A partaker of His victory

I would exhort you in the Lord, that if your hearts are heavy because of the greatness of the spiritual conflict in which you’re engaged, let your heart be lifted up with joy this day before the Lord, for know that He has chosen thee to be a part of that holy remnant that shall manifest his victory over Satan.

 Yea, thou art a partaker of a struggle, thou art a partaker of the manifestation of the victory over Satan in this hour, for surely he shall be brought down and surely all of the ungodly shall enter into the graves of judgment, when thou shalt know that he that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for there there is deliverance in Mount Zion.

Trust ye in the Lord today. Let not your heart be heavy. If the battle has been great it is because the Lord has brought you to participate in the climax of the battle of the ages. Thou art witnessing great things for thou art loosed to walk with the Lord and to participate in His victory this day. Amen.

Lift up your hearts, O people of the Lord, for before thee are many things to walk in and to possess. Be not as Israel was of old to be exhorted by Joshua. Be not slack concerning the promises of the Lord, wherein he said, “How long are ye slack to go in and possess the land which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee.” Behold, enter in to possess it, for the Lord has set it before thee, that thou shalt possess in this day great things in the name of the Lord.

 Did He not tell Israel, “Wherever the sole of your foot shall trod, it shall be thine inheritance forever?” Therefore position yourself, put your foot firmly upon the things that God has spoken, rest upon them and claim them for the Lord hath ordained that you shall move forward in faith and shall be blessed of the Lord.

Be strengthened for the things that are before thee. Be not dismayed because of the battle. It’s part of that which has come to thee because no longer art thou a defensive person.

You are not hiding, but you are moving forward to take in the name of the Lord the things which God has set before you. Let your faith be strong and enter into it. Before thee are many days in which the Lord has appointed for you. many vessels in the house of the Lord, shall walk in them. Are ye not already in them; hath not the Lord worked great things for thee?

Authority has been committed unto the saints in a new measure in this past week. Enter into the fulfillment of it and know that God bringeth it forth in the name of the Lord.

Behold how He shall shake His house, how He shall sift it. For only the whole-hearted shall be part of the remnant.

You’ve already passed through that time; yet there has been little hurt wrought upon the house of the Lord because the Lord has stirred the hearts of the people to wholly follow after Him. Let it be within thee that you too shall wholly follow after the Lord and possess that which God brings unto thee.

They that do know their God will be strong and do exploits. The Lord has prepared it. Behold, I have brought many vessels forth, saith the Lord, and I have taught them of My ways and have prepared them for My goodness.

Now if they shall take their hearts as prepared hearts and shall walk carefully before Me, shall I not bless them and bring forth great fruitfulness through them. You are My people, my heritage, saith the Lord. I have brought you to this hour. Rejoice in it and walk in it for the Lord hath given thee great victory. He hath given thee great victory. The Lord hath given thee great victory!

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