I eat your flesh and drink your blood so that I will not die but live forever
I engage in the DNA of God I embrace the transforming power of the body & blood of Jesus
I engage the record containing the light, sound and frequency of God’s image for transfiguration
I embrace the record of the dimensions of the kingdom released in my body by the DNA of God
I engage that DNA record and apply it to my bones for health and wholeness to remove all negative epigenetic hereditary switches
I speak to my marrow and command it to be a new source of blood that will transform the DNA of my cells so that I can be transfigured and live forever
I apply the frequency of God’s DNA to transform me into the image of Jesus.
I command every genetic record to be transformed and my DNA to be re-sequence into alignment with my eternal image
I apply the blood of Jesus to transform all impure genetic material – be transformed
I apply the blood of Jesus to all iniquitous genetic patterns – be cleansed
I call all my genetic material to resonate with the DNA of God and come into alignment with my eternal image
I choose to bear the record, my eternal image conformed to the likeness of my Father and Brother in heaven, and to be transfigured to radiate their glory
Let the breath of God be breathed into my life transforming me into a living being joined to the Lord and one spirit with Him
I speak creative words to my DNA to release the supernatural abilities of God
I trigger the ability to see and move in the spiritual realm of the kingdom
I trigger the ability to transform matter and control light and sound