will enter into the promises of God say you can’t that Joshua generation is God calling you partner with like to invite you to connect with social media to find us on Facebook Twitter and Google plus and on us sons of this freedom apostolic resource we here to help you and others find and fulfil your debt

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