Abiding in God

We abide in God’s Presence That’s where you can abide and dwell, whether you do it consciously or whether you’re doing it unconsciously; it’s all the time.

We are seated with him in heavenly places. It’s happening all the time; we just become more aware of it and benefit from it. But it’s happening all the time.

I used to want to know what was going on, what God wanted me to do, what my mandate was, and what I was supposed to be doing. I was still driven by an Old covenant mindset of works, obedience, duty, and obligation.

I just relaxed as I realized how much I’m unconditionally loved. I relaxed and I just dwell in His presence, in the light of His face, in the heart-to-heart intimacy. I dwell there, so there’s this constant flow of truth, revelation, experience, intimacy—whatever all the different names for it are—that’s flowing all the time.

Now, sometimes, I consciously turn into that and I engage with it consciously because it’s great to be in that intimate place of being surrounded by love, light, and truth. It’s amazing, and it’s good to experience that cognitively at times, as long as we don’t make the cognitive experience our goal.

Know by experience

We must know by cognitive experience; otherwise, we won’t believe. I do have cognitive experiences at times, but most of the dwelling and abiding in His presence is in the spirit, not in the soul or the flesh. It’s in the spirit. My spirit is constantly dwelling and abiding in God’s presence, and that wonderful place of abiding is what brings the peace, joy, and love into my life, flowing all the time. This reveals the Father’s heart.

How do you have this wisdom to know what the Father’s heart is? It gets infused when you dwell and abide there. He constantly reveals His heart to you, and you just instinctively flow from His heart rather than what I used to do, which was to want to go and get my mandate for today. Yes, God gave me that mandate because He’s gracious and merciful. I was still a child, if you like, and I still didn’t know Him that well, so I still wanted to know what He wanted me to do.

Now I dwell in His presence and I live my life in a way that is filled with love, joy, and peace, being at rest, and working every day in every situation with that amazing love that He has.

Therefore, in any situation, do I have to sort of go and do this SOS prayer to God, saying, “Oh God, help me! I need to know what I’m supposed to do here”? No, I instinctively know what to do, and the more intimate I am, the easier that flow is to just be. I just need to be me in a situation, whereas before I needed to know what to do.

At rest

Now I feel I’m at rest. Before, I thought I was at rest, but actually, I was still needing to do. Now I just need to be, and everything flows out of that being. Most of it is just me being me. I don’t need to have a whole list of things to do. When someone says, “Oh, will you pray for me?” I don’t say, “Oh God, do I have permission to pray for this person?” No, I just need to be me, and if I feel how to pray for that person or engage with them, then I just express that. I don’t need to think, “Oh, how should I pray? What should I do? Do I need to pray in tongues for five minutes to tune in?” All of that was like work, and part of it was that I didn’t want to get it wrong. I wanted to get it right.

Now I just need to be instinctively me in that situation, and I find that sometimes I say things or do things or hug someone, or whatever it might be, instinctively without having that need to know what I’m supposed to do. Because I know that if I’m being me, I’m going to be expressing the father’s heart—the me He made me to be, not the me that I might have been or what other people want me to be, but the me that He made me to be, which comes from the revelation of the Father’s heart that I’m experiencing in that intimacy of dwelling and abiding there.

It is so much easier than I ever thought. All the other stuff that I used to do, and I am still doing it in the spirit in a multi-dimensional way, I’m still just expressing me in it. I don’t need that great list of instructions anymore. Life takes on such a joyful position because I enjoy being. I enjoy being alive.

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