9 – the blueprint

first Corinthians 15:49 – and as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

I really find that when Yahweh speaks, he does not speak into what we know. He speaks into what we do not know in the hope that we would be yoked to what we do not know, to understand how to get to what we do not know. How can we understand Yahweh, who is beyond our understanding, even with the number of dimensions that we know about in the universe we live in? Trans dimensionally, outside of that, there are many more dimensions.

We come is a three-dimensional being, moving into trying to get understanding of the function of I multidimensional transcendent God. When he moves we are often shocked because we try and figure it out in our little three-dimensional beings brain. When Yahweh comes in he speaks into the earth, we often receive it on a platform very ill-prepared for all that he is saying.

Isaiah 2:3 says, come, let us go up into the mountain of the Lord… And he will teach us of his ways. We cannot understand the ways of Yahweh on the earth. They can only be understood in heaven. That is why we need to go there. We need to go through the veil and stand in the spirit. In the spirit means the other side of the veil, not this side of the veil.

John 6:62 – it is the spirit of gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

We need to get this because the triggers of our old pathways will continue to preside over us. These pathways will dictate to us unless we reinforce the new pathways of thinking over and over. We have got to overlay the limited understanding of the past that we learned and thought was true

Matthew 9:16 – no man puts a piece of new cloth onto an old garment, for that which is put on to fill it up takes from the government, and the tear is made worse.

It was true in its day but our understanding of the truth of yesterday does not fit today, in today’s truth does not fit into yesterday’s understanding.

In the early 19 hundreds they had no idea of television, cell phones or computers. If we were to take today’s world and try to fit it into the early 19 hundreds, it would not work. In the same way you cannot take the early 19 hundreds understanding and try to make our day conform to that day. Yet we often try and do that.

First Chronicles 12:32 – of the tribe of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, 200 chief; and all the relatives were at their command.

Isaiah 55:8 – for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We hold on to the past because we are not yoked to his unknowable awesomeness, God is so great, greater than we can understand – job 36:26.

We are yoked to what we have known. What we have known is insufficient for what is coming. So we have got to be willing to let go of what we have known to go into the unknown, as Yahweh leads us, beyond even our understanding. No doctrine or understanding of the past will be relevant or able to explain what is coming. As it is soul beyond what we have known.

If you have no understanding or knowledge of some of this, that does not mean it is wrong. It just means you do not have the understanding yet to measure it according to your current belief system. The only way to come to such an understanding is to be willing to let go of your wrong belief system and allow him to lead you. Remember the word says I has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him – first Corinthians 2:9.

A scriptural example of this is Abraham’s faith walk: by faith, Abraham, when he was called by God, obeyed by going to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went, not knowing where he was going – Hebrews 11:8.

Can you imagine the conversation?

Hi, honey, we are leaving all we have known today and we are going to a new place.

Where is that, darling?

Not sure honey

how long is it going to take to get there

not sure honey

how do you know whereabouts this place is

the Lord said he’ll show me

can you imagine how that would go down today within your marriage

the earthly pattern does not understand the things of heaven. Similar to the essennes – who we know because of the writings of Josephus and the Dead Sea Scrolls – it took themselves away from the Hebrew social structure of the time to go after the city of Yahweh. What Abraham was looking for was only found by supernatural revelation a Yahweh

Genesis 13:14 – and the Lord said on the Abram, after Lot was separated from him, lift up now your eyes, look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your descendents forever. And I will make your descendents as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then your descendents also be numbered. Arise, walk through the land and the length of it and in the breath of it; for I will give it unto you.

Yahweh is positioning us to be oracles

when Yahweh comes, he feeds a solid food. The big problem is we do not really believe we can be an Oracle of God to bring the revelation of Yahweh as a priest, from a kingly position, in fire, framing what has never been framed before in our day. We rely too much on past belief systems.

Hebrews 5:12 – for when for the time you ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again which be the first principle of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of solid food. For everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Hebrew culture understood that the rabbis were the mouthpiece or the oracles of Yahweh to them. The people excepted that these rabbis could change their recorded processes and bring something new that would be absorbed and assimilated into their community because they considered it to have come out from heaven, even though they had not heard it before. Yeshua said, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The light of the body is the eye: if, therefore, your Ivy sound – if you have a generous or single minor heart attitude – your whole body shall be full of light – Matthew 6:21 – 2. He was talking about terumah, and what they believed about terumah. Because we do not understand the culture and often don’t read the original manuscript, we do not always understand what is going on. We read and interpretation of someone else’s belief system or we are taught outside of the culture it was delivered into.

We need to understand that Yahweh is positioning us to become oracles. When we speak, our voice goes beyond the atmosphere the earth. It is often described in science as the butterfly effect. It is described as this, where there is a little puff of air here but 1 million miles away creates a tornado. There is life in our breath because her breath should also carry the words of life, so when you breathe out, it carries the revelation to frame that which is not been seen. The reason we breathe is the frame what Yahweh is calling into being. We should live the breathe, not simply breathe to live. The cause of this, what seems like a little yes spoken right here, becomes a tornado of glory out there. As the Bible says, and many people should go and say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his pass: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem – Isaiah 2:3. When you go in design, you go into the house of the government of his presence not found in the earth.

When we begin to engage with Yahweh and we stand in the heavens, the Bible says, I’ll put my law in their inward parts, and write it in our heart; and will be their God, and they shall be my people – Jeremiah 31:33. It also says that we would not need the sun and the moon for light because he will be our light. The sun shall be no more your light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto you: but the Lord shall be unto you an everlasting light, and your God your glory – Isaiah 60:19. When we stand as an Oracle, the light of the glory of the countenance of Yahweh is going to shine around and through you and men will not understand by the reasoning of their mind. We will not understand the revelation that Yahweh is bringing into the earth by the reasonings of our understanding because it will go too far beyond that. The irrefutable evidence of the glory of Yahweh in the land of the living will testify to what is happening, even though we do not understand it through our current belief systems.

Yahweh is bringing things that we have not seen before

Yahweh’s bringing integration things that we have not seen before. Many of those who have been captured by Yahweh and operating out of the Melchizedek priesthood have been crying out for more than they currently have, where they have labored in the spirit for revelation of their future to come to the earth and be seen in creation. They know what it means to stand in the Eastgate; I describe it as, the way of the mysteries of Yahweh which is where the father’s son is going to be revealed from.

Ezekiel 33:1 – then he – the Angel – lead me to the gate, the gate that faces the East. And behold, the glory and brilliance of the God of Israel was coming from the way of the East; and his voice was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shown with his glory.

Yahweh is revealing himself, from the Eastgate. People of every nation, culture and tongue are going to bear witness to this because he is always had a remnant. It is going to happen because their voice is coming up from the scrolls within them that Yahweh has written and spoken over them as a testimony from the beginning.

When this begins to happen, there is going to come a unity in the blood of. It is not going to be about any individual person or senior lead in her Who’s Who in the church, because we are all going to be called sons. We will all have a responsibility. This is not about one person doing it all. This is about responsibility for landing what Yahweh wants in the earth today, revealed why us all, where every I will see, all at the same time.

The apostolic, governmental move that has been on the face of the earth has been busy but not always effective. Some have done a good job at others have built  heirarchical structures for themselves. I believe that Yahweh is inviting the apostolic government to embrace the maturity of Sun ship, the step into the Melchizedek order as sons, for staking the earthly image of position. The Melchizedek order functions in heaven, engages in heaven, walks in heaven, and legislates from heaven to the earth. Under the Melchizedek government, everyone is responsible to come into full maturity, to bear an image of heaven on the earth.

Brief history of the fivefold offices

briefly looking at some recent church history will hopefully be helpful for you. In the 19 fifties, Yahweh began to overshadow the earth with an increased expression of evangelism or the mandate of the evangelist, where hundreds and thousands of people began to get saved intent crusades etc. The poor evangelist suddenly realized that there were a lot of needs and all these people getting saved because they all had brokenness and needed to be pastored.

So, around the 19 sixties, Yahweh began to release and overshadow the earth with the past oriole mandate. Due to this, people began to be cared for. However, the pastors began to get overworked because they were often dealing with the same thing with lots of people every week on an individual basis. That seems to be what pastors do. They are willing to go from person-to-person dealing with the same things all the time. Often, this is because people are not mature enough to deal with her own brokenness. That is okay if you remain immature, but perhaps there is a problem if you are 50 years old and still needing counseling. As the Scripture says. Therefore, leaving the basic teaching of the Messiah, let us move on towards maturity… But even though we speak like this, loved ones, concerning you, we are convinced the better things – things coming with salvation – so you will not be sluggish but imitators of those inheriting the promises through trust and perseverance. And so after waiting patiently, Abraham reached the promise – Hebrews 6:1, 9, 12, 15.

Around the 19 seventies, Yahweh released another overlay in calling this was the teacher. They brought instruction help the process, teach groups rather than individuals, which could then be shepherded by the pastor and engaged by the evangelist. Remember, all this process is still man on earth reaching into heaven to try and find an answer.

Around the 19 eighties, after the teachers of Mantle had been unlocked for several years, unusual things start happening were people start to have spiritual experiences and the awareness and knowledge of the gifts of the Holy Spirit began to be released. The office and the overlay of the prophet began to income pass the face of the earth. The prophetic realm began to be released in revelation start to land on the earth from heaven. Heaven was being uncovered in a mystical way. Unfortunately, I believe that, over time, this became an institution and lost its way. Suddenly, almost everybody wanted to be a prophet and prophesy. It became very messy. This became the launching pad for the overlay and the office of the possible bring divine order into the chaos that now seemed to be everywhere.

The prophetic movement needed order in it so Yahweh began to overlay the earth with the apostolic. I noticed that many who had been profit suddenly became apostles – except for those who understood their role, function in position. This apostolic mandate then became a network of churches or a ministry instead of a body of matured believers. My opinion, this missed what it was designed for. Therefore, Yahweh had to release the Melchizedek order into creation to shift the responsibility to maturity of Sun ship and not just in a calling that only has an earthly office.

Ephesians 4:11 – and he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: into we all come to in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

The word until in this Scripture signifies that the fivefold ministry is not going to exist any longer when the maturing or perfecting of the beloved is complete. Some of us seem to take the white out/tippex pan and rub that word out of our reading of the Bible because we wanted to have a title in front of her name. Yahweh is now releasing that which is perfect into the earth as sons rise into the order of Melchizedek to bring the Lord’s dominion beyond the current church system or network to the whole earth and then into creation. This will function from heaven to earth, not from earth to heaven.

Serving another mountain

some of built mountains on the earth with someone at the top who are often called apostles. Everyone who wants to be a part of this mountain must move under the government of this mountain to serve it. They may not realize that the person that sits at the top of the mountain will of access to every realm that you have an anointing in through you serving them. You have empower them to do their job better by them having access to what you have.

When you pay to belong to that network, you might not realize that, through your trading into that mountain, the anointing in your life is feeding into that mountain and all who have influence in the top positions have complete access to what you have.

It is actually called trading which in the end leads to something called covering. When this is abused, it can become one of the biggest forms of control exercised over the body of Christ today.

In the mountain or network that was built, the apostle or senior leader would bring the vision because we must have a vision. Some of us wanted to know what to do because we just want to serve. What we were really asking for was a king the rule over us, the tell us what to do, mostly because we do not want to take responsibility for our own actions.

As our desire was to do the will of Yahweh, we serve the vision willingly. People serve in this way, many unwittingly, not knowing what is happening. As a result, the vision can swerve off track, by becoming task oriented or program focused and financially driven. We have a budget that must be met in this shifts from relationship the things I need to do. We now get into the formula. I hear the question what am I doing coming out of the mouse.

After so many cycles of this happening for me personally, and after serving in one church for 24 years, I started saying, what am I doing? This is the same thing I’m hearing worldwide coming out of the mouse of some senior leaders while ministering at conferences; what am I doing, why am I here, there has got to be more.

Yahweh is starting to move differently in our day. There is a shift taking place because we have been serving in this way and coming into this structure for so long. All we know is to serve the vision and structure in this way. The young people today are asking, what is the vision. If I could just get hold of the vision, it will all be okay. I believe much of this is happening because of what we have sown. This will only change when we start to teach them to engage and take responsibility for their own lives with Yahweh and become what Yahweh is looking for – immature mandated son on earth functioning out of heaven.

What is Yahweh asking you to do?

The question to really ask is, what is Yahweh asking me to do? What is your mandate? What is the father asking you to do in the earth for him so that you can bring the image of heaven to the earth, called being under the shadow of the Almighty – Psalm 91:1. He is shifting from the local body to the corporate son. This is the evidence of the Melchizedek order beginning to function, with all of us walking together to work out his plan here but individually taking responsible to bear the image we have been shown.

What the father is now doing is bringing something completely different. It is now no longer about the earth reaching up to or pulling stuff out of heaven or pressing into heaven – that is the old system. It is about heaven reaching into earth and from there being administrated into the earth.

Yahweh is now releasing a blueprint from heaven. If you try to draw it, it looks like squiggles all over a whiteboard. There is no recognizable pattern to get a vision from because it is all in all and just a shadow on a flat surface of a multidimensional pattern. If you look, you can see there’s something really interesting happening. This image on the surface comes from a light shining down from above, forming a flat line down here on the earth. This is called a shadow.

What I believe Yahweh is saying now is, where will you position yourself to take responsibility to build that piece of my shadow and image, taken from the pattern of the shadow from heaven, then you can now see in that has been revealed to you as your part? Where are you positioning yourself in my shadow to build this particular piece? Where is someone else positioning themselves in my shadow to build their piece? It is now about all of us building to the extent of the vision that Yahweh wants for us individually and out of maturity to establish his house and blueprint. Where we take responsibility for our own actions, our own resources and whatever is necessary. When everyone stands in their place we will be able to turn to those on either side and say hey, what can we do to help you fulfill that? What is Yahweh saying to you? This will bring maturity through you being responsible for your own actions. No longer is the body there to meet your need but to serve the blueprint from heaven that Yahweh is revealing in a corporate way. There was a study conducted in America recently where 10,000 churchgoing people were interviewed. There was one common question that was asked of every single one of those people: why do you think the church is here? Apparently 93% of them said, to meet my needs. I think this is completely immature.

Your maturity will be measured by your service

Yahweh is asking you to come into an order that goes beyond the fivefold order we currently have, into a kingly order that there’s an image on earth of as it is in heaven. It is called the melt is a deck order. This image means responsibility. You are responsible for where you serve. Your service must start in heaven. The measure of your maturity is going to be measured by your service, not by what you do or have done on the earth. No longer are you just able to come into a meeting or a conference and suck out of the atmosphere and anointing. If you do this, it means you have been too lazy during the week to form your own connection with Yahweh. No longer can we draw on the atmosphere to make us feel better because we have not been engaging with Yahweh. I believe there are 2 reasons we do not engage with Yahweh. We say I can’t, but it is either because you do not want to and are lazy or because you have never been shown how to.

Yahweh is looking for maturity within his body, so that we will bear an image on the earth of as it is in heaven. Do you realize that one of the reasons that Yahweh has not visited the earth in the ways some of us want him to is because we do not bear an image that looks like him in heaven on earth.

Yahweh is giving and releasing a new pattern. Your function in heaven is about becoming a mature son, functioning as a king and a priest. You become the one that engages in become the revelation of the pattern he is revealed. Then you bring the revelation of the fullness of what you are supposed to be doing to the earth from your life with him in heaven.

When you engage within the Melchizedek order as king and priest, it brings rulership and releases legislation of what has being seen and experienced in heaven into the earth. When it is administered from heaven, you will then become the mouthpiece – the Oracle – which frames what has been witnessed in heaven. True government is brought to it through the legislator who becomes the fire while the Oracle becomes the voice. You frame your functioning on the earth as a legislator and Oracle by your connection in the spirit with your kingly and priestly roles in heaven.

Have you wondered how this fits into the current church model? It does not. It is amazing how, even though the current model and system is in many ways not functioning towards maturity, we will still try and fit into the current functional models and have them as an add-on to what is operating instead of a complete change.

Yahweh wants us to bear the image of heaven

we have to realize that Yahweh now wants a different image. He is calling to his sons to come up here. It is only out of our function in heaven that the earth is going to bear the root flexion and image of heaven. To help understand this concept, if I was to ask a small woman to stand next to me and we stood in the light and I looked at my shadow and then looked at her shadow, which would be a bit smaller and thinner than mine, I cannot say that her shadow is my shadow or even looks like my shadow.

Why do we expect Yahweh to acknowledge us when we do not bear the shadow of what he wants us to bear on the earth? If we want Yahweh to come into our house we need to look like heaven. Why do we cry out all the time for him to come in if we do not even bear the external image that we are supposed to look like? We have not fitted into what he wants but have fitted into what a man wants. In whom all the building fit lead frame together grows into a holy temple in the Lord: in whom you also are built together for a habitation of God through the spirit – Ephesians 2:21 – 22.

Here is another thing that also affects the image of Yahweh here in creation. The human heart emanates radiation of what you’re thinking about and forms visible patterns around you. Whatever is in your heart is going to be seen as an image or on your life. It will be seen by everyone, the darkness as well as the light.

Psalm 139:23 – search me, O God, no my heart; test my thoughts. Point out anything you find a meat that makes you sad, and leave me along the path of everlasting life.

Proverbs 4:23 – guard your heart diligently, for from it flows the springs of life.

People want to know if the devil can read your thoughts. Well, in my opinion, yes he can, because your thoughts are seen by the spirit realm is moving images around you. That is why Yeshua spoke so much about heart. As human beings, we think we are amazing because we can see in 7 colors; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. If we take those 7 colors and put them on 7 piano keys, they would only extend across the span of my hand. But if I could at every other part of the electromagnetic spectrum known to man such as ultraviolet, microwave, infrared etc., and put them on the same keyboard, that keyboard would physically reach from here to the moon.

Your heart radiates all around your life – whatever is in you comes out and is seen. Whatever image you are bearing dictates what is going to sit over your life. When you are in the spirit, all the radiation electromagnetic spectrum is opened up. There is no secret when you are in the spirit because everything is seen. That is why love can cover a multitude of sins because you see it all. You can walk around a person and look at them and tell them everything about their life, what is happened and what they have done because it is all seen. I have known people to fast for 3 weeks and try not to sin before coming to a meeting, thinking that then I will not see their stuff. They’re worried that I will expose it. I need you to know I can see beyond your 3 weeks. And I can still look at you and say that I love you. That includes all of your mess ups and all the little things you have got hidden away in your heart. Even still they radiate an image that is born on the outside of your body that the spirit world can see.

True repentance rewrites are image.

There is something that I find really fascinating: true repentance rewrites the imag

 It rewrites the image and makes it something completely different. Then the spirit world sees that as well. So the more you are involved in repent and then engaging Yahweh the more you come into deeper and deeper relationship with him. Coming into a depth of relationship with the presence of the father brings a greater measure of redemption and, the greater that is, the more you will begin to look like Christ.

That is why the the devil comes to you and says, give me a man that I might fight with – first Samuel 17:8. He accuses you and wants you to say, oh, no, I have not sin. But the Bible tells us to agree with our adversary quickly – Matthew 5:25. Why? Repent and get the accusations against you judged so they have no power over you. Judge your house.

Zechariah 3:7 – if you walk in my ways, and if you keep my charge, then you shall also judge my house, and she also keep my courts, and I’ll give you places the walk among these that stand here.

The Bible says, the standard you use in judging is a standard by which you will be judged – Matthew  So we must judge ourselves first.

This becomes very important for us, because Yahweh is doing something very different on the earth today then what he has done in the past. In December 2012, I believe that the Melchizedek government began surpassing the apostolic government on the earth. The Melchizedek order is about a heavenly kingly/priestly order, not abundant earthly order. There’s nothing wrong with being an apostle. Praise the Lord for your labor – the apostles have done amazing work caring the responsibility of what Yahweh has been doing in their day but their day ended to make way for this new order and government in creation. I believe the cloud of Yahweh is moving and, as sons, we must walk with in it and not get stuck in an old camp or form of functioning. It is about being in his world and his kingdom, facilitating and understanding legislation from the realm of heaven and being in that world with the father. It is, also, about understanding our role as a king and priest of Yahweh and being able to become the Oracle or mouth piece of Yahweh in the earth today. It is different from what we have been used to but, just because it is different, does not mean it is wrong.

This has got nothing to do with what has been described as the sovereignty of Yahweh, though it has got to do with desires. In the 19 sixties, seventies, eighties, and nineties it was about sovereignty. But the church was never brought to maturity about desire. The word says, whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you shall have them – Mark 11:24. Desire is a gate that opens up the realm of heaven to every believer. Desire becomes an anchor and a doorway of entry into the world of the father and, as you delight yourself in him, Yahweh grants you the desires of your heart – Psalm 37:4.

The old will fight the new

Holy Spirit is doing some weird stuff, really weird stuff and I love it. I’m looking forward to the day when we can gather together from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Africa, America, can 80 a, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore in the 4 corners of the earth and meet in heaven before the father. The cloud of Yahweh is moving. Do not get stuck in an old camp when the cloud of the Lord leads often moves. History has shown us that the old orders going to fight against the new when the new starts to raise its head above that which has been established. This has been an historical pattern which may continue. Unless there is a joining to the image of where the cloud is moving, you will fight against it.

Those who want to move with the cloud will often be shocked by those want to stay stuck in the past. There is, as yet, a little understanding or knowledge of what this new order looks like as no one has been this way before. That is why you have got to yoke yourself to the mystery of the dark cloud of his presence until the mystery gets unlocked and becomes normal life.

Isaiah 45:3 – I will give you treasures of darkness and enriches of secret places so that you may know that I am at Anaya the God of Israel calls you by name.

Only then we understand life from a completely different perspective and then Yahweh will be able to do what he wants to do insider lives by the power the Holy Spirit

Zechariah 4:6 – not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says Lord of hosts.

When Yahweh breeze into the or something completely new, we try and figure it out with our current beliefs and paradigms. We try and reason it out again understanding of it. The problem is that our understanding is too small to fit all that is new into what we currently believe and we need new structures of belief systems the land what Yahweh is doing today. We do not understand it so we often start resisting it because it does not fit into our current belief system. It is because you’re currently system will be challenged and often does not want to change. We have got to be open to change which can be the hardest thing for us to do.

We have got to be wanting to yoke ourselves to him so that he draws us long into the mystery, even if we do not understand it. Did you know we do not have to understand everything Yahweh says and does? We have just got to be willing to move with the cloud as he leads.

Dreams about where others go

Josh was one person I’m still fascinated by in the Bible. I’ve drunk is wine, and I’ve spent time with him, trying to engage what he did. The Bible says that Moses went into the tabernacle and Joshua came in with him. Then when it came time for them to go out, it says that Moses went up and Joshua stayed in and there is no record of Joshua ever coming out.

Exodus 33:9 – and Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and see at the entrance, while the Lord spake with Moses… And the Lord spake on the Moses face-to-face, as a man speaks to his friend. And he turned again into the camp: and his servant Joshua, the son of nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle

Joshua and Caleb, from Scripture, appear to have been good friends. What Joshua did by staying in the tent of the Lord’s presence – Exodus 33:11 so change him that he would have had a definite impact on Caleb because the word says he had a different spirit – numbers 14:24. I have no doubt that they would have had some very deep discussions within their friendship and would have dreamed together of their future. Dreaming about where others are will change where we currently are, especially with those that are much further down the line than we are. Dreaming is a faith arena activity that will help bring us into what is beyond today and help us reach into the future. And that is why believe Caleb could go to Josh when and asked for his mount 10

Joshua 14:10 – today am 85 years old. I am as strong now as a was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then. So give me the hill country that the Lord promised me. You will remember that, as scouts, we found the descendents of a knock living there in great, walled towns. But, if the Lord is with me, I will drive them out of the land, just as Lord said

why did Caleb want them mountain? That was where the men of renowned live, the place closer to Yahweh and the ruling seats. We are called to rule and reign as the head and not the tail – Deuteronomy 28:13. It is going to come through maturity and repositioning as a mature son. Is going to come to sons who have learned how to function as kings and priests. It is not just going to come out of the ordination of an office of the fivefold ministry on the earth. It is going to come out of maturity, function and relationship with the father in heaven. Will come through being yoke to Christ – Matthew 11:30 and being yoke to the revelation of the knowledge of Yahweh, and to what he is doing in the land of the living this day, reaching into the future. It is not going to come through being yoke to yesterday’s revelation, knowledge or doctrine.

Ephesians 1:17 – that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: the eyes your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he performed in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.

Doing some new things

Yahweh’s doing new things. He really is. In the 19 seventies, there are only a handful people that would go in and understand being in the councils of Yahweh, legislating and holding court. There are a lot more today, coming out from being hidden because it is about the individuals maturing and caring a pattern from heaven to the earth in a corporate body called the sons of Yahweh.

This thing is important for us, particularly with regards was coming over the next 10 years. I have been into the year 2057 and we are still here. Sorry for all the rapture theory us it is different to how it is now but you just need to know we are still here. I grew up in the 19 eighties, reading books is said the earth was going to finish before the year 1989. Then it was the year 1999, then 2000, then 2006, oops sorry, 2000 tent loops are 8, 2016, I suppose sometime they may be right if you believe that stuff and are caught up in it. I am please note that we are now well past all these dates. Remember Yahweh’s looking for mature body of sons who know him and function from within his realm.

Something of interest; when Yahweh made Adam he was made him out of the fingerprint of creation, the dust of the earth. There is an imprint and a fingerprint and everything that has been created. All of creation has been designed to respond to man. When we stand and who we are in the father and, from that position, legislate as a king and priests into all the father has made.

Was with a group of young people while go, sitting at a table with them, discussing some of these things. Some of them were skeptical and I love it when Yahweh puts you in a position to challenge people. I told them that there were 2 major events that were going to happen during the following year. One was a great, big meter right that would come through our planetary system and missed the earth by a very small distance and that would not be seen by this dominators into one pass. Another was, also, going to be a meter right that would land in the lake of water that would not cause any damage in Russia. I said to the people sitting there, it is going to hit land, but it will come down in a lake of water. It is not going to achieve the original intent.

That mediator did come through and crashed into a freshwater lake in remote area Russia with very little damage. So was assigned to them. People, we have the capacity to start to direct the affairs of our species if we maturing can work with the father to become a king and priest and a ministry into the affairs of men and affect outcomes.

Creation response to your DNA one position and Yahweh

every created thing as a record of response to the DNA of the sons Yahweh when we position ourselves in heaven in the father, that all may be one; as you, father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that you have sent me – John 17:21. Alteration is crying out for governmental legislation to sit over it so it can come back into the light and glory of the sons of God. Creation desires you told your position come into who you are supposed to be. For the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the manifestations of the son of God – Romans 8:19. Is about being in the spirit. I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day – Revelation 1:10. In the spirit means being beyond the veil. It means not praying the side of the veil – outside – but moving through the veil into the father’s world and, from there, moving into the testimony of Christ in the father. It is about being a witness in heaven of what the father is doing. Then, out of being a witness, it means having others that stand and witness with us to legislate as a witness integration, framing his will around us.

I hope this chapter is challenge and unhinge you from some restrictions. No one said it would be easy but it will be possible.

Let’s finish with Scripture, beloved, now we are the sons of God, it does not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is – first John 3:2

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