A new dimension


I AM… Is calling you to a new dimension of the power and place of the Spirit. Where truth is the gateway to experience and encounters with me release the wisdom of my ways.

I’m calling you to walk in the power of my perception about you. For your life to be governed by how I see you. For you to embrace my identity for you. That you would live in the majesty of my affection. Undaunted, unworried, unbeatable.

My perception of you will upgrade your DNA in the spirit. No longer a child… But a son… Moving into maturity. Learning your authority; embracing your liberty.

The DNA of son-ship gives you access to different dimensions of permission, inheritance and authority. From this place you will have a deeper, broader authorization over the enemy. Foot soldiers are empowered. Warriors are embraced… In power and permission. Son-ship elevates you to inhabit, not just visit, the place of my abundance.

In this place you will discover your true self. As you develop the obedience to live within my intentionality, you will learn to live in harmony with my delight you. This unity with the Holy Spirit will be the source of your overcoming lifestyle in this next dimension.

I will teach you how to make the future incredible by living in a present that is beautiful. When the present state of your heart is so enriched by my glory, your current identity will run to meet your emerging destiny. And you will live in the power of an accelerated lifestyle.

Do you know see… Dear heart… Why you need the power of a renewed mind? Earthbound logic cannot comprehend the true nature of life in the Spirit. Only a heavenly mindset can do that. The mind of Christ.

Assignment – if there was one verse or passage of Scripture that would be a gateway for you to enter into a new dimension… What would it be? Isaiah 41; 8 – 16 was a gateway promise that has sustained me for many years. I still read it and meditates on it, today. Ask the Holy Spirit for one! Explain what this scripture means to you and how you will use it to enter your permissions.

Commission – what would it take for you to learn to live in the majesty of God’s affection? Describe your DNA in Christ and what must change in yours to establish that reality.

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