A prophetic declaration concerning judgment

The day hath come that the Lord hath said, “Behold, I have taken away these false shepherds, and I shall give My people shepherds after My own heart. They shall be faithful in leading the people of the Lord. They shall lead the sheep into that which God hath prepared for them.”

Blessed are ye that shall lift up your voices together to cry aloud against the arrogant and prophesy against the proud. God shall bring down the haughty, and He shall bring down that which hath exalted itself against the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Yea, let it come down. Let there be within our hearts that which shall, by the word of faith, strike at the arrogance of that which would pervert the house of God to its own way. There is that which would even walk along as being in a walk with God, but behold, they walk after their own way and not after the way of the Lord. Let it come down.

Let there not be an occasion for God to judge our house and bring it down because we have not walked in the ways of the Lord. Let us walk and cling to His ways with all of our hearts.

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