Aggressor of the faith

This is the day that the Lord hath brought thee to face the things that are before thee without fear and without wavering. The Lord hath not forsaken thee in the hour of battle. He hath not promised thee that it would be easy, but He hath given thee the word as you come into the Feast of Tabernacles that this would be the time that you should go in and possess many things.

 Is it not so that the battles have been different? Has it not been that the Lord has made thee the aggressor and not the defender of the faith? He has made thee one to go forth to deliver the people of the Lord and not that thou shouldst only be concerned about being overwhelmed thyself in the battle.

Lift up your hearts; continually rejoice in the Lord. Let faith be with you continually to express that faith in the Lord and in the word that He has spoken. How long shall the Lord exhort us? Shall He not be patient with us and exhort us from day to day? For the Lord is concerned that ye waver not nor draw back, nor be rebellious in thy spirit, but you should constantly press in to what the Lord has. Have there been stumblings? The Lord knoweth. Have there been those things to come to discourage? Yea, the Lord knoweth. He is not saying that ye shall not be discouraged and ye shall not stumble; He is only saying that thou shalt press on. For as thou shalt have the faith to press on, the Lord shall count it to thee for righteousness; He shall count it to thee for success.

Thou shalt not say at the end of the day, “How many times I have stumbled,” but thou shalt say rather, “I have pressed in from morning to night to do the will of the Lord.” It is not stumbling that the Lord shall mark; He hath chosen thee because thou art weak instruments—if thou art vessels that are small even in thine own sight, how much in the sight of the Lord? But if He can take a worm and thresh a mountain, shall He not use thee to bring forth His will in the earth? Thou shalt stand in the will of the Lord. Thou shalt press into it. Thou shalt know that for all the things that befall thee, for the moments that thou art assaulted by the doubts and fears and the rebellion of the enemy and withdrawal, yea, these things will come; but like a wave that hits you and knocks you down, that doesn’t mean that you are through swimming; yet press in for the things that God has for you. You go on because thereunto you are appointed to become warriors and soldiers in the army of the Lord. This is not a day of softness, nor is it a day of ease in Zion, but a day of hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ to press in and do the will of the Lord. So shall you pray, and so shall you believe together in the name of the Lord.

Hath the Lord given thee a word in this season? Yea, mark it. Was today the day the Lord gave you a word? Did the Lord give you a word yesterday, or the day before? Has He spoken to your heart and quickened again the word that He has spoken? Yet shall you be tested in that word. Yet shall the Lord allow thee to look at that word and say, “Shall I believe it, or shall I waver in it?” But waver not; stagger not at the promises of the Lord through unbelief, but believe that what the Lord has promised He is able also to perform. And it shall not be the appearance of the things that the enemy distorteth to thee, nor shall it be the appearance of things in thine own feelings that shall distort that word. But it shall be the faithfulness of thy God that shall perform it, and thou shalt believe it and stand in it in the name of the Lord. Oh, it is the day of aggressive faith.

Be not deceived in this hour. Accept not the condemnation that the enemy would war against thee, but rather walk thou in the fullness of the Lord. And rejoice thou, that thou art easily entreated before the Lord thy God. For hath the Lord chosen vessels that have already been made perfect? Nay, He hath chosen thee because thy spirit hath the ingredient in it that it should look unto the Lord to receive that which He would give unto thee, to mold thee and to make thee into that vessel which is meet for the Master’s use. Therefore, rejoice that thou art easily entreated before thy God, that thou hast a heart to yearn to do the thing which the Lord hath set before thee—not that thou art already able to do it, but that day by day thy heart yearneth to do the thing which the Lord hath set before thee. And each day thou shalt go from glory to glory, for the Lord shall set thee in a place which He has established for thee. Let not the enemy come against thee and discourage thee but rather walk forth in the fullness of that which the Lord seeth for thee. Say to the Lord, “Yea, this day I shall walk one step more unto Thee, into that which Thou hast set before me.” And yea, be not discouraged because thou failest but rather get up and walk in the fullness of that which He hast set before thee—one step at a time, but walk full in that thing which the Lord hath given unto thee.

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