4-abigail’s priestly precedent

I’ve struggled to get to grips with the teaching in the body of Christ about us being a priest of God (both for men and women) for a long time. I had been trying to find an answer and it came as I was listening to Denielle Ellinas teach about Abigail from chapter 25 of 1 Samuel.

One principle in the Bible is the law first mention. I had been looking for an Old Testament precedent that could help us understand teaching in the New Testament about us being priest. I had read the story of Nabal and Abigail many times, but suddenly, reading it again, I found my answer.

And… Abigail… Fell before David on her face – 1 Samuel 25:23.

This is a complete surrender to a higher form of government. Here is a woman who has seen the King already in action and knows this government. The only way to come into unity with YHVH and to bring the blessing of YHVH is to actually lay down before a higher form of government. She sets the precedent here for us to lay down before a higher form of government.

And fell at his feet, and said, upon me, my Lord, upon me let this iniquity be: and let your handmaid, I pray you, speak in your audience, and hear the words of your handmaid. Let not my Lord, I pray you, regard this man of Belial, even Nabal: for as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him: but I your handmaid saw not the young man of my Lord, whom you did send. Now therefore, my Lord, as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, seeing the Lord has held you back from coming to shed blood, and from avenging yourself with your own hand, now let your enemies, and they that seek evil to my Lord, be as Nabal. And now this blessing which your handmaid is brought unto my Lord, let it even be given unto the young men that follow my Lord… Yet a man has risen to pursue you, and to seek your soul: but the soul of my Lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with the Lord your God; and the souls of your enemies, them shall you sling out, as out of the middle of a sling. And it shall come to pass, when the Lord shall have done to my Lord according to all the good that he has spoken concerning you, and shall have appointed you ruler over Israel – 1 Samuel 25:24 – 27, 29 – 30 emphasis mine.

This woman has a major revelation about her mediation between the ruler and a ruler, (my LORD and my Lord). She is standing between them both and creating an arc between them so that reconciliation can come.

One of the biggest things that you and I have got to get to grips with is the function of our priesthood. Here is a woman setting a precedent as a precedent for kingly priesthood in the Old Testament – she is a priest – and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak unto the children of Israel – Exodus 19:6. She sets the precedent for you and me to be a priest (yeehaw priesthood includes women).

She goes to Dave and says, upon me, my Lord… Let not my Lord… Now therefore, my Lord, as the Lord… When the Lord… To my Lord… Can you see what she is doing? Earth to heaven; heaven and earth. She is framing a testimony to bring complete reconciliation for something that was going to be absolutely disastrous for everyone.

She had to have come to the point of being willing to die. David is not coming to play tiddlywinks, he is coming with his men to kill her husband and wipe out every man of Nabel’s family lineage. But when David comes, this woman goes down and falls on her face at his feet and she addresses him, my Lord. The moment she says that she establishes the form of government that has a precedent on the earth to bring a mercy. She was mediating mercy.

This woman thinks her husband is an animal, (or not so good), and everybody around him thinks likewise. She has this group of people and she knows that if she becomes the mediator she can spare the whole lot of them. That sounds so much like Jesus. Jesus became our mediator to spare the whole lot of us. Here in the Old Testament is this woman who, I believe, saw something in the spirit realm and engaged with it actively. Yahweh sets a precedent there for you and me to show us how to mediate between heaven and earth. I’m not just talking about women here, I’m talking about being a priest.

In the Old Testament, the example of priesthood was of a priest going into the holy of holies once a year. But other people have no right to even refer to the name of the Lord in heaven. That right was given only to the priests in the temple because they considered it so holy. Abigail had no right to take the name of the Lord out into the marketplace, out into the middle of an army coming to engage and destroy their town, their city and the men in their nation. She had no right whatsoever to actually bring his name into the marketplace. For that alone she would have been killed. But this woman saw something and was engaged in something that was way beyond her time. She set a precedent for you and me by teaching us how to engage in mediation as a priest in our day. You too are supposed to mediate between heaven and earth as a priest. Jesus is set the example.

The presence of God is only experienced beyond the veil. There are areas in our soul that block us, that veil us from experiencing that presence.

In the Old Testament, you find that the priest would go in once a year. He would have to go through the veil. But David uncovered something that was so precious and so amazing that he did not need a veil. This woman had seen that and was now engaging David in the position of a king to mediate without a veil because she set herself and said, here is my Lord. Let the Lord… You could not say the name of Yahweh, (and I will not even say his holy name), we do not even know the correct pronunciation of the secret name of God. They would not even write the name, instead they substituted the letters Yahweh-YHVH which is now translated with the capital letters Lord in some English Bibles. This is not God’s name. It is what he is called, but it is not his name. Unless you are a messianic priest you will not even know what his sacred name is. Yet here is a woman, who knows the secret name of God, and she says, my Lord, David to my Lord in heaven. So she stands to be killed, not only by David, but by Yahweh who is in heaven. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain – Exodus 20:7. She is mediating reconciliation between the corruption of sin in her family line and in her town: and she is mediating with a man so that Yahweh would be glorified.

This is what blows me away: and David sent word to Abigail, asking her to become his wife, first Samuel 25:39. The previous verse had said,… The Lord struck nabal  died.

Do you realize that it is not until you have mediated as a priest for God that he will come and expose you to himself? We teach about the bride but it is not about wearing white, fluffy dresses. Abigail’s name means father’s joy, and the father’s delight. The church has taught about being a bride but the precedent is to become a priest.… As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you – Isaiah 62:5, but you are a chosen generation, royal priesthood, a holy nation, people for his own – first Peter 2:9. If I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chase virgin to Christ – second Corinthians 11:2.

I believe the Old Testament high priest would get drawn in through the veil. It was a solid piece of material and when the high priest approached, Yahweh would breathe him in, and he would begin to disassemble in his molecule structure and actually go through the material of the curtain and rematerialize on the other side of the veil. The veil was not torn in those days. I also believe that when I priest arrived on the other side of the veil, before the holy of holies, that the second day in creation would actually open up. So he could stand in the very beginning and mediate from the beginning before second creation sin came into being.

We might think of the holy of holies as a trans-dimensional gate, a vehicle to shift the high priest all the way back to the very beginning, where there was no record of sin in any form whatsoever. The high priest would exchange, at the beginning, all the sin, all of the sin of Israel, for complete holiness. Then he would come back from the very beginning, back into the holy of holies. The moment he would arrive back in the holy of holies, divine exchange had been completed where he had mediated the sin of 6 million people – estimated. We struggle with our own sin because we have not been taught that we can go in. We can go back to the beginning and we can bring the beginning back into our day so that there is no record of sin. But it is Old Testament protocol: here is a woman who shows she has seen something in the future because she sings songs about David. The Bible says very clearly that all the woman sang these songs, – first Samuel 18:6 – 7. This woman had seen something in the future and she applies it to her day. She brings the experience of our day into her day by mediating reconciliation for the sin of her family; to bring it to a point where her family is completely released because of her mediating and saying: I’ve sinned.

Nehemiah saw exactly the same thing and then did exactly the same thing that she did. Nehemiah said, I have sinned, (when he may not have sinned   as they had). I have sinned. I and all my father’s generations have sinned against you. Today I’m taking responsibility. I’m going to mediate restitution and restoration for all my generational line. Instead of saying, your sin has caused Israel to be broken down, Jerusalem’s walls to be broken down and are gates displaced, he says, that is my sin.

… Hear the prayer of your servant, which I pray before you now, day and night, for the children of Israel your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which have sinned against you: both I and my father’s house have sinned – Nehemiah 1:6.

Nehemiah meditated for that sin before the father. So the father brought complete restoration and restitution to the whole city of Jerusalem through one person becoming a priest who was not a priest. Nehemiah was not actually a priest. None of these men that we read about in the Old Testament were priests except Aaron and his family and yet they all did priestly things. It Fries your brain when you see what they do.

We find Abigail mediating like this and due to her humility and vulnerability, God is able to mediate something in the spirit realm to bring restoration not only to them, but to their family line. If you sin against someone, God can help (intercede/mediate/arbitrate for) you – first Samuel 2:25.

Do you realize that when we as husbands and wives become vulnerable to one another like that we begin to mediate complete restoration to our family line? That is why some of our families are in such a mess. It is because this restoration has not happened yet between husband and wife. I’m not saying you are responsible for it. I’m just saying there is a possibility that you have not mediated something there yet.

New Testament

In the New Testament, within the order of Melchizedek, the functionality of sonship is expressed via a tree comprised of 4 branches: king, priest, Oracle and legislator, (Sonship is the trunk of this tree). Abigail did all these 4 things. She represented herself and her husband, putting herself in a position of complete vulnerability to become a priest. She used words (Oracle) to create an atmosphere that David could position himself in as a ruler ( King), to release forgiveness so that she could then begin to mediate legislation ( legislator).

This woman is behaving and mediating as a New Testament priest. In the Old Testament, women were not allowed in the holy of holies or even anywhere near it in Jerusalem. But she tapped into something of the kingdom realm that was beyond her years and her understanding because she wanted to serve the Lord.

This is why she said, my Lord! Do you think she was talking to David? She was, but she was speaking to the power source behind him. So she was saying, my Lord… To my Lord, my Lord… To my Lord. What she was doing was recounciling these 2 together (David and Yahweh) because, in government, decisions are made for liberty on the earth. If you see a person and do not see when Yahweh is behind the person, you are going to miss the person’s significance.

Abigail saw something: my Lord, my Lord. David was not king yet, so David had no right to be called Lord. So why was she calling him Lord? Because he was powerful? Perhaps, but actually I believe she was acknowledging the power that was behind David. She recognized in david the the source of all he was doing and that his complete ability was the power of the someone that stood behind him. She recognized the source of the government that sat on David and then she reconciled  David and nabal together; and also reconciled David to Yahweh by surrendering herself and making herself completely vulnerable.

You and I have to learn how to mediate like this on the earth today. To be priests we need to learn from Scripture like this and follow what this woman did in mediating reconcilation. To a Hebrew, repentance is not about saying I am sorry, I’m sorry… That is Greek thinking. For a Hebrew, there are 5 steps to repentance. to Hebrews the final engagement with repentance is turning towards the face of Yahweh. It means turning to the state of complete awe and wonderment of who Yahweh is in heaven, who you are in him and who he is in you. That is repentance to a Hebrew. It has nothing to do with saying I’m sorry, sorry, sorry, forgive me Jesus. The issue is, when you turn and you go there, you are already forgiven.

A priest has got to take the first step to mediation. That is why she sent her servants and the gifts – because you have got to bring an offering to the Lord. So it says in the Old Testament, bring your tithes and offerings into the house – Malachi 3:10. Well, the New Testament is about gifts and giving. The Old Testament says you own it and you give him 10%. In the New Testament, the truth is that he owns it all. You ask them how much you keep.

Abigail brought an offering unto the Lord to engage with the Lord, not with David, but also to supply David with what he needed. She recognized that an offering would break open the ground for the heart of the King to receive a word from Yahweh to release her family.

That is why we are to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice as Paul says,

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service – Romans 12:1. My teaching on being a living sacrifice can be downloaded in audio form from my website: www.son of thunder.org and is also published in the limited addition of the realms of the kingdom volume 2 trading in the heavens.

If we are not prepared to lay our life down, we will not become a priest.

We have got to lay our lives down so Yahweh can engage us on the level of the dominion of priesthood. Then he can release us into our function, which is to go into the realm of heaven and begin to mediate on behalf of something that we have taken responsibility for. You cannot mediate for anything unless you have taken responsibility for it. That is why abigail said, let it be on me. She had to be prepared to die.

Do you realize that the New Testament priest has also got to be prepared to die, the same as the Old Testament priest was? If his preparation in the Old Testament was not to the extent that he was fully whole and fully clean when he went in there, he would be killed. So he had to be prepared to die.

In the same way she was prepared to die because she had learned that there is a priesthood from another realm and another time in the future. She knew that she could engage it because she knew this man David had touched it in another time and in another future. That is why he could do amazing things. I personally think they talked about the things that David did in Israel, especially since the Bible quotes songs that came out, and women sang to one another as they played, and said, saul has slain his thousands, and David his 10 thousands – first Samuel 18:7. This means the Bush – telegraph was working really well.

Abigail presented herself before David, bringing gifts and bringing an offering to the Lord, because actually Yahweh wants your life. As a New Testament priest, you have got to be prepared to give your life anytime you become a priest to mediate for something on the face of the earth. You’ve got to be prepared to die. And if you die, so be it! The issue is, are you willing? She was willing to give her life to die for something that was not her fault.

In the New Testament, you and I, as a new testament priest, must be prepared to give our life for something that was not our fault. You must take complete responsibility for it and begin to engage it and going before the Lord with it. Your presentation must be with surrender and submission. Doing some study on the way this woman went about what she did shows us that she opens a process up for us today. She gathered her servants, she gathered an offering, and she brought to David bread.

When David went to nabal, he was approaching a wealthy ruler. Nabal had the secret of the recipe of the showbread. David sent his men in his name to Nabal and asked him, let the young men find favor in your eyes: for we come on a feast day: give, I pray you, whatsoever comes to your hand unto your servants, and to your son David,( first Samuel 25:8). So, do you think david was asking for bread, or do you think he was asking for the priestly portion? Nabel replied, in effect, no, it is mine. He said, who is David? And who is the son of Jesse? Verse 10. But his wife recognize the priest of Yahweh.

David purposefully went to engage the priestly function, the Lord has sworn, and will not relent, you are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek – Psalm of David 110:4. To become a king, you also have to be a priest. David was anointed as a king but he had to be a priest first. He learned how to be a priest in the wilderness, playing his harp.

David’s mighty men were called men of renowned because they were of the seed line mentioned in Genesis, the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. When the sons of God came to earth, they came in unto the daughters of men. They did not take them away as in verse 2 when the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair: and they took them wives of all which they chose – Genesis 6:4 emphasis mine.

David continually played his harp in the presence of these men of renown. There DNA God re-tuned by David’s connection with Yahweh because he presented himself as a priest, night and day, and day and night in the cave. His men were continually within the sound of the priesthood. As a result, they got so changed by engaging with that that they became judges in Israel when David became king.

Your mediation as a priest before the presence a Yahweh does not only affect you, but you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own; and you should show forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light – first Peter 2:9. It affects every single person that is in your sphere of influence. And you do not have to be the boss. David was not originally the king. David was a vagabond in the caves in Israel, busy learning how to be a priest, living out of his future, seeing our day and bringing it into his day.

Do you realize that this woman would also have to have seen this? For her to get an understanding of what she did, the spirit of wisdom would have to have counseled her because she knew exactly what to do when her servants came.

Most woman would go to their husband’s and say, honey, you are going to die! Let’s protect ourselves! But she decided, no, I’m not doing that… He is an idiot – busy having a party! I’ve taught about people who hang around the hem of the glory. They are like the children of Israel got drunk and went into idolatry making a golden calf. They have a party and they get into sin. You cannot be around the hem of the glory. You have to be either in the realm of the glory are totally out of it, but do not stand in between because you will mess up your life.

Nabel is doing his thing and she is out doing her thing. He is busy getting drunk and she is busy laying on her face, to later become a priest in front of David. I’ve often wondered, when I read a through that passage before, what would’ve happened if Nabal had responded differently. i Wonder what would’ve actually happened to Nabal and his family. An intervention of a woman saved a whole household. But imagine if the man had taken responsibility. I am really tired of women taking our responsibility, guys. Do you realize that most of the intercessors are women? Not all them, but a good portion of them, and they are usually older women.

I find it so interesting that this woman became David’s bride.

Once you have learn how to mediate as a priest you are going to get exposed to the one that you are mediating for. This is because the heart of the one you are mediating for turns towards you, and their eyes get fixed on you. When the eye of the Lord gets fixed on you, you are going to start to be drawn into complete union with him – the one who is united and joined to the Lord is one spirit with him – first Corinthians 6:17.

This woman in essence says to David, let it be to me; do to me; I’m going to die – I’m happy to die here. I’m happy to die; let the judgment that you were going to put upon my husband come on me. If the judgment sits on me, then my husband can be free.

Do you realize the church is under such bondage when it is busy just having a party? I’m not trying to be nasty. I’m just stating a fact. We have not been taught about the humility of priesthood and all these simple things. You and I have been given jobs as New Testament priests – first Peter 2:9, to intercede for the forgiveness of the body of Christ and to mediate the reconcilation of the body of Christ to the father through Jesus. This is even when they do not deserve it; even though the religious system does not deserve it. Even though sometimes we are having our own little pity parties and doing our own thing in our churches.

The father wants us to understand that there is a responsibility connected to mediation. Mediation means that you must lose your life. He wants you to understand that you are going to lose it any way but, if you are prepared to lose it, you are going to find it. Yahweh is doing some freaky things today and unlocking some freaky things for us.

I Often wonder what would’ve happened if David had killed her. What her servant’s responses would have been if David had killed her? How would David’s men have responded if David had killed her himself? He had a right to. I wonder how David’s men would have felt if this woman came, in her humility, to David, and David had killed her. I try and look at all these things. How would it have gone? If David killed her, David’s men would have been disgusted and would probably have left him.

When you begin to meditate like this, the presence of Yahweh begins to engage with you in the spirit realm to such an extent that others will look to your leadership, even though you are not a leader. This woman was not the leader of her home but, because she took responsibility, others look to her leadership. That is why the servants came to her with the message; your husband is an idiot! David sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master, but he screamed insults at them – first Samuel 25:14. The Bible says do not tell anyone they are a fool – Matthew 5:22. Yet Abigail came to David and told him that her husband was a fool, or an idiot in today’s language: I know Nabal is a wicked and ill tempered man; please do not pay any attention to him. He is a fool, just as his name suggests- verse 25.

David knew something about Yahweh: that in complete humility, forgiveness is given. That is why the word says, humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God – 1 Peter 5:6. We have got to humble ourselves and be prepared to die.

One of the jobs you and I are going to have as a modern-day priest is to mediate the forgiveness of the body of Christ to Jesus himself. He said to them, my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me – Matthew 26:38. Now that is quite a bit a responsibility. But it is something we should not be afraid of but, rather, we should rejoice towards it.

When Abigail went there and laid down before David, I believe that she actually went there rejoicing because she had already let go. She had given everything that she had.

Then Abigail made haste, and took 200 loaves, and 2 skins of wine, and 5 sheep already dressed, and 5 measures of parched grain, and 100 clusters of reasons, and 200 cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys – first Samuel 25:18.

The middle of all her offering is 10: 5 plus 5. This woman had wisdom. She brings a kingly ransom to the King. 200 loaves of bread was a lot of food in those days. Actually what I believe she brought was 200 loaves of showbread. She brought them to the king because she saw he was one that was honored by Yahweh as a priest.

Jesus our high priest

Until we begin to engage Jesus as a priest, we will not step into our own priesthood, because we have not learned priesthood from the priest. That is why I have been talking to the body of Christ about needing to go through the veil into a place where we actually experienced Jesus as our high priest– seeing then that that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the son of God, let us hold fast our profession – Hebrews 4:14. Yahweh cannot function outside of priesthood. You’ve got to learn how to mediate. You cannot learn how to mediate until you have been mediated over. We need to learn how mediation happens. You and I need to go and present ourselves before the high priest who is Christ, forever after the order of Melchizedek. Therefore, holy brother, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession Christ Jesus – Hebrews 3:1, Jesus is the high priest of your confession and the framework of your life. We need to yield to Yahweh in this. Abigail brings her offerings to David. She lays them down at his feet and gives her offering willingly. For me, personally, I believe she would’ve had an amazing smile on her face because she was completely surrendered, thinking: if he kills me, he kills me.

Esther was another woman who did that for a whole nation. She could have and should have been killed when she walked into the Kings Throne room unannounced – Esther 4:16. These women in the Old Testament had an awareness about being a priest. Esther came into the king in great humility at the risk of her life to mediate for her people. She prepared herself to look really gorgeous to him… 6 months with oil of myrrh, and 6 months with perfumes, and with other preparations for beautifying women – Esther 2:12.

Do you think that Abigail went before David adorned in a rubbishy garment? Riding on a donkey is an amazing issue for woman. Mary rode on a donkey. Jesus rode on a donkey and- Jesus, when he had found a young donkey, set thereon; as it is written – John 12:14. Many people Yahweh has crowned have ridden on a donkey, especially when they’re going somewhere to present themselves in a certain fashion, to reveal knowledge about the future. Yahweh is about to put the priest of Christ on a donkey, and reveal them in their priesthood.

David, in his response to her, opens up his heart to such an extent that she went on to become his bride. We must first learn mediation from Christ who is our mediator, between us and God. Then as we begin to learn the function of mediation, and we begin to stand and to mediate, the Lord opens up his heart to such an extent that we come into complete union with him.

The way you get the father’s response is by becoming a mediator for others. It has got to start with your own. Once Yahweh unlocks your own healing, then you can become a mediator for other peoples healing. This starts at home. Husbands! Wife’s! This starts at home. You’ve got to learn how to become a mediator of those that are around you because, first- in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and then on to the other parts of the earth – acts 1:8.

One day we’re going to become a priest to the earth. Who do you think is going to reconcile the earth back into the glory of God again?- My people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land – second Chronicles 7:14. Do you realize you become a priest of your solar system because it is also a mess, and it also needs reconciliation. You become a priest to your galaxy and to the universe because your job is to bring creative light back and all that is now dark matter. For the creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God… We know that the whole creation groans together and suffers birth pains until now – Romans 8:19, 22. Do you know that out there you are called the light bringers, the freaky ones that emanate the glory of the creator, and the bring light into the universe. That is why the word says that we are going to shine like the stars in heaven. And they that are wise shall shine like the stars in heaven. And they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever – Daniel 12:3.

Do you realize also that, because of your cleansed seed line, you are going to be a reconciler, trans-dimensionally, for all the corruption that was messed up in the other dimensional realms. Do you know that Jesus did that? The Bible says in the book of Hebrews that after Jesus died, he took his blood into the heavenly temple, and cleansed the heavenly temple from the record of sin that was there.

So Christ has now become the high priest over all the good things that have come. He has entered that greater, more perfect tabernacle in heaven, which was not made by human hands and is not part of this created world. With his own blood – not the blood of goats and calves –he  entered the most holy place once for all time and secured our redemption forever – Hebrews 9:11 – 12.

The Bible says you’re going to do the same things as Jesus has done and he has left some things for us to do trans – dimensionally. If we are going to do the same things that Jesus did, we had better get prepared.

He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I going to the father – John 4:12.

Jesus took his life and engaged to such an extent that he brought reconciliation in heaven by his blood and that blood speaks forever.

 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant , and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaks better things than that of abel – Hebrews 12:24.

 Therefore you need to understand that your blood, (which is going to be the blood of the father because you are caring his DNA), is going to speak the same way as Jesus’ blood spoke.

Some of us are so afraid of saying that we are going to be like our father. This comes from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not the tree of life. Sometimes we’re afraid that out of the knowledge of good and evil, we are going to make Yahweh evil. I have some good news for you today; you cannot corrupt Yahweh.  But When you come as corrupt to him, Yahweh changes you to incorruption, as you put on incorruption.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality – first Corinthians 15:53.

He does this because he has called us priests of our God. That means you’re under a priesthood – a priesthood you have to learn about.

Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth… And hath made us kings and priests unto God – Revelation 1:5 – 6.

You also, as living stones, are built up into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ – first Peter 2:5.

To start learning about your priesthood you first need to go through the veil and present yourself to your high priest. This is where you learn about how he mediates over your life to reconcile you completely out of your sin and brokenness. It is not about earning brownie points, praying 25 hours a day. It is about what he can do in heaven, to mediate you out of your sin, to bring complete reconciliation to your brokenness in heaven. Through that mediation, you can then bring the brokenness of others. You can mediate their brokenness to complete incorruption in heaven. We must follow the same pattern.

Then I said, put a clean turban on his head. So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the Lord stood by – Zechariah 3:5.

Davis response to Abigail through her humility was to call her his bride. He sent his servants to her. A king does not usually send his servants to go and say, hey, can you marry me? A proposal is normally face-to-face. Hi, will you be my wife? You say it eye to eye, face-to-face, in the presence of the person. But David servants knew so much about the heart of David, and who he was, that they came, as his face, to represent him.

Then David sent word to Abigail asking her to become his wife. His servants went to Carmel and said to Abigail, David has sent us to you to take you to become his wife – first Samuel 25:39 – 40.

You and I have to come face-to-face with yeshua. Then he can send us to others to be his face because we understand who he is to such an extent. This will be out of our relational connection and intimacy, out of our weaving into quantum entanglement with his presence. Only from that place can we say to others, will you come in? Will you become one with me? My master has need of you over here.

David showed us a way. The price of a ruler is not only to understand mediation as priesthood, but to give an endowment to all those around to such an extent that they follow your heart. David’s mighty men were so knitted to him that they went through enemy lines just to get him water from the well of Bethlehem.

And David Longed, and said, oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well Bethlehem, which is by the gate! And the three mighty men broke through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David – first Samuel 23:15 – 16.

David did some amazing things, and these men around him did some amazing things because David brought them to such a point that they had become his arm, ears and face in the community. Anything that David wanted they would go and get because David began to encompass them. The job of a king is to engage in governmental authority, high above everything else, and bring all that in underneath to bring it to maturity. Then out of the maturity, they become an arm of your arm, an eye of your eye and a leg of your leg. That is what David did.

I’ve talked about you being a tree. (See my MP3 teaching: growing trees available on the website WW.son of thunder.org ) the Bible calls us trees of righteousness and Isaiah 61:3. We are a tree, and the function of that tree is to provide an overshadowing so that whoever hides under the shadow can get brought to maturity in the full likeness of the image that is overshadowing us.

He that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty Psalm 91:1.

In Genesis 2:9, the tree of life was in the midst of God’s garden, Eden, and Genesis 3:24 refers to a way of the tree of life. The tree of life was a shadow that could bring Adam and Eve to full maturity. When Adam hid,  he hid  out from Yahweh’s shadow, not behind some bushes. They chose to shift themselves out from Yahweh’s covering and place themselves under another one called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

This brings us back to Abigail. The reason that the servants came to their mistress Abigail, was because they knew that there was something in her that empowered her to be able to do something that Nabal could not do. They saw a grace in her that empowered her to go way beyond because she had overshadowed the servants and protected them, therefore they loved her. You do not go to the wife of someone and say, your husband is an idiot –( first Samuel 25:17) unless you know that you are loved because, actually, she had the right to kill them. But they loved her and they honored her in who she was in that realm. I believe this woman tapped into something that was mystical here and, in engaging with it, the servants recognized that, so she came as their face, and then David servants came as his face.

You come as a the face of priest into heaven and then the father presents his son to you. I have exposed you to one husband, that I may  present you as a chaste virgin to Christ – second Corinthians 11:2. You then become his face to the world that is around you. These patterns are woven in and out of Scripture. Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, thus says the Lord: I remember you, the kindness of your youth, lovely of your betrothal – Jeremiah 2:2.

We have each been called to be a priest so we have got to learn to live out of that realm of eternity and the mystical realms of heaven and begin to engage in our process as sons. You and I’ve been called a son for a reason, because the father is making us kings and priests.

… Jesus Christ… The Prince of the Kings of the earth… Loves us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and has made us a kingdom of priests unto God and his father – Revelation 1:5 – 6.

Do you realize the word make is there for a reason – because actually you do not have a choice? I’ve got some really bad news for you. You have been yoked to something that has now started to pull you towards a destiny. Whether you like it or not, you’re going to go there. You have a choice as to whether you will come out of it with full glory and full honor.

Do you realize that the watchmen who came to the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins was the priest and mediator of heaven to earth? We hear so much in the body of christ about the 5 foolish virgins in the 5 wise virgins  that we miss the significance of the watchman. The watchman was the mediator of heaven’s arrival on earth and earths arrival into heaven. Watchman was the gate. Do You know we become a gate? The Bible is very clear about that. You are a gate. Lift up your heads,  o you gates – Psalm 24:7.

Yahweh is going to unlock your mediation as a priest. You had better just get on board with it, because, if you do not, you will get dragged in their screaming, kicking, wanting to do your own thing. I would rather go like Abigail, willingly. Actually, there is not so much of a reward in getting dragged in but there is a huge reward in going there and laying your life down and saying, on your face, I surrender, father, to my priesthood. In this day we have got to embrace our function as a priest.


Father I want to honor the priests of God, the men and women who have made a way in the past, to be able to mediate heaven on earth, and to be able to mediate earth to heaven. Father, we want to honor them for the price they paid.

We honor the men in white linen that gather in our midst. We want to honor the priests of our God and of his Christ. We honor the men of David. We honor David.

Father, we honor what you have done show us the way to be priests. Lord we honor you today. Yeshua, we honor you for being our high priest.

So, father, today by faith, we enter into the realm of your presence. Father, by faith, we put our hands up against the veil and we walk through into the realm of your presence.

Father, we stand here today is part of an ecclesia that comes and says, Lord, we want to learn! We want to be yoked to our priesthood as a believer today.

Lord, your word says you have called us, that you have made us kings and priests. You have made us a kingdom of priests. Lord, today we ask that you would yoke us to our priesthood. We ask that you would begin to instruct us, teach us and bring us into the revelation of the ability we have to bring complete restitution and reconcilation to all that is around us. Father, I ask that you would open our eyes to begin to see, our ears to begin hear, that we would come to a point of maturity, and that you would be able to rest your head upon us, because presently… The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head – Luke 9:58; Matthew 8:20.

Father, we ask that you would help us going forward, that you would unlock the secrets of the mystery of our priesthood in your presence. Lord, using  Abigail’s life,  to reveal to us all that we need to do, and all that we need to know in order to understand the pattern. Father, through what Esther did, revealed the pattern. Father, through what Daniel did, unlock and reveal the pattern to us. Father, through the New Testament in what Yeshua did for us, we ask that you would empower us to see the pattern.

Then help us to be able to walk towards our destiny as priests. Father we turn our eyes towards that mark of the high calling in God to be a priest of our Lord, and our Lord may engage with us in our lordship, to present his Lordship to all the earth.

Father, thank you that you called us Lords, that you call us kings, that you are at the King of Kings and Lord of lords.

And he has on his robe and on his thigh name written, King of Kings and Lord Lords – Revelation 19:16.

You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood first Peter 2:9.

 Father, we yoke ourselves today, by faith, to our mandate to be called priests of God. We yoke ourselves to  that today, father. We ask that you would instruct us and you would lead us into our destiny and into our future, as a bride. There is an invitation to become a priest, to feast at the table of our father in heaven.

We asked this in yeshua’s wonderful name.

Father we bring this now into the atmosphere that is around us. We bring it out of heaven, and we bring it into the earth, father, so that now we are a container for a destiny that is going to unlock heaven, to the world around us. Hallelujah!

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