Are you passing God’s tests?

The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord.

When we come into a walk with God we come under the dealings of the Lord. What are the dealings of the Lord?

Is is the transformation process where we go from grace to grace, faith to faith, strength to strength, Glory to Glory.

We have two relationships with God, and this is where people miss it! They do not realize this!

By one sacrifice Jesus has perfected forever those who are in the process of being sanctified.

God knows our past, present and future, and God deals with those he foreknows are going to begin to walk with Him, in the time and space realm. So He sees them perfect in Christ, because in the eternal realm of God, we have already lived our lives.

But while we are upon the earth, He sovereignly orders our steps so that we may appropriate the finished work of Christ on the cross in the here and now!

So what we must learn is who does Jesus want to become to us, at this moment in time. Jesus is made to us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and every thing, I mean everything we need.

But we have to learn how to appropriate the divine nature, so that we don’t go around in circles, in the wilderness of testing the rest of our lives but come into the manifestation of Sonship.

So yesterday I failed and passed God’s test. My new housing was accepted a month ago, So for one month I have had to rely on two other people my case manager and an apartment manager to get me into my new apartment, so I was learning longsuffering which has to do with people, patience has to do with circumstances.

So to make a long story short there was a communication problem between my case manager and the apartment manager, finally the time for getting an extension on my housing voucher had passed.

Well’ like that old comic character Popeye the sailor man enough was enough, I ate my can of spinach- I am going to do this my self, so I spent about an hour making out a profit and loss statement figuring out exactly how much money I received from donations to my ministry, in the year 2022 and how much my expenses were. Because I did not receive enough money to have to file taxes.

So I called the apartment manager one more time, which I have done several times during that month not being able to get a hold of her and if she answered I was going to email it to her, if not I was going to have my case manager print it out for me and take the bus to the apartment complex every day until I got a hold of her because my voucher expires on the 15.

And she answered the phone and I was explaing how I made out a profit and loss statement and was going to email it to her. And she said oh, don’t worry about that, i was just going to call you and tell you that you have been accepted, because the case manager made one out for last month and emailed it to her and she emailed it to the apartment owner and he accepted it.

Well I failed the test, my love and long-suffering in dealing with people fell short of my Heavenly Fathers. So I became broken in spirit again, producing a godly sorrow which leads to repentance, crying my eyes out before God, and He said don’t worry about it, you have learned your lessen.

Now we are going to deal with this area of your heart! What? Here we go again!

God is not going to stop dealing with me, until I am exactly like my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

This is why I say a broken and contrite spirit is the most important attribute you can have if you are going to come into a walk with God. Or are you already perfected in the natural realm?

What area of your heart is God dealing with right now?

What is the purpose of a problem?

It is to point to the solution! Who the Lord Jesus Christ wants to become to you right now, so that you can appropriate and partake of His divine nature.

You don’t have any problems, oh! I am so sorry for you! Don’t worry I will pray that the Lord give you some!

That is why we need to get excited over problems in our life! Glory, Hallelujah! It is time to grow a little more in the Lord!

Categorized as Testings

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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