Alignment is majestic

He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world – 1 John 4; 4- because whatever is born of God overcomes the world – 1 John 5; 4. As he is so are we in this world – 1 John4; 17.

If alignment is not focused on magnificence it is not worth anything. We are lining up with Jesus, in Jesus, and behind Jesus. Therefore, before we can add to our own identity we must first fully understand his. Secondly, we must embrace and fully experience the power of his identity in our own lives.

If we are to become aligned in all respects to Jesus we must move beyond measure to fullness. The life of Jesus contains every last ounce of the fullness of God physically. As he indwells us, that same fullness makes us complete and provokes us into a place of authority and rule over the enemy – Colossians 2; 9 to 10.

It is part of our journey that our heart become thoroughly cognizant of the incredible life that the father has bestowed upon us in Christ. We are his inheritance in the earth, and he is ours. Unless we see and experience that inheritance, we can never possess it to the same level of power that the father desires.

There is strength in alignment that brushes aside the enemy and reveals the fullness of power in Christ. Alignment is for the high places in God. It guarantees that we can stay in the rarefied atmosphere of abundance – to the point where our expectation of God is so strong, the enemy will back off from a fight.

Alignment is atmospheric. It lifts us up to the place of Majesty. The eyes of our heart are illuminated. We see all that he sees, and we are swallowed up in Majesty. We understand what it fully means to be the church as we experience God’s magnificence. We are no longer coming from behind in her battle with the enemy. Majesty introduces us to the power of constant subjection. Alignment creates a new place of authority, one that is attached to the fullness of Jesus. Our inheritance springs forth from that places we taste the power of this age and the one to come. Surpassing greatness becomes the norm for a spiritual warrior whose heart is set on alignment – Ephesians 1; 18 to 23.

Fullness relates to all that God is and wants to be in each of us. It is spiritually so rare and generous that it sets us apart from the usual. Only fullness can truly glorify God. Only Majesty can perfectly reveal his nature.

We need a clear, visual definition of his total supremacy. It is our point of origin where we find ourselves, adapting to the prevailing level of light – able to see clearly and to know Majesty by experience. We are lost in the wonder of God’ splendor, absorbed by the king, elevated by glory. His Majesty becomes our fixed point; his radiant nature the center of our attraction.

In that place of alignment, love conquers us fully. Every part of our being is touched and infiltrated. We become engrossed with the beauty of God’s nature. We are taken up into a high place, stranded on a mountaintop as the glory of his goodness parades before us, and we hear the joyous proclamation of God’s nature from his own lips.

The glory of alignment is that we can understand all that God is to us. Every part of our heart and mind is expanded in a way that is compatible with abundance – Ephesians 3; 16 – 20.

Measure limits us severely. It diminishes our thinking, believing, and experience. It corrupts our prayer to childish gibberish. Abundance makes us fully mature in Christ like exclamations of glory. Abundance and exuberance go together. They empower us into a place of maturity where the stature of the fullness of Christ is revealed – Ephesians 4; 13

Before the cross, Jesus shows us what is possible for a righteous man to be and to do before God. He is God’s visual aid to thoroughly enlighten humanity. After the cross, his indwelling presence brings a reality of heaven into our hearts. As it is in heaven, so it can be on earth; this is the Lord’s Prayer for us.

Spiritual warriors have learned to resist the enemy and overcome the circumstances facing them. They know how to release heaven by speaking peace and blessing over everything and everyone around them. They have developed ability to contribution positively to the spiritual atmosphere.

The enemy is the prince of the power the air – Ephesians 2: 2; he lives in the atmosphere. Spiritual warriors are perceptive. When they encounter a wrong atmosphere something rises up within them, and they have to check it out.

Walking through a mall in South England, I hit this brick wall in the spirit. One moment I was enjoying the Lord; the next, I was assailed by a sense of hopelessness. I backtracked a few yards and recovered myself. Repositioning is one of the attributes of alignment.

When I was ready I walked forward again in the permission of the Holy Spirit. I saw a long line of people waiting and then discovered a psychic booth. This man was reading palms, telling fortunes, reaching the dead, and doing tarot cards. According to the sign, he was there every Tuesday and Thursday.

Partnering with the Holy Spirit is another attribute of alignment. It is a partnership that is relentless against the enemy. I began to walk around the booth quietly speaking in tongues and worshiping Majesty. We don’t have to be loud or draw attention to ourselves. Our job-joy is to penetrate the atmosphere and burst the enemy’s balloon. It is better to do it under the radar. I watched as this man turned from being animated, excited, and commanding attention to a place of confusion and being flustered. Eventually he stopped. The vibrations have left, he said as he packed up his gear. I made sure for the next few weeks that each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, there were no vibrations in that mall. He never returned.

Spiritual warriors are constantly on assignment towards the enemy because they are aligned with Majesty. Unless we have specific permission from the Holy Spirit, we do not go looking for the enemy. It is rather that whenever we encounter him in life we have the freedom to move in our alignment. That means that we are not touched by what he is doing because the manifest presence of Jesus occupies our inner space.

Warriors are subject to wisdom especially when it comes to warfare strategy and tactics. We automatically know when our internal power can overcome the atmosphere. In the same way we know when it is prudent to step back and listen to the Holy Spirit. Some situations require more warriors.

It is one of the reasons why I have over 400 intercessors praying for my ministry. Some of them are powerful warriors in the spirit to give much-needed spiritual intelligence about the location I am to travel into as well as the breakthroughs that I can expect to see under the anointing.

For me this has meant the difference between accepting an invitation from people to actually taking an assignment from the Lord.

We first push the enemy back in our own inner space. Jesus said the prince of this world is come but he has nothing on me – John 14; 30. Alignment maintains a clean and pure heart. From this place of freedom we can dispense freedom. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free – Galatians 5: 1

It is vital that when we are overwhelmed by the freedom of the Lord; that we revel in Majesty and become preoccupied with his greatness. As the Holy Spirit enables our hearts to define the Majesty of God, so he will move us into the correct position before his throne. When we come to prayer in that place, our intercession is not concerned with the power the enemy, but is focused instead on the ascendancy of the Lord Jesus.

We began to determine what it feels like to have an ascended lifestyle in Jesus. We pray from a place of rest, seated with Christ in heavenly places far above earthly dominions. The power of constant subjection is realized through the authority of the Lord Jesus.

Warriors must deal with Majesty. The fullness of the splendor of Christ must take root in our hearts and produce fruit in our minds. When our believing and our thinking are fully engaged in Majesty, we will rise up effortlessly and occupy the place of our inheritance, which the father has set aside for us.

Assignment – what will it take for you to believe that God is unceasingly magnificent towards you? Journal that through.

Commission – what are the steps you can begin to take that will enable you to walk out of measure in the fullness?

What must change in your heart first? How must your thinking be aligned next? Use the space provided to process your way forward in a way that causes you to smile, laugh and develop a sense of wonder!

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