A Glorious Entanglement

We are in a love awakening, a grace awakening, a joy awakening, a peace awakening, a true God awakening. The world is beginning to awaken, not necessarily the church, but the world – and those within the church who are open to pursuing something deep inside that’s calling them. I encourage everyone to embrace these awakenings and not hold back.

Restoring First Love

In this new series, I’ll share the journey that led to my restoration of my first love relationship with the Father, enabling me to discover my identity as a Son of God. Some struggle with being called a son or a bride, but in God’s eyes, we’re all sons. Gender doesn’t matter here; it’s about our identity and relationship with God. Our identity is rooted in our origin in God, discovered through first love. Sonship is about identity, relationship, and authority as co-heirs with Jesus.


I’ve found some quotes to share. Don Keathley of the Grace Awakening Network says, “Not one single person on the planet is in Adam. If you’re in Adam, then Jesus was not the last Adam. We are new creations in Jesus.” We need to renew our minds to this truth. Jesus came to give us the doorway into full union with the Father now, in this world.

Luke Agee says, “Revelations are actually memories from your spirit that you forgot you knew, entering from your heart into your soul and mind.” Discovering our origin in first love can restore these memories, revealing who we were before and our full identity.

A Glorious Entanglement

Titus 1:2 in the Mirror Bible says, “This is the life of the ages, anticipated for generations.” All prophetic expectation was looking forward to our original design, which was in God’s heart before time and space existed. God’s desire for union and relationship with us inspired creation.

Galatians 2:20 in the Mirror Bible says, “Here I am, dead and alive at the same time. I’m dead to the old me I was trying to be, and alive to the real me, which is Christ in me.” This signifies our union with God. We’re co-crucified and now co-alive, in a glorious entanglement with Him. This union allows us to live freely, being our true selves immersed in His faith.

Living from Union

Our new nature is now a divine union. Jesus is resetting us from unbelief to knowing with certainty, so we can believe and experience everything He says. Let’s realign our internal world to this truth, trusting in Jesus’ every word spoken to us and living from the strength of our union with Him.

Activation: Be Entwined in Love’s Embrace

God wants us to experience rest, to abandon our soul into His unconditional love. Close your eyes and think about living loved. Breathe deeply, feeling His love flow through you.

Picture the door of first love within your spirit and open it. Welcome the presence of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Embrace the union and intimacy with them, and let their love surround you.

God calls us to step out of the boat of independence and sink into the ocean of love, joy, and peace. He calls forth our true identity as sons and co-heirs, inviting us to rest in His love, joy, and peace.

Stay in this place of rest and let it be a constant in your life.

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