A right spirit

When our spirit is right with God it radiates His Glory, it shines: we have a glow about us. There is nothing more beautiful than having a right spirit with God. The Spirit of God comes forth in it and manifests through it. We minister God to other people and we don’t even have to say a word, they can become aware of God by just being in our presence.

To have a right spirit is to have a beautiful spirit. When our spirit is right with God, His divine nature comes forth within it.

A right spirit attracts people; it is what draws them to the Lord. It is the spirit of attraction. We teach others the ways of the Lord by what is in our spirit.

When we have a right spirit, people can see it in our eyes; they can hear it in our voice. We stand out like a light in the darkness. And people know there is something different about us.

What is a right spirit? It is those qualities that are in the heart of God that begin to be expressed through us when our spirit is in fellowship with His.

Fellowship is the sharing of a common life, it is called eternal life because it is the life God has inherent in Himself.

Inherent means the very nature of something and therefore permanently characteristic of it.

John 3: 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (breath). 7Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. 8The wind (breath) bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

The word spirit means breath, God breathed himself into Adam and he became a living soul.

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The body without the spirit is dead. So our spirit is the vital life principle in us. When a person stops breathing they are considered dead. And their spirit, the vital life principle returns back to God who gave it.

The word spirit in the Greek means breath, the word wind also means breath or spirit. So we can hear the wind blowing, and can feel the wind blowing, but we don’t know where it comes from or where it is going, so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.

That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. God is Spirit, so to be born of the Spirit is to be born of God, or to be born again, or to be born from above, speaking of heaven. So until we are born again we don’t even know we have a spirit.

Everybody that we know has been born once, but not everybody we know has been born again or born twice. So we are talking about a different kind of life, than the one we have all received from our human parents, we are talking about the life that is inherent in God that we receive when we are born of God. Being born of God is different than our natural human life. So we are talking about something that we have to experience in order to understand.

Now just like the wind that we don’t understand, but we can hear the sound of it, and we can feel the effects of it. If we have not been born of God we can experience the effects of it in someone that has been born of God if they have a right spirit. If there spirit is right with God, then the nature or life of God will begin to be expressed through them.

So if a person’s spirit has been born of God there will be a certain kind of fruit that is expressed through it. It is called the fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

When we are talking about the fruit of the Spirit we are talking about the life that is inherent in God, His divine qualities, we are talking about the nature of God. What God is really, really, really like!

Just because a person believes in God does not mean they have been born of God. Most people do not know what God is like, and have a wrong view of God until they begin to experience Him.

That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. That which is born of God is god. So to be born again means our spirit becomes divine. Our spirit becomes a partaker of eternal life.

Everybody has a human spirit, but not everyone has a divine spirit, only those who have been born a second time, those who have been born again or born from above-heaven.

When our spirit is born again it becomes alive unto God, it becomes aware of the life of God, which is called eternal life. Eternal life is knowing Jesus Christ, which speaks of an intimacy or oneness of life.

Our new born spirit has to grow and develop in the life of God. It has to grow in the love of God, the joy of God, the peace of God, the faith of God, and all the divine attribute of God. These attributes should be increasing in our life every day. We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit, to have his eternal life continually flowing into us.

When a little child is born of God, and the parents have the ability to feed and train their spirits, so that their spirits grow and develop in the life of the lord and the ways of the lord, they will never depart from them as they get older.

But most people get born again later in life, and their soul life is highly developed, so the moment their spirit becomes alive to God, their soul becomes religious. So now that God has become real in their life, all that they can see is everything that is wrong with other people, but they do not see the familiar spirits that are operating in their lives.

Most born again Christians are religious and do not have a right spirit, so when they start talking about God, they are actually turning people away from God by the way they talk and behave.

So when we are talking about the love of God we are not talking about human love, we are talking about God’s love. Human love fails, but God’s love never fails.

Most people think God is angry at them. God is love, so he hates sin. Sin is personified in the bible, so it speaks of the familiar spirits that steal, kill and destroy people’s lives or souls.

We can see the fruit of the Spirit, the fruit of love in Jesus Christ. He laid down his life for his enemies.

When the angry crowd said crucify him! Crucify Him! he said father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. Nobody took his life from him, he laid it down willingly.

He took upon himself the sin of the world, and died for the sin of the world. All the anger and the wrath of God, was poured out upon Jesus Christ on the cross. Because God is righteous, he dealt with all the evil and wickedness of mankind upon the cross. By Jesus’ death on the cross God reconciled the world to himself not holding anything against them.

So on God’s side ever human being is reconciled to him. But we have to born of God, born of the Spirit so that we have the same nature as him. The enmity is not in God it is in us.

We can see the anger of God in Jesus Christ, as he dealt with the religious leaders of his day. His anger was directed at the familiar spirits that were operating in their lives or souls.

God is not angry at human beings, but the familiar spirits that are operating in their lives. Familiar spirits were not created by God, but an offspring of fallen angels, that no longer have bodies, so they seek to dwell in the souls and bodies of mankind to have expression in the earth.

We are commanded to be angry and sin not, to never let the sun go down on this anger. As long as it is called today, we are never to not be aware of this godly anger. It enables us to resist familiar spirits the moment we discern them.

This anger is objective, it is not subjective. It is divine and not human. We have to tune into it like we do the fruit of the Spirit. This anger comes from God and flows through our spirit but never gets into our soul.

This anger is selfless. It has nothing to do with ourselves. We are commanded to tune into Gods anger, but sin not. Do not let it become subjective. Because then instead of being angry at familiar spirits, and the evil spirits that are controlling the world system, we become partakers of them, and then they get in us.

Instead of resisting the devil where he flees in terror from us, we give place to him and he gets inside of us and feeds off our human anger which is unrighteous. The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

The anger of God is but for a moment, he is slow to anger and it never gets control of him. God does not get angry and do something he then regrets later.

God is the kindest person you will ever meet in your life. He is the happiest person you will ever meet in your life.

God is joy. In his presence is fullness of joy. We rejoice because of who God is- God is joy. God is the fruit of the Spirit.

When our spirit is born of God we start experiencing the fruit of the Spirit in our life. The fruit of the spirit is something that grows in us.

We know that His love has grown in our heart, when someone has done us a great wrong and we are no longer focused on it, the reason they did us that wrong is because there spirit was not right with God, God forgive them they don’t understand.

When we have a right spirit with God, His love will begin to flow through it, His joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith will begin to be seen in it.