A New heaven

And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be His peoples, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Revelation 21:3. Those days are just before us, but by faith I believe they’ve already begun.

And He that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. Verse 5a. Is it possible for us to have the reality of an experience before it ever happens? Is it possible that we’re watching the old earth and the old heaven pass away? Maybe it’s just an illusion because the change is taking place within us, and as we look through anointed eyes, by faith we behold that the Lord is making all things new. Throughout most of the book of Revelation John speaks about the future, yet the first part of verse 6 reads: And he said unto me, They are come to pass. The reality is present in the heart of God, and perhaps that’s what we’ve tuned in to. The appearance of these things is yet to come, as the age unfolds with their manifestation. Yet God says, “They are come to pass.” That means they have happened, and will spring into view. When God speaks a word and our faith embraces it, then our faith causes it to appear and we see it. By faith we believe that new heaven and new earth for all of us. By faith we believe for that He makes all things new for us.

A young man recently visited a Bless-In who had been in a fight; his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was bruised. He’d been on dope, but I told him that God could help him. I said, “There are several hundred more here who have been delivered.” Behold, I make all things new—this is the miracle which is taking place in these lives. That boy has deep problems but God will deliver him. And perhaps he’ll be one of our future preachers. How God loves us. He’s doing so much for us.

When God says, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,” I take it quite literally—I believe He’s made a new heaven. I didn’t get as much response in times past in prayer as I do now. We have a new earth, too. That old earth used to be somewhat attractive to us, but now we just want to do the will of God. Things are changing.

Lord, help us. Bring to pass astounding deliverance in the lives of all who need it—those who are discouraged and depressed, lonely or overcome, overwhelmed by temptation or pressure. Lord, You’re teaching us day by day that no defeat, no stumbling is final. Though the righteous man falls seven times, the Lord upholdeth him with His hand. The stumbling during a difficult time isn’t valid or permanent; it’s only temporary. The only valid and permanent thing in our life is the victory of Jesus Christ, and we’re going to walk in that by the grace of God.

“No longer shall you dwell in the ceiled houses. No longer shall you wall yourselves to that which the Lord would reveal unto thy heart. It is the Lord who shall appear unto thy midst even in this hour. He shall come to reprove thee even of thy unbelief. And all of us shall be reproved of the limitations we have set before the holy one of Israel. It shall be He Himself who shall open thy heart that thy eyes may behold a new heaven and a new earth. It shall be the Lord who shall do a new work in thee and the old shall pass away with a fervent heat, even the fire of His judgments as thou hast witnessed. But now shall the new heavens and the new earth be wrought within thy heart. The Lord shall give thee a new vision to behold what He is doing in the face of this earth, that you may be a people. For as Moses did cry all night that ‘All my people shall be prophets,’ so shall the Lord in this latter day raise up a people that shall prophesy the word of the Lord. His people shall come forth with an anointing to speak forth that word from the Lord. Amen.”

Live wholly for the Lord and seek first the Kingdom. Don’t be unmindful of the little child who tugs at your leg wanting you to bless him. Don’t miss the sunsets. Don’t miss the precious moments you can have with your children or grand-children. Don’t miss the opportunity to look around and thank God for what He’s given you. Thank Him for the food you eat. Thank Him for the moments you have to wait on Him. Thank Him for the word that He opens to your heart. Don’t always be rushing as though tomorrow were everything, because today is real. You’re walking with God now. The effort you put forth tomorrow will not count as much as the effort you put forth today to be a believer and to walk with the Lord. When you look at a person, don’t look past him—look at him and communicate with him. His need is now, not tomorrow. Help him now! Bless him now!

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