A higher place of intentionality

We don’t pray like a bride; someone who knows she can get something out of her beloved. When a woman if really loved, she knows she can get anything of her husband, she is not afraid to ask. God is not reluctant to bless us, he wishes that we would allow him to bless us more. His intentionality for us is that we live in abundance and fullness. Only God has abundance, the enemy has a budget. God’s wish for us is that we live in abundance, in fullness and in favor and in an expectation of all those things occurring in our life on a regular basis. Because he doesn’t just want to bless our house, he wants to bless the whole community through our house. What he has for us includes the other people who inhabit our world. We have enough blessings on our life to bless our whole subdivision at least.

We are not fully embracing the words the lord has spoken to us. There are thousands of promises; but do we believe the heart of God as it is expressed in scripture?

There comes a point if we really want to be somebody, if we really want to have significance in the kingdom, there is a way of looking at God, ourselves and the world that establishes us in a higher realm of the goodness and the favor and the abundance of God. We train ourselves so that we can only see life through the lens of the goodness of God. So, we have an expectation of goodness no matter what is occurring. We don’t live according to externals we live according to who God is on the inside of us. For a Christian there is no such thing as stress. Stress is not caused by external circumstances. We cannot say this situation is really stressing me out, it could be true, but it is not the truth. There is a world of difference between that which is true and that which is the truth. It may be true that a man has a bad temper as a Christian, but the truth is that he is a new creation in Christ. It is the truth that sets us free, not receiving what is true. The world says you have to accept what is true about yourself, the kingdom doesn’t say that. The kingdom says you have to accept what is the truth about yourself, because only the truth can set you free. What is true will just keep you in therapy. Are we in therapy over what is true? I have a bad temper; so, I am taking anger management classes.

I am in taking classes about the way I speak to people. The truth sets us free. There is a huge difference between that which is truth and that which is the truth. The truth about us is that we are a new creation. What does that mean? It means literally that we are a race of people never seen in the earth before Jesus, never seen before in the history of the world. No one has even seen our likes before. The purpose of Jesus coming into the earth is not to restore us to the Garden of Eden; it was to take us to a higher place. After Jesus God came into people and lived inside of them, this makes us a whole new creation. No one has ever seen anyone like us in the history of this planet. This is what it means to be in Christ. God is in us, and we are in him. No one was ever in this place in the world before. There is a higher realm of participation, expectation; a higher place of intentionality, that God wants us to reach for. There is a place set aside for us in the Holy Spirit where the enemy cannot touch us.

When God comes to Solomon and says I am going to bless your life, ask me for something, ask what I shall give you. He already has a lot of stuff, more than anyone else in the nation. The lord is saying I need to give you more. The heart of God as it unfolds towards us is about fullness and abundance. I want you to have more; heaven is not in a recession. If we understood this, we would have increased our giving when the recession hit. The dumb move is withholding.

There are promises over our life and our promises are our currency. Each promise is part of Gods dream for us. We are here to catch Gods dream for us and to say amen to it. We are saying so be it to that dream. It is not amen to when God gets around to doing it. It is amen, I am partnering with you for the fulfillment of that as quickly as possible. Some prophetic words should have come to pass a while ago. We are waiting for God, and he says I have already spoken it, so it is out there in the spirit realm, I am waiting for you. I have been waiting for you the last few years. Waiting for you to wake up, waiting for you to agree with me, partner with me- come on.

When God prophesies over us he is giving us an invitation to step into the same dream that he has for us. Dreaming prepares us to ask in the same spirit that the request was first made. When God prophesies over us he is opening his heart, he is sharing his vision of us. When he shares his heart and his vision, he commits resources to what he shows us.

He provides an invitation and he gives us an opportunity to step into that shared space. This happens when he gives us a prophetic word or when he gives us a passage of scripture, because the bible is a book of encounters and experiences.

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