Always leave a door open to possibilities

Jesus said, all things are possible to him who believes(Mark 9: 23). The origin of the word possible has its roots in the concept of being made powerful, capable, strong and mighty. It is a word relating to empowerment. God gives us power by putting us into a state of favor with him. He puts us into Christ, which is a state of grace with incredible favor attached. In this place, everything is possible, doable and attainable.

If we can conceive of something in our hearts, it can be realized in experience. Promises are the engine room of possibility. When God gives us a promise, he is releasing us from logic to imagination. He wants us to see beyond the problem to its fulfillment. A promise takes us away from Egypt and moves us towards Canaan. A promise is a guaranteed outcome that empowers us to walk the steps towards freedom and realization.

The father loves our impossibilities. He adores the moment when he can step into our helplessness and hopelessness and make his intentions clear. A promise announces his presence in the very circumstances that would cause unbelief in us. When life makes us disabled in the natural world, he comes from heaven to lift us into another dimension of being.

With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God (Mark 10: 27). He makes the unthinkable become imaginable. That which is beyond the bounds of possibility is now in Christ brought within reach.

A promise is more than just a powerful word. It is the intention of God made tangible. God delights in working in us so that we can conceive what is in his heart for us. We are set free from the rigid confines of rational thinking when our spirit soars into the realm of God’s intention. Our spirit lives in the presence of God. Our spirit is free to roam the place of dreaming. The gospel restores humanity to the place of vision, design, and aspiration. The good news of Jesus Christ removes our bondages for all time and pushes us into a Kingdom where all things are possible.

When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Then our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting. Then they said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us. We are glad (psalms126: 1-3).

The gospel is so amazing it borders on fantasy. The good news is so incredible it’s almost too good to be true. In the world if something sounds too good to be true, someone is being conned. In the Kingdom, if it is not too good to be true, it isn’t God!

On the day of Pentecost (Acts2) God announced his intention with an outpouring of the Spirit, which would make it possible for people to access the kingdom through ascension, visions, dreams and prophecy, as a part of the new reality of being in Christ. Peter in his preaching that day refers back in time to a prior promise given to Joel (2: 28-32).

Prophecy, vision, and dreams take us into the realm of God’s intention and possibility. They help us to bypass the natural mindset with its over reliance on rationale and the need to understand everything before we make a decision. Prophecy, vision, and dreaming are part of the principles of faith where we learn to trust in the Lord with our heart (the inner man of the spirit) and not lean on our own understanding (proverbs 3: 5-6).

Walking by faith requires an acknowledgement that he has spoken, and we are moving in obedience. He makes our paths straight so that progressively we move more easily from the impossible to the possible.

In the Spirit, everything is doable. He first must move us forward in our believing. We must come to a place of agreement. Yes! God can do this! Then we take the first step necessary in our own obedience. God can do it, but the way he will do it, he may not reveal. We trust and move; He makes it possible.

God seldom reveals the process by which he will do the impossible for us. He does not want us to be distracted from presence, promise and trusting. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, (complete focus on him). He will do it. It’s always a possibility.

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