Salvation and the Cross

Although many Christians believe salvation was obtained at the cross, that’s technically incorrect. Salvation was certainly obtained by the cross, but it was not obtained at the cross. We can be sure of this because Paul said in AD 58–almost three decades after the cross–”Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed” (Rom. 13:10).… Continue reading Salvation and the Cross

The Passing of the Law

Many Christians believe the Law/Old Covenant ended when Jesus died on the cross in approximately AD 33. Another popular view is that the Law ended on Pentecost, fifty days after the cross. However, both of these views have insurmountable problems, not the least of which is that the writer of Hebrews said in approximately AD… Continue reading The Passing of the Law

The Already and Not Yet

The New Testament is filled with New Covenant realities that had already arrived in part (pre-AD 70), but had not yet arrived in full. Consider the following examples: Salvation had already arrived in part (2 Tim. 1:9, Titus 3:5, 1 Cor. 6:11), but salvation still had to come in full (Rom. 13:10; 1 Pet. 1:5;… Continue reading The Already and Not Yet

The End of the Age

“Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? Assuredly, I [Jesus] say to you [apostles], this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place” (Matt. 24:3, 34,). The significance of the end of the Old… Continue reading The End of the Age

Prophecies Fulfilled in the First Century

Let’s explore the many biblical prophecies that were fulfilled in the first century, specifically around the year AD 70. The Historical Climate in first-century Judea In Wars of the Jews, the first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (AD 31-101) chronicled the war between the Jews and the Romans, which began in the spring of AD 67… Continue reading Prophecies Fulfilled in the First Century

The Third Temple

Because of all the speculation and controversy regarding the topic of the “third temple,” I want to respond to three common questions about it. Temple Question #1: Does Ezekiel 40–47 prophesy that a third temple will one day be built for Jews? Biblical commentators differ as to which temple Ezekiel is referring to in chapters 40–47.… Continue reading The Third Temple

Are We in the Last Days?

This message will show that “the last days” refers to the last days of the Old Covenant age–not the last days of planet earth, and not the last days of the Christian age. The last days’ time period began at Jesus’ earthly ministry (first coming) in approximately AD 30 and ended at his coming in… Continue reading Are We in the Last Days?

Coming as a Thief

While Jesus “came as a thief” to his enemies, it was not like that for his disciples. First, the apostle Paul said: “But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a… Continue reading Coming as a Thief

In Like Manner

Since Jesus ascended to heaven in a physical body, must he therefore return in a physical body? “Now when He [Jesus] had spoken these things, while they [the disciples] watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold,… Continue reading In Like Manner

The Man of Sin

Is the infamous man of sin someone in the future…or has he already come? “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day [second coming] will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that… Continue reading The Man of Sin

Resurrection Fulfilled

Here’s a simple way to show the general resurrection happened in the first century. The general resurrection was one of the Old Testament promises that God made to Israel (Isa. 25:8, Dan. 12:2). And Jesus said he came to fulfill the promises made to Israel. In fact, he said not one jot or tittle could… Continue reading Resurrection Fulfilled

In the Days of His Flesh

Does Jesus still have a fleshly body? While the Bible does not explicitly tell us what happened to Jesus’s body after the ascension (in AD 33), it does teach that Jesus no longer has a fleshly body…although he does have a body. To begin with, Christians agree that Jesus did not have a fleshly body… Continue reading In the Days of His Flesh

The Long Delay

Did Jesus really teach he would delay his return for thousands of years? Those who say “yes” usually point to the following two passages in Matthew. In the parable of the virgins, Jesus said the Bridegroom (which represents himself) delayed his return (Matt. 25:1–13). Likewise, in the parable of the talents, Jesus said the Master… Continue reading The Long Delay

1 Thessalonians 4: Fulfilled

Many Christians believe 1 Thessalonians 4:15–18 is a still-future event. However, the biblical evidence shows it must have happened in the first century. Here’s what the passage says: “15 For this we [apostles] say to you [Thessalonians] by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the… Continue reading 1 Thessalonians 4: Fulfilled

The Dating of Revelation

“The key to understanding the book of Revelation has been hanging by the front door all along (the timing indicator in Rev. 1:1–3). Unfortunately, most people walk right past the key and try to climb in the window”. While Christians generally agree that most of the New Testament was written before AD 70, there is… Continue reading The Dating of Revelation

The Rapture…or Not?

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven…and we who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thess. 4:16–17). Up until the 1800s, most Christians understood this passage to refer to the second coming and general resurrection. However, many Christians in America today (namely, dispensationalists) say… Continue reading The Rapture…or Not?

The Mark of the Beast

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let… Continue reading The Mark of the Beast

Does 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 Prophesy About a Future, Physical Resurrection?

“Behold I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed–in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this… Continue reading Does 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 Prophesy About a Future, Physical Resurrection?

When Was the Tribulation?

During his earthly ministry in AD 30, Jesus predicted “great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24:21). Jesus went on to say it would happen within “this generation” (v. 34). Keep in mind, a biblical generation equates to around forty… Continue reading When Was the Tribulation?

Who Is Israel Today?

We often hear Christians saying we should bless Israel. And it’s true; we should. But who is true Israel today? It has nothing to do with one’s bloodline or place of residence. Paul said, “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly…but he is a Jew who is one inwardly” (Rom. 2:28–29). True… Continue reading Who Is Israel Today?

New Building from Heaven

Will Christians get new “buildings”–that is, new physical bodies–from heaven at the Resurrection? Those who say “yes” often point to Paul’s words in Corinthians: “For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this… Continue reading New Building from Heaven

The Fullness of the Gentiles

Many Christians believe the “fullness of the Gentiles” refers to a set number of Gentiles that will come to the Lord. After the last Gentile is converted, then Jesus will return. The passage often used to “prove” this is Romans 11:25: “For I [Paul] do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this… Continue reading The Fullness of the Gentiles

A Small Sample of Bad Christian Prophecy Memes and Comments

Eschatology memes are all the rage on Facebook. One of the most egregious is one that claims that Donald Trump is the antichrist. Some people did something similar with former President Obama and even JFK after his “mortal head wound.” The Trump antichrist memes started with Revelation 13:3 after Trump was shot in the ear:… Continue reading A Small Sample of Bad Christian Prophecy Memes and Comments

The New Jerusalem

What is the New Jerusalem? Many Christians believe it to be a physical city that will one day come down from heaven. However, Jesus and the biblical writers described it as a spiritual place. For example, Jesus said: “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem,… Continue reading The New Jerusalem

What are Covenants?

If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you no doubt know about the Old and New Covenants. But what you may not know is that these covenants represent marriage covenants; namely, God’s marriage covenants with his people. The Old Covenant was God’s marriage covenant with Israel (mostly Jews); and the New Covenant… Continue reading What are Covenants?

Does Preterism Take Away Hope?

“If this is all God had in mind, you can have it” – hyperfuturist Sam Frost [1] Does preterism take away the Christian’s hope? Not at all. In fact, it affirms it. Since Jesus’s prophecy of the second coming was fulfilled exactly when it was supposed to—within the lifetimes of Jesus’s first-century audiences (Matt. 10:23,… Continue reading Does Preterism Take Away Hope?

The Dating of the New Testament

We can be confident the New Testament was written before AD 70 for a number of reasons. To start with, during his earthly ministry Jesus prophesied that Jerusalem and the temple would be destroyed (Matt. 24:2–35, Luke 21:5–33, Mark 13:1–31). Yet Jerusalem and the temple—which historians agree were destroyed in AD 70—were still intact and… Continue reading The Dating of the New Testament

Is the Bible True?

There are many reasons we can be confident the Bible is true. First, it contains prophecies that came to pass with amazing accuracy. Second, the Bible has gone through centuries of intense scrutiny by its critics and has shown itself reliable. Third, the writers/apostles endured torture and martyrdom rather than recanting their testimonies. Fourth, the… Continue reading Is the Bible True?

The Transformation of Lowly Bodies (Philippians 3:21)—Physical or Spiritual?

“Who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body” (Phil. 3:21) This passage is often used to “prove” a future physical resurrection. Paul talks about “being conformed to His [Jesus’s] death…if, by any means, I may obtain… Continue reading The Transformation of Lowly Bodies (Philippians 3:21)—Physical or Spiritual?

Coming in Flaming Fire

“It is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not… Continue reading Coming in Flaming Fire

Hades / Sheol

There’s a lot of confusion about Hades, but it simply refers to the realm of the dead (or place of the dead). The Old Testament equivalent is called Sheol. This is where the dead went before the time of Jesus, or more specifically, before Jesus completed the atonement. The story of The Rich Man and… Continue reading Hades / Sheol

Covenants of God

Jesus Christ wants to do something that is going to change us and affect our lives for eternity. Everything we do today is a dressing room for tomorrow and Yahweh is going to enable us to come to him and received from him so that when we do come there we are already clothed in… Continue reading Covenants of God

Familiar spirits

The word familiar means: to be deeply acquainted with, to be well known, to be intimate or excessively informal. The Hebrew word that is used in the Bible to describe a familiar spirit is pronounced obe. Translated into English it means a leather bottle. It occurs 17 times in the Bible to mean bottle made… Continue reading Familiar spirits

The 4 faces of God

Revelation 4:6 – 4 living beings, dotted front and back with eyes, stood at the throne’s 4 sides. The first of these living beings was in the form of a lion; the second looked like an ox; the third had the face of a man; and the fourth, the form of an eagle, with wings… Continue reading The 4 faces of God

Heavenly trading

I want to teach about trading in the heavens and things that we can trade with because who you are in the heavens is who you are on the earth. Jesus tore the veil. In front of me and around me is a veil that separates me from the realm of the kingdom of heaven.… Continue reading Heavenly trading


Whatever you look like in the spirit is how the demonic spirit world sees you. Whatever you carry of the kingdom is what you represent when you are in the realm of the spirt.  Some of the vibrant things we need to carry as believers are the crowns that God has given us. Crowns are very important because a… Continue reading Crowns

Categorized as Authority


One of the things we struggle with as believers is that we try to draw heaven down to earth instead of allowing heaven to draw us up from earth into heaven. One thing I’ve recognized in churches is that we still try, through the religious processes and the ways that we have been taught, to… Continue reading Introduction

Unrepented imaginations

I want to teach on the mind and problems we have with the images inside our mind. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen – Hebrews 11:1. This can be translated as, faith is a tangible reality of the things dreamed about that are yet in vision… Continue reading Unrepented imaginations


Gateways are a vitally important reality in our lives as believers, not only in our own personal lives but also in the realm of the spirit. Gateways are entry points; they are the things or places where we access the realm of Heaven. They are gateways or doorways and everlasting doors. Everlasting doors are the… Continue reading Gateways

The human mind

I want to teach practically, to give you some understanding of why we struggle with the spirit realm. The Lord has given me insights into how things work. When I was speaking in America, I did not know it, but I had a neurosurgeon in the meeting. I talked about this subject and he came… Continue reading The human mind


I want to talk about something that has been really precious to me and came at the end of a long series of spiritual events that began to happen in my life. It started as I was realizing things about the chambers of the heart and the garden of intimacy that you can build with… Continue reading Eden

The river

One of the things that comes out of heaven is the river of glory. It is vitally important for us as believers to understand this river. It is important to understand what it means to have the river of glory flowing, because without the river there is no renewal or refreshing. The Bible talks about… Continue reading The river

The courtroom of God

How to access the courtroom of God is a vitally important ingredient that we need to understand as believers. Ezekiel 1 talks about the throne that moves and comes down. It is on four wheels, which are four cherubs that carry the movable ark. This throne is like the throne that is in heaven, but… Continue reading The courtroom of God

The DNA of God

One of the most important things the enemy has kept hidden from us in our walk with God is our identity – who we are, what we actually carry and the reality of what is inside of us as sons of God. I grew up in my early church years with communion being a celebration… Continue reading The DNA of God


We are living in the days that are shortening. We must get to grips with who we are as the sons and heirs of the kingdom of heaven. We must get to grips with the fact that we are able to go into heaven and we are able to experience heaven today. Whatever you look… Continue reading Crowns


How do we deal with iniquity? As we have seen throughout this book, iniquity is not a simple sin that we just ask for forgiveness and and the problem. Iniquity is an entire body of sin and evil, rooted within our spirit. Iniquity has corrupted the whole structure of our thoughts and our behavior, and… Continue reading Conclusion

Categorized as Iniquity

The dwellings of iniquity

Genesis 2:7 – and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. Genesis 1:28 –… Continue reading The dwellings of iniquity

Categorized as Iniquity


The major hindrance to see God’s glory manifested in your life. I’m greatly way down within my soul as I observed thousands and hundreds of thousands of Christian suffering greatly, going through never ending deserts, bearing sicknesses with no apparent relief and burdened by irrevocable curses. This suffering is caused me to intensely seek God’s… Continue reading Iniquity

Categorized as Iniquity

My personal journey

Over the past for 5 years my personal journey has changed. I don’t spin my wheels as much in my pursuit relationship with God. I no longer focus on not committing sins. That is one thing the Lord showed me early on. If you focus on not committing the sin, you are still focused on… Continue reading My personal journey

Feeding your spirit

John 6:63 – it is a spirited quick enough; the flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak on you, they are spirit in their life. There are the things that should be more obvious, like prayer and Bible study. Another things like church attendance and fellowship as well. These things are a given for… Continue reading Feeding your spirit

Honor and focused

Then the Lord answered me and said: right division and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it – Habakkuk 2:2 Journaling One of the very 1st things you should do is buy a journal or a notebook of some kind. You will need this in which to record all the… Continue reading Honor and focused

Weapons of our warfare

We have an arsenal. We have angelic armies. We have the blood covenant and the resurrection power the Holy Spirit. We have not been left lacking any needed thing. If we feel, or are, defeated in any area of her life, it’s not because the Lord and make provision for us. Usually it’s because we… Continue reading Weapons of our warfare

Busting through

The Lord has given us everything we need to get us where he wants us to go. That includes recovering our site. I say recovering our site because children usually have no or very little trouble seeing into the spirit realm. It one time you probably saw in the spirit just fine. What happens is,… Continue reading Busting through

Focus and awareness

One night I woke up and decided to pray for a little while. I just continued to lie in bed and began to engage the Lord in conversation. After a little while, I began to talk to Lord about one of my favorite subjects, seeing in the spirit. The conversation between us was not at… Continue reading Focus and awareness

The spirit realm

The spirit realm is the superior realm that we live in. The scene realm was created from the unseen realm. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which are visible – Hebrews 11:3. It is a little… Continue reading The spirit realm

Wisdom and understanding

The Bible tells us to get wisdom, and with wisdom get understanding. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding – Proverbs 4:7. You can get the greatest wisdom, from people who see openly in the spirit realm. From those who are where you would like to be.… Continue reading Wisdom and understanding

The Changing Church: War and Peace!

The Church is changing direction as God leads His people directly, deals with the hirelings, and bypasses the pulpits which have usurped His Headship. This section goes from the arrival of the glorious Bride-Church – to the backlash from current structures that are shouting loudly against God’s move. Millions are living as disciples, as doers… Continue reading The Changing Church: War and Peace!

Ecclesia rising

Matthew 16:18 – I will build my ecclesia; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. In our modern Bibles the word church has been used in place of the original Greek word ecclesia. Much has been lost to us through this translation. At that time in history ecclesia was a familiar word… Continue reading Ecclesia rising

The redemption of pain

We are of matchless worth. As the angel entered into the room accompanied by the heavy presence of God he handed me what looked like tiny red glass perfume bottles. Each one I understood contained our tears mingled with the tears of God, representing the compassion of Christ. The angel then gave me the title… Continue reading The redemption of pain

For all who are hurting

Jesus – will you come with me into the next chapter of your life, where I kiss your wounds and cause you to fly. A word from God’s heart Don’t fear little one it is the father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom. Don’t fear for I’m with you always to the very end of… Continue reading For all who are hurting

His great love

Every miracle provides us with a window into the heart of God. Every healing touch of Jesus enables us to know him more completely. Every time we become aware of his compassion flowing towards us and we turn in our heart towards our God of love, we receive the river of his presence touching us,… Continue reading His great love

Living in Christ

Created as a doorway between two realms our spirits receive and release the river of his presence. Just as Jesus came first and revealed the fullness of the nature of father, so in Christ we are about to experience a whole new measure of being fully filled with him. Christ in us is the hope… Continue reading Living in Christ

The coming glory

Prepared by the spirit of Awe, our hearts are being made ready to steward power. While in conversation with a dear friend, the presence of God suddenly became very heavy, completely enveloping me then gently lifting me upwards, as through a vortex. Within seconds I found myself standing alongside Jesus only this time in heaven,… Continue reading The coming glory

Ekklesia rising

Ecclesia – the mystical body of Christ; a people called out from the world to God. a people ruled by the government of God’s indwelling spirit. Citizens of another realm. Ambassadors of the eternal kingdom, of heaven. Introduction There is a body of people rising up in the earth, destined to be the counterpart of… Continue reading Ekklesia rising

Where is the conflict?

Several years ago I was chosen for jury duty. The case was an armed robbery of a convenience store. The young man on trial was one who supposedly was the lookout for this robbery. The deciding factor for us as the jury, was his actions, movements and countenance as he was caught on the surveillance… Continue reading Where is the conflict?

Voices in the courts

There are many different voices in a court. There is the voice of the judge, the voice of the attorneys, the voice of witnesses, the voice of bailouts, the voice of recorders, the voice of the jury and others as well. There are also many different voices in the courts of heaven. Our job is… Continue reading Voices in the courts

The voice of the judge

The O.J. Simpson trial was hailed as the trial the century. He was charged with the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Simpson, and Ron Goldman. The outcome of the trial was that OJ was found innocent of the crime and set free. This was a surprising verdict that is debated to this day. What I… Continue reading The voice of the judge

The mediator’s testimony

I have a friend who found himself being sued for the fulfillment of a contract his company had signed. The company had agreed to pay this person a salary of $42,000. The problem was that the company that had been started, floundered and went out of business. This person, who is demanding payment, had been… Continue reading The mediator’s testimony

The books of heaven

If we really want to get results from the courts of heaven, we need to know how to operate within these courts. Lawyers go to school for years to learn how to operate within our judicial systems. They learn to speak the language of the courts. Just as they must know how to address the… Continue reading The books of heaven


Most people I know believe intensely in prayer. Even those who would not consider them selves Christians, actually believe in prayer – especially in times of trouble, trauma and tribulation. Yet, even with this strong belief in prayer there is still a great deal of frustration concerning how it operates and what we need to… Continue reading Introduction

Contending for the books

On a trip to Germany found myself operating in a heavenly courtroom setting. The folks that I was ministering with a very skilled at going into the courts of heaven in getting things legally in place of God’s will can be done on the earth. As we were functioning in this fear and contending with… Continue reading Contending for the books

Books and destinies

Everything in the spirit realm is about legalities. God is given mankind freedom of choice and therefore he can do nothing unless we give him the legal right. The devil, also, can do nothing unless it is legally allowed. We, as people of the earth, grant a legal permission for either the devil to work… Continue reading Books and destinies

My Blood

One day, Jesus spoke what could be the most important words concerning His legacy upon the earth. These words shook His followers and provoked absolute wrath among the religious leaders of His time. His statement made hell tremble. It would mark the difference between those who had been given to Him truly by the Father,… Continue reading My Blood

Jesus the Son of Man

Understanding why Jesus is called the Son of Man will give us invaluable knowledge in how to move in the power of God. Jesus as the Son of God, we are learning the bible teaches that Holy Spirit conceived Jesus, and the Father was there for His birth. Jesus was always the Word of God… Continue reading Jesus the Son of Man

7 Step Daily Meditation for Rest

1. Love – feeling compassion. 2. Joy – feeling thankful and grateful. 3. Peace – forgiveness and blessing. 4. Surrender – being living sacrifices. 5. Engaging destiny – having clear vision. 6. Framing life – creating reality. 7. Living in blessing and empowerment. Preparation Close your eyes, think about and focus on your breathing and… Continue reading 7 Step Daily Meditation for Rest

Testimony- Seeing

Hearing God’s voice, visions etc, seeing in the spirit, Spirit travel, and heavenly encounters. All seem easy as I describe them but… it is a Long Journey of discovery. Forerunner open the door for others Persevere & press in. I had a Methodist & Brethren background. Strong Fear of public speaking or even reading out… Continue reading Testimony- Seeing

Language of the spirit 

We are going on a journey or an adventure together. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership.  2 Cor 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what… Continue reading Language of the spirit 

Open Heaven

We are going on a journey or an adventure together. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership. Rick Joyner – “Torch and the Sword”:  “The body of Christ is about to go through… Continue reading Open Heaven


We are going on a journey an adventure together. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership .  2 Cor 4:18- so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what… Continue reading Faith 


We are going on a journey or an adventure together. There is 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership.  2 Cor 4:18- So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what… Continue reading Angels 


The restoration of apostolic and prophetic ministries has opened the way for greater revelation to be released to the Church worldwide. God is opening up the Spirit realm and pioneers are helping us enter into new realms of understanding. The revelation contained in this book has a pioneering thrust to set the captives free. I… Continue reading Restoration

My Father’s Resurrection

Testimony of the Resurrection of My Father When the Lord Took Him Out of the Captivity of Death. On December 28, my father was diagnosed with multiple pneumonias and was developing lung cancer. The situation was complicated by the fact that my father was an alcoholic and as a result, suffered from diabetes. We had… Continue reading My Father’s Resurrection

The Deliverance of Philip

The powers of darkness are extremely aware of how important it is to affect human beings in infancy. In this time of such fragility, they try to put hooks in children’s souls so they can use them later and drag them toward their corrupt plans. Rose had a high-risk pregnancy. At different times, she suffered… Continue reading The Deliverance of Philip

Set Free from Homosexuality and Drug Addiction

Our team’s objective is to release people from the captivity in which satan has held them due to iniquity and generational decrees. The purpose of my testimony is to give glory to my beloved King Jesus. Before knowing Christ, I served the devil in a number of ways: homosexuality, drug addiction, alcoholism, witchcraft, fraud, and… Continue reading Set Free from Homosexuality and Drug Addiction

Section Two Amazing Testimonies of Deliverance From Captivity

Chapter 8 A Gadarene by Prophetess Flory González M EXICO The Powerful Deliverance of a Satanist Living in a Cave in Brazil M y name is Flory Gonzales, I have a prophetic ministry in Mexico City and have been part of Dr. Ana Mendez Ferrell’s spiritual warfare team for more than 20 years. In 2005… Continue reading Section Two Amazing Testimonies of Deliverance From Captivity

The Era of New Revelations

THIS is a time when God is pouring out treasures of wisdom. The apostolic and prophetic era in which we are living is bringing us new dimensions of Jesus’ light. The Scriptures are being understood with far greater clarity. There is an unprecedented revelation of the power and manifestation of the Kingdom of God. God… Continue reading The Era of New Revelations

Part 4 – inner relation of the spirit, soul and body

Chapter 12 – inner relation of the tripartite being Our entire being: spirit, soul and body are intimately related and all its parts. We are the temple of the spirit in our integral composition. Therefore, the way the natural body is assembled similar to how the spiritual is put together.  Colossians 2:1 – vainly puffed… Continue reading Part 4 – inner relation of the spirit, soul and body

Chapter 11 – frequencies of the spirit and the soul

All things in the universe whether visible or invisible, are formed from energy; both spiritual and physical. Energy forms an electromagnetic field around all things in both realms. Science measures is energy in terms of frequency. They have not figured out how to define the spiritual dimensions, but they have been able to identify them… Continue reading Chapter 11 – frequencies of the spirit and the soul

Chapter 10 – the soul

As we saw in the beginning, the soul is the decoder between the spirit and body. Just like the spirit, the soul is composed of a spiritual substance and has all the necessary elements to survive and function, even when the spirit is dormant. 1 – states of the soul A – the Adamic soul… Continue reading Chapter 10 – the soul


Knowing our spirit, in all its forms and functions, is the key element that allows us to grow as sons of God. The knowledge of how our interbeing was designed has been a hidden mystery for centuries. After much searching, I have come to the conclusion that nothing has been written to shed light with… Continue reading Introduction

The 4 chambers of the heart

The 4 chambers of the heart are: 1- the garden of the heart, 2-the dance floor, 3- the soaking room of preparation and 4- the bridal chamber. I would like to teach on these subjects from my own personal experience. First chamber – personal garden The first chamber of the heart is the personal garden.… Continue reading The 4 chambers of the heart

Trading in the heavens

Unlocking your scroll of destiny For us to understand where we are going and what YHVH wants us to do, we have to understand and remember where we have come from. We’ve got to go back to the very root of our origins, to the source of our life and how we were originally created… Continue reading Trading in the heavens

Seated in heavenly places

We have entered a new millennium, and with it the most amazing and exciting age of the church (ecclesia). The ecclesia is those called out of the world, to rule the world. God is bringing upon the earth amazing waves of anointing and revelation with the mandate-commission of bringing about a powerful, apostolic Reformation (the… Continue reading Seated in heavenly places

The governing church

Revelation 12:5 – and she brought forth a man child, who was the rule all nations with a rod iron: and her child was caught up on the God, and to his throne. God is calling the church to govern the earth. The establishment of the kingdom of God implies one government that will replace… Continue reading The governing church

Section 2 – Reformation – chapter 8 – principles of Reformation

Second Corinthians 4:3 – but if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Since entering… Continue reading Section 2 – Reformation – chapter 8 – principles of Reformation

Chapter 6 – the dwellings of the spirit in heavenly places

Ephesians 1:3 – Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Understanding the prophetic realm The spiritual man God reveals to us a spiritual world through the Scriptures, and it is in the Scriptures that we can find the… Continue reading Chapter 6 – the dwellings of the spirit in heavenly places

9 – the blueprint

first Corinthians 15:49 – and as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. I really find that when Yahweh speaks, he does not speak into what we know. He speaks into what we do not know in the hope that we would be yoked to… Continue reading 9 – the blueprint

8 – the pattern

there is an intimate desire in every single one of us to create. We need to understand that if we are going to be a priest over something in a king over something, to have a voice and bring government into it, we must understand how it was made. We are limited concerning the process… Continue reading 8 – the pattern

7 – Kingship

Within the boundaries of the order of Melchizedek, one of the faces is a king. Yahweh calls us Kings and priests of our God so we need to understand kingship ( first Peter 2:9, Revelation 1:6). A king is a judge, a provider and a protector. God gave Adam dominion over the earth to rule… Continue reading 7 – Kingship

5 – judge your house

Leviticus 4:13 – and if the whole congregation of Israel sins through ignorance, and the thing be hid from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done somewhat against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which should not be done, and are guilty… 16 – and the priest that is anointed… Continue reading 5 – judge your house

3 – Faith, hope, desire and truth

Before we look at faith, hope, desire and truth, I need to address an issue that people often misunderstand: assumed spiritual responsibility in contrast to delegated spiritual responsibility. We can assume spiritual responsibility, but whether we have been delegated to that spiritual responsibility is a completely different arena. Responsibility is measured by our maturity. Maturity… Continue reading 3 – Faith, hope, desire and truth

14 bridal chamber

1 Cor 6:17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought… Continue reading 14 bridal chamber

13 marriage ceremony

Marriage Ceremony 26th April 2018.The time of the separation of singlehood is nearly over. The joy of walking together in the celestial and the terrestrial will be restored.  Come fire walk with Me and new vistas and new horizons will come into view. This marriage will be a marriage consummated in fire just as it… Continue reading 13 marriage ceremony

11 Soul core issues

Before we can separate and reintegrate soul and spirit, we need to reintegrate the fragmented soul.  We need to see all walls, barriers and partitions come down penetrated by the love of God that casts out all fear. We are a 3- part being Spirit, Soul, Body. God is a tri-part being Father, Son, Spirit.… Continue reading 11 Soul core issues

10 dark cloud testimony

The 4 chambers of the heart represent the 5 aspects of marriage. Lakah–Garden . Segullah–Dance Floor . Micvah –Soaking Room . Ketubah terms of relationship . Huppah–Bridal Chamber 2 year season 2010 to 2012 that birthed transformation in my life. 2 year season of becoming a disciple through the discipline of the transformation process.  I… Continue reading 10 dark cloud testimony

9 Make a Ketubah

To make a Ketubah we need to understand God’s promises and purpose. The new covenant becomes the basis of our Ketubah. Ketubah needs to be made in light of our destiny scroll that was formed in God’s heart and agreed with our spirit in eternity. Psa139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in… Continue reading 9 Make a Ketubah

8 ketubah

Relationship and intimacy are perfectly expressed in God in eternity between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Perfect love, joy and peace expressed in that eternal relationship. God desired to share that relationship and so He spoke the created order into existence Eph 1:4 He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus… Continue reading 8 ketubah

7 fires of transformation

5 aspects of marriage. Lakah–Garden. Segullah–Dance Floor. Mikvah –Soaking Room. Ketubah-terms of relationship. Huppah–Bridal Chamber. Matt 11:28 come to me and find rest for your soul gentle and humble in heart, identify and authority yielded to a higher purpose. This is a commitment to be yoked or betrothed to Jesus to only do what the… Continue reading 7 fires of transformation

6 soaking room

Rom 12:1 do not be conformed to this world –removing the programming that has come from outside in from nature, nurture or trauma is a key. Rom 8:29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;… Continue reading 6 soaking room

5 dance floor

Our heart is our very core where soul and spirit are joined in the secret place of intimacy. This is where the essence of who you are in personality and how you are redemptively wired can come into union with your eternal spirit self. Restored image conformed to the vast sum of His thoughts revealed… Continue reading 5 dance floor

4 redemptive gifts

Individual inheritance includes our Identity, Redemptive Gift & Destiny. Who am I –my identity. How am I made –redemptive gift. What am I made for –destiny or birthright. That gift is put in us at conception, and determines the course of our lives, regardless of whether we become Christians or choose to reject Christ.  Each… Continue reading 4 redemptive gifts

3 healing father wounds

Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. Engage the Father’s presence into your spirit. Allow your whole being, spirit, soul and body engage Him in a loving embrace.… Continue reading 3 healing father wounds


Gen 1:1 In the beginning God…  Perfect relationship Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Love, joy and peace perfectly expressed. Transformed my experience, understanding and outworking of love. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God.  John… Continue reading 2-Fatherhood

The dark cloud

‘Sons Arise!’ is the cry from the Father’s heart to unveil, reveal and release His children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim god-like ones. The Dark cloud is a description of a process of transformation – a metamorphosis. The Dark cloud also describes where the person… Continue reading The dark cloud

Sons can change the world1

Sons can change their world; the key is to come into sonship, to grow up into the full stature of Christ (Eph 4:13). Babies can’t do a thing. We need to be clear about what is a son and what is a babe spiritually. Eph 4: 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some… Continue reading Sons can change the world1

Categorized as Sonship

Ageing and immorality

Is Death a promotion? The mindset around death needs to change. We have been conditioned to believe that death is a promotion to another realm and state of being, and that this is a good thing. This is how it has been presented to us. However, when it talks about Jesus bringing life and immortality… Continue reading Ageing and immorality

Communion prayers 1

I take communion every day, here are some of the prayers I pray. I pray spontaneously but thought I would write down some of the things I pray, to share. Applying the Body & Blood of Jesus: Jesus I drink your blood for the forgiveness of sins and the cleansing of all unrighteousness or any… Continue reading Communion prayers 1

Categorized as Communion

Prophetic Timetable 2

Jer 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I have appointed you. Psa 139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book (scroll) were all written The days that were ordained for me. Your destiny to rule – bring heaven… Continue reading Prophetic Timetable 2

Prophetic Timetable

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you. Psa 139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book (scroll) were all written the days that were ordained for me. Your destiny to rule – bring heaven to earth… Continue reading Prophetic Timetable

Preparing for destiny 6

Thank you for downloading this teaching from freedom apostolic visuals it’s part of a library that includes audio video clips and written resources available at freedom trust./his Mike Parsons  Those of you last week, I shared basically the prophetic stuff that God had given us for this year. if you  haven’t read that it is… Continue reading Preparing for destiny 6


We are looking for God to prepare us for what he is doing. We enter into a process where he prepares us, where he purifies and refines us where he removes stumbling blocks from us. Angels have been commissioned to do this, to bring coals from the altar. because there is judgment coming to God’s… Continue reading 4

Building up of the spirit

Restoring & refining of the spirit, soul, and body. – Body •Glory of God manifested on earth & beyond through sons of light  Preparing for Destiny Preparing for destiny – spirit building •Give God first love, place, priority •Pray & sing in tongues •Wait on the Lord – Be still  •Meditate on word of God… Continue reading Building up of the spirit


How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he… Continue reading Wisdom

16 The bible

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Deconstruction and renewal of the mind. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that distort the nature… Continue reading 16 The bible

15 Image of God

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Deconstruction of the mind. Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that distort the nature of God as Father and the relationship we have with Him will limit our sonship and must be deconstructed and renewed. Mindsets,… Continue reading 15 Image of God

14 Deconstruction 3

How can we be prepared for sonship?     Preparation with help from tutors.    Preparation through entering rest.    Preparation through soul transformation at different levels.   Deconstruction of the mind. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father.   Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that distort the nature of God as… Continue reading 14 Deconstruction 3

13 Deconstruction 2

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Deconstruction of the mind. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that distort the nature of God… Continue reading 13 Deconstruction 2

12 Deconstruction

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Deconstruction of the mind. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. Any mindsets, doctrines, theology or beliefs that distort the… Continue reading 12 Deconstruction

11 Dual realms

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. The Father is calling His children to arise as sons and take our places where we are… Continue reading 11 Dual realms

10 wedding ceremony

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors Preparation through entering rest Preparation through soul transformation at different levels Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father The Father is calling His children to arise as sons and take our places where we… Continue reading 10 wedding ceremony

09 seperation

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Intimacy with the Father is the best as you can’t be a son without a father .The Father is calling His children to arise as sons and take our places where we are… Continue reading 09 seperation

8 Soul issues

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. The Father is calling His children to arise as sons and take our places where we… Continue reading 8 Soul issues

Rest 1 

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. The Father is calling His children to arise as sons and take our places where we… Continue reading Rest 1 

Angelic realm 2  

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he… Continue reading Angelic realm 2  

Angelic realm 1

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he is… Continue reading Angelic realm 1

Cloud of witnesses

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he is under… Continue reading Cloud of witnesses

Seven spirits of God

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he… Continue reading Seven spirits of God

Preparing for destiny

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Son, the preparation for sonship must include identity, character, core soul issues, mandated position, wisdom, knowledge and understanding court protocols and legislative processes. All of these areas contribute to overall maturity levels of sonship. We all… Continue reading Preparing for destiny


There are so many believers that are not real. They say they are bible believing which is not true. We are bible believing when we live the bible. We are bible believing when we become the living embodiment of the word. If you have been baptized in the Spirit, then you have experienced being full… Continue reading ARE YOU A REAL BELIEVER

Categorized as Believer

Welcome to the Cabin

As believers, we can be caught up In Him, to form the canopy or cloud that God hides Himself in. By updrafts of His grace, His glory is revealed through the obscurity and mystery of our lives. We form the living vapour in the cloud of His Presence as we participate with Him where He… Continue reading Welcome to the Cabin

Vulnerable – Real Believers

Vulnerable is to be exposed to the possibility of being harmed either physically or emotionally. Our all-powerful God is vulnerable. He gave His creation the power to choose, to create and destroy. He even gave us the power to reject Him. This all existent God became vulnerable in the garden to play and commune with… Continue reading Vulnerable – Real Believers

Veils of embrace

Have you ever stood behind a waterfall?  When you step under it, you cannot help but get saturated.  So it is, as we step through the veils into engaging His presence and the reality of His kingdom. We become soaked in the tangible residue of His presence.  The time we invest in and choices we… Continue reading Veils of embrace

Threshold of Wonder

January 11, 2014 by Milly·Comments Off on Threshold of Wonder The past 6 months have been rather a whirlwind of Holy Spirit lead travel around the Globe.  Seeing promises released into the heart of nations and seeing creation and weather patterns respond.  My time has been stretched and writing sparse but His faithfulness is to… Continue reading Threshold of Wonder

The Reconciled Bride

July 30, 2012 by Milly·Comments Off on The Reconciled Bride Reconciliation is something that has been carrying weight in my heart. To see man reconciled to God, and to see man reconciled with each other. The message of the Cross. However for man to be reconciled with each other, there needs to be a blueprint. As… Continue reading The Reconciled Bride

The Garden of His desire

January 3, 2016 by Milly·Comments Off on The Garden of His desire I recently asked the Lord “What are your dreams?” He smiled and took my hand. As I took ahold of it we were in a beautiful garden.  I looked around at the vastness and intricacies that I could see and asked Him “Is… Continue reading The Garden of His desire

The Fragrant Cross

November 25, 2011 by Milly·1 Comment One night in 2011 whilst in worship, I was caught up into Jesus body as He hung on the Cross. I in Him, Him in I The weight, the agony, the stretching, tearing sound of silence with intermittent wails echoing in the soulish realm around. On the verge of… Continue reading The Fragrant Cross

The Eternal Seal of Sonship

In a vision, I saw Jesus dancing and spinning. There was such joy in His eyes and a rainbow robe gliding from His shoulders; overshadowing with color, the cities and landscape across the Globe.  As I looked closer, I saw that the robe was actually comprised of Believers.  Just as Joseph in the Old Testament… Continue reading The Eternal Seal of Sonship

The Elastic Army

A peculiar people Stretched OUT of their own limitations to dwell out of eternity Those who have offered up their hearts , minds, desires and even past hurts.  The rigidity; of callous and brittle independence all been offered up to Him in extreme yet mostly hidden acts of humility. Through trials and continual surrender, they have laid out their lives… Continue reading The Elastic Army

The Beauty of the Son

I am so excited to introduce a new and very precious voice to Cabin Academy.  These  treasures of wisdom are shared from the dear heart of Ann Wangari who I have been discipling for almost 3 years.  Her hunger for Him and life of faithfulness to the Lord and His beloveds is amazing.  She lives and breathes Jesus.… Continue reading The Beauty of the Son

The altar awaits

I love life in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit yet the longer I walk with them, the more I realize that I don’t know Him at all! He continually astonishes and is completely secure in His radical-ness. He finds it highly amusing to demolish my prefabricated belief systems in just a few words. … Continue reading The altar awaits

Promise and Proposal

Encompassed in a love story that was spoken of in ancient times.  Promised through a blood covenant with an Iraqi who was a friend of God. As Abraham yielded to the promise in faith.  God Himself walked amongst the pieces of broken flesh. Sealed with the most precious Blood covenant of the Lamb. Jesus body was likewise pierced… Continue reading Promise and Proposal

Return to innocence

Holy holy goodness such an honor to be here. Such an honor to be a administrator of his presence. a that an honour to know  him . Lord direct right now. so thankful that the Lord brought my brother in the spirit. been such fun to ask him to bring ,that whole realm is just… Continue reading Return to innocence

Being spirit and truth

 Such beautiful worship. It is always a struggle for me during worship, especially when I know I am speaking. It is a battle because I don’t want to go to far in because I have to try and hold it together, so I can put words together. So I was trying to come back, reading… Continue reading Being spirit and truth

Living Scars

His Living Scars are victory lasers Revealing light that we may function in freedom. Complete, as sons. No matter how broken we may have been in the past or present. Let us not run from heartache. For He seeks us out in the wounds of our soul Dare to trust Him with your pain; that it… Continue reading Living Scars


Okay so there are basically doors of opportunity which the father presents to us throughout our journey where our choices prove the defining factor. so many times we miss these doors because they’re just so tiny you know they’re easily passed by especially with all the glory and the wonder of heaven our roles and… Continue reading LITTLE DOORS

His Rest Assured

I have missed you!  The past few months I have been stretched into new places with Him. Expansion is a time to be treasured and monopolized. It certainly left me relying on new levels of grace and stripped me of self-dependency. For anyone that has done a skydive, you will know that the initial thrill or… Continue reading His Rest Assured

His Glory in our complexity

He made us complex creatures in order to reveal the very complexity and detail of the kingdom of heaven (where we came from).  Maybe we have only experienced this in the negative sense through (our own and others); broken soul issues. Perhaps we have experienced people with destructive thought patterns like a yarn of tangled… Continue reading His Glory in our complexity

He encompasses eternity and there… He hid us

In Him I went somewhere today that was unlike anything I have seen on the earth. My infantile steps wading through the substance of Wisdom. Overwhelmingly dense and yet purely delightful. Pausing in wonder.  Words were not required. The atmosphere of His everlasting Love; envelopes and teaches us His Ways. We tread softly… For the intensity… Continue reading He encompasses eternity and there… He hid us

Hatching the mysteries of heaven

The heavenly realms are the ultimate; interactive learning experience. It is where we are taught the oracles of God and the protocols of His Kingdom. We present ourselves by faith in humility and hunger and the journey begins. Spirit to spirit we receive downloads of infused knowledge. Revelation draws back the curtains to a view… Continue reading Hatching the mysteries of heaven

God’s Grace is Beyond

2 Cor 12:9 AMP But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will… Continue reading God’s Grace is Beyond

First Love

1 John 4:19 we love because he first loved us. God is love. We can only love when encountering His first love for us. Before the foundation of the world the lamb was slain. His love has never ever diminished even He foreknew the fall of men. Not that we chose Him but He chose… Continue reading First Love

Fear of the Lord

I was terrified yet ecstatic when i first met the spirit of the Fear of the Lord.  He overshadowed me with the looming enormity of eternity. This was an encounter that provoked a response. I had longed to go further and deeper and now I was completely incapacitated. I had glimpsed of my Fathers goodness,… Continue reading Fear of the Lord

Exposing Glory

My default is to chat about being a prism of His Presence. I get so excited at the reality of being In Him and Him in us.  I admit it is somewhat of an anchor point for me.  But also a hidden truth with an invitation to engage, that I don’t think we have fully… Continue reading Exposing Glory


I was in the Spirit on Christmas day and witnessed the swirling fusion of two realms. The light and glory of heaven penetrating the fallen state of earth. Revelation birthed into darkened understanding. Eternity literally birthed into time and space, not to be limited by it, but to supercede it. The initial terror of the… Continue reading EMMANUEL

Diamonds in paper bags

Priceless treasures Found in humble packages He hides in places we least expect His preconceived kindness Gives us the opportunity to welcome Him To love our neighbour is to wash His feet Have a giggle and a bite to eat That extra minute to find spare change Or just to smile at Him on the… Continue reading Diamonds in paper bags

Conduits of Divine Favor

We are destined to be conduits of the Fathers favor to flow freely into the earth. Divine favor Living channels from the eternal into the temporal. We are powerful in that He gave us the choice in directing the flow. I discovered recently that in 1802 a french man named Albert Mattheu drew up a… Continue reading Conduits of Divine Favor

Come out

Come out, is a cry from His Spirit to ours.  Come out and live from the inside out, in every aspect of our lives and in all that we do.  When we live from the inside out, we allow who Christ is in each of us to be clearly displayed.  This is a courageous thing… Continue reading Come out

Becoming Love

I spent several years overseas in a variety of places. Single-minded to His call to the nations. To follow Him, lovesick, willing to do anything for Him. In the process and by the tutorship of the Holy Spirit and other gifted ministers of His Grace, I learnt on the job. Preaching the gospel, healing the… Continue reading Becoming Love

Beautiful mind – out of ours into His

Renewing of the mind is the desire driven meditation on the person of God. However sometimes our thought-life can be hijacked by circumstantial meditation. Also known as “worry”.  Worry is idolatry because we hold that in higher regard than His Lordship.   Unfortunately worrying or any other form of destructive thought process becomes a bad habit.… Continue reading Beautiful mind – out of ours into His

A Kingdom of Honor

Honor until fairly recently has been alien to many church cultures where control has been prevalent and where flattery has been presented as honor. But we are learning the ways of the Royal house and the good way of honor is being filtered and established slowly through generations. It is becoming more talked about and… Continue reading A Kingdom of Honor

A key called simplicity

I find myself ever baffled by the mystery of His provision. Take Salvation for example.  It is impossible to achieve, and yet received so easily through the simplicity of our agreement.  A mystery!  His marvelous Kingdom operates through mystery and simplicity. Some of the greatest miracles I have seen have appeared to have been remarkably easy, yet practically… Continue reading A key called simplicity


Both Jesus and the apostles preached repentance differently from how modern reformed and Pentecostal theology teaches repentance. Many people say that repentance is mandatory for the preaching of the gospel. Yet, in the Biblical evangelism of Gentiles, we found this is not necessary. So how is repentance defined, or what is the meaning of repent?… Continue reading Repentance


What is grace? This study shows how grace imparts to the believer in Jesus Christ. If I asked most preachers what grace means, the majority would prefer to define it as being unmerited favor. This definition is superficial, inaccurate and falls well short of grace’s incredible impartation. It is also passive, which is not the… Continue reading GRACE


The peak of dedication in the life of Abraham was his refusal to accept even a shoe latchet from the King of Sodom after he recovered Lot and the inhabitants of the Jordan Valley. He wanted everything he was and everything he had to be by the hand of the Lord. Gen. 14:17–15:7; Heb. 11… Continue reading NO SHOELACE

Yahweh Nissi, Shalom, Tsidkenu, M’Kadesh

In this message, we will learn further attributes of Yahweh. These same attributes carry through into our relationship with God as our Father. Old Testament Revelation of God. The Trinity is the Pre-Existing Ones. Our heavenly Father’s original plan was to have sons and daughters. God lives inside of His creation (but can choose to… Continue reading Yahweh Nissi, Shalom, Tsidkenu, M’Kadesh


What does predestination mean? Looking at how great predestination is, the standard classical/reformed and pentecostal definition is incredibly short-sighted and does not reflect the heart of the Father. Reformed theology ends in double predestination based on an angry God where some are destined to hell and have no choice in the matter. WE teach an… Continue reading Predestination

Classical Theology

This teaching summarizes classical systematic theology and the corresponding reformed theology. Awakening Impact Ministries teaches Father-Son theology, with the cornerstone being God’s original intention was to have sons and daughters. Where-as Classical/Reformed theology is firmly rooted in Greek philosophy, Father-Son theology is Hebrew-based and biblical. As we go through this teaching, we will find that… Continue reading Classical Theology

God’s Kingdom Here NOW

The Importance of this Message In God’s Plan for Kingdom Rule, we found that God plans to build a heavenly kingdom for all His sons and daughters right from the start. Some believe that God’s kingdom is still to come and is still ‘near’. The truth is similar but very different. The kingdom of God… Continue reading God’s Kingdom Here NOW

Favor with Man

Favor with Man is essential to growing your ministry. Without developing it, the ministry will be a lot harder, if not impossible. Some say that they only need God. However, I have yet to find someone successful in ministry who does not favor man. Favor with Man Pleases God Before the Father said that He… Continue reading Favor with Man


We’re in the siege, but ours is not a frustration but an “earnest expectation” of the deliverance from futility. Our prayers are not passive but as aggressive as was Elijah’s when he prayed earnestly. The sovereignty of God and the earnest expectation of the believer combine to bring the spiritual breakthrough that the Lord has… Continue reading ANXIOUS LONGING OR EARNEST EXPECTATION


The big factor that makes the difference is that you learn how to draw on God. You learn how to draw from the Lord Jesus Christ to be the blessing to you. When your faith reaches out to take of the body and blood of Jesus Christ you are drawing on the great reserves that… Continue reading COMMUNION


Although the Lord has fulfilled all the feasts of the Lord, there are spiritual principles contained within them, which I like to review and keep on the feast days according to the Jewish calendar. The first Passover in Egypt failed in the sense that those delivered were not able to bear the Word of the… Continue reading WHAT MAKES A PASSOVER SUCCEED OR WHAT MAKES A PASSOVER FAIL


If we want to personally encounter God inside of us and the heavenly realms outside of us, we need to be aware of our spirit and learn how to exercise it, so that it grows and becomes strong. If we are not aware of our spirit and learn how to develop it, we will not… Continue reading WHAT IS OUR SPIRIT?

Restoration 12

We are entering into the transition between the pathway of relationship and pathway of responsibility. We need to mature as sons and take our places enthroned in the heavenly realms. This is also the point at which we should be mature and confident enough in our relationship with God who is Father, Son and Spirit… Continue reading Restoration 12

Restoration 11

Acts 3:21 (Jesus) whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time. The prophets said there was going to be a period of restoration. It was spoken but was it recorded and if so where? Is the Bible… Continue reading Restoration 11

Restoration 10

Acts 3:21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time. The prophets said there was going to be a period of restoration. It was spoken but was it recorded and if so, where? Is the bible the… Continue reading Restoration 10

Restoration 9

Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that the sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which… Continue reading Restoration 9

Restoration 7

Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that the sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which… Continue reading Restoration 7

Restoration 6

Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that the sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which… Continue reading Restoration 6

Restoration 5

We have embarked on a journey to discover the full meaning of the restoration of all things and the part we all have to play in that restoration as sons of God. It involves the personal restoration of our spirit, soul, body and also of all of creation itself. Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return,… Continue reading Restoration 5

Restoration 4

As sons of God, we need to retake our heavenly positions where we are seated and enthroned to legislate the kingdom in heaven to manifest heaven on earth. Therefore, the context of legislation should be the restoration of all things back to God’s original intent. We have embarked on a journey to discover the full… Continue reading Restoration 4

Restoration 3

As sons of God we have relationship with God that leads to responsibility. We need to retake our heavenly positions, seated and enthroned to legislate the kingdom in heaven to manifest heaven on earth. Therefore, the context of legislation should be the restoration of all things back to God’s original intent. We have embarked on… Continue reading Restoration 3

Restoration 2

As sons of God we have relationship with God that leads to responsibility as sons. We need to retake our heavenly positions, seated and enthroned to legislate the kingdom in heaven to manifest heaven on earth. Therefore the context of legislation should be the restoration of all things back to God’s original intent. We are… Continue reading Restoration 2

Restoration 1

As sons of God we have a relationship with him that leads to responsibility. We need to take our heavenly positions, seated and enthroned to legislate the kingdom in heaven to manifest heaven on earth. What is the primary purpose of all the legislation that we do?  What are we looking to accomplish? The context… Continue reading Restoration 1

Limitless grace 7

We need to be moved by the oracles of the Fathers heart, the desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. Grace is the divine enabling power of God that we need to freely receive and use creatively Grace is the… Continue reading Limitless grace 7

Limitless grace 6

If we are going to participate in the ROAT we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. The desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. Grace is divine enabling power. Grace is the strings of… Continue reading Limitless grace 6

Limitless grace 5

If we are going to participate in the ROAT we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. Have the desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. Grace is divine enabling power Grace is the strings… Continue reading Limitless grace 5

Limitless grace 4

If we are going to participate in the ROAT we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. Have the desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. Grace is divine enabling power. Grace is the strings… Continue reading Limitless grace 4

Limitless grace 3

If we are going to participate in the ROAT we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. Have the desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. We need the limitless grace of God to restore… Continue reading Limitless grace 3

Limitless grace 2

If we are going to participate in the Restoration of all things (ROAT) we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart, the desire to see creation set free. We have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. We need the limitless grace… Continue reading Limitless grace 2

Limitless grace1

If we are going to participate in the Restoration of all things (ROAT), we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. The desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. We need the limitless grace of… Continue reading Limitless grace1


 If we are going to participate in the ROAT, we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. The desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. We need the limitless grace of God to restore darkness… Continue reading MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 1 SESSION 26 – LIMITLESS GRACE 1


 If we are going to participate in the ROAT, we will need to be moved by the oracles of the Father’s heart. The desire to see creation set free. Have the abilities and power to create a new reality through the limitless grace of God. We need the limitless grace of God to restore darkness… Continue reading MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 1 SESSION 26 – LIMITLESS GRACE 1

Kingdom realms 8 Destiny

•You have a destiny in both time & eternity •Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”  •Psa 139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book (scroll) were all written… Continue reading Kingdom realms 8 Destiny

Kingdom realms 7

Realms of Heaven Sheol Mountains Time Line Trophy Room Tartarus Throne Everlasting Doors Mountains & Thrones Mountains & Thrones Mountain of God   Throne of God Rule House – LORDS Judge Courts – KINGS  Access & Stand – SONS The Call to Intimacy & Love Song of Solomon 8:6-7 Gathering of Stumbling Blocks Refiners Fire Matt… Continue reading Kingdom realms 7

Kingdom realms 6

•The kingdom is at hand as close to me as the air that I breathe  Kingdom of Light     Kingdom in Darkness Man •I have a choice free will Powers Kingdom Earth God’s Presence Kingdom God God’s Government Kingdom Heaven God’s Domain Heaven God’s Abode Heaven of Heavens Perfection Eternity Rulers Greys Atmosphere Earth Kids Principalities… Continue reading Kingdom realms 6

Kingdom realms 5

•The kingdom is at hand as close to me as the air that I breathe  Kingdom of Light     Kingdom in Darkness Man •I have a choice free will Powers Kingdom Earth God’s Presence Kingdom God God’s Government Kingdom Heaven God’s Domain Heaven God’s Abode Heaven of Heavens Perfection Eternity Rulers Greys Atmosphere Earth Kids Principalities… Continue reading Kingdom realms 5

Kingdom realms 4

A Habitation of God • Rev 3:20 ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.  • Rev 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven,… Continue reading Kingdom realms 4

Kingdom realms 3

Removing Stumbling Blocks • Refining Fire of purification  – furnace • Mal 3:1 ..And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple; and the messenger of the covenant .. behold, He is coming,” says the LORD of hosts. 2 “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand… Continue reading Kingdom realms 3

Kingdom realms 2

Realms of Heaven Sheol Mountains Time Line Trophy Room Tartarus Throne •Zech 3:6 And the angel of the LORD admonished Joshua, saying, 7 “Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My laws, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of… Continue reading Kingdom realms 2

Joshua Generation

The ways of God • Logos word of God reveals His nature, character, safeguard truth, standard or plumb line • Psa 119:1-40 word, ways, testimonies, judgments, law, precepts, statutes, ordinances, commandments, wonders • Beholding & becoming • 2 Cor 3:18 beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the… Continue reading Joshua Generation

12 Atmosphere

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms. Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you… Continue reading 12 Atmosphere

11 Court of the Lord

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms. Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if… Continue reading 11 Court of the Lord

10 Engaging Eternity

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms. Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you… Continue reading 10 Engaging Eternity

09 Circle of the Deep 2

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms. Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you… Continue reading 09 Circle of the Deep 2

08 Circle of the Deep

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms.  Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you… Continue reading 08 Circle of the Deep

07 Councils of Heaven

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms. Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you… Continue reading 07 Councils of Heaven

06 Wisdom’s Heights

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is its governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms. Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you… Continue reading 06 Wisdom’s Heights

05 Enthroned

A major aspect of the heavenly realms are the positions of government. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different heavenly realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that function in different realms. Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and… Continue reading 05 Enthroned

04 Positions

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms. Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you… Continue reading 04 Positions

03 Government

A major aspect of the heavenly realms is the governmental perspective. There are different levels of governmental authority relating to the different realms. Our mountains and our thrones are positions of governmental authority that are in different realms . The courts of heaven are arranged in increasing levels of governmental authority relating to the different… Continue reading 03 Government

02 Spiritual Realms

Matt 6:10 ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven’. We get to be involved as sons of God and coheirs in the “as it is in heaven” – How? Engage heaven ourselves. Engaging the arc of God’s presence within the holy of holies is where we can receive the mandates… Continue reading 02 Spiritual Realms

End times

I do not like teaching on the end of the age or the last days now because I get persecuted and accused of preaching heresy. In 1983 when I was born again God called me to teach the bible. My life became a living hell trying to understand the Bible. I went to almost every… Continue reading End times

Categorized as End times

Encounter truth

For instance, if you’re looking for a change in health, and the doctors say you have a particular condition, but you choose to believe in a reality where you don’t have it, you often feel doubt or unbelief. You might wonder how to get rid of this diagnosis or how to renew your mind. To… Continue reading Encounter truth

Categorized as Truth

Yoke of jesus 4

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms .On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility . John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which… Continue reading Yoke of jesus 4

Categorized as Base camp

Yoke of jesus 3

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms .On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Yoked to Jesus .Up close personal and intimate .Joined to Him .Let Jesus reveal… Continue reading Yoke of jesus 3

Categorized as Base camp

Yoke of jesus 2

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms .On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will… Continue reading Yoke of jesus 2

Categorized as Base camp

Yoke of jesus 1

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms .On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility  Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will… Continue reading Yoke of jesus 1

Categorized as Base camp

Yoke of Jesus 1- the way

We need to learn how to engage God in our spirit. What is the yoke of Jesus? What is the way? The way is the way of discipleship. Everything that we are doing is in the realm of our spirit. The kingdom is within our spirit, and we have to open that first love gate… Continue reading Yoke of Jesus 1- the way

Categorized as Base camp

Yoke of Jesus 1- the way

We need to learn how to engage God in our spirit. What is the yoke of Jesus? What is the way? The way is the way of discipleship. Everything that we are doing is in the realm of our spirit. The kingdom is within our spirit, and we have to open that first love gate… Continue reading Yoke of Jesus 1- the way

Categorized as Base camp

Tongues exercises

In my life told has been another one spirit building exercises I’ve used being practising engaging my spirit by using tongues actually is not just practice my spirit is praying for the father Holy Spirit is creating a flow there are semi-positive things to engaging with tongues while I’m learning to meditate while reading the… Continue reading Tongues exercises

Categorized as Base camp

Seat of rest 5

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Engage the Holy Spirit as living water in the river of life. Engaged Jesus… Continue reading Seat of rest 5

Categorized as Base camp

Seat of rest 4

•We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms •Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms •On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility  Engage the Holy Spirit as living water in the River of life •Engaged Jesus… Continue reading Seat of rest 4

Categorized as Base camp

Seat of rest 3-3

•We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms •Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms •On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility  Engage the Holy Spirit as living water in the River of life •Engaged Jesus… Continue reading Seat of rest 3-3

Categorized as Base camp

Seat of rest 3

As the love of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, capturing our focus We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms  •Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms  •On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and… Continue reading Seat of rest 3

Categorized as Base camp

The seat of rest 2

We are on a spiritual journey; we are learning how to discover God in our spirit. When we receive Jesus as Lord of our lives, God comes to live within us, and we become a house of God. Receiving the spirit of God activates our spiritual senses so that we experience first love. We experience… Continue reading The seat of rest 2

Categorized as Base camp

The seat of rest 2

We are on a spiritual journey; we are learning how to discover God in our spirit. When we receive Jesus as Lord of our lives, God comes to live within us, and we become a house of God. Receiving the spirit of God activates our spiritual senses so that we experience first love. We experience… Continue reading The seat of rest 2

Categorized as Base camp

Seat of rest 1-1

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms •Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms •On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility  Engage the Holy Spirit as living water in the River of life •Engaged Jesus… Continue reading Seat of rest 1-1

Categorized as Base camp

River of life 3

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .We are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  River of the Holy Spirit is our source of eternal everlasting life, love, peace, joy, grace, mercy,… Continue reading River of life 3

Categorized as Base camp

River of life 3

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .We are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  River of the Holy Spirit is our source of eternal everlasting life, love, peace, joy, grace, mercy,… Continue reading River of life 3

Categorized as Base camp

River of life 2

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms .On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Revelation 22:1-2 Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear… Continue reading River of life 2

Categorized as Base camp

River of life 1

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms .On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Repentance is a sustained change of perspective about the nature of reality – Bill… Continue reading River of life 1

Categorized as Base camp


Thank you for downloading this teaching from freedom apostolic resourses it’s part of a library that includes audio video clips and written resources available at freedom trust.  now here is Mike Parsons  we are going to start a new series today and this new series is called preparing your destiny preparing for your destiny… Continue reading One

Categorized as Base camp

Journey preparation 4

Okay what we looking at being on a journey together an adventure where we’re going to engage in the realms of heaven and in the realms here and the unseen realm .now two main pathways we are going to follow pathway of relationship. This can lead us to deeper intimacy with God and the pathway… Continue reading Journey preparation 4

Categorized as Base camp

House of God 3

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us .Pathway of responsibility that leads to greater kingdom rulership  .Flowing from outside in from earth to heaven as living sacrifices to rule.   I am a gateway  … Continue reading House of God 3

Categorized as Base camp

House of God 2

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. Pathway of responsibility that leads to greater kingdom rulership  .Flowing from outside in from earth to heaven as living sacrifices to rule.         I am a gateway  … Continue reading House of God 2

Categorized as Base camp

House of God 1

We are going on a journey or an adventure together – systematic way .Journey of discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing… Continue reading House of God 1

Categorized as Base camp

First love-gateway 3

Looking to engage God both in heaven on earth and we looking at two pathways to do the pathway of relationship which is all about inside out that’s why we can heal from the inside out because God is on the inside of us so that we are a gateway of from our spirit soul… Continue reading First love-gateway 3

Categorized as Base camp

First love-mountain 2

So we looked at base camp and how we prepare our spirit to be able to engage and this is the area we are in now, we are engaging our spirit. so in our spirit we know the presence of God is there, we know there is a river of life which enables us to… Continue reading First love-mountain 2

Categorized as Base camp

Fist love 1

Is that is as you are a during the alpha group the gauging of manual so you can get a preview of module three in a module takes out have you be blessed that we are looking to develop this manual of how to engage gods that were on journey where basically practicing that here… Continue reading Fist love 1

Categorized as Base camp

First love-house of God

Is that is as you are a during the alpha group the gauging of manual so you can get a preview of module three in a module takes out have you be blessed that we are looking to develop this manual of how to engage gods that were on journey where basically practicing that here… Continue reading First love-house of God

Categorized as Base camp

First love-transformation

We are following this is journey about how to learn to engage God to discover him in the realms of the spirit around us, in us. to understand that God has taken us into relationship so he can bring us into rulership and responsibility where on the the module which is called first love and… Continue reading First love-transformation

Categorized as Base camp

River of life 3

Engaging God and the citizenry we is one to know and the this and reality that we can discover the spiritual realms heaven and ourselves we engage and we know engage that you would just in prayer a and actual reality is is a result on our hands engage with that personally in so far… Continue reading River of life 3

Categorized as Base camp

First love-river of life 1

We are continuing with engaging God how we engage God on this journey together say I believe is an adventure because we don’t know what’s coming next all the time but we are going to discover and engage in spiritual realms around us and in us and the heavenly realms and we followed two pathways… Continue reading First love-river of life 1

Categorized as Base camp

First love 1-1

Since the work and interact God be able to get so journey to discover how to gates on the spiritual realm of the spirit to discover the spiritual realm within us around us in the heavenly realm engage in the two pathways that we are following in this pathway of relationship needs to deeper intimacy… Continue reading First love 1-1

Categorized as Base camp

First love-identity 2

we are going to continue with our journey to discover the spiritual realms that are in us and around us, the heavenly realms, that  pathway that is going to take us on the way to relationship intimacy but also responsibility we are at first Love stage in this whole model is about first Love engaging… Continue reading First love-identity 2

Categorized as Base camp

First love-identity

We are going to continue with our journey to discover the spiritual realms that are in us and around us, the heavenly realms, that pathway that is going to take us on the way to relationship intimacy but also responsibility we are at first Love stage in this whole model is about first Love engaging… Continue reading First love-identity

Categorized as Base camp

First love 3 blockages

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms •Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms •We are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility  Engaging God First Love 3 •Why first love? •What is first love? •Why is first love so… Continue reading First love 3 blockages

Categorized as Base camp

First love 2 identity

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms, Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms, we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Blockages Identity Intimacy. Why first love? What is first love? Why is first love so important? Our… Continue reading First love 2 identity

Categorized as Base camp

First love 1

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – from heaven… Continue reading First love 1

Categorized as Base camp

First love intro

Hi welcome to module three first Love we are now going to begin to put some of the spirit building exercises to good use as we set out on the pathway of relationship here we are going to engage garden access heaven in our own spirit remember this is a journey not a race so… Continue reading First love intro

Categorized as Base camp

Base camp 1A

 We are on a journey and that journey is the discovery of the spiritual realms, because we are a spirit. We are going to discover the realm of the spirit that is within us. and in that journey we’re looking to discover that that realm of the Spirit is in us within us the kingdom… Continue reading Base camp 1A

Categorized as Base camp

Meditation development 9

 We are going to look at meditation exercises. In my life after building my spirit in tongues, meditation has been the key factor in which i can engage in intimacy with God. Tongues makes possible, helps, assists that flow. But meditating helps us tune into the thoughts of God, so we can hear his voice.… Continue reading Meditation development 9

Categorized as Base camp

Spirit building 7

we got to the last part today of and base camp and we are  discovering how we can engage the realms of God around us and in us and in the realms of heaven following two pathways pathway of relationships with intimacy with God flowing from inside us and also pathway of responsibility which leads… Continue reading Spirit building 7

Categorized as Base camp

Eyes of the spirit

We are going on a journey or an adventure together – systematic way .Journey of discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow.  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  .Flowing… Continue reading Eyes of the spirit

Categorized as Base camp

Spirit building 6

 Well for those of you who are visitors you have come into part 12 of a series so I hope  you can join in and we are looking to engage God in an experiential way and my personal testimony is having engaged God  in the heavens and experienced heaven and different things , we are… Continue reading Spirit building 6

Categorized as Base camp

 Word 6 

We are going on a journey or an adventure together in a systematic way .Journey of discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow:  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God… Continue reading  Word 6 

Categorized as Base camp

Spirit building 5

We are still at  base camp on the engaging God on the pathways of responsibility and relationship and this is a journey that were going on together and discovering how to engage God in the spiritual realms discovering those spiritual realms are within us and around us and in the realms of heaven and we… Continue reading Spirit building 5

Categorized as Base camp


We are going on a journey or an adventure together – systematic way .Journey of discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow.  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  .Flowing… Continue reading Visualization     

Categorized as Base camp

Spirit building-meditation 4

Okay well we’re, to those you are visiting today are some of in the middle of a series of things that were doing basically we are producing a manual to help people engage in the heavenly realms but also engage with the supernatural realm of God around our lives and so where at base camp… Continue reading Spirit building-meditation 4

Categorized as Base camp

Meditation 4  

We are going on a journey or an adventure together – follow map .Journey of discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow.  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing… Continue reading Meditation 4  

Categorized as Base camp


We are looking at how we can go on this journey together, an adventure and how we can discover and engage in the heavenly realms and the spiritual realms that are both around us and in us and in the realms of heaven. We’re looking at two main pathways to engage that. The pathway of… Continue reading Meditation

Categorized as Base camp

Spirit building 2

We are following through this journey and have been at base camp looking to discover how we can engage God in the spiritual realms both within us and within the realms of heaven. And we have been looking at two pathways to do that. The pathway of relationship leading to deeper intimacy with God which… Continue reading Spirit building 2

Categorized as Base camp


We are going on a journey or an adventure together. Journey of discovering how to engage God in the spiritual realms. Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms. There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow.   Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God.  Flowing from… Continue reading Tongues

Categorized as Base camp

Base camp

We are at Base camp on this journey we are following together. We are following a map with two pathways on it. This journey is a journey of discovering how we can engage in the realms of the spirit. We are discovering the spiritual realm that’s within us and we are discovering the realms of… Continue reading Base camp

Categorized as Base camp

This series is by Mike Parsons but edited by me


The mind is a great battlefield for the Christian. If you conquer that you conquer everything. every spiritual conflict, every battle you have, basically begins is in the area of the mind. It’s our greatest battlefield. victory is won or lost in the mind. When your mind is knocked out, your thinking is wrong, the… Continue reading  Helmet 

Helmet 1

Ephesians 6: 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God 17 And take (to receive) the helmet of salvation. First, we must be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Be strong is an imperative in the Greek, which… Continue reading Helmet 1

Foundations 2

TWO KINDS OF KNOWLEDGE Most of us do not realize the power of revelation. Revelation knowledge is an impartation by the Spirit of God of understanding. In the Greek world they had 2 words for knowledge gnosis and epi-gnosis. Gnosis is intellectual knowledge. Epi-gnosis means knowledge by revelation or impartation. It is knowledge in which… Continue reading Foundations 2


We must lay proper foundations in our lives. God’s people are hollow and without the proper foundation. It is really important that we have a strong relationship with the Lord and that the foundation has been laid right. If we going to walk with the Lord, if we going to really benefit from this next… Continue reading Foundations

Restoring First Love

First love, whether with God or another person, is a captivating experience that consumes our thoughts, leaving us eagerly anticipating the next encounter.  First love signifies a prioritization, placing it above all else in our lives – before family, work, or possessions. If our relationship with God is our top priority, everything else falls into… Continue reading Restoring First Love

Categorized as Love

There are two kinds of sin

There are two kinds of sin recorded in the Bible. Sinning to death and sinning not to death. 1 John 5:16If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin… Continue reading There are two kinds of sin

Categorized as Sin

Living out prophecy

It is possible to talk ourselves out of a brilliant future. Prophesy is given to us so that we come to a place of consideration. When we have a prophetic word and we look at it, take it apart and study it, we consider what the lord has chosen us for. Every one of us… Continue reading Living out prophecy

Walking by design

We are called to an inheritance. We need to learn the love language that God has for each of us. It is always a language of promise. There are so many unclaimed upgrades, we have not cashed in our promises, and many do not know what they are. Promises are how God loves to speak… Continue reading Walking by design

Confession and declaration

I’m giving you a prophetic word so you can escape your past and I’m opening up space in front of you so you can become this. You grow by the quality of your confession. But confession by itself is not enough, your confession must become an ongoing declaration. Another words your confession breaks the connection… Continue reading Confession and declaration

The power of confession

We need to restructure the pastoral ministry in our churches, and it should become more prophetic not just be about counseling about past things. It should not just be about techniques and how to help to support people but actually pastoral ministry should be about saying to people you know what, you’re not really that… Continue reading The power of confession

Inheritance words

When God gives us psalm 91, we don’t read anything else for a while, so that we can get that word in our spirit. It is very important to the lord, for where he wants to take us; he needs for us to receive everything that is in psalm 91. That is our inheritance word.… Continue reading Inheritance words

How does prophecy come?

All of us have a distinctive language with God, and a unique way of how revelation comes to us. As we grow in the prophetic, we learn how our own gift manifests itself most often. Prophecy can come as spontaneous thought, feelings (we can feel what the person is going through) and pictures. Visions. Sometimes,… Continue reading How does prophecy come?

Operating in prophecy

Having a desire to prophesize is half the battle, as Paul taught in first Corinthians 14:1 pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophecy. In some situations, I have not been in the mood to prophecy. It’s always in those moments, I hear the Lord say stir up your spirit. You must… Continue reading Operating in prophecy

Three phases of revelation

Generally, there are three parts to the prophetic. A word of knowledge often opens people up, while a prophetic word fills the gap created. Finally, a word of wisdom can give instructions on what to do next. These three elements work together to form the broader prophetic gifting. A word of knowledge is simply revelation… Continue reading Three phases of revelation

Judgment seat of Christ

Some people may not fully live out their intended destiny, but encounter purification at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where that which is of lasting value is distinguished from what is not. The Lake of Fire symbolises purification rather than eternal damnation, a place of refining in God’s presence, not the end of the world… Continue reading Judgment seat of Christ

New beginnings

Prophecy can restore people’s dignity and self-respect. It can give them hope again. But to do this, we must be immersed in God’s love. We are either living in the present /past or the present /future in our relationship with the Lord and one another. Some relationships are stuck in the past because they are… Continue reading New beginnings

Pursue love

Historically, the biggest failure in the prophetic has been a lack of love in prophet’s hearts. The apostle Paul addressed that very shortcoming: 1 Corinthians 14:1- pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophecy. For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no… Continue reading Pursue love

Intimate prayer

God is speaking about a new kind of prayer he is about to release to us. Paradoxically, this new method is an ancient way of prayer, one in which God’s faithful servants like David and Paul flourished. These heroes of the faith learned how to pray exactly what God willed for a person, and saw… Continue reading Intimate prayer

Evan Roberts

Lived from 1878 to 195. At the age of 20, Roberts had a prophetic vision that changed his life. In it, he saw the moon, full and bright, with an arm stretching from it into Wales. Immediately, he knew that God was able to touch his country, bringing 100,000 people to the faith. It wasn’t… Continue reading Evan Roberts


Righteousness or being righteous is a foundational truth for a believer in Jesus. Righteousness is part of the Great Exchange and allows Holy Spirit to enter a person. Righteousness is a gift, and we are the righteousness of God. We will look at 1. The Great Exchange. 2. What righteousness is. 3. How our being… Continue reading Righteousness

Martin Luther

Lived: 1483 to 1546. The man who changed church history forever spent hours meditating on a particular piece of scripture. It is clear from his own words that God spoke to him through it: As I meditated day and night on the words as it is written, the righteous person shall live by faith, I… Continue reading Martin Luther

Saint Cuthbert

Lived 635to 687. Cuthbert was 15 years old when his life changed forever. While out tending sheep on a hill in Northumbria, he had a vision. As he described it: me thought I saw a dazzling radiance shine suddenly out of the darkness, and in the midst of this streaming light a choir of angels… Continue reading Saint Cuthbert

Saint Augustine of hippo

Lived: 354 to 4:30 Few have done more to shape Christian theology and thought than Saint Augustine. Born to be a Pagan father and devoutly Christian mother, Augustine struggled throughout his earthly life to find the one true path. The Wilder he lived, the less contentment he found. His mother, Monica, prayed diligently for her… Continue reading Saint Augustine of hippo

Spiritual listening

I find joy in spending time in God’s presence. I have moved beyond the need to only meditate on the Bible, because interpreting it can be complex and subjective. Instead, I allow God room to speak to me in various ways. I  relax, clearing my mind and focusing solely on the Father or on Jesus.… Continue reading Spiritual listening

King Oswald

Lived: 605to 643 Oswald, born in Northumbria, the northeastern corner of England, spent 17 years on the Isle of Iona, learning to be a monk. When his uncle, king Edwin, died the murderous Cadwallan seized the throne and tormented Oswalds people. So, the good Prince returned, with his older brother Eanfrid, to rid Northumbria of… Continue reading King Oswald

Saint Brigid

lived: 450 to 523. Renowned for her generosity and hospitality, this Irish Saint was also wonderfully prophetic. And a prophecy eerily similar to one given by her contemporary, Saint Patrick, she foretold the ministry of Saint Columba, even giving the saints Irish name and mother’s identity: the man-child of longsided Ethne, as a sage he… Continue reading Saint Brigid

Saint Patrick

lived: 387 to 461 Ireland’s patron Saint was actually English; as a young boy, he was taken as a slave to Ireland. Years later, he escaped back to his homeland, but God had other plans for him. One night, Patrick saw a vision of a man, whose name was Victoricus, coming as it was from… Continue reading Saint Patrick

Saint Aidan

lived: 600 to 651 When king Oslo sent for help to evangelize his Kingdom in 635 AD, Aidan answered the call. He traveled across Britain and set up a community on the holy island of Lindisfarne. Aidan loved the Northumbrian people, walking all over northern England, preaching the gospel, and healing the sick. As the… Continue reading Saint Aidan

Saint Columba

Lived: 521 to 597 Banished from Ireland for his role in starting a war, Columba sailed to the Scottish island of Iona and set up a mission there. The Scots loved him and quickly adopted him as their own. He was a gifted teacher, healer, and prophet. The Holy Spirit would make the Saint sound… Continue reading Saint Columba

Smith Wigglesworth

Lived: 1859 to 1947 Few evangelists have pushed the kind of religious buttons Smith Wigglesworth pushed. His methods seem bizarre, but the fruits of his life and ministry are profound. Wigglesworth’s wife, Polly, was a powerful preacher, but Smith was painfully shy. He hated to speak in public, until the day the Holy Spirit got… Continue reading Smith Wigglesworth

Maria Woodworth Etter

Lived: 1844 to 1924 Maria Woodworth Etter was barely a teenager when God spoke to her: I heard the voice of Jesus calling me to go out in the highways and hedges and gather in the lost sheep. Still, Maria married a man who did not believe in women in ministry. Five of their six… Continue reading Maria Woodworth Etter

Kathryn Kuhlman

Lived: 1907 to 1976 Separated from her husband, and having just lost her ministry, Kathryn Kulman was desperate for God in the mid-1940s. After praying for several days, she was touched by the Holy Spirit: 4:00 o’ clock that Saturday afternoon, having come to the place in my life where I surrendered everything, I knew… Continue reading Kathryn Kuhlman

John G Lake

Lived: 1870 to 1935 Surrounded by death and illness all his life (eight of his fifteen siblings died young), lake was desperate for God to heal. In the 1890s, Lake heard about John Dowie’s healing rooms, and took his brother to one: the man was healed. Later, he took his sister, who suffered from cancer… Continue reading John G Lake

Aimee semple McPherson

Lived: 1891 to 1944. Born in rural Canada, Amy accepted Christ at age 17 in a revival meeting led by Robert Semple. Months later, she married Semple and traveled with him to China to spread the gospel there. Upon their arrival in Hong Kong, however, both contracted Malaria. Aimee was a few months pregnant when… Continue reading Aimee semple McPherson

Saint Joan of Arc

lived: 1412 to 1431. With her country under siege, God visited Joan, a young farm girl in rural France, with a series of prophetic messages. Shortly after her 13th birthday, Joan spent a day fasting and praying. During that fast, God spoke to her: when I was about 13, I received revelation from our Lord… Continue reading Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Martin of tours

lived: 316 to 397. Martin was a young soldier when he came across a beggar at the gate of the city of Amiens, France. Gripped by compassion for the poor, freezing man, Martin tore his own cloak in two and handed a part of it to the man. That night, Martin had a vision of… Continue reading Saint Martin of tours

Saint Francis of Assisi

lived: 1182 TO 1226 Born the son of a wealthy merchant, Francis turned his back on his former life when he heard God tell him to go, Francis, and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin. Francis followed this revelation and worked to fix a rundown local church. Despite being mocked… Continue reading Saint Francis of Assisi

Prayer, power, process

Living constantly in the presence of God can heal us of our old wounds, and even our physical illnesses. Emotional, spiritual, mental, physical needs are all the same to the father. We know that God is able to heal instantly, but there are also occasions when he heals us over a long period of time.… Continue reading Prayer, power, process

Unceasing prayer

Prayer is vital in our preparation to prophesy. Prayer and prophecy are inseparably linked in terms of the communication process. Both involve listening before talking. In my own prayer time, I usually find myself somewhere in the spiritual paradox between wonderful and frustrating, joyful and painful, confident and uncertain, anointed and unanointed. Fortunately, all those… Continue reading Unceasing prayer


Speaking in tongues, for those people who have the gift, is a very important part of our devotional life and our relationship with God because it edifies our spirit and renews our mind. I love tongues because I can pour out my heart to God in whatever situation I’m in, even if I’m in pain… Continue reading Tongues

Soul and spirit

It is very important that we understand the discipline of how to live with God because everything flows out of our relationship with Him. What we think about God is the single most important thing in the world-it is the revelation that will drive our life and provide the channel through which our prophetic gift… Continue reading Soul and spirit

Waiting on God

Meditation is all about waiting on God and giving ourselves the time and space to be in communion with him. This is not an unfocused event but carries a deep sense of purpose: we want to be open to hearing God’s voice everywhere. I constantly carry a notebook with me because God speaks to me… Continue reading Waiting on God

Rejoicing always

Rejoicing is a key ingredient in moving in the power and presence of God. Many Christians have been conditioned to think that they enter God’s presence with prayer. But scripture is clear that thankfulness is the door to his presence-enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful to him,… Continue reading Rejoicing always

The process of prophecy

If prophecy, like a website, had a list of frequently asked questions, this one would be on top of it: when I am moving in prophecy, how can I tell if it’s me, the Lord, or the enemy? It is a legitimate question. We are human beings, subject to pain, dissolution comment, hurts, dreams, aspirations,… Continue reading The process of prophecy

Eliminate the complicated

In this generation it is easy to wish for many things. But you will have to choose between a luxurious life of enjoying all of life’s pleasures, and a life in which you do the perfect will of God. Perhaps you are wondering, “Why must I choose? Why is it such an issue? As long… Continue reading Eliminate the complicated

Identified with Christ

There are truths in the Bible which are not accepted literally, but are still given a mystical, poetical interpretation. In order to know how to act and move in certain circumstances, we must understand the divine principle of identification. One individual can become so identified with another that that they lose their individual identity. Marriage… Continue reading Identified with Christ

Categorized as Identity


Changes come as we are suddenly confronted with something we have not seen or experienced before, and we say in our hearts, “Why can’t things just be normal? Why can’t they go on as they were?” You may cry a few tears when you see that things are changing. When I was eleven years old… Continue reading GOOD-BYE, YESTERDAY

Categorized as Change


For every one of the young people in this move of God, there are another thousand somewhere whom God has marked to walk with us. Right now they may be on some kind of drug trip and really lost; but they belong to the Lord. They are among those whom the Lord knew before the… Continue reading INSTANT SAINTS

Categorized as Change


The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is dedicated to the great men of faith in Bible times. It tells how they walked with God and what they did. In our day, we have tended to relate faith to belief, to the conviction held in a person’s heart that certain facts are true. We have almost made… Continue reading AND THE RAIN CAME

Categorized as Faith


All creation has been subjected to futility because of the fall; but in the redemption of Christ, now after 1900 years, it is time that the Lord bring forth the active manifestation of the victory of Jesus Christ, reversing the downward pull upon people and causing the upward pull to become stronger and stronger. People… Continue reading FROM PLOWS TO SWORDS

From swords to plows

God does not move sovereignly in a situation, but He does make Himself available to us. The availability of God in every situation is a wonderful truth. Life creates an illusion completely opposite: we pray and nothing seems to happen right away. It seems as though everything works against us, that we have no control… Continue reading From swords to plows

Expanding vision

Some of our visions and dreams may seem fantastic and even crazy by the world’s standards; yet many dreams have come to pass, and the people of the Lord are encouraged and are looking for the promises of the Lord to be fulfilled. One of our dreams is to see Kingdom cities come forth and… Continue reading Expanding vision

Perfect wisdom and perfect revelation equal perfect joy

There is an old saying that ignorance is bliss. Have you ever heard the little jingle, “If ignorance is bliss, not knowledge, then why do we bother going to college”? The Scripture says that when you increase knowledge, you increase sorrow (Ecclesiastes 1:18); but that is actually a half truth. There is a state of… Continue reading Perfect wisdom and perfect revelation equal perfect joy

The early church

The persecution of the early Church was such that the Christians could not meet in one large group or invite people to the services at random as we do today. They ministered to people and talked to them, but they had to be very careful whom they brought to the services because there were many… Continue reading The early church


There are always many decisions that must be made for the brethren, the churches, and the different projects that are before us. As I feel my own inadequacy for this, I realize that there is a growing tide that almost despises the humility which confesses, “I do not know, but I will seek an answer… Continue reading Betrayal


Samuel said, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in failing to pray for Israel” (I Samuel 12:23). That is a good word. Why would we be sinning against the Lord in failing to pray for our country and for God’s will to come forth? The Lord has revealed His will for this… Continue reading Agony

Be diligent! Be alert!

There has never been a more critical time in the history of mankind for people to walk with the Lord and have Him fulfill a purpose in their lives. He died to bring forth this hour of triumph in which the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His… Continue reading Be diligent! Be alert!

The battle for the walls

When the people began to build the walls according to Nehemiah’s plan, there was immediate, tremendous opposition. The enemies of the Jews knew that if the walls were completed and the gates were hung, the city would become secure and the rule of the whole land of Israel from Jerusalem would begin soon afterward. Every… Continue reading The battle for the walls

Restoration in the scriptures

God’s nation, comprised of Jews, was intended to be his glory and his government in the earth. When Israel finally entered the promised land, they began well enough. But they soon tired in their zeal to possess their inheritance, and they sinned persistently against God. They were finally judged and sent into captivity. Even in… Continue reading Restoration in the scriptures

A tale of two cities

In Paul’s letter to the churches of Galatia, he speaks of the two cities of Jerusalem as being allegorical represented by the two children that Abraham had. His first child was through Hagar, Sarah’s maid; The second was the miraculous child of promise, Isaac, whom Sarah finally bore by faith through Abraham when she was… Continue reading A tale of two cities

Abraham saw a city

We are told in scripture that Abraham and others spiritually saw a city which had foundations whose builder and maker was God (Hebrews 11: 8-10, 13-16). He saw this city afar off and embraced it although he never saw its actual manifestation during his lifetime on earth. Somehow God showed Abraham that this city was… Continue reading Abraham saw a city

The woman, the child and the devil and seven years of peace

The woman, the child and the devil of Revelation 12 are a cornerstone by which other chapters of Revelation can be interpreted. Some interpretations of this chapter come from a wrong premise that, at its writing, the book of Revelation looks only into the distant future. However, the correct interpretation is straightforward, just like the gospel.… Continue reading The woman, the child and the devil and seven years of peace

A working city church

Just as we have explored the dynamics of the larger city or regional church, it is equally important to provide insight into how smaller local churches make up the whole of the larger church. The individual local churches or villages of the city church consists of congregations or committees comprising about 100 to 400 people… Continue reading A working city church

Government in the city church

The government of the city church is under the leadership of an apostle with a group of other apostles working together with prophets, and the other Ephesians 4: 11 ministries, and the elders. In matters relating to strategy, foundation- laying, or planting and building churches, the apostles work with the prophets (Ephesians 2: 20-3: 5).… Continue reading Government in the city church

A spiritual village

What is a spiritual village? It is a typical local church working largely on its own. It may have 50-300 people meeting together in isolation with a senior pastor and some elders as their government. This pastor and his leaders spiritually represent a self-contained village. At best, all they can do is wage a guerrilla… Continue reading A spiritual village

Securing the city

For the full ruling power of a spiritual Tabernacle of David to be experienced in the city, it must be a warring as well as a worship community. It must learn how to attack the demonic strongholds already established in the heavenly places and cast them down. At the beginning of his reign, David built… Continue reading Securing the city

Coming into unity

Consulting senior leaders first 1 Chronicles 13:2-3: Notice the state by which this decision was made. First, David had clearly heard from God. Second, he consulted with the most senior leaders who were themselves commanders of thousands, these were probably his mighty men described in 2 Samuel 23: 8-39 and 1 chronicles 12: 1-40. In… Continue reading Coming into unity

The Kingdom comes to mambia

Alan and Elaine arrived in mambia India, in march 1963. This city, formally called bombay had a population of about 5 million people. It now has a population around 18,000,000. Alan and Elaine went as missionaries. Alan was to work in a technical capacity with gospel liberature service. His task was to develop a modern,… Continue reading The Kingdom comes to mambia

Goodwill towards men

Luke 2:7–14 And [Mary] brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of… Continue reading Goodwill towards men

Categorized as Peace

The seed of the woman

YOU MUST READ THIS TO UNDERSTAND THE CENTRAL THEME OF THE BIBLE. First prophetic word- Gen 3: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. God said-from Eve’s seed or genealogy would come forth… Continue reading The seed of the woman

Categorized as End times


Did you know that God is always speaking? If you didn’t know that, you’re probably not hearing Him speak to you very well. It’s one of the reasons you’re facing some of the challenges in life. But if you could hear God clearly, it would not only get you out of problems, but it would… Continue reading HEARING GODS VOICE

Categorized as Hearing God

Recording prophecy

Recording prophecy is an important discipline to get into. A large percentage of scripture is recorded prophecy, written down as it was delivered. The priesthood had secretaries, the army had recorders who faithfully wrote accounts of orders and battles, and kings and prophets had scribes working with them as normal practice. The New Testament continued… Continue reading Recording prophecy

The power of the imagination

Do you struggle to receive God’s best for your life? Has the Lord called you to do something big, but you just can’t see it for yourself? If you have trouble believing what God says about you, it’s a problem in your imagination. One of the major things that changed my life was that I… Continue reading The power of the imagination

Categorized as Imagination

Deal with frustration

Frustration can be an enemy or an ally of any prophetic ministry. If left unchecked, it colors our thinking, and infects the word we have, and gives us a skeptical perspective on the life of the church. If we are to represent God’s heart and be good servants, we must learn to master our frustration.… Continue reading Deal with frustration

Peace not pressure

Prophecy is 80% preparation, 20% inspiration, 100% perspiration, and 1000% trepidation. Often, the main cause of failure in the prophetic is that we have moved under pressure rather than in peace and relaxation in the knowledge of God. I accept some pressure as part of my ministry, but there is no way I can live… Continue reading Peace not pressure

Discernment and direction

My confidence in the love of God colors the way I prophesy. Thank the Lord it does! Sometimes when we pray for our person, we can be given the gift of discerning spirits, along with our prophetic intuition. Primarily, discernment enables us to detect and witness God at work. however, it can also enable us… Continue reading Discernment and direction

Grace breaks our hearts

The grace of God will keep flowing into our lives most of the time. There isn’t any person in any church, anywhere to whom God doesn’t want you reveal his incredible kindness. Many Christians have given up on the kindness of God; our experiences with others have been so bad that we can’t help but… Continue reading Grace breaks our hearts

Revelation Knowledge

One of the most needed things among the body of Christ today is revelation knowledge of the Word of God. To understand what revelation knowledge is and how to get it functional in your life, you have to know at least some of the basics about your spirit, soul, and body. Your spirit is the… Continue reading Revelation Knowledge

Categorized as Revelation

Diagnosis verses prognosis

In prophecy when we receive a sense of objective, we then begin to focus in on what God wants to say to that individual. Often, the first thing we receive is diagnostic. A significant difference exists between a prophetic diagnosis and a prophetic prognosis. A diagnosis is the process of determining the nature and cause… Continue reading Diagnosis verses prognosis

How prophecy starts

In prophecy, the first thing we need to receive is a sense of burden. When we give ourselves fully to God’s love and grace, our hearts are tuned to the same wavelength as God’s. We inherit a sense of ownership for the church community he has placed us in, and, out of the burden, God… Continue reading How prophecy starts

Grace growers

It’s not easy to love everyone, but it is the call on every prophets life. To test us in this, God deliberately puts people around us who are meant to be loved by us. Oftentimes, we will have to be very creative to love them; some of them, by design, are not easy to love.… Continue reading Grace growers

Speaking to potential

God always speaks to our potential. In Luke 19, we read that Zacchaeus, a much-loathed tax collector, was up in a tree trying to see Christ. He was an obnoxious person who had defrauded most of the community. Some say he may have been up the tree because he couldn’t see over the crowd, but… Continue reading Speaking to potential

Our perception of God

What we think about God is the single most important thing in our lives. Whatever we perceive God’s nature to be will color how we live spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally. It is unavoidable. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19: 10). Our testimony of who Jesus is for us… Continue reading Our perception of God

Jesus is the model of grace

Jesus was full of grace and truth, and the perfect example for Christians to follow. Prophecy and grace must come together in our lives as they did in his. Philippians 4: 8- finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever… Continue reading Jesus is the model of grace

Prophecy and grace

Jesus became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him. Therefore, the judgment of death came upon him, so that the fullness of his life might come upon us. Romans 8: 31 what then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He… Continue reading Prophecy and grace

Old turns new

In 1 Corinthians 12-14, the apostle Paul teaches us how to use the vocal gifts. Three passages are particularly important to this study. 1 Corinthians 12: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit,… Continue reading Old turns new

The exercise of prophesy

God is in the business of developing prophetic companies around the world. I believe he is more interested in creating these prophetic communities than he is in breeding a new generation of prophetic superstars. His heart is to bring the whole body of Christ under a prophetic canopy. To live in Christ is to live… Continue reading The exercise of prophesy

The heart of prophesy

Joel 2: 28 and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old man shall dream dreams, your young man shall see visions. And also on my menservants and my maid servants I will pour out my Spirit in… Continue reading The heart of prophesy

In Christ

What does it mean to be in Christ? It is speaking of a positional and experiential relationship that goes way beyond the relationships that we have with people in the natural world. When we receive Jesus as our savior where our spirit becomes alive to him, we are co-crucified, we are co-buried and co-resurrected and… Continue reading In Christ

Categorized as Identity

Misrepresenting the Kingdom

The role of the church in the world is to proclaim a radiant awareness of God’s nature and a radiant awareness of the Kingdom of heaven coming to the earth. We represent all that is wonderful about the person of God and his willingness to forgive, redeem and restore. Our very lives are a description… Continue reading Misrepresenting the Kingdom

Designations of ministry

A designation is a description, name, or title that is given to someone or something. All true mentors would never place the emphasis on character before gifts, simply because God is not inclined that way. He works life and gifting together. He produces character out of our anointing as he works character into our gifting. Ministry supplies us with lots… Continue reading Designations of ministry

Grace and Life

The grace of God is energy.   God’s grace works in me. It’s not I that’s working, it is his grace.  There is no manifestation of Sonship apart from grace and life. When we come into sonship, we bring life to all creation. And everyone in the church is going to have to shift how they see… Continue reading Grace and Life

Mentoring through paradox

In mentoring, we must deal with people in a paradox rather than a paradigm. A paradox is two apparently conflicting ideas contained in the same truth. We must die in order to live. We must give in order to receive. We must be last in order to be first. Paradox is both/and, not either/or. A… Continue reading Mentoring through paradox

Categorized as Devotional

The value of faithfulness

Everything that we have is given to us by God first. John 3: 27 John answered and said, a man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven. Romans11: 35 or who has first given to him that it might be paid back to him again? For from him and through him… Continue reading The value of faithfulness

Categorized as Devotional

The Spirit of disclosure

The Holy Spirit is the most enthusiastic, encouraging person that I have ever encountered. He loves the role that he has in our lives. He loves prophetically to disclose to us what is to come (John 16: 13-15), and then to empower us in the process of becoming that In Word and Deed. He is… Continue reading The Spirit of disclosure

Time out!

What part of your life is under conviction from the Holy Spirit at this time? What scriptures is he using to support the change he wishes to introduce? These will be the blessings and promises that he will release to us as we respond joyfully to change. In addition to those, we may also have… Continue reading Time out!

God is present-future

Why does God give us prophetic words that can be so far into the future, we often feel that we cannot connect with them now? He loves us to have a horizon in our lives; Something to aim for and head towards in our relationship with him. Jeremiah 29: 11-for I know the plans I… Continue reading God is present-future

Taking personal responsibility

Too many believers have an incorrect view of how prophecy is fulfilled. Firstly, there is a mentality that says, if God said it, then it is bound to happen. This is Christian fatalism, and seems to absolve us of any personal responsibility in partnering with the Holy Spirit. Secondly, the other school of thought declares… Continue reading Taking personal responsibility

Pregnant with promise

Prophecy is mostly an act of conception. The word enters our spirit and grows in the secret place of our heart. Promises are designed to possess us for the purpose of God. When we study the word and pray over it, we become charged with a reality from another dimension. Prophecy connects us with the… Continue reading Pregnant with promise

Focus increases favor

It is important to pay attention to blessing. To live in a way that positions our life to receive from the Lord. We must concentrate on who Jesus is for us and know exactly what it means to be in Christ. Focus will always bring forth truth and power to bear on our circumstances. Focus… Continue reading Focus increases favor

When we give, we are being challenged to receive and move into fullness

We know that tithing is a tribute to the sovereignty of God. We give to him in recognition of His Majesty and his claim over us as his subjects. We give to him because we are in partnership with him in the Kingdom. We believe that all we are and all we have belong to… Continue reading When we give, we are being challenged to receive and move into fullness

Relinquish the pain

We’ve all dealt with or are dealing with issues of betrayal, disappointment and woundedness. In the future we will have situations that are unfair and hurtful. Prior to the resolution of those incidents is the matter of becoming Christ like. The fruit of the Spirit mostly grows in bad soil. How does kindness grow? It… Continue reading Relinquish the pain

Every circumstance has upgrades attached to it

Our circumstances are not the problem. Our perception of our circumstances is the problem. We think of situations only in the context of the difficulties they contain. God sees them in the content of the provisions he has made available. Every situation has opportunities for us to discover more about God and ourselves. The Lord… Continue reading Every circumstance has upgrades attached to it

The internal power of our identity will discover the external power in a crisis

When we know who we are in Jesus, we receive the confidence necessary to pursue that identity. What the Lord says about us is a major clue to our inheritance. When we have received scripture from the Holy Spirit that pertains to a particular calling, then all our resources will flow through that identity. The… Continue reading The internal power of our identity will discover the external power in a crisis

A renewed mind is one that will not contemplate a single day without favor

When the father puts us into Christ, he envisions the same relationship with us that he enjoys with Jesus. We are in Christ so that all the favor Jesus enjoys now comes to us also. We are not given favor because of who we are in ourselves, but because of who Jesus is in us.… Continue reading A renewed mind is one that will not contemplate a single day without favor

There is no internal struggle over sin; only a simple resting in the righteousness of Christ

When I speak on the truth that we are to focus only on righteousness rather than sin, the question is asked concerning Romans 7: 14-25. 14 For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do,… Continue reading There is no internal struggle over sin; only a simple resting in the righteousness of Christ

God is not dealing with our sin; he is establishing our righteousness

The father loves to give us permission to be like him, to view ourselves as he does and then to take on that identity. He gave Jesus both as savior, to bring closure to the old nature, and as Redeemer, to turn a sin habit into righteous behavior. He gave the Holy Spirit to each… Continue reading God is not dealing with our sin; he is establishing our righteousness

It takes God to love God

Nothing that we give to God can originate within us. We can only love God because he first loved us (1John 4: 19). Everything that we have is given to us first by God (James 1: 17). The way we come into salvation is the way that our fellowship with God is maintained. He initiates… Continue reading It takes God to love God

The fruit is the Spirit is a more potent weapon against the enemy than the gifts

We must defeat the enemy personally and then we have power over the enemy in ministry. We cannot take ground from the enemy if he has ground in us. In warfare the enemy uses our own flesh against us. It makes sense therefore that our first line of defense is the nature of God and… Continue reading The fruit is the Spirit is a more potent weapon against the enemy than the gifts

Categorized as Devotional

God allows our preferences, but not our prejudice

Prejudice overwhelms us and prevents us from seeing and experiencing so many things in life. A  prejudice, once formed, can take a long time to undo. It can kill our enjoyment of so many things. Having a preference for one thing over another is natural. Turning that preference into a prejudice against someone or something… Continue reading God allows our preferences, but not our prejudice

Make it a rule

Make it a rule of life that you will never talk about your own limitations and failings without, in the same breath, magnifying the Lord for all his sufficiency and greatness! God’s greatness overwhelms our inadequacies.

Categorized as Devotional

Rethink your assumptions

Assumption (a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof): If all our thinking has brought us to a place that we do not like, it’s time to acquire some new thoughts. Our thinking always leads us somewhere. It’s our responsibility to ensure that our thinking is compatible with God’s… Continue reading Rethink your assumptions

People want new but think old

Every time a church, organization or business goes through transition they hit this particular crisis. It’s not hard to help people envision the future. It is easy to inspire people about the purposes of God. People love his promises-but not the process which is attached. Generally, people wish to obtain an impartation- that means they… Continue reading People want new but think old

Warriors do not look for sympathy; They look for majesty

We are the army of the Lord, but are we a warrior? Warriors do not need rescuing. They do not avoid tough situations. They see every circumstance as an opportunity to believe the Lord for something. They are privileged to trust, excited at the prospect of moving in faith. Every situation provides them with the… Continue reading Warriors do not look for sympathy; They look for majesty

Before we choose an action, we have already chosen a thought

Every action has a starting place. Every strong emotion has a beginning. There is a reason why the father wants us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). All transformation originates in renewed thinking (Romans 12: 2). How we think about ourselves dominates our behavior (Proverbs 23: 7) and… Continue reading Before we choose an action, we have already chosen a thought

Categorized as Devotional

Gift of choice

The Gift of Choice. God has given us the gift of free will. We are where we are today because of the choices we’ve made. Throughout the bible God recommends that we choose life by making wise decisions – listening to and obeying His guidance. We are now in a time of new beginnings and… Continue reading Gift of choice

Cleansing trauma

The Pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.    A gateway is a place of… Continue reading Cleansing trauma

Cleansing 6

Transformation, transfiguration or metamorphosis can take place at many levels, spiritual and dimensional. Soul – emotions, mind, memory. Physical body and our DNA both genetically and epigenetically. Rom 8:16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with… Continue reading Cleansing 6

Cleansing 7

We have declarations for applying the body and blood of Jesus. These statements were birthed out of my personal experience. Use them as a template to form your own faith filled words. Don’t just repeat my words parrot fashion – know the heart and meaning I choose to bear the record, my eternal image conformed… Continue reading Cleansing 7

Cleansing 5

Psa 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; 24 and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way. We can be proactive to engage everything that is blocking our gates or is negatively affecting our identity. Transformation, transfiguration… Continue reading Cleansing 5

Cleansing 4

1 Cor 6:17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 1 Thes 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Psa 139:23 Search me,… Continue reading Cleansing 4


A gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised. Whoever controls your life’s different gateways exercises authority, dominion & control over you. Your gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out so that you become a gateway of heaven.    1 Cor 6:17 But the one who joins himself to… Continue reading Cleansing

Battle plan

40 Day Identity and Destiny Battle Plan 2 Cor 10:4-5 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience… Continue reading Battle plan

Battle plan

40 Day Identity and Destiny Battle Plan 2 Cor 10:4-5  for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience… Continue reading Battle plan


A brief recap on 29 sessions. And then open to questions and I got one session to do which is going to be transitioning from the pathway of relationship to the pathway responsibility to bridge the gap between the two whole models. But essentially we looked at gateways and we are spirit soul and body… Continue reading Recap

Dark cloud

We are on this basic pathway of relationship leading to deeper intimacy with God which is what we are talking about. The focus is about conformation into the image of sonship through the transformation process. Understanding our gateways is about removing the obstacles to God engaging us inside so we can be like him ultimately.… Continue reading Dark cloud

Soaking room

Intimacy for a lot of people will mean one thing and intimacy for others will mean another thing. When God’s means intimacy it means him being close enough to us for him to affect our lives in a positive way. So that may look very different from one person to another because we all have… Continue reading Soaking room

Soaking room 2-1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Focus is about conformation into the image of sonship through transformation .Purpose is to be manifested as sons of God living in dual realms fulfilling the creation mandate to restore all things. Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and… Continue reading Soaking room 2-1

Soaking room 1

The Pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God. The focus is about conformation into the image of sonship through transformation. The purpose is to be manifested as sons of God living in dual realms fulfilling the creation mandate to restore all things   Rom 12:1 do not be conformed to this world – removing… Continue reading Soaking room 1

Soaking room

We are looking at the four chambers of the heart and the whole pathway of relationship which leads to deeper intimacy with God. Our focus is about conformation into the image of sonship so that we can become transformed into the image of God that he has created us to have. His purpose is that… Continue reading Soaking room

Dance Floor 1

We are on the pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God, Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, and body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover.    Our heart is our very core where soul and spirit are… Continue reading Dance Floor 1

Dance floor

The engaging God pathway relationship is going into deeper intimacy with God. Everything flowing from heaven flowing into our spirit flowing out through our spirit into the world. We are looking at the deeper depths of that relationship and the deeper things of that relationship, that releases to us. There is so much more to… Continue reading Dance floor

Garden of the heart 3-1

The pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God, flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover.       Our heart is our very core where soul and spirit are joined in the secret place… Continue reading Garden of the heart 3-1

Garden of the heart 3

We are following pathways that lead to deeper intimacy with God, things that flow from the inside out. We can engage heaven that flows through the gateways of our spirit, soul and body and really were at a point where we need to go deeper and find deeper experiences of that relationship. So, we’ve looked… Continue reading Garden of the heart 3

Garden of the heart 2-1

The pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover.       Our heart is our very core where soul and spirit are joined in the secret place of… Continue reading Garden of the heart 2-1

Garden of the heart 2

Engaging God, we are still on the pathway of relationship. God wants intimacy with us, he wants that intimacy to go deeper, and it flows from the outside, from heaven into our spirit and then out to the world around us. Therefore, in what we are doing right now is we are really looking for… Continue reading Garden of the heart 2

Ketubah 3-1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God, flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover God’s desire is a marriage relationship with us, His people those He created. A Ketubah is… Continue reading Ketubah 3-1

Garden of the heart 1-1

The Pathway of Relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God Flowing from inside out – from heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover    Relationship and intimacy are perfectly expressed in eternity between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Perfect… Continue reading Garden of the heart 1-1

Garden of the heart 1

We are going to carry on with engaging God looking at the pathway of relationship. We are getting to the end of that pathway, deeper intimacy with God flowing from inside out from heaven through the gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us. We are going to look at the… Continue reading Garden of the heart 1

Ketubah 4

We are continuing with engaging God this four session series on ketubah is probably one of the most important that I’ve done for us moving forward in the purposes of God individually and corporately. Were on a pathway of relationship and this is the end of that pathway but will lead us into the pathway… Continue reading Ketubah 4

Ketubah 4-1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover.    God does not choose us on the basis of our good works, our past performance or… Continue reading Ketubah 4-1

Ketubah 3

We are going to continue with engaging God today and looking at katubah. So, everything about this is about relationship. God wants to have relationship with us, and he wants that relationship to go deeper. Because he wants to engage the earth from heaven through us as a gateway. So that in our relationship we… Continue reading Ketubah 3

Ketubah 2

Okay well I’m going to turn this on I’m going to continue from last week we looking at ketubah and we are going to have to continue it to next week sorry so we’re at looking intimacy and God is leading us into intimacy which goes at a deeper level with him so that we… Continue reading Ketubah 2

Ketubah 2-1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover. 4 chambers of the heart help us engage at multiple levels and depths of intimacy where… Continue reading Ketubah 2-1

Ketubah 1

There is a pathway of relationship that builds deeper intimacy so we can engage God on the inside of us, which opens us up to a flow of heaven through our spirit soul and body. This is why we have been looking at all the gateways things. there is a depth of relationship on that… Continue reading Ketubah 1

Ketubah 1-1

The pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God.  Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover.       Relationship and intimacy are perfectly expressed in God in eternity between Father, Son and Holy… Continue reading Ketubah 1-1

Communion 4 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us .We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.    Transformation, transfiguration or metamorphosis can take… Continue reading Communion 4 

Communion 3-1

Continuing with the looking at how we engage God, how we have intimacy with him through a relationship of deeper and deeper revelation of who he is, of who we are, we cannot know ourselves truly without knowing him and in knowing him he reveals who we are and that brings us back to a… Continue reading Communion 3-1

Communion 3 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us .We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.       Transformation, transfiguration or metamorphosis can take… Continue reading Communion 3 

Communion 2-1

Part of engaging God is engaging God in every aspect of our lives, he is not just interested in the spiritual aspect or we can do for him, he is interested in everything. so he wants an intimacy with us in that relationship which opens up realms that we don’t even understand yet to us.… Continue reading Communion 2-1

Communion 2 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.    Psa 139:23 Search me, O God,… Continue reading Communion 2 

Communion 1-1

This whole process we’ve been looking at for the last couple of years is really is about engaging God personally intimately having that intimate relationship with God which engages us on the inside engages us with the realm of heaven and so that heaven can flow through us and around us so we can touch… Continue reading Communion 1-1

Communion 1 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.   1 Cor 6:17 But the one… Continue reading Communion 1 

Gateway cleansing

We will continue following the pathway of relationship so we can go deeper with God. We ultimately engage heaven and heaven engages the earth through the gateways of our spirit, soul body to the world around us to bring God’s love, his power and kingdom.  We are looking at cleansing the gateways of our soul.… Continue reading Gateway cleansing

Cleansing familiars 1

We are going to continue on this pathway of relationship to engage God in intimacy so that we can know him more deeply but also know ourselves and that flows from the inside out.  We can engage in heaven that flows through our gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us.… Continue reading Cleansing familiars 1

Cleansing familiars

Familiar spirits are evil spirits that our familiar with us and our family line. Evil spirits are the power of negative suggestion. They can put thoughts in our minds and effect our emotions negatively. The Pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God, flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit,… Continue reading Cleansing familiars

Courts 05 

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms  .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms  .On this journey we are following the pathways of relationship and responsibility.       Our journey is being mapped with footsteps showing the path we have taken  .There are milestones… Continue reading Courts 05 

Courts 4 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  open.    The enemy is a legalist and has to be given permission or have a legal right to be able to operate .    To remove the enemy from our gates we… Continue reading Courts 4 

Courts 3 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  .We can access the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our gates open.    The enemy is a legalist and has to be… Continue reading Courts 3 

Courts 3 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. We can access the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our gates open.    The enemy is a legalist and has to be… Continue reading Courts 3 

Courts 2 -1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  .We can access the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our gates open.    The enemy is a legalist and has to be… Continue reading Courts 2 -1

Courts 2

So, were looking at how we how we engage God and with similar two pathways one about relationship with God which brings us into a deeper intimacy and understanding of who God is, who we are from the perspective of God. And we have seen that as a result of entering into a relationship with… Continue reading Courts 2

Courts 1 -1

We are on the Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. We need those gates open and flowing with the river of life and the fire of God’s glory.       In the UK: 7 levels… Continue reading Courts 1 -1

Courts 1

We are looking at engaging God, looking particularly at the pathway of relationship that leads us to deeper intimacy with God, leads us into engaging God here and in the realms of heaven. And so, we have been seeing that, that flows from the inside out. Heaven, the kingdom in us, is a gateway where… Continue reading Courts 1

Gateway openings 2

       Everything we do in the kingdom of God has to be done through relationship and intimacy with God it cannot be independent of him in any way. The flesh profits nothing. So anything we do on our own will not  produce any eternal value or fruit. The life of God needs to flow from… Continue reading Gateway openings 2

Gateway openings 1

We are looking at this pathway of relationship. Everything that we do in the kingdom of God has to be done through relationship and intimacy with God, it can’t be independent of him in any way. Jesus said that the flesh profits nothing so anything we do on our own is not going to produce… Continue reading Gateway openings 1

Gateway openings

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. Our first love gate is a 2 way gate heaven accesses us but we also access heaven. Journaling – keeping a record, notes or a dated journal… Continue reading Gateway openings

Gateways self

Looking to discover how we can engage God in intimacy in the spiritual realms. we’ve been very much looking about how to engage that on intimacy and relationship so we’re looking at our spirit soul and body gateways and we been looking at how understand how God made us and how  he wanted us to… Continue reading Gateways self


The pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God, Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. First love gate is a 2-way gate, heaven accesses us, but we also access heaven. We are a spirit (breath of life) – makes us God and… Continue reading Self

Gateways soul

We are looking at engaging God on the pathway of relationship and deeper intimacy with God and engaging both the realm of the kingdom and the realm of heaven so that flows through us. We are looking at the gateways of our spirit soul and body so that we can be a gateway of heaven… Continue reading Gateways soul


The Pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us .Our first love gate is a 2 way gate heaven accesses us but we also access heaven . Trichotomists believe that we are a three part being… Continue reading Soul

Spirit gates1

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out… Continue reading Spirit gates1

Spirit gates

We are on a journey and an adventure to discover God and to engage the spiritual realms both within us and around us and in heaven. That journey follows a pathway of relationship and responsibility. It is a relationship of intimacy with God and also a responsibility of actually bringing the kingdom of God into… Continue reading Spirit gates

First love

We are on a journey an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenlies .On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility  Pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – from heaven… Continue reading First love


Do not ignore the negative, learn how to use it! We have a creative spirit within that knows how to take advantage of every situation and circumstance. One of God’s prime development tools is teaching us how to move in the opposite spirit. The teachings of Jesus known as the beatitudes are a prime example… Continue reading Persecution

The enemy is not content to depress you-he needs you for an ally

Whenever we have a negative mindset and confession, we give the enemy permission to afflict us. Agreement is either the making or the breaking of us, depending upon who we align ourselves with, the Holy Spirit or the enemy. We allow ourselves to be overcome mostly by default. We are weak in our acceptance of… Continue reading The enemy is not content to depress you-he needs you for an ally

A life of continual rejoicing

Rejoice always, and again I say rejoice. Give thanks in everything; It’s the will of God for you. We are made for celebration. Everything in us resonates when we give thanks. We are happiest when we exult in someone or something. Elation is a tangible expression of being overjoyed. Gladness, jubilation, and delight are visible… Continue reading A life of continual rejoicing

Every problem has a provision attached to it

It is impossible to grow in faith unless you have something to overcome. Life in the Spirit is about how we meet problems, difficulties and adversity and the process of learning how to rise up and surmount those obstacles. An authentic life in the Spirit requires both training and proving. Jesus learned obedience by the… Continue reading Every problem has a provision attached to it

Trading floors

We have Legitimate desires of our heart, inbuilt by God – but we may have tried to meet these needs through other sources. When we do so we offer the enemy a sacrifice. We need to be aware of what these trading floors are, the are falling principalities. All counterfeit methods we use for giving… Continue reading Trading floors

Who are you?

We work from victory, not towards it. When we pray that the Lord would deliver us and heal us, he does not hear that prayer, we have a disconnect. I went to a bible school in 1988. It was called New Life bible school and was founded by Norvel Hayes. Before I attended, there was… Continue reading Who are you?

Your truest identity is composed of your persona and your personality

Our persona is who we are, our person. Our personality includes our patterns of thoughts, actions, and emotions. It’s also influenced by our temperament and experiences. Our persona is who God says we are, and our personality must come into alignment with it. Our persona is our spirit in union with God, our personality resides… Continue reading Your truest identity is composed of your persona and your personality

We can tell the quality of somene’s inner life by the amount of opposition it takes to discourage them  

If we are growing up in all things in Christ, the enemy will have to work harder against us this year than last. The enemy uses intimidation because it’s cheap. Only God is infinite and only he as abundance. The enemy has a budget. The devil has to calculate everything. How can he achieve huge… Continue reading We can tell the quality of somene’s inner life by the amount of opposition it takes to discourage them  

A crisis attracts the power and the strength of God

On the pathway of your life, the father knows where every attack, every crisis, and every problem is located. Next to Eash difficulty he has placed a promise and a provision. When we experience the tribulation, then we must uncover the revelation of the promise and the provision that is also present. We stand on… Continue reading A crisis attracts the power and the strength of God

Our boldness

We need his boldness worked into our life. Our boldness in coming to God and our sense of expectation will be a huge inspiration to others. The one who believes in Jesus shall not be disappointed (Romans 9: 33). The Holy Spirit is our tutor to school us into becoming like Jesus. On earth Jesus… Continue reading Our boldness

Categorized as Devotional

You are either the obstacle or the catalyst for change to occur

Do you want to be a part of the problem or a part of the solution? How many times has your resistance prevented something from happening? How often has your obedience created an opportunity? You are a catalyst; A door opener; One who creates breakthrough. God can trust you to stand when others run. He… Continue reading You are either the obstacle or the catalyst for change to occur

Linear and cyclical

As human beings, we are very linear in the way that we think. This is part of the natural mind that thinks in straight lines and fixed points. We want the shortest route between here and there. When we receive a prophetic word, we want the outcome above all else. This is a normal, human… Continue reading Linear and cyclical


Father, I surrender control of my life to you. Fill me. Thank you for the anointing. Open eyes and ears. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Why do I even exist? No matter how fulfilling our life may be, there is nothing in this world that can fulfill the… Continue reading DESTINY

Categorized as Outlines


We respond to prophecy in the same way that we would to promise. We must become doers of the word, whether it is written or spoken. We live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God-Matthew 4: 4. Jesus came to elevate the prophetic word back to its rightful place in the… Continue reading Prophecy

Categorized as Prophecy

The promises of God and our development-1

Knowledge always involves an encounter with God. All promises elevate our relationship with the Lord. The law began as a prophecy. All prophecy involves a process. Every response is tested so it can be established. Partnering with newness of life. Take responsibility for your blessing. There is no breakthrough without follow through. The difference between… Continue reading The promises of God and our development-1

Gift of choice

The Gift of Choice… • God has given us the gift of free will • We are where we are today because of the choices we’ve made • Throughout the bible God recommends that we choose life by making wise decisions – listening to and obeying His guidance • We are now in a time… Continue reading Gift of choice

Categorized as Gates

Cleansing trauma

1 Module 4 – Cleansing Gateways 3 – 14 Trauma to Transformation  Session 14  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  • Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  • We can access the legal or judicial court system of the… Continue reading Cleansing trauma

Categorized as Gates

Cleansing 6

Engaging God • Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God • Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us • We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing Cleansing… Continue reading Cleansing 6

Categorized as Gates

Cleansing 7

Engaging God • Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God • Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us • We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing Cleansing… Continue reading Cleansing 7

Categorized as Gates

Cleansing 5

Engaging God • Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God • Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us • We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing Cleansing… Continue reading Cleansing 5

Categorized as Gates

Cleansing 4

Engaging God • Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God • Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us • We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing Cleansing… Continue reading Cleansing 4

Categorized as Gates

Cleansing 2-1

1 Module 4 – Cleansing Gateways 2 Session 13 Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us •We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and… Continue reading Cleansing 2-1

Categorized as Gates


Engaging God • Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God • Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us • We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing Cleansing… Continue reading Cleansing

Categorized as Gates

Battle plan

40 Day Identity and Destiny Battle Plan 2 Cor 10:4-5  for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience… Continue reading Battle plan

Categorized as Gates

Expanding your boundaries

A little clip of on some angelic activity as we have just been talking angels and engaging with the whole angelic realm when I was in Phoenix and there was a strong angelic presence and you couldn’t see it with the natural eyes but cameras seem to pick things up. they were live streaming the… Continue reading Expanding your boundaries

Categorized as Gates


A brief recap on 29 sessions. And then open to questions and I got one session to do which is going to be transitioning from the pathway of relationship to the pathway responsibility to bridge the gap between the two whole models. But essentially we looked at gateways and we are spirit soul and body… Continue reading Recap

Categorized as Gates

Dark cloud

Right so engaging God and we are on this basic pathway of relationship leading to deeper intimacy with God which is what we are talking about.  The focus is about conformation into the image of sonship through the transformation process. Understanding our gateways is about removing the obstacles to God engaging us inside and so… Continue reading Dark cloud

Categorized as Gates

Dark cloud 1

Engaging God •Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God •Focus is about conformation into the image of sonship through the transformation process •Purpose is to be manifested as sons of God living in dual realms fulfilling the creation mandate to restore all things Engaging God Gateways • Gen 1:28 God blessed them;… Continue reading Dark cloud 1

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Soaking room 2

Following on from last week and still looking at the whole pathway relationship because intimacy for a lot of people will mean one thing and intimacy for others will mean another thing. when God’s means intimacy it means him being close enough to us for him to affect our lives in a positive way. so… Continue reading Soaking room 2

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Soaking room 2-1

Engaging God •Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God •Focus is about conformation into the image of sonship through transformation •Purpose is to be manifested as sons of God living in dual realms fulfilling the creation mandate to restore all things Engaging God Gateways • Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God… Continue reading Soaking room 2-1

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Soaking room 1

1 Module 4 – 27 Gateways – Soaking Room 1  Session 27  The Pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God   The focus is about conformation into the image of sonship through transformation   The purpose is to be manifested as sons of God living in dual realms fulfilling the creation mandate to… Continue reading Soaking room 1

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Soaking room

Okay we are following on and from last week where we are looking at the four chambers of the heart and the whole pathway of relationship which were coming to the end of leads to deeper intimacy with God the focus is about conformation into the image of sonship so that we can become transformed… Continue reading Soaking room

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Dance Floor  1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God, Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover           Our heart is our very core where soul and spirit are joined in the… Continue reading Dance Floor  1

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Dance floor

After a few weeks break, hopefully you have all been engaging in the garden of your heart . were going back to the engaging God pathways relationship going into deeper intimacy with God. everything flowing from heaven flowing into our spirit flowing out through our spirit into the world. and really looking at the deeper… Continue reading Dance floor

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Garden of the heart 3-1

1 Module 4 – 25 Gateways – Heart 3  Session 25  The pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God  Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us   There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover        Our heart is… Continue reading Garden of the heart 3-1

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Garden of the heart 3

This is week three of this part of the engaging God program engaging God program is about following pathways that lead to deeper intimacy with God things that flow from the inside out we can engage heaven that flows through the gateways of our spirit soul and body and really were at a point where… Continue reading Garden of the heart 3

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Garden of the heart 2-1

1 Module 4 – 24 Gateways – Heart 2  Session 24  The pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God  Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us   There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover       2  Our heart is our… Continue reading Garden of the heart 2-1

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Garden of the heart 2

Engaging God we are still on the pathway of relationship. God wants intimacy with us he wants that intimacy to go deeper and it flows from the outside from heaven into our spirit and then out to the world around us and therefore in what we are doing right now in these sessions is we… Continue reading Garden of the heart 2

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Ketubah 3-1

Engaging God •Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us •There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover Cleansing Gateways 4 Chambers of the Heart Using the Court of Accusation Gateways of… Continue reading Ketubah 3-1

Garden of the heart 1-1

1 Module 4 – 23 Gateways – Heart 1  Session 23  The Pathway of Relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God  Flowing from inside out – from heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us   There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover    2  Relationship… Continue reading Garden of the heart 1-1

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Garden of the heart 1

We are going to carry on with engaging God looking at the pathway of relationship. we are getting to the end of that pathway, deeper intimacy with God flowing from inside out from heaven through the gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us and we are going to look at… Continue reading Garden of the heart 1

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Ketubah 4

We are continuing with engaging God this four session series on ketubah is probably one of the most important that I’ve done for us moving forward in the purposes of God individually and corporately. were on a pathway of relationship and this is the end of that pathway, but will lead us into the pathway… Continue reading Ketubah 4

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Ketubah 4-1

1 Module 4 – 22 Ketubah 4  Session 22  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us   There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover    God does not choose us on… Continue reading Ketubah 4-1

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Ketubah 3

       We are going to continue with engaging God today and looking at katubah. so everything about this is about relationship .God wants to have relationship with us and he wants that relationship to go deeper. because he wants to engage the earth from heaven through us as a gateway. So that in our relationship… Continue reading Ketubah 3

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Ketuba 2

Okay well I’m going to turn this on I’m going to continue from last week we looking at ketubah and we are going to have to continue it to next week sorry so we’re at looking intimacy and God is leading us into intimacy which goes at a deeper level with him so that we… Continue reading Ketuba 2

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Ketubah 2-1

Engaging God •Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us •There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover Cleansing Gateways 4 Chambers of the Heart Using the Court of Accusation Gateways of… Continue reading Ketubah 2-1

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Ketubah 1

There is a pathway of relationship that builds deeper intimacy so we can engage God on the inside of us, which opens us up to a flow of heaven through our spirit soul and body. This is why we have been looking at all the gateways things. there is a depth of relationship on that… Continue reading Ketubah 1

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Ketubah 1-1

1 Module 4 – 19 Ketubah  Session 19  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us   There are depths of relationship on this pathway yet to discover       Relationship and intimacy are perfectly expressed in… Continue reading Ketubah 1-1

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Communion 4 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us .We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.    Transformation, transfiguration or metamorphosis can take… Continue reading Communion 4 

Communion 3-1

Continuing with the looking at how we engage God, how we have intimacy with him through a relationship of deeper and deeper revelation of who he is, of who we are, we cannot know ourselves truly without knowing him and in knowing him he reveals who we are and that brings us back to a… Continue reading Communion 3-1

Communion 3 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us .We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.       Transformation, transfiguration or metamorphosis can take… Continue reading Communion 3 

Communion 2-1

Part of engaging God is engaging God in every aspect of our lives, he is not just interested in the spiritual aspect or we can do for him, he is interested in everything. so he wants an intimacy with us in that relationship which opens up realms that we don’t even understand yet to us.… Continue reading Communion 2-1

Communion 2 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.        Psa 139:23 Search me, O… Continue reading Communion 2 

Communion 1-1

This whole process we’ve been looking at for the last couple of years is really is about engaging God personally intimately having that intimate relationship with God which engages us on the inside engages us with the realm of heaven and so that heaven can flow through us and around us so we can touch… Continue reading Communion 1-1

Communion 1 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing.   1 Cor 6:17 But the one… Continue reading Communion 1 

Trauma to transfiguration 1-1

 Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep them flowing. A gateway is a place of… Continue reading Trauma to transfiguration 1-1

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Trauma to transfiguration

We are going to continue following this pathway of engaging God and over the past few weeks we really been looking at how to deal with our gateways and look at how we can use the heavenly court system and how we can keep our gateways open and flowing we’re at part four on this… Continue reading Trauma to transfiguration

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Cleansing gateways 2

Module 4 – Cleansing Gateways 2  Session 13  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  •We can access the legal or judicial court system of the heavenly realms to open our gates and keep… Continue reading Cleansing gateways 2

Categorized as Gateways

Gateway cleansing

Okay we will continue following the pathway of relationship so we can go deeper with God.  So we ultimately engage heaven and heaven engages the earth through the gateways of our spirit soul body to the world around us to bring god’s love, his power and kingdom.  We have access to legal system of heaven… Continue reading Gateway cleansing

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Cleansing familiars 2

Engaging God •Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us •We can access the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our gates open Cleansing Gateways 4 Chambers of the Heart… Continue reading Cleansing familiars 2

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Cleansing familiars

We are going to continue on this pathway of relationship to engage God in intimacy so that we can know him more deeply but also know ourselves and that flows from the inside out. We can engage in heaven that flows through our gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us.… Continue reading Cleansing familiars

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Cleansing familiars

Module 4 – 12 Cleansing Gateways – Familiars  Session 12    Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  •We can access the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our… Continue reading Cleansing familiars

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Courts 5-1

Okay well if you are this to help you pick up a little bit of what we been talking about today and we been looking and over the last years about how we engage God in a more intimate way and in that engagement we been looking at engaging God in the spiritual realms as… Continue reading Courts 5-1

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Courts 05 

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms  .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms  .On this journey we are following the pathways of relationship and responsibility.       Our journey is being mapped with footsteps showing the path we have taken  .There are milestones… Continue reading Courts 05 

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Courts 4-1

We are continuing to look at the court system loving of engaging God on the pathway relationship God is calling us all into deeper intimacy with him to know we are and who he is in relationship we see that flows from heaven through our spirit into the world around us but it has to… Continue reading Courts 4-1

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Courts 4 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  open.    The enemy is a legalist and has to be given permission or have a legal right to be able to operate .    To remove the enemy from our gates we… Continue reading Courts 4 

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Courts 3-1

Looking at engaging God we are following the pathway relationship at the moment really to go deeper with God and have deeper intimacy that means that heaven engages us flowing everything flows from the inside out through the gateways of our spirit soul and body so the world can experience God’s love God’s power of… Continue reading Courts 3-1

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Courts 3 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  .We can access the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our gates open.    The enemy is a legalist and has to be… Continue reading Courts 3 

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Courts 2 -1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  .We can access the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our gates open.    The enemy is a legalist and has to be… Continue reading Courts 2 -1

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Courts 2

So were looking at how we how we engage God and with similar two pathways one about relationship with God which brings us into a deeper intimacy and understanding of who God is who we are from the perspective of God and we have seen that as a result of entering into a relationship with… Continue reading Courts 2

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Courts 1 -1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God  .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us  .We need those gates open and flowing with the river of life and the fire of God’s glory.              In the UK: 7 levels of courts… Continue reading Courts 1 -1

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Courts 1

Well for those of you are visiting, it is really great to welcome you. Were in sort of 30 40 50 60 70 parts into a series, so you will just have to pick up where we are. We are looking at engaging God, looking particularly at the pathway of relationship that leads us to… Continue reading Courts 1

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Gateway openings 2

       Everything we do in the kingdom of God has to be done through relationship and intimacy with God it cannot be independent of him in any way. The flesh profits nothing. So anything we do on our own will not  produce any eternal value or fruit. The life of God needs to flow from… Continue reading Gateway openings 2

Categorized as Gateways

Gateway openings 1

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. Our first love gate is a 2 way gate heaven accesses us but we also access heaven Cleansing Gateways 4 Chambers of the Heart Using the Court… Continue reading Gateway openings 1

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Gateway openings

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. Our first love gate is a 2 way gate heaven accesses us but we also access heaven Cleansing Gateways 4 Chambers of the Heart Using the Court… Continue reading Gateway openings

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New order

Yesterday 8/8/2015 was a significant day  • 8/8/2015 = 2+0+1+5 = 8 8 8 • New birth; New beginnings new covenant, resurrection, regeneration; or commencement.  • The eighth is a new first, the octave in music, colour, days of the week etc. • What are the old and the new? 888 is the numeric value… Continue reading New order

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Gateways self

Looking to discover how we can engage God in intimacy in the spiritual realms. we’ve been very much looking about how to engage that on intimacy and relationship so we’re looking at our spirit soul and body gateways and we been looking at how understand how God made us and how  he wanted us to… Continue reading Gateways self

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Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us .Our first love gate is a 2 way gate heaven accesses us but we also access heaven. We are a spirit (breath of life) – makes us… Continue reading SELF

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Gateways soul

At the moment were looking at engaging God on the pathway relationship and looking at deeper intimacy with God and engaging both the realm of the kingdom and the realm of heaven so that flows through us and we are looking at the gateways of our spirit soul and body so that we can be… Continue reading Gateways soul

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The Pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us .Our first love gate is a 2 way gate heaven accesses us but we also access heaven . Trichotomists believe that we are a three part being… Continue reading SOUL 1

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We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out… Continue reading SPIRIT GATES 1-1

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Spirit gates

We are going to Continue with engaging God, and for those of you who have not been before we are about hundred parts into it. They are all on the websites so you can catch up with it. But we are on a journey and I believe that is the really an adventure to discover… Continue reading Spirit gates

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We are on a journey an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenlies .On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility  Pathway of relationship leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – from heaven… Continue reading FIRST LOVE 1-1

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Gateways first love1

We are going to move on today to module 4 of engaging God and we are on a journey together and this is a bit of an adventure because we are not quite sure where we are going  all the time but God leads and we are going to discover how to engage the realms… Continue reading Gateways first love1

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Gateways first love

We are going to move on today in the engaging God. We are on a journey together in an adventure because we are not quite sure where we are going all the time, but God leads, and we are going to discover how to engage the realms of the spirit and how to engage God… Continue reading Gateways first love

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First love 3

blockages We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .We are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Why first love? What is first love? Why is first love so important? Our eternal destiny… Continue reading First love 3

Categorized as Love

First love 2

idenity We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .We are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility. Why first love? What is first love? Why is first love so important? Our eternal destiny… Continue reading First love 2

Categorized as Love

First love 1-1

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms .There are 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing from inside out – from heaven… Continue reading First love 1-1

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First love 1

Now we begin to put the spirit building exercises to good use as we set out on the pathway of relationship. Here we will engage God and access heaven in our own spirit. Remember it is a journey not a race so rushing through the material will not be beneficial.  Remember that the exercises in… Continue reading First love 1

Categorized as Love


 Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.” We must be aware when the former or old things have come to the end of their usefulness to accept the new things. If we are going to rule and reign… Continue reading Sin


Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”  We a need a new mind, a new reality and a new consciousness if we are to truly be sons of God What reality are you living?  From whose perspective are… Continue reading Deconstruction

The mind 3

Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth, I proclaim them to you.” We need a new mind, a new reality and a new consciousness if we are to walk in manifest sonship. What reality are you living in?  From whose perspective are you… Continue reading The mind 3

The mind 2

Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”  We need a new mind, a new reality and a new consciousness.   Mind – Greek nous.  The mind, comprising the faculties of perceiving and understanding and those of feeling, judging, determining. … Continue reading The mind 2

The mind

Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”  Joshua Generation are forerunners of new things which are characterised by establishing everything beyond the veil in the heavenlies first so it can then be established on earth   Isa 60:1 “Arise,… Continue reading The mind

Evangelism 6

Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”   God is revealing new things in our day, we have been comparing and contrasting old and new so we can make sure we are embracing the new and not clinging on… Continue reading Evangelism 6

Evangelism 5

Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”   God is revealing new things in our day, we have been comparing and contrasting old and new so we can make sure we are embracing the new and not clinging on… Continue reading Evangelism 5

Evangelism 4

Behold the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; before they spring forth, I proclaim them to you.  God is revealing new things in our day, we have been comparing and contrasting old and new so we can make sure we are embracing the new and not clinging on to what… Continue reading Evangelism 4

Evangelism 3

  To engage the Pathway of Responsibility we need to learn how to access beyond the veil and take our positions as lords, kings and sons on our thrones in the heavenly realms.  When we are seated in the heavenly realms we can then establish kingdom government.  Then as a gateway of heaven the kingdom… Continue reading Evangelism 3

Evangelism 2

To engage the Pathway of Responsibility we need to learn how to access beyond the veil and take our positions as lords, kings and sons on our thrones in the heavenly realms.  When we are seated in the heavenly realms we can establish kingdom government on the earth.  As a gateway of heaven the kingdom… Continue reading Evangelism 2


To engage the Pathway of Responsibility we need to learn how to access beyond the veil and take our positions as lords, kings and sons on our thrones in the heavenly realms. When we are seated in the heavenly realms we can establish kingdom government. Then as a gateway of heaven the kingdom fills and… Continue reading Evangelism

Embassy of heaven

To engage the Pathway of Responsibility we need to learn how to access beyond the veil and take our positions as lords, kings and sons on our thrones in the heavenly realms.   When we are seated in the heavenly realms we can establish kingdom government.   Then as a gateway of heaven the kingdom fills and… Continue reading Embassy of heaven


To engage the Pathway of Responsibility we need to learn how to access beyond the veil and take our positions on the mountains and thrones in the heavenly realms  When we are seated in the heavenly realms we can established kingdom government  Then as a gateway of heaven the kingdom fills and expands our boundaries… Continue reading Wineskins


What is our responsibility personally and corporately?   Definition of responsibility- the state or job of being in charge of something and of making sure that what happens is right or satisfactory. We each have the responsibility to fulfill our destiny. We have a joint responsibility for the Joshua Generation and harvest scrolls.   Gen 1:28 God… Continue reading Government


What is responsibility?  What is our responsibility personally and corporately?  Definition – the state or job of being in charge of something and of making sure that what happens is right or satisfactory.  We have a responsibility for the Joshua Generation and harvest scrolls.   To fulfil our responsibility, we need to learn how to access… Continue reading Responsibility

The third day

To engage the Pathway of Responsibility we need to learn how to access beyond the veil and take our positions on the mountains and thrones in the heavenly realms. When we are seated in the heavenly realms, we can establish kingdom government. Then as a gateway of heaven the kingdom fills and expands our boundaries… Continue reading The third day

Old verses New 2

We engage the Pathway of Responsibility when we learn to access beyond the veil and take our positions on the mountains and thrones in the heavenly realms.   Seated in the heavenly realms we can establish kingdom government. Then as a gateway of heaven the kingdom fills and expands our boundaries on earth.   Matt 6:10 Your… Continue reading Old verses New 2

Old verses new

We engage the Pathway of Responsibility when we learn to access beyond the veil and take our positions on the mountains and thrones in the heavenly realms.  Seated in the heavenly realms we establish kingdom government. As a gateway of heaven, the kingdom fills and expands our boundaries on earth.  Matt 6:10 Your kingdom come.… Continue reading Old verses new

Engaging God, the father

Engaging God, the FATHER Gen 1:1 In the beginning God… there was Perfect relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Also, Wisdom was there very early on: Prov 8:22 “The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way, Before His works of old. 23 “From everlasting I was established, 27 “When He established the… Continue reading Engaging God, the father

Unconditional love 4

The experiences I have had of unconditional love have radically changed my whole belief system concerning who God is and therefore the reach of God’s love towards all of His creation.God’s love is unconditional for everyone and everything and that love has no boundaries or limitations. Riaan Swiegelaar, the founder of the South African Satanic… Continue reading Unconditional love 4

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Unconditional love 3

Today I will continue to share about unconditional love and if we have time do an activation and thenopen it up for Q & AThere is an awakening occurring an people are being enlightened to who God really is as unconditionallove.It is really exciting that more people are now joining us on this amazing journey… Continue reading Unconditional love 3

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Unconditional love 2

A big thanks for all have become Patreon supporters and to those who have been able to join us tonight.This will be recorded as I know that not everyone can make this time due to time zone issues.I am really excited that more people are now joining us on this amazing journey of discovering oursonship… Continue reading Unconditional love 2

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Unconditional love 1

We are on a amazing journey of discovering our sonship. It is the journey, not the destination, that is important. You are hungry for more, seeking for more, and you know there is more. You are probably willing to push the boundaries to go further and higher. The Father desires that all the limitations and… Continue reading Unconditional love 1

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Spiritual workshop 2-1

There is basic foundational teaching that we need to get a hold of. We need to learn how to build our spirit. Without our spirit being built and grown and developed we will not find it very easy to connect up with the spirit of God and with heavenly things. If we want to get… Continue reading Spiritual workshop 2-1

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Spiritual workshop 1-1

call it practice it because that’s really what encouraged that what is the purpose will ultimately everything supernatural is is not actually the characters themselves because you while supernatural experiences as to the supernatural experiences are there to help us fulfill our best and our destinies is to be WordPress that means having kingly royalty… Continue reading Spiritual workshop 1-1

Categorized as Encounters

Spiritual workshop 4

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Heb 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. (spirit & soul) Practice Desire – Discipline – Delight Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Accountability Questions  Have you spent more time or better  quality time with God?  Have… Continue reading Spiritual workshop 4

Categorized as Encounters

Spiritual workshop 1

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Purpose? Fulfil our destinies – Royal Priesthood Manifest as sons of God on the earth Live a supernatural lifestyle as a gateway for heaven to invade earth Develop our ability to see and walk in the light Access the heavenly realms Access and develop the kingdom of God within us Supernatural… Continue reading Spiritual workshop 1

Categorized as Encounters

Spiritual warfare 2

We have been looking at a spiritual warfare and kingdom of God and how that out works and just give a brief recap it is important just to keep recapping the important bits that we really get hold of it Matthew 10 7-8 Jesus talking to his disciples and talking to us as you go… Continue reading Spiritual warfare 2

Spiritual warfare 2

We have been looking at a spiritual warfare and kingdom of God and how that out works and just give a brief recap it is important just to keep recapping the important bits that we really get hold of it Matthew 10 7-8 Jesus talking to his disciples and talking to us as you go… Continue reading Spiritual warfare 2

Spiritual warfare 1

I want to begin really next session of teaching, I have been doing an it is really an introduction today but I am going to sum up a little bit of what we shared last week Mathew 10:1 Jesus summoned his 12 disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and… Continue reading Spiritual warfare 1

Sons invested and enthroned 4-1

 Investiture, Succession, Enthronement, Coronation . Identity releases position and position released authority . These positions are not earned by performance but given as rights . Maturity is not about performance but a realised identity being releases doing.  Investiture –we are all invested with His identity as sons with the birthright of a heavenly position and… Continue reading Sons invested and enthroned 4-1

Process 3

Living in newness of life The ultimate result of process is where God takes up residence in our lives. We all have a story and we are all on a journey. Our journey needs to be a shared journey with who Jesus is. The reality of God is that He will not accept second best.… Continue reading Process 3

Process 2

Cultivating reciprocal abiding Jeremiah 17: 5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in… Continue reading Process 2

The process 1

1:01 The journey of trust Jeremiah 17: 5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched… Continue reading The process 1

Sons arise 11-1

Our sonship brings responsibility that flows from the intimacy of our relationship with our Father. Identity, Position, Authority. How do we fulfill our responsibility as sons?  What are the attributes of our sonship. Gen 1:28 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it;… Continue reading Sons arise 11-1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 9-1

We already agreed with Him when our scroll was revealed.  If we choose to agree with Him now, it is essential for us to get hold of His thoughts toward us and to know progressively what is written on our scroll. Engage the scroll room of heaven and read what we our allowed to. Engage… Continue reading Sons arise 9-1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 8-1

As sons we have access to I am what was and is now before there was anything other than God  We can engage the eternal aspects of our identity and destiny Heart of God outside of time and space Your eternal home in the dance of God’s love True intimacy and true identity   Restored relationship… Continue reading Sons arise 8-1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 7-1

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God… Perfect relationship Father, Son and Holy Spirit Love, joy and peace perfectly expressed Transformed my understanding and outworking of love John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. John 1:1… Continue reading Sons arise 7-1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 6-1

At a conference I saw Joshua and Joseph come and stand on my left and right and Enoch stand behind and Daniel stand in front Joseph and Joshua held up my hands to strengthen me They were associating with the call to be the Joshua Generation   Joshua generation have a different spirit willing to face… Continue reading Sons arise 6-1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 4-1

Heb 4:16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. That means that we have all the resources of heaven available to us just like Jesus, God’s son River of life Waterfalls, Father’s Garden, The Tree… Continue reading Sons arise 4-1

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Sons arise 3-1

What is the Father really like?  The Father is not who religion or culture makes Him out to be. The Father is not an old man with a long white beard some Santa Claus type figure The Father is not an Old Testament angry distant deity who needs appeasing with animal sacrifices.   The Father is… Continue reading Sons arise 3-1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 2-1

We have an Open heaven for a manifestation of God’s glory. We invite in heaven’s representatives. Engagement with 4 faces of God – Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man. Engage the 4 angels of transition. Transformation, Winds of Change, Sound of Many Waters, Refiners fire. 7 spirits of God are here to affirm our sonship identity. Flags… Continue reading Sons arise 2-1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 1-1

Sons Arise – Engaging the Father “Sons Arise!” is the cry from the Father’s heart to unveil, reveal and release His children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim, god-like ones. Our desire is to impart revelational, experiential truth through encounters and engagements. We want everyone to… Continue reading Sons arise 1-1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 11

       We were going to look to engage the father here in this realm. He is going to come. We are going to go and engage within the garden of our heart. we are going to go and engage in heaven, we were going to go into eternity. we done bits of all that ,… Continue reading Sons arise 11

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 9

Following on in the next part of what I did this morning which was engaging in the place of eternity. Because there also is another place where our scroll and our destiny was agreed. we were talking about engaging the heart of God, finding out where we were in relationship to God in an eternal… Continue reading Sons arise 9

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 8

I want to look at the issue of engaging eternity. So, as sons of God we have access to I am. I am that I am. And we have access to what was and is now, so for God everything is now. We think of it as  what was before there was, and we call… Continue reading Sons arise 8

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 5

Who are the kings in the court of kings? We are. There are angels that are in the court of kings to help administrate and facilitate what goes on in the court of kings but ultimately, we are the kings. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and he wants us to be… Continue reading Sons arise 5

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 3

a lot of the anecdotes and things I may share are because I’m sensing something from your spirit is needing some of that. so if I was to teach this, a bit like last night, I just went through it because we need to do it, even that took quite a long time. I want… Continue reading Sons arise 3

Sons arise 2

I am going to look at how we engage the angelic realm and how we interact with the angelic realm. Because God is given us the angelic realm to be ministering spirits on our behalf and if we don’t learn how to engage them we won’t get their help. They will be helping behind-the-scenes but… Continue reading Sons arise 2

Categorized as Sons Arise

Sons arise 1

God is calling people to connect and become engaged in sonship. He wants us to engage in the governmental aspect of sonship. Sons arise, is the cry from the father’s heart to unveil, reveal, and release his children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim godlike ones.… Continue reading Sons arise 1

Categorized as Sons Arise

Restoration of all things 16

 SESSION 7  When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in restoration We have the Holy Spirit of Truth in us… Continue reading Restoration of all things 16

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 15

When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in restoration We have the Holy Spirit of Truth in us and with… Continue reading Restoration of all things 15

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 12

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 12 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 12

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 11

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 11 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 11

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 10

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 10 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 10

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 9

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 9 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 9

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 8

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 8 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 8

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 7

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 7 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 7

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 6

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 6 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 6

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 5

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 5 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 5

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 4

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 4 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 4

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 3

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 3 1 When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in… Continue reading Restoration of all things 3

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 2

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 2 1 We should now be able to engage the heavenly realms without always needing to ask the specific question of ‘where is that in the Bible?’ There are many things alluded to but not specifically mentioned in the Bible When our spirits resonate with… Continue reading Restoration of all things 2

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration of all things 1

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 1 1 At this point in the EG journey we should be mature and confident enough in our relationship with God who is Father, Son and Spirit that we recognise Their voices and know Their heart We are going deeper into restoration to explore more… Continue reading Restoration of all things 1

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 12

We are coming to the end of this module of the EG programme that marks the transition between the pathway of relationship and pathway of responsibility. We need to mature as sons and take our places enthroned in the heavenly realms. This is also the point at which we should be mature and confident enough… Continue reading Restoration 12

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 11

 Acts 3:21 (Jesus) whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time. • The prophets said there was going to be a period of restoration • It was spoken but was it recorded and if so where?  Is… Continue reading Restoration 11

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 10

Acts 3:21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.  The prophets said there was going to be a period of restoration. It was spoken but was it recorded and if so where?  Is the bible the… Continue reading Restoration 10

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 9

Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that the sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which… Continue reading Restoration 9

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 8

Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that the sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which… Continue reading Restoration 8

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 7

 Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that the sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which… Continue reading Restoration 7

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 6

 Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that the sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which… Continue reading Restoration 6

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 5

 We have embarked on a journey to discover the full meaning of the restoration of all things and the part we all have to play in that restoration as sons of God . It involves the personal restoration of our spirit, soul, body and also of all of creation itself.  Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and… Continue reading Restoration 5

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 4

 As sons of God we need to retake our heavenly positions where we are seated and enthroned to legislate the kingdom in heaven to manifest heaven on earth. Therefore the context of legislation should be the restoration of all things back to God’s original intent.  We have embarked on a journey to discover the full… Continue reading Restoration 4

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 3

 As sons of God we have relationship with God that leads to responsibility. We need to retake our heavenly positions, seated and enthroned to legislate the kingdom in heaven to manifest heaven on earth. Therefore the context of legislation should be the restoration of all things back to God’s original intent.  We have embarked on… Continue reading Restoration 3

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 2

As sons of God we have relationship with God that leads to responsibility as sons. We need to retake our heavenly positions, seated and enthroned to legislate the kingdom in heaven to manifest heaven on earth. Therefore the context of legislation should be the restoration of all things back to God’s original intent. We are… Continue reading Restoration 2

Categorized as Restoration

Restoration 1

As sons of God we have relationship that leads to responsibility. We need to take our heavenly positions, seated and enthroned to legislate the kingdom in heaven to manifest heaven on earth. What is the primary purpose of all the legislation that we do?  What are we looking to accomplish? The context of legislation should… Continue reading Restoration 1

Categorized as Restoration

What constitutes immaturity, in the prophetic?

Failure to comprehend that Jesus in himself brings a whole new type of Prophet and prophetic ministry into the earth-one that reflects the nature of God within a believer rather than the external legal structure that surrounded people in the Old Covenant. Law gives way to grace, mercy replaces judgment, goodness and kindness lead to… Continue reading What constitutes immaturity, in the prophetic?

On earth as it is in heaven 11

Establishing Spiritual and Legal Governance Create a Constitution Use your blueprint to set the governance of your organisation .Set the ethos and how it will be protected .Define membership rules and rights .How decisions will be made Create a Constitution Authority and executive powers .Limit Liabilities .Define clearly mission and purpose – objects .Rules for… Continue reading On earth as it is in heaven 11

Living in dual realms 13

Framing our lives out of heaven is not limited to decreeing or declaring to just change and align things. Framing our lives in time and space by choosing to use the power of our consciousness with intent to create the reality around us by choosing a reality that aligns with God’s heart and our sonship.… Continue reading Living in dual realms 13

Living in dual realms 12

Living in dual realms involves legislating as sons from our spheres of authority (mountains). Legislating involves receiving or making legislation or laws. Legislating involves using legislation or laws to rule over our spheres and circumstances. Framing our lives out of heaven. What is legislation? The process of making or enacting laws. What is it to… Continue reading Living in dual realms 12

Living in dual realms 10

Sons of Issachar knowing the times and seasons. Administrate the seasons and align the Houses until we live in the fullness of the Order of Melchizedek continually. Looking to align ourselves in agreement with what was, is and will be. Ordinances of heaven reveal my identity and position and authority in sonship. I can access… Continue reading Living in dual realms 10

Living in dual realms 9

4 seasons each with 3 houses. Precepts Statutes Laws. Ordinances Mantles Weapons. Scroll Discovery Commissioning. Culture Affairs of nations Treasury. My encounters in these houses were very hard to express and still are but I have received some cognitive revelation and some spiritual experiences. Each season of Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy functions when there are… Continue reading Living in dual realms 9

Living in dual realms 5

Our position is a mountain. Our position is also as a being of light and we are connected to the structure of the dimensional realms. We have a position of sonship in the Tree of Life. We have position of government within Metatron’s Cube. Activate discovering your position within the governmental spheres. Jesus to take… Continue reading Living in dual realms 5

Living in dual realms 4

Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the… Continue reading Living in dual realms 4

Living in dual realms 3

I found I could travel in those realms. Trans-relocation physically sometimes involuntarily sometimes by desire. Translation spiritually in time and space. Engage heaven and make yourself available for a mission to answer someone’s prayer in time or space. Hear am I send me. Engage your spirit and go where God sends you. We are a… Continue reading Living in dual realms 3

Living in dual realms 1

Sons Arise! is the cry from the Father’s heart to unveil, reveal and release His children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim god-like ones. Tune and engage your spirit to the frequency of the Father’s call on the carrier wave. Dual realms living is a result… Continue reading Living in dual realms 1

Sound frequencies 1

We have been looking at sound and frequencies and essential oils and their emotional impact on us. This is part of expanding our consciousness and renewing our minds so the truth can set us free. God is spirit, God is love and God is light. God’s is pure creative light that is beyond the speed… Continue reading Sound frequencies 1

 Sound frequencies 1-1

The power of words the power of intention what the scientific background behind that how is that actually work is it magic is it weird way out there stuff does scientific basis and stuff coming from the scientific background myself having worked in a biochemistry lab the 18 years and having really thought scientifically in… Continue reading  Sound frequencies 1-1

Living sacrifices 6-1

  Hi were looking at living sacrifices. This sort of small short module really is about the preparation for an intimate relationship and the resultant transformation that brings, so that we can mature as sons of God. There is a process God takes us through cleansing from the inside out also stripping away from the… Continue reading Living sacrifices 6-1

Living sacrifices 5-1

 Were continuing to look at living sacrifices, this is about the preparation for intimate relationship. Removing the blockages of self that may get in the way of that. And the resultant transformation that it brings can bring us into maturity as sons of God. it is a vital process as we learn to engage governmentally… Continue reading Living sacrifices 5-1

Living sacrifices 4-1

This short module living sacrifices is the preparation for intimate relationship and the resultant transformation that it brings so we can mature as sons of God it so important we understand how we present ourselves daily before God so that we are are acceptable offering and our lives can be used but not just used… Continue reading Living sacrifices 4-1

Living sacrifices 3-1

Hi this is part three of the living sacrifice module and we going to start again with a very similar exercise that we have done  over the last couple weeks. I want to encourage you to consider the open heaven that we are in and we operated in and as were engaging the open heaven… Continue reading Living sacrifices 3-1

Living sacrifices 2-1

Start with activation building on last week where we are looking at an open heaven and were looking at how that open heaven begins to affect how we function. and that we can live in that open heaven but we can live in dual realms. we know heaven is always open, we always have an… Continue reading Living sacrifices 2-1

Living sacrifices 1-1

Hi we are starting this short module living sacrifices as it is the preparation for the relationship and the resultant transformation that takes place as were brought into the maturity as sons of God governmentally. Relationship comes before the government but they work together. This is where we will learn to engage the fire of… Continue reading Living sacrifices 1-1

Living sacrifices 8

This is the last part of this living sacrifice module session eight. being a living sacrifice is about engaging the process of preparation that enables intimate relationship with God as Father and son. and results in transformation so we can mature as sons. God loves us and accepts us but he wants us to become… Continue reading Living sacrifices 8

Living sacrifices 7

We are to be living sacrifices engaging the process of preparation that enables intimate relationship and results in transformation so we can be mature sons of God. that maturity process is when we surrender and we embrace it. there are heavenly places of fire where we can engage God’s loving presence. for heavenly as well… Continue reading Living sacrifices 7

Living sacrifices 6

Living Sacrifices is about the preparation for intimate relationship and the resultant transformation it brings so we can mature as sons of God. We will discover places of fire and learn to engage the fire of God’s loving presence for heavenly as well as earthly transformation. Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the… Continue reading Living sacrifices 6

Living sacrifices 4

Living Sacrifices is about the preparation for intimate relationship and the resultant transformation that it brings so we can mature as sons of God. We will discover places of fire and learn to engage the fire of God’s loving presence for heavenly as well as earthly transformation. Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by… Continue reading Living sacrifices 4

Living sacrifices 3

Heaven is always open. Jesus is always waiting for us to engage consciously. Our spirit can dwell continually in the heavenlies so we can live simultaneously in dual realms. Practice shifting the focus of our conscious mind to join our spirit. Think about Jesus and the open door. By faith step in through the veil… Continue reading Living sacrifices 3

Living sacrifice 2

Heaven is always open. Jesus is always waiting for us to engage consciously. Our spirit can dwell continually in the heavenlies so we can live simultaneously in dual realms. Practice shifting the focus of our conscious mind to join our spirit. Think about Jesus and the open door. By faith step in through the veil… Continue reading Living sacrifice 2

Living sacrifices

Being a Living Sacrifice is the preparation for a certain kind of relationship resulting in transformation into maturity as sons of God governmentally. This is where we will learn to engage the fire of God’s loving presence for heavenly transformation. If we have been through the dark cloud process of separation of soul and spirit,… Continue reading Living sacrifices

When does God speak?

One of the parts of God’s nature that a mature Christian understands is that he is usually silent on some days. This silence does not mean disapproval; in fact, when God is quiet, it is generally an indication that he is happy with us. He doesn’t need to constantly reassure his mature sons and daughters… Continue reading When does God speak?

God is a paradox

When one starts walking with God, we quickly learn two things about him. First, he is utterly consistent. Second, he is completely unpredictable. He is constant because his nature never changes. Malachi 3: 6-for I the Lord do not change. Hebrews 13: 8-Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. God will never… Continue reading God is a paradox

Heavenly realms 1

Introduction heavenly realms. Engaging the heavenly tabernacle and the different objects within it are part of the process of being living sacrifices and our maturing in sonship. The heavenly tabernacle is a fractal image of the heavenly realms themselves with different veils or matrixes between the realms. Engaging the arc of God’s presence within the holy… Continue reading Heavenly realms 1

Governmental sonship 3

Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek Governmental Sonship, To function in a governmental sonship position we need our identity as sons to come… Continue reading Governmental sonship 3

Faming your life

Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek .To function in a governmental sonship position we need our identity as sons to come from the… Continue reading Faming your life


Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. To function in a governmental sonship position we need our identity as sons to come from the… Continue reading Legislating


Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. To function in a governmental sonship position, we need our identity as sons to come from the… Continue reading Positioned

Heavenly government

Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. To function in a heavenly governmental position, we need our identity as sons to come from the… Continue reading Heavenly government

Governmental sonship 2

Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. We need to take our place within the order of Melchizedek as sons within YHVH. We govern… Continue reading Governmental sonship 2

Mandates and blueprints

Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua Generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. We need to take our place within the order of Melchizedek as sons within YHVH. We govern… Continue reading Mandates and blueprints

The order of Melchizedek 3

The Joshua Generation is learning to function in their governmental positions. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. To function in a position of governmental sonship we need our identity to come from the Father, not from what we do. We need a cardiognosis, face to face, heart… Continue reading The order of Melchizedek 3

The order of Melchizedek 2  

This message is about the children of God as the Joshua Generation learning to function in their governmental positions. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. To function in a position of governmental sonship we need our identity to come from the Father, not from what we do. We need… Continue reading The order of Melchizedek 2  

The order of Melchizedek 1

Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua Generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God.  This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek.   To function in a governmental sonship position we need our identity as sons to come from the Father .We need… Continue reading The order of Melchizedek 1


Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua Generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. To function in a governmental sonship position we need our identity as sons to come from the Father. We… Continue reading Destiny

Governmental sonship

Our mandate is to Gather, Connect, Impart and Release the Joshua Generation to be mentors for the next generation. We need to understand the geography of the heavenly realms and how we can be prepared to function as sons there. We need to learn what we do as sons governmentally and how we actually do… Continue reading Governmental sonship

Joshua generation 17

What God is doing is wanting us to transition from where we have been to where he wants us to go and that is a journey it is not a, I’m here and I am going to be over there instantly because the journey prepares us for where we are going. So there are milestones… Continue reading Joshua generation 17

Joshua generation 15

I is very interesting when you look at John 14 were the whole passage comes from. I go and prepare a place for you. so many different levels of Revelation in that. the traditional  one is jesus has gone into  heavens and is calling us to come there. The actual revelation was Jesus went to… Continue reading Joshua generation 15

Joshua generation 14

When I actually was engaging heaven all the senses and everything is just heightened-colors are more intense, they are more awesome, there is like a harmony of everything. The senses work together it is so different from here. But actually is what is supposed to be here. Heaven is supposed to be reflected onto the… Continue reading Joshua generation 14

Joshua generation 13

Engaging the heartbeat of heaven Father has begun this new move with a loud shout! There is going to be a major shift in the Body of Christ as The Remnant Rises… The Remnant is rising, being birthed, in the throes of labor, when she arises, she will be set apart from Church & Christology… Continue reading Joshua generation 13

Joshua generation 12

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Sons of Issachar. 1 Chron 12:32 Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do. 1 Chron 7:5 Their relatives among all the families of Issachar were mighty men of valor. Joshua Generation are called to be forerunners. Becoming the Joshua Generation. Three… Continue reading Joshua generation 12

Joshua generation 11

Becoming the Joshua Generation. A relationship with the Father releases us from slavery into sonship. Transfiguration, Transformation Metamorphosis is a process that restores our identity as sons of God and brings us to maturity. Sonship brings a responsibility to rule and to bring dominion. The Joshua Generation? are sons. Those who have been through the… Continue reading Joshua generation 11

Joshua generation 10

Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.  Close your eyes. Begin to think about that door. Activate your imagination as the doorway to encounter. Picture the door reach… Continue reading Joshua generation 10

Joshua generation 9

Becoming the Joshua Generation. I saw creation spoken into existence. I visited another solar system. I saw the first creation before Satan’s fall. I saw when there was no absence of light. I had revelation of the loss of frequency bandwidth at fall, flood, Babel = loss abilities. I experienced the harmony of the senses… Continue reading Joshua generation 9

Joshua generation 8

July 2010 conference heart changed. August 2010 40 day fast – 21 nights burning fire. Day 19 trance – Ian Clayton. 87 heavenly encounters & visions. Mostly first-person face to face encounters. Visitations to heaven. Quantum physics lesson. I saw how the spiritual & physical dimensions interact & are connected through a quantum realm. Zero-point… Continue reading Joshua generation 8

Joshua generation 7

Becoming the Joshua Generation. May 2010 prophesy Mike Bryant. I have seen your heart. A change is coming and you cannot stop it, so be strong in My Spirit and the things I have shown you. Prepare for the future and know that the harvest you long for is near. Ascend to where I am,… Continue reading Joshua generation 7

Joshua generation 6

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Psa 42:7 Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; Rev 1:15 His voice was like the sound of many waters. The deep things of God are calling to the deep within us. God has released a sound from heaven like a waterfall. I have been draw on a… Continue reading Joshua generation 6

Joshua generation 5

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Journey of increasing intimacy. Journey of increasing experiential encounters. Journey from the left to the right side. Journey from earth to heaven. Journey many steppingstones. Journey from head knowledge to heart experience. Journey from knowing about God to knowing Him face to face. Journey from doing things for God to doing… Continue reading Joshua generation 5

Joshua generation 4

Becoming the Joshua Generation. The Joshua Generation are sons of God. God is calling His sons to come out of the wilderness. God is calling His sons to cross over into their supernatural inheritance beyond the veil. God is calling His sons to come home. Ephesians 1:3-11 Let’s celebrate God! He lavished every blessing heaven… Continue reading Joshua generation 4

Joshua generation 3

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Open heaven well known and used term. Heaven invading earth. The Call for revival. One way traffic. God does send His presence, the angelic, cloud of witnesses, 7 spirits of God but: He has opened heaven so we can enter beyond the veil and engage Him there. Heb 12:18 For you… Continue reading Joshua generation 3

Joshua generation 2

Becoming the Joshua Generation. The Joshua Generation are sons of God. God is calling His sons to come out of the wilderness. God is calling His sons to cross over into their supernatural inheritance beyond the veil. God is calling His sons to come home. Becoming the Joshua Generation. Open heaven well known and used… Continue reading Joshua generation 2

Joshua generation 1

I have entitled this series the Joshua generation, becoming the Joshua generation and the Joshua generation as sons of God. And as opposed to the Moses generation who stayed in the wilderness and didn’t cross over into their inheritance. The Joshua generation crossed over and there was only a few of them like Joshua and… Continue reading Joshua generation 1

Ambassadors 6

Ambassadors of Heaven Cor 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. Eph 6:20 – I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming the kingdom I may speak boldly. Phil 3:20 For our citizenship is… Continue reading Ambassadors 6

Categorized as Ambassoders

Ambassadors 5

2 Cor 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. Eph 6:20 – I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming the kingdom I may speak boldly. Phil 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven.… Continue reading Ambassadors 5

Categorized as Ambassoders

Ambassodars 4

2 Cor 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. Eph 6:20 I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming the kingdom I may speak boldly. Phil 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven. Col… Continue reading Ambassodars 4

Categorized as Ambassoders

Ambassadors 3

Cor 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. Eph 6:20 I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming the kingdom I may speak boldly. Phil 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven Col 1:13… Continue reading Ambassadors 3

Categorized as Ambassoders

Ambassadors 2

2 Cor 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. Eph 6:20. I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming the kingdom I may speak boldly. A diplomatic official of the highest rank appointed and… Continue reading Ambassadors 2

Categorized as Ambassoders


2 Corinthians 5:20 therefore we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were making an appeal through us, we beg you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God. God has called his people to be ambassadors in this world for him to encourage people to be reconciled to God in relationship and to come… Continue reading Ambassaders

Categorized as Ambassoders

Transformation 19

Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what… Continue reading Transformation 19

Transformation 18

Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what… Continue reading Transformation 18

Transformation 17

Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what… Continue reading Transformation 17

Transformation 16

Apocryphal and pseudepigraphical texts. Jasher, Enoch, Jubilees. Emperor Constantine. Church and state. Paid pastors. Arguments about what should be included in the scriptures. The enemy does not want the church to know the truth.  Please don’t just accept what I say. Search the scriptures yourselves to see if it is so. Don’t receive information; get… Continue reading Transformation 16

Transformation 15

Fatherhood, Sonship, Royal Identity, A CALL TO INTIMACY, Habitation of God, Song Solomon 8:6 Matt 13 GATHERING & REMOVING STUMBLING BLOCKS Releasing Joshua Generation   1 Peter 4:17   JUDGMENT OF GOD’S HOUSEHOLD   Gen 41 HARVEST OF LABOURERS Heb 12:27    SHAKING OF WORLD SYSTEMS  FINAL HARVEST  Prophetic Timetable Acts 2 Wine, Fire, Wind, Early Rain – Latter Rain Former Glory… Continue reading Transformation 15

Transformation 14

Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what… Continue reading Transformation 14

Transformation 11

Acts 2 Wine, Fire, Wind Early Rain – Latter Rain Former Glory – Latter Glory Wine 1993/4  all caused church warfare Fire Pensacola 1995 Flickers Wind Lakeland 2008 Breeze. Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is… Continue reading Transformation 11

Transformation 9-1

Sinful nature Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may… Continue reading Transformation 9-1