There are so many believers that are not real. They say they are bible believing which is not true.

We are bible believing when we live the bible. We are bible believing when we become the living embodiment of the word.

If you have been baptized in the Spirit, then you have experienced being full of the Spirit, you know what it means to be filled with the Spirit.

The question is are you filled with the Spirit right now? We are commanded to be continually filled with the Spirit. You have to learn how join your spirit to the Lord, and draw the life of God into it. You have to learn how to focus upon the majesty of the Lord and tune into  His divine attributes until you are overflowing.  We have to learn how to be filled with the Spirit and then learn how to release it. Learn how to let it flow. Learn how to release the Spirit of God in the words that come out of our mouth, so that those we are ministering to and feel the Presence of God.

Jesus said: “John 5: 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. 64 But there are some of you who do not believe.

John 1: 16 For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share, and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift. (the amplified bible)

The only thing that is going to grow is our experience of fullness, but we can have the reality of fullness right now. It is just the experience that is going to change; it is going to get more powerful, more pronounced, more noticeable, more obvious.

But all the time we have this casual, up and down, in and out encounter with the fullness of the Spirit, looking for some outpouring of the Spirit, not realizing it is right inside of us.

Note this: ALL YOU LEADERS-the outpouring of the Spirit is going to come through you. You are going to create the atmosphere, where the Spirit of God can freely move.

We need to be able to walk into any church and increase the manifest presence of the Lord 100 percent, we are carriers of the glory of God.

Of his fullness we have all received John 1:16

We are always going to be living in our own version of measure unless we become a true believer.

We need to let our present reality come into alignment with what the Word of God says.

We are exactly what we want to be right now in Christ. We must think big, think strong, and think powerful. Don’t think weak, I can’t. Yes you can!

Paul said I can do all things; what were “the all things”? He may not have had a sense about what “the all things were” when he wrote that. He just knew in Christ He could do it. He walked with God, one step at a time.

We can do all the things the Lord authorizes and commissions us to do. The question is “are you a real believer.”?

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