Transformation 10

Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what… Continue reading Transformation 10

Transformation 9

Trading 2 Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may… Continue reading Transformation 9

Transformation 8

Trading Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove… Continue reading Transformation 8

Transformation 7

2 Cor 3:18 … are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. We can choose to embrace and pursue the process of change. Can’t stay babies, toddlers or infants. Change is a process.  Transformation = Metamorphosis. A complete change of form. Body-Soul-Spirit to Spirit-Soul-Body. Human being – spirit being… Continue reading Transformation 7

Transformation 6

2 Cor 3:18 …are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. Process of change to display glory – the manifest presence of God on earth as it is in heaven. We can choose to embrace, pursue the process of change or maturity… or stay babies, toddlers or infants. Transformation =… Continue reading Transformation 6

Transformation 5

2 Cor 3:18 …are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. Process of change to display glory – the manifest presence of God on earth as it is in heaven. We can choose to embrace, pursue the process of change or maturity. Can’t stay babies, toddlers or infants. Transformation… Continue reading Transformation 5

Transformation 4

2 Cor 3:18 …are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. Process of change to display the glory – the manifest presence of God on earth as it is in heaven. We can choose to embrace and pursue the process of change – to maturity. Can’t stay babies, toddlers… Continue reading Transformation 4

Transformation 3

2 Cor 3:18 … are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. Refining, purifying, glorifying. Progressive levels of transformation to maturity. Progressive levels of responsibility and authority. Servant to Bond servant to Steward to Friend to Lord to King to Son. The basis of our transformation is God’s covenant… Continue reading Transformation 3

Transformation 2

2 Cor 3:18 … are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. Progressive levels of transformation to maturity. Progressive levels of responsibility and authority. Servant to Bond servant to Steward to Friend. Lord to King to Son. Season preparing us for holiness. Season to remove stumbling blocks. Season to… Continue reading Transformation 2

Transformation 1

What does it mean to be transformed? What is the goal of transformation? What should motivate us to undergo transformation? What do you do in order to experience transformation? Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is… Continue reading Transformation 1

Redemptive gift 7

We’re looking at destiny, looking at the different parts of our destiny. we have looked at our identity as sons. every one of us has an individual inheritance that God intends us to inherit. Jesus died so that we could do that, he has left it to us if you like in his will and… Continue reading Redemptive gift 7

Destiny Identity 14

Individual inheritance. Identity, redemptive gift and destiny. Who am I – my identity. How am I made – redemptive gift. What am I made for – destiny or birthright. Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet… Continue reading Destiny Identity 14

Destiny Identity 13

Individual inheritance. Identity, redemptive gift and destiny. Who am I – my identity. How am I made – redemptive gift. What am I made for – destiny or birthright. Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet… Continue reading Destiny Identity 13

Destiny Identity 12

Individual inheritance. Identity, redemptive gift and destiny. Who am I – my identity. How am I made – redemptive gift. What am I made for – destiny or birthright Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according… Continue reading Destiny Identity 12

Destiny Identity11

Individual inheritance. Identity, redemptive gift and destiny. Who am I – my identity. How am I made – redemptive gift. What am I made for – destiny or birthright. Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according… Continue reading Destiny Identity11

Destiny identity 10

Individual inheritance. Identity, redemptive gift and destiny. Who am I – my identity. How am I made – redemptive gift. What am I made for – destiny or birthright. Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according… Continue reading Destiny identity 10

Destiny Identity 6

Individual inheritance. Identity, Redemptive Gift and Destiny. Who am I – my identity. How am I made – redemptive gift. What am I made for – destiny or birthright Rom 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many… Continue reading Destiny Identity 6

Preparing for destiny 6

Thank you for downloading this teaching from freedom apostolic visuals it’s part of a library that includes audio video clips and written resources available at freedom trust./his Mike Parsons Those of you last week, I shared basically the prophetic stuff that God had given us for this year. if you  haven’t read that it is… Continue reading Preparing for destiny 6

Preparing for destiny 5

We are looking for God to prepare us for what he is doing. We enter into a process where he prepares us where he purifies and refines us wary remove stumbling blocks from us Angels have been commissioned to do this because there is judgment coming to God’s household. And we need to be ready.… Continue reading Preparing for destiny 5

Death 2

We have finished looking at the subject of “hell” concluding that “hell” is not a biblical word and E.C.T. is a false doctrine created by religion. Every single Bible verse which uses the word “hell” along with “forever and ever,” “everlasting,” “evermore,” and ” eternal,” is wrongly translated. Eph 3:16-18 I desire for you to… Continue reading Death 2

Categorized as Hell


We have finished looking at the subject of “hell” concluding that “hell” is not a biblical word and ECT(Eternal conscious torment) is a false doctrine created by religion. ECT as a concept was inspired by the same deceiver who originally lied to Adam by misrepresenting God as someone who cannot be trusted.   The same lie… Continue reading Death

Categorized as Hell

Hell 4

We are going to continue to look at the subject of “hell” a concept that comes from the same source as all the other lies about God from the deceiver who originally fooled Adam. We will find that the traditional view of “hell” is the product of the false concept of God as angry and… Continue reading Hell 4

Categorized as Hell

Hell 3

We are going to continue to look at the thorny subject of “hell”. A concept that is readily accepted in most if not all religions and in society generally. We will find that the traditional view of “hell” is the product of the false concept of an angry and vengeful God. God is not angry… Continue reading Hell 3

Categorized as Hell

Hell 2

God is always the same, faithful and full of lovingkindness and He has never changed. When we engage God intimately, He will reveal Himself in continually new, surprising and sometimes even shocking ways. Eph 3:16-18 I desire for you to become intimately acquainted with the love of Christ on the deepest possible level; far beyond… Continue reading Hell 2

Categorized as Hell


God is always the same, faithful and full of loving-kindness and He has never changed. When we engage God intimately, He will reveal Himself in continually new, surprising and sometimes even shocking ways. As we experienced the true reality of who God is Father, Son and Spirit false doctrines and theologies will get exposed as… Continue reading Hell

Categorized as Hell

Original sin

Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth, I proclaim them to you.” God has never changed but if we engage Him intimately, He will reveal Himself continually in new surprising and sometimes shocking ways The new relational ways that God is revealing are… Continue reading Original sin

Categorized as Hell


 Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth, I proclaim them to you.” God has never changed but if we engage Him intimately, He will reveal Himself continually in new surprising and sometimes shocking ways As we experienced the true reality of who God… Continue reading Orthodoxy

Categorized as Hell

House of God 3

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. Pathway of responsibility that leads to greater kingdom rulership. Flowing from outside in from earth to heaven as living sacrifices to rule.  I am a gateway, I… Continue reading House of God 3

House of God 2 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. Pathway of responsibility that leads to greater kingdom rulership. Flowing from outside in from earth to heaven as living sacrifices to rule.  I am a gateway   I… Continue reading House of God 2 

House of God

We are going on a journey or an adventure together – systematic way. Journey of discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering the realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms. There are two main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God .Flowing… Continue reading House of God

River of Life 2  

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. The realms within us, around us and the heavenly realms. We are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.   River of the Holy Spirit is our source of eternal everlasting life, love, peace, joy, grace, mercy, faith,… Continue reading River of Life 2  

Engaging the River

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Revelation 22:1-2 Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear… Continue reading Engaging the River

River of life

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Repentance is a sustained change of perspective about the nature of reality .1 Cor… Continue reading River of life

Seat of Rest 5 

Engage the Holy Spirit as living water in the river of life. Engaged Jesus as we take His yoke upon us. We engage the father at the seat of rest and government. Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.   We need to be rest-conscious, not… Continue reading Seat of Rest 5 

Seat of Rest 4 

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us, around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Engage the Holy Spirit as living water in the river of life. Engaged Jesus… Continue reading Seat of Rest 4 

Seat of Rest 3 

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.   Engage the Holy Spirit as living water in the river of life.  Engaged Jesus… Continue reading Seat of Rest 3 

Seat of rest 2

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.  Seat of Rest Lordship. Seat of  Government Kingship. Engage the Holy Spirit as living… Continue reading Seat of rest 2

Seat of Rest  

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.    We engage the Holy Spirit as living water in the river of life. We… Continue reading Seat of Rest  

Yoke of Jesus 4 

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.    John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if… Continue reading Yoke of Jesus 4 

Yoke of Jesus 3

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.    Yoked to Jesus. Up close personal and intimate. Joined to Him   Let Jesus reveal… Continue reading Yoke of Jesus 3

Yoke of Jesus 2

We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms .Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility.   Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will… Continue reading Yoke of Jesus 2

Yoke of Jesus

Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”   Discipleship… Continue reading Yoke of Jesus

Preparing for destiny 4

We are looking for God to prepare us for what he is doing. We enter a process where he prepares us, where he purifies and refines us where he removes stumbling blocks from us. Angels have been commissioned to do this, to bring coals from the altar. because there is judgment coming to God’s household.… Continue reading Preparing for destiny 4

Boundaries around the will of God

God guides us through our relationship with him. He fulfills that responsibility by giving us incredible freedom within a few boundaries. Peace is one of those boundaries. Colossians 3: 15-and let the peace(soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule(act as umpire continually) in your heart. Peace is our umpire in the game of life. Peace… Continue reading Boundaries around the will of God

Preparing for your destiny

Our spirit came out of eternity; it came from the very essence of God. When every person dies their spirit goes back to God. The question is where our soul goes when it dies. And there are different beliefs systems people have. Most people believe if the soul is not saved, the spirit and soul… Continue reading Preparing for your destiny

Categorized as Destiny

Inheritance – Destiny 5

Individual inheritance.  Identity, Redemptive Gift & Destiny. Who am I – my identity. How am I made – redemptive gift. What am I made for – destiny or birthright. Rom 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many… Continue reading Inheritance – Destiny 5

Destiny Identity 4 – Slavery Mentality

Individual inheritance.  Destiny, birthright, calling, purpose. Redemptive gift – designed to fulfil. Identity – Sonship. Journey from slavery of childhood infancy to maturity of sonship. Where are we? Rom 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.… Continue reading Destiny Identity 4 – Slavery Mentality

Destiny Identity 3 – Orphan Spirit

Corporate inheritance of the church and, Joshua Generation. Individual inheritance.  Destiny, birthright, calling purpose. Redemptive gift – designed to fulfil Identity – Sonship Journey from slavery, from childhood and infancy, to the maturity of sonship. Rom 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he… Continue reading Destiny Identity 3 – Orphan Spirit

Destiny Identity 2 Adopted

Inheritance – Destiny Corporate inheritance of the church and – Joshua Generation. Individual inheritance.  Destiny, birthright, calling, purpose. Redemptive gift – designed to fulfil. Identity – Sonship. Journey from the slavery of childhood and infancy to the maturity of sonship. Who am I? – My identity. How am I made? – Redemptive gift. What am… Continue reading Destiny Identity 2 Adopted

Developing destiny 1

BEING SENT Jeremiah: 1: 4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 5 Before I formed (squeezing into shape) thee in the womb I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained  thee a prophet unto the nations. 6 Then said I,… Continue reading Developing destiny 1

Categorized as Destiny

Communion prayers

Applying the Body & Blood of Jesus: I eat your flesh and drink your blood so that I will not die but live forever.  I engage in the DNA of God. I embrace the transforming power of the body & blood of Jesus. I engage the record containing the light, sound and frequency of God’s… Continue reading Communion prayers

Categorized as Communion

Growing in grace and favor

Jesus lived in dual realms, but since he laid down all his divine attributes and took on a human body and was led by the Spirit. He could only do what his father in heaven was revealing to him to do. What his father did, he did. What he heard the father say, he said.… Continue reading Growing in grace and favor

Categorized as Grace

New depths of Habitation

Behold, I make my face shine upon you. I am delighted in you. You are awesome! Can you feel my overwhelming love for you! Do you feel it! Well remain there then. Abide there.  Abide in my keeping power. Dwell in this place because this is the place of fullness. This is the place of… Continue reading New depths of Habitation

Categorized as Ascension

New Testament repentance

New Covenant repentance is different from Old Covenant repentance. John the Baptist and Jesus preached the kingdom was near. When Jesus was crucified he dealt with sin once and for all. When Jesus was raised from the dead at His coronation the Kingdom was established, and we were translated into it. God dealt with sin… Continue reading New Testament repentance

Categorized as Repentance

The whole armor of God

We need to understand the name of each piece of armor and what it stands for, what it protects and what we are appropriating. Each piece of armor we must deliberately put on. We put on an attribute of God as we identify with Him. The armor is entirely transference from the Lord to us.… Continue reading The whole armor of God

Waiting on the Lord

We generate that type of radical faith that Gideon had by waiting on God. Waiting on the Lord means exactly that-waiting for him. It’s not about waiting for guidance or waiting for a sign; It’s waiting on him. Guidance will often flow from that right relationship with God, but it is not the primary goal.… Continue reading Waiting on the Lord

Zion revolutionaries

For the Kingdom of God to come forth in our lives, and the world around us, we must speak only His Word and walk in the victory of His Spirit. His Spirit is the Spirit that has overcome the world, the flesh and the devil and has ascended on high and is seated on the… Continue reading Zion revolutionaries

Categorized as Warriors

Your intimacy intimidates the enemy

A strong breakthrough spirit was on Caleb and Joshua-Number 13 and 14. Moses had sent 12 spies, including Caleb and Joshua, into the promised land. Ten of them returned with bad reports; they let their mind and emotions heighten fear among the people. In Numbers 13:27 – 29, they highlighted every difficulty the Israelites would… Continue reading Your intimacy intimidates the enemy

Categorized as Warriors

We are anchored by purpose

In battle, spiritual warriors are able to speak with utter confidence about God’s ability. In every circumstance, they keep their gaze fixed on God. The story of the three Hebrew exiles in Daniel 3 is a perfect example of this principle. Shadrach, meshack, and abed-nego refused to bow before a large statue of King Nebuchadnezzar.… Continue reading We are anchored by purpose

Categorized as Warriors

Warriors prove God’s dominance.

The Old Testament is full of examples of the Spirit of God coming upon an individual for the purpose of breakthrough and deliverance. In 2 Chronicles 20, for example, Judah was under siege by 3 powerful nations. The Hebrews were so terrified that they gathered together to beg God for help, their children clinging to… Continue reading Warriors prove God’s dominance.

Categorized as Warriors

Warriors look for treasure

The key to any spiritual victory is to think like the Lord. Perception is everything. Spiritual warriors need to be God conscious. The difference between Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings 6 was that one was focused only on earthly issues while the other was concerned with what God was doing. Elisha saw beyond… Continue reading Warriors look for treasure

Categorized as Warriors

Waking up your inner man

There is an activation I like to do that really develops the muscles of faith by rejoicing. Whenever we are developing people for life in the spirit are preparing them for battle, confidence and boldness must always be part of the training. Read this activation through twice before you do it. Do it with all… Continue reading Waking up your inner man

Categorized as Warriors

The water level is rising

The water level is rising. I am measuring you for a blessing. The enemy is measuring you for your destruction. I have measured you for your increase. The water level is rising around your life and circumstances. As you partner with me in this new day, I will soak your life with a fresh outpouring… Continue reading The water level is rising

Categorized as Warriors

The mystery of godliness

Grace is the opening up of a new place so that we can live responsibly in alignment with the father, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit. Spiritual warriors perfect the art of bouncing back. They know that a crisis leads to elevation. What is trying to take us down will, in fact, cause us… Continue reading The mystery of godliness

Categorized as Warriors

The art of thinking powerfully

In Romans 12:1 – 2, Paul laid out the importance of leading with our spirit, not our soul: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be… Continue reading The art of thinking powerfully

Categorized as Warriors


The ability to still the clamor within our heart and mind is a key part of a spiritual warrior’s character. To be quite in God, even in the face of adversity, is a challenge. Warriors cannot move out of panic; they must operate out of peace and rest. Demons can roar, people can scream, panic… Continue reading Stillness.

Standing in the forefront of the battle

Spiritual warriors, however, play a different role than Christian soldier; they are a completely different breed. They are on special assignment, charged with specific God–led initiatives against the enemy. Spiritual warriors are the special forces of the kingdom, going out against the enemy in advance of the church. Out there, they battle and hold ground… Continue reading Standing in the forefront of the battle

Categorized as Warriors

Signs of nonalignment

Spiritual warriors must be able to recognize when they are not living and moving in partnership with the Holy Spirit. The Lord has an impressive impact on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states when he is present with us. Physically, it can be something as simple as loss of appetite. Tension and stress fill… Continue reading Signs of nonalignment

Categorized as Warriors

Seeing beyond the natural realm.

Elisha was a powerful spiritual warrior in his time, leading the charge against God’s enemies. In 2nd Kings 6, he single-handedly stopped the king of Syria from defeating Israel. The prophet kept receiving words of knowledge about the Syrians’ plan. He even knew what was being said in secret meetings in the king’s palace bedroom,… Continue reading Seeing beyond the natural realm.

Categorized as Warriors


On this journey of life, we have choices to make in terms of how we are going to show up. What will we reveal to others about God, and about our relationship with him? We can choose, for example, optimism or discouragement. We can choose to become positive by using our will properly or to… Continue reading Resilience

Categorized as Warriors

Releasing the warrior!

Read this word silently four times. Firstly, read it through normally. Catch the cadence of it. Allow pictures to form in your heart. See yourself as a warrior. Hear God’s voice to your heart. Secondly, read it through peacefully. Come to as much peace as you are able and read it slowly, gently, from within… Continue reading Releasing the warrior!

Categorized as Warriors

Preoccupied with Jesus

The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance on you, and give you peace – numbers 6:24 to 26. What a wonderful, poetic expression: the Lord make his face shine upon you. That’s the best description of… Continue reading Preoccupied with Jesus

Categorized as Warriors

A new dimension

PROPHESY I AM… Is calling you to a new dimension of the power and place of the Spirit. Where truth is the gateway to experience and encounters with me release the wisdom of my ways. I’m calling you to walk in the power of my perception about you. For your life to be governed by… Continue reading A new dimension

The rights of an overcomer

Come up higher. Occupy a higher place in my affection. A higher place of sensitivity in the Spirit is awaiting you. This is my promise to you; the place in your life where you have been struggling in will become the place of your greatest encounter with me. These difficulties will now tell you a… Continue reading The rights of an overcomer

Categorized as Warriors

This is how it works.

The faster you move, the more you will encounter, and the more you will be transformed. I’m calling you to an ascendant lifestyle, to learn the disciplines of a resurrected life. I will teach you how to rejoice in the throne room. You shall be enthusiastically immersed in throne room praise. you will partake of… Continue reading This is how it works.

Categorized as Warriors

Rise up a warrior

My beloved, this is a time of new beginnings. I am promoting you in the Spirit. I’m drawing you up to a new place of encounter. As a foot soldier, you have fought well. You have tasted the sweetness of victory in the ashes of defeat. You have learned to preserve. You have embraced a… Continue reading Rise up a warrior

Categorized as Warriors

Becoming warrior class

A warrior spirit is my gift to you. A Warrior mindset is your gift to me. Warrior lifestyle is our partnership… Together. Allow my Spirit… Who is your helper… To forge a renewed mind in you… that is warrior class. A warrior mindset is always focused on victory. It allows no possibility of defeat. It… Continue reading Becoming warrior class

Categorized as Warriors

New depths of habitation

Behold, I make my face shine upon you. I am delighted in you… Remain there. Abide in my keeping power. Dwell in the place of fullness… Which is perpetual blessing. My grace overwhelms everything you are not so that I may fully gaze on you, my beloved, and my beauty. And your heart shall melt… Continue reading New depths of habitation

Categorized as Warriors

Overcoming a poverty spirit.

I am removing a poverty spirit from your heart. A poverty spirit keeps you trapped in a lower form of being. Poverty is not about economic deficiency. True poverty is the acceptance of meager possibility. There can be a poverty of imagination. A deficiency in courage. A death in personal vision. A barrenness in the… Continue reading Overcoming a poverty spirit.

Categorized as Warriors

Meekness: your secret weapon

While the word warrior conjures up images of strength and power, meekness is actually the secret weapon of a spiritual warrior. When we learn how to be a Lamb before God, we grow in spiritual authority. Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves, Jesus told his disciples in Luke 10:3.… Continue reading Meekness: your secret weapon

Categorized as Warriors


It is undoubtedly true that we are the passion of God’s heart. When he looks at us, his heart is overwhelmed by love. This is as much true of us in our fallen state as it is through our place in Christ. Romans 5:8 states, God demonstrates his own love towards us, in that while… Continue reading Listening

Categorized as Warriors

Led by the Spirit

Being conscious of what God wants to do aligns us with him and builds our resistance to the schemes of the enemy. As we resist what the devil wants to do, a desire forms to utterly defeat him. A passionate love for Jesus, combined with an intense hatred of the enemy, pushes us into alignment… Continue reading Led by the Spirit


Raising our awareness of what God is doing also produces a heightened level of intuition, the instinctive ability to pinpoint something. A strong sense of intuition allows us to take an ax to the root of the trees around us, rather than focusing on the branches. We learn the cause, not the effect. We gain… Continue reading Intuition

Categorized as Warriors

Internal frame of reference.

Too many Christians have no frame of reference for God. They have no internal, personalized experience or expression of God’s presence. Their experience is mostly physical and mental, or what is called soulish in nature. Because it is physical and mental, it depends on physical and mental stimuli to exist. But the spirit is so… Continue reading Internal frame of reference.

Categorized as Warriors

Intensified experience

The Holy Spirit loves consistency. He grows it in us by magnifying the wonderful nature of God. He will focus our intention on a single aspect of God’s nature and magnify the truth for us. My testimony is that God is the kindest person I’ve ever met. The father began specifically to teach me about… Continue reading Intensified experience

Categorized as Warriors

God schedules our conflicts

God will organize people and design events just to give us the opportunity to grow in the fruit of the spirit and in his grace. When we are in alignment with him, we see these opportunities for growth clearly. If we are out of sync, we usually respond too harshly. 1 Corinthians 2; 9 makes… Continue reading God schedules our conflicts

Categorized as Warriors


Frustration does not exist in the kingdom. It is a device of the world, a negative construct contrary to the nature of the bright one. Frustration is an admission that we are baffled, checked, blocked, neutralized in faith – by people, circumstances, and opposition. Frustration legitimizes negative emotions, giving them a place in our experience.… Continue reading Frustration

Categorized as Warriors


Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need, says Hebrews 4:16. Spiritual warriors come boldly to God’s throne room, knowing both their own role and his will. A Christian becomes a spiritual warrior in an instant, singular rite of… Continue reading Fearlessness

Categorized as Warriors

Evidence of true alignment

In a word, alignment looks like health. A properly aligned spiritual warrior is rested for a fight. We are willing to be involved with God; we arrive early to the battle and leave late. We have physical commitment and energy to do something. We are willing to perform physical tasks to make it easier for… Continue reading Evidence of true alignment

Categorized as Warriors

Everything leads to Majesty

We are in the process, aided by the Holy Spirit, of discovering a Revelation of God so profound, it governs every facet of our lives. In line with these perceptions, we cultivate experiences of God’s nature that empower us to breakthrough obstacles, overcome the enemy, and overwhelmed human opposition with the goodness of God. When… Continue reading Everything leads to Majesty

Categorized as Warriors


Enduring in the face of overwhelming odds is only possible because the strength of God’s grip on us. This is the source of our confidence – we know he will never let us go, no matter what. The will of God is to be for us. 1st John 5; 14 -This is the confidence we… Continue reading Endurance

Categorized as Warriors

Do not blur your focus

Spiritual warriors require outstanding focus. The enemy wants nothing more than to break our concentration on the things of God. He knows that basking in the light of God’s nature grows us stronger every day, and the enemy wants to put a stop to it. We must focus on our God-given assignment, pouring our time,… Continue reading Do not blur your focus

Digging out a well

Manifesting your spirit is a spiritual discipline, one explained by Jesus himself in John 7:37 – 39: Manifesting our spirit is when the life of God is flowing through our spirit into our soul and body and then it overflows through us to out into the world, touching people with the presence of God! Awesome!… Continue reading Digging out a well

Categorized as Warriors

Developing consistency

There is no such thing as a quick fix or a magic formula. It Takes real commitment to create a positive transformation. The majority of people attending conferences around the world see no improvement in their lives. Some of that is because the content of ministry is poor. Mostly though, people do not take time… Continue reading Developing consistency

Categorized as Warriors

Declaring your commitment

I have been both privileged and dismayed in my experience of churches. The churches that I love have these things in common: they allow people to be themselves, and they have characters that are strong, unique, pleasant, and yet dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. They see themselves as relational communities where family and friendship… Continue reading Declaring your commitment

Categorized as Warriors

Confidence is the hallmark

A hallmark is a distinctive feature, signifying excellence. It is the stamp imprinted onto gold and silver that declares its purity, and therefore its value. Similarly, it is a huge indicator of a spiritual warrior’s true worth to the community in which God has placed him. Warriors are people who confidently make choices about where… Continue reading Confidence is the hallmark

Categorized as Warriors

Boldness and humility

Scripture and Revelation are two key confidence builders in the spiritual warrior’s life. God carefully puts his words into our lives to provoke us to look at him. All too often, we get distracted by his hand, wondering what he is doing. But he wants us to look him in the eye – to talk… Continue reading Boldness and humility

Categorized as Warriors

All warriors are anti-religion

Heaven will always confront man-made spirituality. The best place for the enemy to hide is always in the guise of something spiritual. He masquerades as an angel of light. As we saw in the time of Jesus, he was constantly opposed by religious people who are fronting a system that they themselves had developed over… Continue reading All warriors are anti-religion

Categorized as Warriors

Alignment is majestic

He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world – 1 John 4; 4- because whatever is born of God overcomes the world – 1 John 5; 4. As he is so are we in this world – 1 John4; 17. If alignment is not focused on magnificence it is… Continue reading Alignment is majestic

Categorized as Warriors

Alignment creates breakthrough.

There are two battles we face in any personal issue. The first is to become free, and the second is to stay free. We’ve all seen people who received a breakthrough but who did not maintain it. There is no breakthrough without follow-through. There is a situation involving David that wonderfully illustrates this principal. Now… Continue reading Alignment creates breakthrough.

Categorized as Warriors

Agree with your trainer!

Most believers do not practice agreement between themselves and the work of the Holy Spirit. They can be Soulish, led mostly by their feelings, and heavily influenced by rational thinking. They do not live by the Spirit because they usually use logic to talk themselves out of the spiritual dimension. But God rarely employees a… Continue reading Agree with your trainer!

Categorized as Warriors

The celebratory lifestyle

Joy, praise, rejoicing, and thanksgiving are all forms of the celebratory lifestyle that make it easier to enter the secret place in times of difficulty. Warriors practice being at rest. It is customary for them to spend excess time in worship. Rejoicing is their breath – a joyful, simple lifting of the heart in praise… Continue reading The celebratory lifestyle

Sign seeking

The word sign in the Hebrew is “owth” and it’s used 60 times in the Old Testament. It has numerous meanings: It represents something by which a person or a group is characteristically marked, as in genesis 4: 15. God put a mark on Cain so that no one could kill him. A sign was… Continue reading Sign seeking

Tangible reality

We can be so full of God’s presence that all things become possible through him. We are an unstoppable force when we develop confidence in his goodness. The promise of Isaiah 40: 28 -31 becomes ours to possess: Isaiah 40: 28-have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God the Lord, the creator… Continue reading Tangible reality

Everything is relational

Waiting on God (in the sense of prayer and meditation) is a focused listening, where we bind ourselves together with him, we are entangling ourselves together with him, mounting up into the realm of the Spirit. Waiting on God in the sense of time is waiting on answers to prayer in the natural realm, or… Continue reading Everything is relational

Hidden wisdom

Hiddenness connects us with God’s wisdom, and wisdom is the revelation of who God is and the internal recognition of how he likes to work in our lives. Faith depends upon one thing-our understanding of the nature of God. Faith which is grounded in a sure understanding of the nature of God and what he… Continue reading Hidden wisdom

What we are learning in walking in the intentionality of God

The father is present/ future with us, not present/past. Our development is exponential. We are making our responses compatible with God’s perception. The antidote to our past is our future. The fear of the Lord is a crucial part of our anointing. We need assurance more than permission. Guidance flows from the right relationship. Waiting… Continue reading What we are learning in walking in the intentionality of God

The enemy is measuring you for a coffin… God is measuring you for an ongoing move of the spirit

What is the father lining up for you in this season? You are responsible for your own spirituality. There is no one else to blame. The Lord is in you and you have the joyful enterprise of learning to abide in him-John chapter 15 When we make someone else responsible for our development, we cease… Continue reading The enemy is measuring you for a coffin… God is measuring you for an ongoing move of the spirit

Rejoicing in who you are… and who you are becoming!

Our relationship with God is always present/future in nature. He loves who we are now; he sees the emerging us that is coming to meet us from the future. Jesus was fond of saying: an hour is coming and now is… (John 4: 23) highlighting the relationship between present and future that makes our spirituality… Continue reading Rejoicing in who you are… and who you are becoming!

The gifts of God must be contended for in life

Gifts are freely given in the Kingdom. However, they only remain with us at a low level of power. Our spirit generates power. Personal discipline increases power. What is true for an athlete is true for a minister. Training makes us fit to contend effectively. Gifts grow by use. The intimacy that surrounds each gift… Continue reading The gifts of God must be contended for in life

Don’t pretend, practice

Talking to a friend one day who was struggling with his relationship to another person, I shared about the need to love as a first requirement. This clearly bothered him and he was exasperated with me and defensive about his own actions. We can never justify un-Christ like behavior. When I gently pressed him on… Continue reading Don’t pretend, practice

Many people are unequally yoked to a negative

When we learn rest, we become more yoked to Jesus in partnership-Matthew 11. If our normal tendency is to think from a negative mindset, we need to repent and think again. Worry, anxiety, fear, anger, bitterness and Resentment will not enable us to become like Christ. A successful relationship with Jesus is founded on rest,… Continue reading Many people are unequally yoked to a negative

The truth that sets us free is always rooted in proclamation

Sometimes it’s not enough to speak truth into our circumstances. We must shout it out. We must become militant in our confession. Your inner man of the spirit is attached to your vocal chords. Truth must be proclaimed. Firstly, to God in worship. It is a critical part of our rejoicing and giving thanks. Secondly,… Continue reading The truth that sets us free is always rooted in proclamation

Categorized as Devotions

Owning the future starts now

Do not wait for circumstances to improve before you think about your future. Your future arises out of your present responses. At this moment your behavior could be denying you a future success. Your calling is made sure in your current development. What do you wanna be when you grow up into Jesus? What do… Continue reading Owning the future starts now

Categorized as Devotional

God does not measure success by results, but by the faithfulness that we display

The world is success oriented; the Kingdom defines success differently on some days. Success can be to remain standing in difficult circumstances, even if they are not resolved. Other people’s obedience may be a factor in us achieving a purpose. Some situations are mainly about learning patience, being steadfast, and developing trust in the goodness… Continue reading God does not measure success by results, but by the faithfulness that we display

The inner man of the spirit must become the Anchorman of the soul

We are not governed by externals. We are led by the Spirit. Our soul by itself will control our experience, but then we will go nowhere. Our soul was created as a vehicle for the spirit. It should have no authority, only obedience. Your soul is made-up of your will, your mind, your emotions, your… Continue reading The inner man of the spirit must become the Anchorman of the soul

Divine acceleration

There is a quickening spirit abroad in the earth. The father is speeding up his timetable. He is redeeming time for us because the days are increasing in wickedness. He redeems time by speeding up our development. Have you felt the pace of your spirituality and faith increasing? What we think will take years will… Continue reading Divine acceleration

Tension does not mean that something is wrong… it means something is happening!

There is no movement without tension. If you are relaxing at home and you reach for your cup of coffee, your hand must tense up in order to grip the handle properly. What is true in the natural is also true in the spirit. In order for us to get ahold of what God is… Continue reading Tension does not mean that something is wrong… it means something is happening!

Categorized as Devotional

All of life is spiritual

There is no sacred and secular; There is only life in the spirit. Everything we do and say impacts the realm of the spirit. We are more when we are concentrating on being alive to God rather than dead to self. We are more focused on being led by the spirit than trying to avoid… Continue reading All of life is spiritual

Categorized as Devotional

Purpose of meditation

The purpose of the meditations I write is to lead you out of the business of life and into the still waters of deep thought, restful perception and therefore Presence. As you give yourself to this process you will become more God conscious, more of a worshipper, and more peaceful in how you approach life.… Continue reading Purpose of meditation

In Christ we are always reconciled to our potential

When Jesus is irresistible to us, the life that He generates within us flows out and immobilizes the enemy. When our flesh is overthrown, the enemy is dispossessed. Everything that is positive towards us has the opposite consequence for our adversaries. The keys of the Kingdom come when we live an ascended lifestyle. When we… Continue reading In Christ we are always reconciled to our potential

If you do before you get it, what you would do if you had it, you will be sure to get it!

Abraham believed in his inheritance and went out to find it, not knowing where he was going-Hebrews 11: 8. Sarah believed that God was faithful and received the ability to conceive, beyond her physical ability to reproduce. Joshua believed the prophecy about Jericho ‘s walls falling down and by faith marched around it in obedience… Continue reading If you do before you get it, what you would do if you had it, you will be sure to get it!

Reinvention has many layers

Poverty is not economical. It is the acceptance of meager possibilities. There’s a poverty of thinking, imagination, passion, courage, vision and the will to succeed. We become limited by our fears. Fear of failure, change, looking foolish and being criticized makes us dormant and inactive. Fear of man is one of the most debilitating phobias… Continue reading Reinvention has many layers

The key is the test

People who are always looking for a shortcut seldom pass the tests of God. The test is the shortcut. The key is the test that God gives us so that we can receive, become, inherit what he sees over us. Testing is always linked to the development of our obedience-2 Corinthians 2: 9; 10: 5.… Continue reading The key is the test

A truth which is not practiced denies God the right to upgrade your experience of him

The truth not practiced is merely true for us, but not the truth which sets us free. We remain bound because only experiencing the truth can set us free. A truth believed but not experienced has no power to renew or upgrade our fellowship with God. What truths have you believed but not experienced to… Continue reading A truth which is not practiced denies God the right to upgrade your experience of him

Categorized as Devotional

Passion creates focus

Passion (a compelling, a powerful emotion of love and delight) never allows you to see yourself as a failure. Everything is useful in our development. Mistakes, humiliations, defeats and obstacles are as valuable as success, achievement, victory and breakthrough. Passion wastes nothing. Passion always learns and always overcomes. Passion is belief in action. What if… Continue reading Passion creates focus

We never exit worship

Passion is the discovery of what is true and empowering about God’s personality. This touches our emotions and releases revelation. Key insights are released and become possibilities that empower our faith. Worship in that context is the permission to become lost in the rhythm of God’s heartbeat. The father is never passive in worship. He… Continue reading We never exit worship

Your intimacy is intimidating

When the father placed us into Christ, he put us into a position of intimate affection between him and the son. In this incredible place of emotional attachment, we are allowed to experience the intimate connection in their relationship. We encounter their unique oneness. We are lovingly confronted by the radiance of their shared glory.… Continue reading Your intimacy is intimidating

The fruit of the Spirit is our divine advantage

We are in Christ learning to live from heaven to earth in our salvation experience. We are learning the joy of the Lord in all circumstances. Joy is unlimited delight. It is his gladness rooted in His Majesty. His cheerful disposition is grounded in the omnipotence of his strength. His joy becomes our strength! His… Continue reading The fruit of the Spirit is our divine advantage

You’ve Already Got It!

What do you need the Lord to do for you? Do you need the Lord to heal you? How about prosperity? Could you use more money? The truth is, you don’t need the Lord to do anything for you. He’s already done His part. You’ve already got it, whatever “it” is. This may sound crazy to some… Continue reading You’ve Already Got It!

Whose Righteousness?

The word “righteousness” has become a religious cliché that has lost its meaning to many people. Even Christians are confused about what righteousness is and how to receive it. This has left our society without a clear understanding of what it takes to have a relationship with God. This is reflected in our nation’s moral… Continue reading Whose Righteousness?

Who You Are in the Spirit

If I were to ask you “Do you know who you are?” your immediate answer would be, “Of course I do.” But can you imagine what it would be like if suddenly you lost all memory of your name, where you lived, who was your husband or wife, your children, where you worked, etc? It… Continue reading Who You Are in the Spirit

Categorized as Our spirit

Who Made Satan?

Most Christians believe the answer to that question is obvious: “God created Satan.” But that is not really true. God created Lucifer. That may seem like a small distinction at first glance, but once you understand who really made Satan, it will change your perspective of him forever. You will never again doubt your authority… Continue reading Who Made Satan?

Where Did I Come From?

Life’s three biggest questions are: where did I come from? who am I? and where am I going? I have found that most people have never answered these questions satisfactorily. In this message I will not attempt to answer all three, but I will begin with “where did I come from?” Although the most important… Continue reading Where Did I Come From?

What Pleases God

If you ask the question in a service, how many really want to please God more than anything else. Every hand will go up. How many of you think God is really pleased with you?” very few will raise their hands. Very few believers believe that they are pleasing to God. Most feel some degree… Continue reading What Pleases God

What Is a Christian?

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly… Continue reading What Is a Christian?

Walking by Faith

One year  a minister was worshiping the Lord, and he just knew in his heart that the Lord had entered the room. He didn’t feel it, he just knew it. he knew He had walked into the auditorium through the left front doors and right up in front of the stage. He stood there next… Continue reading Walking by Faith

Categorized as Faith

The Word Became Flesh

When God speaks, His words are binding—they’re like an unbreakable contract. He always says exactly what He means, He never lies, and He never says, “I’ve changed My mind.” Hebrews 1:3 says, “Upholding all things by the word of his power,” and Psalm 89:34 says, “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out… Continue reading The Word Became Flesh

Categorized as The Word

The War Is Over

Do you remember September 11, 2001? Of course you do. If you’ve lived very long, you can recall many terrible things that have happened in this world, including tsunamis and hurricanes of biblical proportions. And certainly every one of you have your own individual tragedy that you deal with or have dealt with. There is a… Continue reading The War Is Over

Categorized as Peace

The True Nature of God

The Lord is raising up ministries to change people’s opinions of God. This will change their lives, and then they will change the world.” Wow! If people knew how good God is, they would love Him and live for Him. That in turn would solve all the problems of the world. But God has been… Continue reading The True Nature of God

The Sky Is Not Falling

“Recession Starts Taking Toll: Will it lead to another crash?” “Worries are building that today’s sagging economy may be on the brink of collapse.” U.S. News & World Report Running Short of Cash: “The United States and its allies scramble to head off a global financial disaster…Finance ministers from the United States, Britain, France, Japan… Continue reading The Sky Is Not Falling

Categorized as Prosperity

The Reality of Faith

Many people think faith is believing something is real, so that it will become real. But that’s not it at all. Faith is real and it is the substance that receives spiritual realities that exist in the realm of the Spirit when God spoke them into existence. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance… Continue reading The Reality of Faith

Categorized as Faith

The Power of Partnership

Proverbs 18:16 says, “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men,” but it’s not talking about skills, talents, abilities, or even anointing. In this message, I’ll be teaching what it really means and how that understanding can change your life. There are many rewards you receive when partnering with a… Continue reading The Power of Partnership

Categorized as Prosperity

The Fear of the Lord

If I was to quote the part of 1 John 4:18 that says perfect love casts out fear, I would get an amen. But if fear is a bad thing, then what do you do with the 300-plus scriptures that speak of fearing the Lord in a positive way? For instance, Isaiah 11:1-2 says, “And there… Continue reading The Fear of the Lord

Staying Positive in a Negative World

If you haven’t noticed that we live in a negative world, you just haven’t been paying attention. These negative influences have been evident since sin entered the world. From natural disasters to presidential elections to a global pandemic, it’s no wonder so many people struggle with expressing hope. Add in things like sickness, the loss… Continue reading Staying Positive in a Negative World

Categorized as Positive

Staying Full of God

Do you ever feel like you and God have drifted apart and that the love and joy you once experienced with Him has faded? If you do, you’re not alone. Most Christians feel like the experiences they have with God diminish over time and that they need another touch. But that is not what the Bible teaches.… Continue reading Staying Full of God

Categorized as Fullness

Spiritual Authority

This is a letter a minister received from a 19-year-old girl. I realize that you must receive frequent letters regarding your ministry. But even with that knowledge, I feel compelled to write. I’ve just finished listening to your audio series entitled “Spiritual Authority,” and it has changed my life. When I was in junior high, I became… Continue reading Spiritual Authority

Categorized as Authority

Spirit, Soul and Body

Knowledge is powerful! John Wesley traversed the Atlantic in the hold of a ship. It took him a couple of months one way, and the conditions were terrible. Now we can fly somewhere in hours. All of this is possible because of knowledge. Man hasn’t created anything new; he’s just discovered the laws that the… Continue reading Spirit, Soul and Body

Sowers and Eaters

I’m amazed that a pastor would be encouraging his people to give big to a traveling minister. Most pastors would see this as money leaving their churches. But Pastor Greg is a man of integrity, and he knows giving is the key to receiving. Praise God for men and women of God who have pure… Continue reading Sowers and Eaters

Categorized as Prosperity

Sovereignty of God

Some people have come to believe that it was the Lord that caused all their problems. They have resigned themselves to the “sovereignty of God.” I believe this is the worst doctrine in the church today. I know that this is a shocking statement and is near blasphemy to some people, but the way sovereignty”… Continue reading Sovereignty of God

Source of All Grief

God created us to live our lives focused on Him. His purpose from the very beginning was that we should be “God-conscious,” not “self-conscious.” Until Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they were so unconscious of self that they did not even consider their own nakedness.… Continue reading Source of All Grief


Grace is what transformed my life, and I know I have been specifically called to bring a revelation of God’s grace to this generation. I believe that this is the number one need in the church today. In my estimation, the book of Romans is Paul’s masterpiece on the subject of grace. He constantly wrote… Continue reading Romans

Categorized as Grace

Revelation Knowledge

One of the most needed things among the body of Christ today is revelation knowledge of the Word of God. To understand what revelation knowledge is and how to get it functional in your life, you have to know at least some of the basics about your spirit, soul, and body. Your spirit is the… Continue reading Revelation Knowledge

Categorized as Revelation

Relationship with God

Genesis 3 relates one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. Eve was convinced by a talking snake that she didn’t have everything she needed to make her happy. How could this happen? It’s understandable how people today are discontent and looking for something, but Adam and Eve were perfect. They were living in… Continue reading Relationship with God

Categorized as Relating


I’m going to begin this by dropping a bomb: Sin is no longer an issue with God; we are redeemed! With that statement, you are either rejoicing, shocked, or confused. That is one radical statement, but one I believe I can back up by the Word of God. The message most people hear says that sin breaks… Continue reading Redemption

Categorized as Redemption

Love the learning

life involves unrelenting learning. Every situation, problem, people difficulty and oppositional circumstance has something to teach us about God and ourselves. We learn to stand in God. We learn to press into His Majesty. We learn to overcome, persist and receive under pressure. We learn to rejoice always, and in everything give thanks. We learn… Continue reading Love the learning

Resources are attached to our identity not our circumstances

God does not allocate resources to your problems. He attaches them to our identity in Jesus. His primary purpose is in our becoming the exact likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are therefore learning how to grow up in all things in Christ. In our life events we are being schooled that God says… Continue reading Resources are attached to our identity not our circumstances

Knowing how to receive under pressure is a great key to have in your possession

Conventional thinking wants to receive everything in advance. However, the Lord will simply not allow us to plan everything out beforehand. We count the cost in advance but we receive our provision on the way. This is precisely why Jesus described himself as the way! In order to walk by faith we must learn to… Continue reading Knowing how to receive under pressure is a great key to have in your possession

The humble man has an advantage over all other men… no one can put him down!

We are always victims to our own smugness, arrogance and self delusion. Rest assured we will be taken down a peg or two if those attitudes persist in us. Humility begins to grow in us when we learn to recognize what we are like without Jesus and what we are capable of in him. Humility… Continue reading The humble man has an advantage over all other men… no one can put him down!

Psychology vs. Christianity

Psychology has its roots in ancient philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. None of these men were worshipers of the true and living God. At best, they believed in a god that was not involved in the affairs of men, and at worse they worshiped multiple pagan gods. Modern psychology was brought to the forefront… Continue reading Psychology vs. Christianity

Power of Hope

Most people give more importance to love and faith than they do to hope, but that’s not what Scripture says. Look at 1 Corinthians 13:13: And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. Since love is the greatest of the three and hope is just before love, that… Continue reading Power of Hope

Categorized as Hope

Power of Faith-Filled Words

If we want to start seeing the power of God manifest in our lives, we will have to start paying attention to what we say. Words have power—more than any of us realize, but we often speak them as though they are meaningless. Because of that, most believers at one time or another have been hung by… Continue reading Power of Faith-Filled Words

Categorized as Faith

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh

“And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said… Continue reading Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh

Categorized as Ministry

Paul’s Secrets to Happiness

Are you truly happy? Selah (pause and think on that for a moment). That’s a huge question. For most Christians, if they’re honest, they’d have to admit that their happiness is very conditional. It’s sad, but it’s true. Circumstances control most people’s happiness. But that’s the problem: True joy and happiness don’t come from circumstances. The Apostle… Continue reading Paul’s Secrets to Happiness

Categorized as Joy

Observing All Things

How much does the Bible get in the way of what you believe? If you’re like most Christians, you believe in Jesus, but you’ve compartmentalized your faith so that your Bible beliefs have only a little influence over other areas of your life. For many, the Bible doesn’t influence what they believe one iota! As… Continue reading Observing All Things

New You

One of the leading evangelists of our day has been quoted as saying that he believes only fifteen percent of professing Christians are truly born again. That’s a startling statement! I’m not sure that’s accurate, but I certainly believe that many, if not a majority, of those who call themselves Christians are not truly saved. You… Continue reading New You

Look Who Jesus Loves

I believe a true, experiential understanding of God’s love will drastically change anyone’s life. That’s the point that the Apostle Paul was making in Ephesians 3:19. It says, “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” Knowing God’s love experientially surpasses mere… Continue reading Look Who Jesus Loves

Categorized as Love

Lessons from Joseph

How many of life’s lessons have you learned through the “school of hard knocks”? I’ve certainly learned a few that way. They make great testimonies—if you survive them, but I don’t recommend it. There’s a better way! God’s Word is full of the good and bad experiences of men and women of old, placed there as examples for you… Continue reading Lessons from Joseph

Lessons from Elijah

One of the most important things the Lord has ever spoken to me is taken from a passage of Scripture involving Elijah the prophet. Once I saw what it was really saying, it linked many other truths together and made a big impact on my life. This is so simple that once you see it,… Continue reading Lessons from Elijah

Lessons from David

Whatever problem you’re facing today—whether in your finances, in your health, in your marriage, or wherever—your problem is not bigger than what David faced. He had to deal with a real, live giant. And the qualities God instilled in David that enabled him to succeed will work for you too. You’ve probably heard the story of David… Continue reading Lessons from David

Miracles occur on the way

to encounter a miracle we must get beyond the limitations of conventional thinking. Miracles occur on the way. That means we must move out to meet them. God rarely sends us out with a miracle. Instead, he creates scenarios for us where we learn to trust, move in faith and discover favor. Expectancy is always… Continue reading Miracles occur on the way

Knowing God

If I were to ask a group of people what’s the greatest thing in life, I would probably get as many answers as there were people. Certainly, many things contribute to a full and happy life, but I hope all believers would agree that knowing God is absolutely the greatest and most important of all. Without… Continue reading Knowing God

Killing Sacred Cows

The Word of God is awesome! It has all the power we will ever need for every situation in our lives (Heb. 4:12). All we have to do is mix it with faith and, praise God, a miracle (Heb. 4:2)! I know many of you are thinking, It isn’t that easy. I believe the Word and… Continue reading Killing Sacred Cows

Categorized as Deception

It Begins with a Sure Foundation

A true revelation of God’s Word is the single most important element of a victorious Christian life. The Word of God often refers to itself as a seed. There are a total of forty-four verses in the New Testament where the Greek word sperma was translated “seed.” This is the same word from which we derive our English… Continue reading It Begins with a Sure Foundation

Is Jesus Enough

Would God send His only Son to bear our sin, becoming sin itself, and then judge Him without mercy for that sin if His sacrifice wasn’t enough? No! Yet, many Christians act as though it wasn’t enough and continue to believe God is withholding His blessing because of their sin. It’s time to learn the truth.… Continue reading Is Jesus Enough

Categorized as Grace

How to: Hear God’s Voice

One of the greatest benefits of our salvation has to be that of hearing God speak to us personally. There can be no intimate relationship with our heavenly Father without it. But, as easy as it is for us to speak to Him, the average Christian has a hard time hearing His voice. This is… Continue reading How to: Hear God’s Voice

How to: Deal with Grief

The dictionary defines “grief” as, “deep sadness, as over a loss; sorrow”. This is not limited to, but certainly includes the loss of a loved one. It includes the sense of loss that many feel for those who died in the terrorist attacks. People grieve over the loss of relationships, careers, youth, innocence, and many… Continue reading How to: Deal with Grief

Categorized as Grief

How to Prepare Your Heart

“And he did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD”(2 Chr. 12:14) Relatively few people are determined to do evil. They don’t wake up in the morning seeking ways to transgress. Rather, they fall into sin because they have not prepared their hearts to seek the Lord. This passage in 2… Continue reading How to Prepare Your Heart

How to Overcome Doubt

No one is immune to doubt. It can and does happen to us all. You’ve just got to know how to handle it when it comes. Even the greatest men and women of God recorded in the Bible had to deal with doubt. Jesus said of John the Baptist, “Verily I say unto you, Among… Continue reading How to Overcome Doubt

Categorized as Unbelief

How to Follow God’s Will

Finding God’s will for your life is essential, but it’s just the beginning. Once you start moving in God’s direction, you have a big target painted on your back. Satan will do everything he can to stop you. If you don’t bump into the devil, it’s because you both are headed in the same direction.… Continue reading How to Follow God’s Will

How to Find God’s Will

Recently a ministers employee told him about a man she met at a business near his office. When the man found out that this employee worked for the minister, he said that about thirty years ago, he had given one of his tapes to his niece who was living a very ungodly lifestyle. After she… Continue reading How to Find God’s Will

How to Become a Water Walker

It is true that some storms are of our own making. Jonah proved that (Jonah 1-3). Jonah ran from God, encountered a storm while on a ship, was thrown overboard, and wound up in the belly of a fish. But these disciples were smack dab in the center of God’s will when this storm hit in… Continue reading How to Become a Water Walker

Categorized as Miracles

How to Be Happy

Everyone longs for happiness, but few possess it. The pursuit of it is universal and timeless. Generations ago, the writers of the United States Declaration of Independence recognized that longing. In it they wrote that every man is endued by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, one of which is the pursuit of happiness. For… Continue reading How to Be Happy

Categorized as Joy

Holy Spirit

There are few things more controversial in the body of Christ than the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the accompanying gifts. Much of modern-day Christianity sees the born-again experience as all there is to salvation. Many Christians oppose the belief that there is a separate experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit, and… Continue reading Holy Spirit

Healing & Niki’s Miracle

I don’t know anyone who wants to be sick. Everyone wants to be healthy. That’s evident in the huge amount of money that flows into hospitals, doctors’ offices, and pharmacies. People will do just about anything to retain or regain their health. That is a universal desire; you could easily say it’s one of the… Continue reading Healing & Niki’s Miracle

Categorized as Healing

Harnessing Your Emotions

The Bible teaches us that our thoughts are the determining factor which controls our actions. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Romans 8:6 says, “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Notice that carnal mindedness doesn’t just tend toward… Continue reading Harnessing Your Emotions

Categorized as Emotions

Grace: The Power of the Gospel

The Gospel is the most basic, foundational message of the New Testament, yet it’s the most misunderstood. Today’s religious system is not preaching the same Gospel that Paul did. They mix it with the Law, and that isn’t the Gospel at all. The book of Romans was written to explain the Gospel so that anybody… Continue reading Grace: The Power of the Gospel

Categorized as Peace

Gospel of Peace

Most Christians today have not been able to take full advantage of their redemption because of a lack of understanding God’s grace. They believe God has the power to meet their needs, but they doubt God’s willingness to use that power on their behalf because they know they aren’t what they should be. In other… Continue reading Gospel of Peace

Categorized as Peace

God’s Man, Plan, and Timing

The Lord showed me using the life of Moses about His timing for His will. We can’t speed up His timing, but we can slow it down. When Moses killed the Egyptian who was oppressing one of his Jewish brethren, he was trying to fulfill God’s call on his life. Acts 7:25 reveals that Moses… Continue reading God’s Man, Plan, and Timing

Categorized as Seasons

Live as a celebrant!

The Praise come easy to you? Do you have an ongoing appreciation for the spirit of life? Do you have to contemplate for a while to find something for which to be grateful? It’s important for you to ask questions about the nature of your Thanksgiving. Celebration is what we do. We proclaim Jesus. We… Continue reading Live as a celebrant!

Categorized as Joy

Know your point of origin

We represent another dominion, a different dimension entirely distinct from the world around us. Our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians3: 20). We are no longer strangers and aliens; We are fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God (Ephesians 2: 19). We are raised up in Christ to keep seeking the things… Continue reading Know your point of origin

Failing is part of the developing, being a failure is not.

Whenever we do something for the first time we cannot make a mistake, because we are learning. Wanting to know how to improve skills, understanding and capacity are the keys to succeeding. When we love the learning we are less likely to fail and are more capable of improving. It’s possible to fail at everything… Continue reading Failing is part of the developing, being a failure is not.

Categorized as Growth

God’s Kind of Love in Marriage

There are very few things in our world today that are a part of God’s perfect plan for mankind. The elaborate government systems, with all their checks and balances and laws, would not be necessary if it were not for the corruption that sin produced. The monetary system, with all the buying and selling, would… Continue reading God’s Kind of Love in Marriage

Categorized as Love

God’s Kind of Love

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (1 John 4:7-8). Most of us think that we really understand the love of God, but our experience proves otherwise. We feel… Continue reading God’s Kind of Love

Categorized as Love

God and Country

Just as surely as the Lord told the pastor of the church at Ephesus that he had left his first love (Rev. 2:4), America has left its first love; God. The United States was founded by people who loved God. In 1620, the Pilgrims landed near what is today Plymouth, Massachusetts, erected a cross, and… Continue reading God and Country

Categorized as Government

God Wants You to Succeed

God designed you for success. He made you to be a winner. This is true for every person, regardless of what has happened in the past. God has never destined anybody to live a mediocre life. Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace,… Continue reading God Wants You to Succeed

Categorized as Prosperity

God Wants You Well

Jesus used miracles to prove He could forgive sin (Mark 2:10-12). God used them to authenticate Jesus and His message (Heb. 2:3-4). Jesus told His followers that they would do the same works He had done (John 14:12). He said that the preaching of His Word would be confirmed by signs and wonders (Mark 16:20).… Continue reading God Wants You Well

Categorized as Healing

Getting Along with People

Did you know that the greatest commandments of all are not part of the Ten Commandments? In fact, all the commandments and laws are an outgrowth of just two. Jesus said this in answer to the lawyer’s question in Matthew 22:36-40. “Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, thou… Continue reading Getting Along with People

Categorized as Relating

When God grants you something, he expects you to take him for granted!

In life we are always being challenged to want more of God. Heaven desires to release its resources to us. We must pray in line with God’s purposes not our problems. We are often undone by our language. We pray like a widow when we should pray like a bride. We ask God to open… Continue reading When God grants you something, he expects you to take him for granted!


Disappointment occurs when our experience of the truth is much smaller than our knowledge of it. When God shows you something, the knowledge of it must translate into experiences that transform your life. To be ankle deep in blessing is the lowest form of spiritual expression Ezekiel 47: 3 – 5 there are four measures… Continue reading Disappointment


The book of Romans is Paul’s masterpiece on the study of grace, but the book of Galatians is his strongest teaching on the subject. Paul takes off the gloves and gets brutal in his teaching about the grace of God. I believe that a study on the grace of God from the book of Galatians… Continue reading Galatians

Categorized as Grace

Financial Stewardship

There is an “anti-prosperity teaching” attitude in the church today, and yet most of the people with that attitude want to prosper. There are reasons this attitude is so prevalent. Some prosperity teachers live lifestyles that accommodate criticism. I understand that. But faith comes by hearing God’s Word (Rom. 10:17), and faith for prosperity comes… Continue reading Financial Stewardship

Categorized as Prosperity

Faith of God

  Without faith it’s impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6), so our relationship with the Lord is dependent on it. Faith is what brings the things God has provided for us from the spiritual realm into the physical realm (Heb. 11:1). Our faith is the victory that enables us to overcome the world (1 John… Continue reading Faith of God

Categorized as Faith

Faith Is Based on Knowledge

“Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and… Continue reading Faith Is Based on Knowledge

Categorized as Faith

Effortless Change

“Lord, what do I have to do to get from where I am to where You want me to be?” I opened my eyes, and as I saw my Bible laying on the bed in front of me, I heard the Lord say, “Just put My Word in your heart, and it will do the rest.”… Continue reading Effortless Change

Categorized as Change

Effects of Praise

Living a life of praise is not only the most enjoyable way to live, but it’s also one of the most powerful ways to change your life. Praise isn’t like the caboose that just follows what happens, but it’s more like the engine of a train that makes things happen. Your faith isn’t complete without… Continue reading Effects of Praise

Categorized as Praise

Word of knowledge

A common question that I get when teaching on the Word of Knowledge is “How do you know that you have received a word of knowledge?” The Bible say that the Holy Spirit will bear “witness” with our human spirits. You know that you know, there is no wondering in God. This inner witness is… Continue reading Word of knowledge

Don’t Limit God

God is HUGE! All the universes can’t contain Him (1 Kin. 8:27). All the universes are inside of Him. He is infinite, while everything He created is finite. “Finite” is defined as “limited”. We are limited. How can finite (limited) man and women adequately represent an infinite (limitless) God This question presents a dilemma that… Continue reading Don’t Limit God

Categorized as Limitation

Discipleship Versus Evangelism

Most Christians believe that the primary purpose of salvation is to avoid hell. That may have been what you were taught, but it’s not what the Bible teaches. In fact, that kind of thinking serves to inoculate people from the truth of the Gospel concerning salvation. If we simply ceased to exist at death and… Continue reading Discipleship Versus Evangelism

Decisions Determine Destiny

I’m sure you’ve heard the statement “Life is a series of choices.” To some, that’s too simple, but it really is true. Your decisions determine your destiny. When we take a vacation we have a goal, and every turn we take is calculated to help us reach our destination. We check the map often and make a… Continue reading Decisions Determine Destiny

Categorized as Destiny

Dealing with Temptation

Everyone faces temptation. But the truth is, very few people deal with it effectively. That shouldn’t be the case, and it doesn’t have to be the case for believers. There are some very simple and effective ways of dealing with temptation that you should know, and if you put them into practice, I guarantee, you’ll… Continue reading Dealing with Temptation

Categorized as Temptation

Christians and Politics

The word myth is “a real or fictional story that appeals to the consciousness of a people by embodying its cultural ideals or by giving expression to commonly felt emotions.” That definition expresses exactly what has happened to the American church in regard to politics. An emotional, heartfelt desire to see our Christian ideals represented… Continue reading Christians and Politics

Categorized as Government


When you’re facing a crisis, remember what Jesus said to His disciples the night before His crucifixion: “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). Imagine what it would have been like to be one of Jesus’ disciples at the end. They watched as He was arrested, beaten, and crucified. All their hopes and dreams were rooted… Continue reading Crisis

Categorized as Testings

Blessings and Miracles

It’s true that we serve a God of miracles. But The Lord’s preference is not to meet your needs through a miracle. A miracle is the suspension or superseding of natural laws. The Lord performs miracles and uses them to draw people unto Himself. Would you rather receive a miracle of healing or live with… Continue reading Blessings and Miracles

Categorized as Blessing

Believer’s Authority

Is there someone in your life who just rubs you the wrong way? If there is, it may surprise you to learn that it’s not really that person who is creating the rub. There is someone else at work—your real Enemy—and he may be using them to gain an inroad to your life. There is a… Continue reading Believer’s Authority

Categorized as Authority

As I Have Loved You

Imagine the night before Jesus’ crucifixion. He has communion with His disciples and washes their feet. He reveals that Judas is the one who will betray Him. He tells the disciples that He is leaving, and they can’t come. Then, He speaks these words: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one… Continue reading As I Have Loved You

Categorized as Love


Have you ever been mad at God? Certainly, everyone has had anger rise towards a person. And there are a lot of people who are angry with themselves. Anger is a problem all of us must deal with. Many people come from backgrounds where strife was just normal. Our culture is so full of envy… Continue reading Anger

Categorized as Anger

A Better way to pray

Like many Christians, I believed God was angry with the human condition, and it was up to me to turn Him from wrath and judgment. I was interceding, or so I thought, pleading with God on the behalf of others. What could possibly be wrong with that? As I learned later, a lot. The things… Continue reading A Better way to pray

Categorized as Prayer

A Call to Prayer

I think all Christians would agree that we should be praying for our nation during this critical time in our history. Judicial activists are no longer interpreting the law but attempting to legislate from the bench. By using these activist judges in our courts, the ungodly are systematically attempting to remove all reference to and… Continue reading A Call to Prayer

Categorized as Prayer

A Place called There

“Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are” (James 5:17). Yet he was mightily used of God. This reference is talking about the time Elijah became so despondent that he asked God to kill him (1 Kin. 19:4). Elijah wasn’t perfect; yet he called fire down from heaven three times; he was… Continue reading A Place called There

The whole armor of God

We need to understand the name of each piece of armor and what it stands for, what it protects and what we are appropriating. Each piece of the armor we must deliberately put on. We put on an attribute of God as we identify with Him. It is not inherent in the human nature. The… Continue reading The whole armor of God

Introduction to Revelation

In this message, we look at chapter one of Jesus’ Revelation, the last Book in the Bible. John is writing to the people of God during the first Century AD, who are suffering greatly, just as Jesus prophesied forty years earlier. Being a prophetic book, Father God gives Jesus Christ a series of revelations. Jesus,… Continue reading Introduction to Revelation

Last Days’ Proofs

This message looks at other proofs of being in the last days: famines, pestilences, earthquakes, heavenly signs and fearful sights. In Jesus’ Last Days Prophecy, we learnt that the last days finished in one generation as He promised. False Christs and prophets abounded forty years after Jesus’s prophecy. There were more wars affecting the Jews… Continue reading Last Days’ Proofs

What is the armor?

We need to understand the name of each piece of armor and what it stands for, what it protects and what we are appropriating. Each piece of the armor we must deliberately put on. We put on an attribute of God as we identify with Him. It is not inherent in the old nature, the… Continue reading What is the armor?

Putting on the armor

Eph 6: 11Put on(command to begin this moment, not repeated action, enter into, be clothed with as a garment, coming under His authority) the whole armor (complete armor, offensive and defensive) of God, that ye may be able  to stand (specific point, to cause to stand, to place-as opposed to falling)against the wiles (methods, schemes, the craft of deceit) of the devil (the accuser).… Continue reading Putting on the armor

Gift of Tongues

This study is about the gift of tongues used for encouraging the church, which is different from our personal prayer language. In Using Our Personal Prayer Language, this manifestation of the spirit edifies us, bringing our relationship with the Father into a deeper union. ROMANS 8:26-27 LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT ALSO HELPS IN OUR WEAKNESSES. FOR… Continue reading Gift of Tongues

Victorious Eschatology

There are two significant views to end-times – the optimistic Victorious Eschatology view and the pessimistic Futurist view. Eschatology is the study of end times. I hold to the Victorious Eschatology worldview of the church entering heaven as a glorious bride, rather than a defeated minority having to be taken away from the future anti-Christ.… Continue reading Victorious Eschatology

Mystic prayer

 We need to learn how to practice the presence of God, becoming aware of His Presence opens the door to experience the unseen realm. We must start to let ourselves experience the joy of the Lord. We make a decision to rejoice, to be happy, to focus on the things that promote joy. The value… Continue reading Mystic prayer

Categorized as Meditation

Gift of Prophecy

Prophecy is declaring the purpose of God. The prophetic has three levels – the spirit of prophecy, the gift of prophecy, and the prophet’s ministry. It is usual for a person to start by moving by the spirit of prophecy, producing a hunger for the gift of prophecy. Spirit of Prophecy – Entrance to the… Continue reading Gift of Prophecy

Speak the Word of the Lord

God does not need to be quoted; He needs men who will be His mouthpiece. People still feel that they can work for Jesus. This has been a problem down through the years. Instead of going out and working for Jesus, wouldn’t it be better to go out and let Jesus work through you? The… Continue reading Speak the Word of the Lord

Categorized as The Word

The lifestyle of a prophet

The lifestyle of the prophet is crucial to the prophet’s calling because God desires to give us more authority than our current level. Therefore, growing into the next level of glory requires allowing God to develop our character. Understanding New Testament prophecy and the gift of prophecy are prerequisites to understanding the prophet. This is… Continue reading The lifestyle of a prophet

Holy Spirit baptism

In this message we are going to learn about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We need to understand how we can move in power, so we first need to understand how Jesus moved in power as the Son of Man. We can now learn how, like Jesus, to move in the power of God.… Continue reading Holy Spirit baptism

Water Baptism

There is a wide range of teaching when it comes to water baptism. What is water baptism, why is it important and powerful? Did it finish with the Old Covenant? Is sprinkling considered water baptism? Or was it a Jewish custom not applicable to non-Jewish believers? And is water baptism necessary for salvation? Is infant… Continue reading Water Baptism

Giving brings grace

The action of giving brings grace to your life and ministry. “Is tithe valid under the New Covenant?” We found that Abraham’s blessing of wealth is still available to us as believers. In the Mosaic and Davidic Covenants’, we found that the Mosaic Covenant does not apply, but there is wealth available to us through… Continue reading Giving brings grace


Communion is something that I value personally. It is an ordinance until Jesus’ return. And it is also a sacrament in that it is essential and significant. However, we will see it also imparts grace to us. I encourage believers to regularly practice communion at home and with the family during church services. Communion and… Continue reading Communion


Defining What Grace Is This message shows how grace imparts to the believer in Jesus Christ. If I asked most preachers what grace means, the majority would prefer to define it as being unmerited favor. This definition is superficial, inaccurate and falls well short of grace’s incredible impartation. It is also passive, which is not… Continue reading Grace

Categorized as Grace

Jesus’ Comings

We hear many references to Jesus’ Comings. In particular, we hear reference to the Second Coming (the Parousia) of Jesus Christ, as if parousia is defined AS Jesus’ Final Coming. We will learn that the word parousia is not limited to the final return of Jesus. One of the assumptions is that there are only… Continue reading Jesus’ Comings

Glory of the Forefathers

We are looking at the glorification of man, Jesus and believers. We will look at the glory of the forefathers in this lesson, then the glory of the Old and New Covenants. The two central scriptures to compare everything with is Jesus’ glorification on the Mount of Transfiguration and the glorification of the believers in… Continue reading Glory of the Forefathers

Favor with God

Favor starts with becoming a son and daughter of God, and favor grows with wise decisions, walking in humility, seeking God and activating faith. The Difference Between Grace and Favor Grace is a Gift that comes UPON us: LUKE 2:40 AND THE CHILD GREW AND BECAME STRONG IN SPIRIT, FILLED WITH WISDOM; AND THE GRACE… Continue reading Favor with God

It’s time!

Now is the accepted time. Today’s the day. We are learning to be present in the moment in Christ. This results in that we are up to date with regard to his current purpose. Paul statement of focus was this: this one thing I do. Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies… Continue reading It’s time!

There is always enough light

The point of darkness is to release the light. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it-John 1: 5. The darkness cannot stop something it cannot understand. You cannot penetrate something that is unfathomable. The enemy is destined to misunderstand God’s ultimate purpose. If he had known the purpose of… Continue reading There is always enough light

Impossibility thinking

People always want to talk about the odds against something happening. They will have the opinion that declares something is 90% improbable. The mind of Christ declares then a 10% chance of success is good enough to launch something as an idea, what is impossible with men is possible with God Luke 18: 27. As… Continue reading Impossibility thinking

Death 2-1

We are looking at what happens to people after they die. Looking it at it from a biblical perspective. hell is not a biblical word. Eternal conscious torment is also a doctrine which was created by religion, often to cause people to fear. If you look at the Bible and look at translations from the… Continue reading Death 2-1

Categorized as Hell

Proclamation on the level you are at, is the key to the next level

In the Spirit we must talk our way into everything. We must speak out loud the word of God! What we believe must be spoken aloud into the atmosphere of our circumstances. We speak from the inner man of our spirit into the outer world of our life situation. Faith comes by hearing and confession.… Continue reading Proclamation on the level you are at, is the key to the next level

To practice your delight, you must first turn it all on Jesus

There are no disciplines in heaven. No one is standing around the throne, looking at their watch and gritting their teeth to get through the discipline of worship. In Christ we make his passions our own with the help of the incomparable Holy Spirit. In Christ all our disciplines must become delights. Life in the… Continue reading To practice your delight, you must first turn it all on Jesus


The joy of always getting your prayers answered. The time has come for a new way of prayer. Paradoxically, this new method is an ancient way of prayer, one in which God’s faithful servants like David and Paul succeeded. I have tried all kinds of ways of praying, even ascending into the courts of heaven.… Continue reading SKILLED PRAYER

Categorized as Prayer

Lifestyle of faith

 We are to enter into an ever-expanding lifestyle of faith. We thank the Lord for all that He is providing of Himself to us. That He doesn’t just give us things, He always give us Himself. Christ being birthed in us is the hope of glory. Christ in us, glorifying us. The Lord put us… Continue reading Lifestyle of faith

Categorized as Faith

The kingdom

There is a way in which we can reach into the kingdom and possess it. It is a spiritual dimension within us where we become conscious of the presence of God. The basic New Testament teaching is that the kingdom is inherited. This puts the kingdom on the basis of relationship; it is a thing… Continue reading The kingdom

Categorized as Kingdom

The secret place within

We need to learn how to live in the secret place. Learning how to live in the secret place is learning how to live where God lives. God lives in our spirit. The kingdom of God is within us. It is the place where we join our spirit with the Lord in oneness, in fellowship,… Continue reading The secret place within

Categorized as Presence

Faith sees

Faith is spiritual eyesight. Faith is designed by God to make the invisible become visible to our inner man. Faith is a gift from God so that we can see what He sees. Faith is totally about the invisible realm, and how we interact with that realm as part of our normal life. We walk… Continue reading Faith sees

Categorized as Faith

Strengthening our faith

Eph3: 20 Now unto him that is able ( have power)to do( cause) exceeding (beyond, out of)abundantly (super abundant, more than enough)above(beyond, in behalf of) all( totality) that we ask(to desire) or think(right now, thought coming to mind), according ( motion down from higher to lower place, by virtue of)to the power that worketh( the… Continue reading Strengthening our faith

Categorized as Faith

The goodness of man

There are two kinds of goodness. The goodness of God and the goodness of man, divine goodness and human goodness. The Goodness of Man Understanding the goodness of man is an integral part of evangelism because most people believe themselves to be good. Unfortunately, theological language has resulted in evangelism that focuses on the evil… Continue reading The goodness of man

The indwelling presence

We need to develop a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit where He becomes our close personal friend. God does not have a lot of friends here on earth, He has a lot of people who serve him, but He only reveals his secrets to His friends. Many ministries still have a lot of person… Continue reading The indwelling presence

Categorized as Presence

Fullness now

SIN CONSCIOUSNESS The problem with the church of Jesus Christ is that they are sin conscious because their minds have never been renewed, because they have never really heard the gospel. The word gospel means good news. News that is so good, that the carnal mind cannot believe it is true. God is not sin… Continue reading Fullness now

Categorized as Fullness

Called or chosen

Many people say they are apostles or prophets because God has called them to this ministry. Many say they are pastors and teachers, because God has called them to this ministry, but they have not yet been chosen. According to Paul, the prophet’s ministry is considered the second most primary ministry in his writing to… Continue reading Called or chosen

What is faith?

Hebrews 11:1 provides the Bible definition of faith: Hebrews 11:1Now (the word now has nothing to do with time, it is a continuative that explains, and is translated and, or also) faith is(present tense) the substance (two words-hupo, “under,” histemi, “to stand”, to be under the authority of, that which is the basis of something-guaranty,… Continue reading What is faith?

Categorized as Faith

Your faith in limitations

Your faith in your limitations is often greater and more deadly than you know. Notice that I call it “faith.” Perhaps you think of it as “unbelief”—but what is unbelief, except a reverse or negative faith? You are still believing in something. Even an atheist has faith. If you ask him what he believes, he… Continue reading Your faith in limitations

Categorized as Faith

You have to be a believer

Sometimes we become so swamped with our problems that we just don’t believe God will work that miracle. The enemy comes in and drains us of all our enthusiasm and confidence with the doubt he plants in our mind, and after a while we almost believe it. Let me give you my creed concerning our… Continue reading You have to be a believer

Categorized as Faith

You’d better believe it!

The war that tests the remnant of God, the seemingly endless battle, is over the word God has spoken. You are not battling the things that you seem to be battling. It may appear to you that the battle is a set of circumstances or continual harassment, just as when the children of Israel were… Continue reading You’d better believe it!

Categorized as Faith

When God needs a miracle

This message may well be the most revolutionary and scriptural faith concept you have ever read! Do you ever find yourself in a troubled place because you are a believer in God and His Word? Then there is no question that you are in a difficult place because you are walking with God. Realize that when you… Continue reading When God needs a miracle

Categorized as Faith

What is reality?

This is a simple little message about reality, about the things that are really real and the things that are not real. We need to recognize what is the truth and what is not the truth. Faith is the approach used by both God and Satan in the contest for human minds and spirits. Faith… Continue reading What is reality?

Categorized as Faith

Use God

Jesus Christ is our Lord, but have we lost our initiative of being His bondservants and doing what He wants us to do? Most of us are not yet moving in the realm God wants us to move in. We must change from fatalism to faith. Daniel 7:22 says that the saints possess the Kingdom.… Continue reading Use God

Categorized as Faith

The substance and the evidence

(As it is written, A father of many nations have I made thee) before him whom he believed, even God, who giveth life to the dead, and calleth the things that are not, as though they were. Romans 4:17. God and Abraham must have had an interesting relationship. Abraham is called the friend of God,… Continue reading The substance and the evidence

Categorized as Faith

The living word faith-factor

When we compare the various interpretations of the Word of God, it becomes evident that the true and the false are not that far apart. The religious world will explain a Scripture such as James 2:26, which says, “Faith without works is dead,” with the kind of interpretation and application which spurs them on to… Continue reading The living word faith-factor

Categorized as Faith

The fight of faith

Press in, press in with all your heart into the things that the Lord has for you; for it’s an hour of battle and the Lord draws all of our hearts into the battle. This is the time of victory made manifest that the Lord has spoken, and of the worship of the Lord flowing… Continue reading The fight of faith

Categorized as Faith

The faith of God

Hebrews 11:1Now (the word does not have to do with time but serves to introduce something else, whether opposed to what precedes or simply continuative or explanatory. Generally it has the meaning of but, and, or also) faith (conviction of the truth of anything, with the included idea of trust, reliance upon, faith has the… Continue reading The faith of God

Categorized as Faith

The components of faith

All of us sometimes wonder, “Am I really exercising faith?” Faith is not just some mystical acceptance in your mind of a Scripture or a promise, but it is actually an entity that is composed of several distinct parts or ingredients. These ingredients that make up faith have to be understood. As long as you… Continue reading The components of faith

Categorized as Faith

Take a little step

Is faith complicated? Or do we unnecessarily make it so? We often complicate our faith by thinking that faith is something so intricate and complex that we must work up to that high level of faith through a difficult mental reaching into some involved ethereal mystical realm. Actually that is not true at all. A… Continue reading Take a little step

Categorized as Faith

Reality and illusion

It is difficult to come into a walk with God, because it embraces that which does not appear to be true. When you look at the trends in the world, it seems as though Christianity is on its way out. Even the old traditional churches are cracking. Large segments of the Roman Catholic population are… Continue reading Reality and illusion

Categorized as Faith

Possibilities unlimited

Many limitations are born of our own thinking. If you think you can do something, you can do it. Some scientists said recently concerning the space program that anything man can imagine he can do. It looks like the world is approaching that concept. In the field of sports, some athletes have gone into some… Continue reading Possibilities unlimited

Categorized as Faith

Now abides faith

The only way to express faith is by a continual awareness of the Lord and of His provision and promise, together with a persistence in the way you go about believing and appropriating that provision. The voicing of it must be continual. The love that God produces in us is a more sustained emotion than… Continue reading Now abides faith

Categorized as Faith

Moutain moving faith

God is creating an instrument; and that instrument is going to be a believing people who will hit the world with their faith. It is our faith: we are not busy with a program in this walk that goes out with evangelism, psychology, and winning ways. There isn’t anything about it to like to begin… Continue reading Moutain moving faith

Categorized as Faith

Make it happen

In a walk with God we need to understand the balance of the sovereign leading of the Lord and human initiative. Just how much do we take our own life in our own hands and plan it, and just how much do we look to God for every decision, every answer?  The word of the… Continue reading Make it happen

Categorized as Faith

If you can believe

Let’s be concerned about turning our dreams into achievements. There is nothing worse than the torture of a dream that can never be attained or one that is filled with frustration and despair. We will turn all of our problems into victories, and all the open doors before us will be triumphs. We will suffer,… Continue reading If you can believe

Categorized as Faith

It’s repeatable

Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the outcome (the end of their life) of their way of life, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever. Hebrews 13:7, 8. The fundamentalist has great faith in the historical Jesus, or in… Continue reading It’s repeatable

Categorized as Faith

I am a believer

Blessed are they that are perfect in the way, Who walk in the law of Jehovah. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, That seek him with the whole heart. Psalm 119:1, 2. Do you like that idea of being perfect—perfect in the way? It is important that we understand what is meant by perfection.… Continue reading I am a believer

Categorized as Faith

Hold Isaac in your arms

By faith you can bring in a new age. By faith you can do anything. Pure faith often moves in a world of unseen fantasy, as far as your circumstances are concerned. Illusions of spiritual battle and struggles around you are unreal, for you actually possess the victory of the Lord. The fantasy world that… Continue reading Hold Isaac in your arms

Categorized as Faith

Great faith

In the book of Matthew are a number of cases where the Lord said, “O ye of little faith,” and once or twice He said, “Oh, great is thy faith.” But the Lord didn’t say that very often because instead of great faith, He usually found little. What makes our faith little or great? If… Continue reading Great faith

Categorized as Faith

From whosoever to whatsoever

Has the Lord ever spoken a Word to your heart, but you did not realize the significance of it until a little time had passed? It lingered in your mind, and after an interval you realized what that Word was all about. The lord is blessing us with wisdom.” in counseling individuals and directing churches.… Continue reading From whosoever to whatsoever

Categorized as Faith


We are learning the language of heaven, how God communicates with us. Faith is the Greek word- pistis it means the conviction of the truth of anything. The root of this word is peitho-to convince, to be persuaded, to listen to, obey, yield to, and act in accordance with. We need to understand the difference… Continue reading Faith

Categorized as Faith

Faith to overcome

For the faith that God hath planted in thy heart must not be despised. It must not be thought a little thing; for thereby thou shalt overcome the world as thou art born of God; surely by thy faith thou shalt do it. Thou shalt contend and the Lord shall give thee the fulfillment of… Continue reading Faith to overcome

Categorized as Faith

Faith to overcome

For the faith that God hath planted in thy heart must not be despised. It must not be thought a little thing; for thereby thou shalt overcome the world as thou art born of God; surely by thy faith thou shalt do it. Thou shalt contend and the Lord shall give thee the fulfillment of… Continue reading Faith to overcome

Categorized as Faith

Seeing the unseen

Faith is totally about the invisible realm, and how we interact with that realm as part of our normal life. Faith is designed by God to make the invisible become visible to our inner man. Faith is a gift from God so that we can see what He sees. Faith is spiritual eyesight. We walk… Continue reading Seeing the unseen

Categorized as Faith

Faith is focused

Thank God for the whole Scripture, our wonderful Holy Bible. But if we have true faith, we may need only one verse of it all. One verse could change the world. It is when we penetrate into the deep meaning of a Scripture that we finally have detonated its divine power. We can look at… Continue reading Faith is focused

Categorized as Faith

Faith inherits the promises

Hebrews 13:5b is a promise from God that you can stand on at any time: I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. In the original Greek, this Scripture uses the word not five times. The equivalent translation in English would be, “I will not, not, not, leave you, and I will not, not, forsake you.” Jeremiah 33:3 promises, I… Continue reading Faith inherits the promises

Categorized as Faith

Faith doesn’t stagger

Progressively, we are becoming more and more free in our expression of worship. But the great freedom and the great worship is just ahead of us. We must understand something about the basic problem of our emancipation and our liberty in the Lord Jesus Christ. The problem is that liberty has to be learned; it must… Continue reading Faith doesn’t stagger

Categorized as Faith

Explosive faith! -via submission

The true submission that the Lord desires is not a superficial passive submission. There are progressive steps of submission, as we determine the will of the Lord and walk in it. There must be a balance between our individual seeking of the Lord and the collective ministry of confirmation that comes from the Body. First,… Continue reading Explosive faith! -via submission

Categorized as Faith

Exhortation to believe

The Lord is bringing you to the time in which you walk, not with faith that reaches to God with a vagueness, but with a faith that is positive and definite. This is surely a time that God is showing His people what is in His will, what they can claim, and what they really… Continue reading Exhortation to believe

Categorized as Faith

Confidence and steadfastness

But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were enlightened, ye endured a great conflict of sufferings; partly, being made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, becoming partakers with them that were so used. For ye both had compassion on them that were in bonds, and took joyfully the… Continue reading Confidence and steadfastness

Categorized as Faith


We need to learn how to get the word in our spirit where faith becomes a substance in it. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance (that which underlies the apparent, therefore it is the reality, the essence, the substance; that which is the basis of something coming into manifestation) of things hoped for, the… Continue reading Captivated

Categorized as Faith


And when they came to the multitude, a man came up to Him, falling on his knees before Him, and saying, “Lord, have mercy on my son; for he is an epileptic, and is very ill; for he often falls into the fire, and often into the water. And I brought him to Your disciples,… Continue reading BELIEVERS

Categorized as Faith


Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw signs, but because ye ate of the loaves, and were filled. Work not for the food which perisheth, but for the food which abideth unto eternal life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for… Continue reading BELIEVE—II

Categorized as Faith


When everything is reviewed at the end of time, the viewpoint then concerning the activities of man will be a great deal different than it is at the present time. Very little of what even good, sincere Christian people are doing in their brief life span is worthy of the effort, the energies, and the… Continue reading BELIEVE—I

Categorized as Faith

Believe to be a believer

Faith enables us to rise above the futility and the oppression which the enemy is trying to bring against us, to keep us from walking in victory. With all the deception and illusions of the devil, it is easy to be defeated and discouraged, but faith keeps us pressing in. This must be the time… Continue reading Believe to be a believer

Categorized as Faith

Believe that you have received

As the disciples were passing by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots up. And being reminded, Peter said to Him, “Rabbi, behold, the fig tree which You cursed has withered.” And Jesus answered saying to them, “Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this… Continue reading Believe that you have received

Categorized as Faith

Believe! you’ll see!

Most of the stories in the Gospel of John are like parables. In the beginning of his Gospel, we read about the Lord’s first miracle at Cana of Galilee, where He turned the water into wine (John 2:1–11). In that chapter we see a beautiful analogy: the best wine is saved for the last. The… Continue reading Believe! you’ll see!

Categorized as Faith


Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw signs, but because ye ate of the loaves, and were filled. Work not for the food which perisheth, but for the food which abideth unto eternal life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for… Continue reading BELIEVE—II

Categorized as Faith

Audacious claims

We have made many audacious claims based on the Word of God. Let us walk in them, not backing off to a moderate or conservative position. We want no part of conservatism. The first commandment shows that God loves radicals: you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,… Continue reading Audacious claims

Categorized as Faith

Aggressor of the faith

This is the day that the Lord hath brought thee to face the things that are before thee without fear and without wavering. The Lord hath not forsaken thee in the hour of battle. He hath not promised thee that it would be easy, but He hath given thee the word as you come into… Continue reading Aggressor of the faith

Categorized as Faith

Aggressive agreement

In Acts 12 is a story of Herod, who was eaten of worms, and an illustration of the importance of Body unity and agreeing in prayer. Now about that time Herod the king laid hands on some who belonged to the church, in order to mistreat them. And he had James the brother of John… Continue reading Aggressive agreement

Categorized as Faith

Active faith

Take everything that you learn of the principles of this walk, the truths that you have learned, and start putting them into action. Instead of being just one who dreams of things, learn how to bring your dreams into reality. Instead of being one who retreats or withdraws from life, enter into it, and live… Continue reading Active faith

Categorized as Faith

A New heaven

And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be His peoples, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Revelation 21:3. Those days are just before us, but by faith I believe… Continue reading A New heaven

Categorized as Faith

The way of the Warrior

Any sustained move of God calls forth a threefold cord that cannot quickly be broken. These cords woven together include the Power of God, the Character of God and the Wisdom Ways of God. Life on planet Earth offers the most wonderful challenges, inviting us to taste glorious victory as we overcome it with faith… Continue reading The way of the Warrior

Hiddenness and Manifestation

WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING WHEN GOD DOESN’T SEEM TO BE PRESENT? I am constantly amazed at the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, revelation, and power in my life. I love the way He reveals who Jesus is to me, which has changed my life. He has made me more excited and in awe and wonder of the… Continue reading Hiddenness and Manifestation

Categorized as Presence

The language of promise

WE ARE CALLED TO INHERIT. THE LOVE LANGUAGE OF GOD IS VITAL TO THAT DISCOVERY. When God gives you a voice, others will try to take it away. May you inherit every blessing that the Father has planned and purposed for your life. Families are the bedrock of life. They supply the love, belief, laughter,… Continue reading The language of promise

Categorized as Promises

God’s keeping power

LEARNING TO PUT YOUR TRUST IN GOD AS YOUR “KEEPER” The Lord is the ultimate keeper. His love, generosity and kindness are the very foundation of our lives. Unless we know Him as the One with power to save and keep us in the critical moments of life, we will never contend against the enemy,… Continue reading God’s keeping power

Categorized as Immunity

Beholding and becoming

We carry a deep and immeasurable call on our life, placed there by God Himself. It is completely beyond your natural ability to accomplish – God has called you to do something you cannot possibly do in yourself. You can meditate on that call for the rest of your life, and never see your destiny… Continue reading Beholding and becoming

The nature of God 1

Jesus is the happiest person you will ever meet, He is joy; He is the prince of peace. You cannot know the lord and not be filled with peace. His love is unconditional-He loves you the same on your best day as on your worst day. He is longsuffering, it is very hard to get… Continue reading The nature of God 1

New Testament Prophecy

Definition of New Testament Prophecy The first step to understanding New Testament prophecy is to look at the Greek words for prophecy in the New Testament. After this, we will look at the Biblical basis of how Jesus and others operated in the prophetic. Original Greek: The two Greek words used are: Prophecy – prophēteia;… Continue reading New Testament Prophecy

Ministry of the Prophet

There is a difference between being called and being chosen as a Prophet. To be chosen requires faithfulness to our call and our relationship with God. Showing ourselves faithful to the gift and character needed in the prophetic, God will choose us to the office of a prophet to the nations. The gift of prophecy… Continue reading Ministry of the Prophet


The prophet has a specific grace from God to pull down the stronghold of Jezebel. For this reason, Jezebel is the primary demonic assignment against the office of the prophet. Any person called to be a prophet will encounter many Jezebel spirits in their preparation to be chosen by God as a prophet. A good… Continue reading Jezebel


Leviathan is a spirit assigned to stop God’s call to the apostolic people of God. Old Testament Leviathan Most references to Leviathan have come from the book of Job, with some verses in Isaiah and Psalms. Multi-headed Psalms describe Leviathan as being multi-headed: PSALMS 74:14 YOU BROKE THE HEADS OF LEVIATHAN IN PIECES, AND GAVE… Continue reading Leviathan

Sin Entered the World


The Feast of Trumpets

Jesus fulfilled the Feast of Trumpets two thousand years ago. The law is now obsolete, dying on the cross.  Jesus’ “Second Coming” is the popular fulfilment of the Feast of Trumpets. However, Jesus has fulfilled the law, and therefore the feasts. So how then did Jesus fulfil the Feast of Trumpets? it is essential to… Continue reading The Feast of Trumpets

Holy Spirit and Jesus

By understanding how Jesus, moved in healings, signs and wonders, we can understand how we, as sons and daughters of God, can do the same and more than what Jesus did. Jesus could not do any signs and wonders without the Father AND the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is the same with… Continue reading Holy Spirit and Jesus

Baptism With Fire

Carrying the Holy Spirit and the baptism with fire, we can be fire-starters of revival across the nations. Do you want the Holy Spirit to move in and through you to start revival fires? God desires to co-labor with us, and He also wants to take us on a personal journey to the next level,… Continue reading Baptism With Fire

God is in command, He is not in control

This message explains why we should replace “God is in Control” with “God is in Command”. We will also look at “control” through the perspective of our heavenly Father looking after His children. There are three stages of our Christian life (children, including babes, adolescents, and adults). The Power of the Tongue Language is persuasive… Continue reading God is in command, He is not in control

Our awareness of Him

Our growth in God is a matter of awareness. The Holy Spirit desires to interpenetrate us, in such a way that we don’t really know if it is us or Him. We are caught up into an oneness of spirit, that we are aware of God in the words we speak, we are aware of… Continue reading Our awareness of Him

Categorized as Awareness

Feast of Tabernacles

In the “Old Covenant” we looked at the Old Testament law, its purpose and effect on humanity. In “The Law No Longer Applies” we find that the law is obsolete, dying on the cross. Passover, Pentecost and Day of Atonement. These are the three most important feasts in the Hebrew calendar. Jesus fulfilled all of… Continue reading Feast of Tabernacles

Jesus the Son of Man

Understanding why Jesus is called the Son of Man will give us invaluable knowledge in how to move in the power of God. Jesus as the Son of God, we are learning the bible teaches that Holy Spirit conceived Jesus, and the Father was there for His birth. Jesus was always the Word of God… Continue reading Jesus the Son of Man

Jesus the son of God

We are going to look at how Jesus became the Son of God. How He became the Son of God is essential to understanding how we can be a glorious son or daughter of God as He intended. EPHESIANS 1:5 HAVING PREDESTINED US TO ADOPTION AS SONS BY JESUS CHRIST TO HIMSELF, ACCORDING TO THE… Continue reading Jesus the son of God

Sabbath Rest

The purpose of God’s original Sabbath resting was physical REST from hard work. The Roman soldiers nailed the law to the cross. The Old Covenant had to die with Jesus for there to be a New Covenant. Under the New Covenant, the sabbath rest is none other than faith in the finished work of Jesus… Continue reading Sabbath Rest

Fellowship in the gospel

There are five fellowships mentioned in the Bible.1- Fellowship of the mystery of His will 2- The fellowship of the gospel 3- fellowship with His son. 4- fellowship with the Holy Spirit and 5- fellowship with His sufferings. Fellowship in the Gospel is the first of the five fellowships we encounter in our walk with… Continue reading Fellowship in the gospel

Further names of YHVH

We are going to learn some further attributes of Yahweh. These same attributes carry through into our relationship with God as our Father. The Trinity is the Pre-Existing Ones. Our heavenly Father’s original plan was to have sons and daughters. God lives inside of His creation (but can choose to live outside of creation). He… Continue reading Further names of YHVH

Studying the Bible

Two essential Truths. When it comes to Studying the Bible, there are two essential truths to understand: 1-The first truth we learn is weighed more heavily than all other teachings. 2- What we already believe is weighted more heavily than all other teachings. Therefore the danger is; that if we have been taught incorrectly, or… Continue reading Studying the Bible

Judgement of God

As we look into the topic of Judgment, we see that Hebrews 6 includes judgement as part of the new believers foundational truths. HEBREWS 6:1 THEREFORE LET US LEAVE THE ELEMENTARY DOCTRINE OF CHRIST AND GO ON TO MATURITY, NOT LAYING AGAIN A FOUNDATION OF REPENTANCE FROM DEAD WORKS AND OF FAITH TOWARD GOD, AND… Continue reading Judgement of God

Kingdom Anointing

When we desire to see kingdom anointing expressed through us in signs and wonders and people entering the family of God, our focus needs to be on loving God and also loving the anointing. We do this by studying the anointing and learning how to flow in it. The essential requirement to moving in Kingdom… Continue reading Kingdom Anointing

God’s Plan for Kingdom Rule

To understand God’s plan for us to have kingdom rule, we need to look at the Old Testament and see the forerunners to this kingdom. The glory of the latter kingdom is greater than the former kingdom. Jesus has now ascended and has been crowned the King and has sat down at the right hand… Continue reading God’s Plan for Kingdom Rule

Categorized as Kingdom

God’s Kingdom is Here NOW

God has a plan to build a heavenly kingdom for all His sons and daughters right from the beginning. Some believe that God’s kingdom is still to come, and therefore it is still ‘near’. The truth is similar but very different. The kingdom of God is here, and inside us. Some people do not believe… Continue reading God’s Kingdom is Here NOW

Categorized as Kingdom

Covenant Atonement

The preaching of covenantal and victorious atonement is central to our success in preaching. So, if we can understand the theology behind this, it will produce great fruitfulness if you allow God’s Word to become alive within you and written on your heart. How does atonement bring in the new covenant? The Hebrew for Atonement… Continue reading Covenant Atonement


Millennium Heresy These heresies have slipped into present-day Christianity and keep believers in fear of the Great Tribulation in the future. This fear hinders people from moving in signs, wonders and miracles that believers can see happen through the power of God. Until after the First World War horrors, the predominant view was not a… Continue reading Millenium

Grace and favor

In this message, we will see that favor starts with the foreknowledge and predestination of God upon our lives which resulted in God calling us, drawing us, and our responding to the moving of God upon our heart in saying yes to His will in our life. Which resulted in being born from above, becoming… Continue reading Grace and favor

Categorized as Grace

El Shaddai

Some use El-Shaddai or God Almighty to refer to His omnipotence. Yet there is only one reference to God’s omnipotence in the Bible. We see that He is indeed God Almighty and all-powerful in this teaching. Yet the idea of omnipotence may be detrimental to our evangelism efforts. God being omnipotent may bring thoughts of… Continue reading El Shaddai


The apostle Paul and Peter’s teaching The popular teaching is that the Antichrist (sometimes called anti-Christ) is still to come, resulting in the Great Tribulation. Jesus prophesied about the Great Tribulation within One Generation of His death and resurrection. He clearly stated there would never be another like it. MATTHEW 24:21 FOR THEN THERE WILL… Continue reading Antichrist

Four English words translated hell

Most of the confusion around Hell starts with translation error of four 4 different words into one English word “hell”. Sheol (Hebrew). Hades (Greek). Tartarus (Greek). Gehenna (Greek). Sheol (H7585) she’ôl From H7592; hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat), including its accessories and inmates: – grave, pit, hell. Sheol… Continue reading Four English words translated hell

Categorized as Hell

Be warned!

I know this is meat, for the mature in the Lord, and they will choke on it. But this is also milk for the Babes, which I weep for, who are being led astray. I Believe that prophecy can have a dual fulfillment. But all the prophecies in the Bible including the book of Revelation… Continue reading Be warned!

Categorized as End times

The apostles doctrine

Unless we are founded in the Apostles doctrine. Our theology will be off. We will teach, preach, evangelize, prophecy, have heavenly encounters, that will be off-causing more division in the Body of Christ. When we have a heavenly encounter, most of our experiences will be interpreted by the subconscious part of our brain, which influences… Continue reading The apostles doctrine

Attributes of YWVH

These same attributes carry through into our relationship with God as our Father, we appropriate them. Nature of God 101: Old Testament Revelation of God. The Trinity are the Pre-Existing Ones. Our heavenly Father’s original plan was to have sons and daughters. God lives inside of His creation (but can choose to live outside of… Continue reading Attributes of YWVH

The old covenant

The primary covenant of the Old Testament covenants is the Old Covenant, which is what we call the law, or the Mosaic Covenant. We need to realize that The Old Covenant is no longer active and has been replaced by the New Covenant. We are not under The Law. The word law is towrah in… Continue reading The old covenant

Infinite knowledge

You have heard it said that God is Omniscient, that God knows everything. But I say unto you that God is not omniscient but has infinite knowledge. There is a big difference, and it affects how you see yourself, and how you walk before Him. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. We must see things from God’s… Continue reading Infinite knowledge


An ambassador is a diplomatic official of the highest rank, appointed and qualified as a representative in residence by one government to another. Philippians 3:20 says for our citizenship is in heaven. We are ambassadors of heaven on earth. So our citizenship is not of earth, we are citizens of heaven. We are connected to… Continue reading ARE YOU AN AMBASSADOR?

Categorized as Ministry

Communion 2

Jesus said unless you eat my flesh and blood you have no life in you, so he broke the bread, in the last supper. The key to understanding what Jesus was saying is found in the word, “blessed”. MATTHEW 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five… Continue reading Communion 2

Categorized as Communion


Most people attend church to get something from God. This is because their inner man is starving. Church services are no substitute for your personal relationship with the Lord. Learning to walk with Him must become our main purpose in life. When we include living in the presence of the Lord as well as hearing… Continue reading Communion

Categorized as Communion

The transformed life

Jesus has food to give you that will sustain and heal you. This bread I give you: if you eat it you will live forever. I am the Bread of Life, and all that I am is available to you.” Eating with the Lord, Fellowship with the Lord is, and should always be, our lifelong… Continue reading The transformed life

Categorized as Transform

Coming into alignment

COMING INTO ALIGNMENT We need to learn how to come into alignment with the word God has spoken to us. We are to live by every word that God speaks to us. As the Holy Spirit reveals the word to us, it changes us, and then when we walk in it, it becomes written on… Continue reading Coming into alignment

Categorized as Growth


Awareness is to see and hear spiritually, to discern the Lord. Developing awareness enables us to bridge the gap between the seen and the unseen, bringing us to the place of living in two realms. In the tabernacle in the wilderness, there was a veil between the Holy Place and the Holiest of All. This… Continue reading Awareness

Categorized as Awareness

Days of heaven on earth

Even under the Old Covenant, God promised that we could live our days here on earth as “days of heaven on earth”. DEUTERONOMY 11:21 That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the LORD swore unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon… Continue reading Days of heaven on earth

Categorized as Ascension

God is a romantic

The Bible is a love story. Everything that God says to us and does in us is with utmost intentionality. We are the center of His affection; we are the glorious bride of Christ! Romance is at the heart of all that God has purposed. God is an incurable romantic. Romance is at the heart… Continue reading God is a romantic

Categorized as Glory


The word Gehenna is used in 100% of Jesus’ references to “Hell” in the English bible. It is a literal physical valley with a geographic location outside the gates of Jerusalem.  In Israel’s history Gehenna was literally a place of perpetual fire. A rubbish dump filled with so many bodies that the worms would never… Continue reading Gehenna

Categorized as Hell

The harvest

JOHN 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Jesus came to earth carrying the glory of God, the light of God, the power of God: LUKE 4:18 The Spirit of the… Continue reading The harvest

Categorized as End times

Home churches

In the early church, believers did not meet on a regular basis as one whole church. They met in homes, and these cells were spread throughout society and were centers for ministry in the communities in which they were located. I am not saying that we should adopt this pattern, but we must adopt the… Continue reading Home churches

Categorized as Glory

Carriers of God’s glory

As Christians we are called to carry God’s glory; this is the major purpose for our lives. Isaiah, chapter 60 tells us that this will be realised in this generation like never before. ISAIAH 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen (to shine forth; to break… Continue reading Carriers of God’s glory

Categorized as Glory

A kingdom mindset

As we begin to make the shift from a church emphasis to a kingdom emphasis, a new mindset is required. We must embrace a new paradigm, that of a Kingdom Paradigm. MARK 2:22 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled,… Continue reading A kingdom mindset

Categorized as Kingdom

The unseen realm

Moses understood this realm, as Hebrews 11:27 tells us. HEBREW 11:27 By faith he (Moses) forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. King David also knew and practiced this: PSALMS 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my… Continue reading The unseen realm

Categorized as Awareness

Days of heaven on earth

Even under the Old Covenant, God promised that we could live our days here on earth as “days of heaven on earth”. DEUTERONOMY 11:21 That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the LORD swore unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon… Continue reading Days of heaven on earth

Categorized as Awareness

The transfer of wealth

LUKE 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. 34 For where your treasure is, there… Continue reading The transfer of wealth

Categorized as End times

For such a time as this

The Lord is about to manifest Himself to this world like never before, and we have been destined to be a part of this. Let us not be like Esau, who sold his birth right for mere earthly satisfaction. Instead, like Abraham, may we look for a city whose builder and maker is God. ESTHER… Continue reading For such a time as this

Categorized as End times

Let us go on

PROVERBS 4:18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The way ahead can sometimes be difficult for several reasons. However, the need to keep moving forward must be sustained. Because we are living in days of great momentum and acceleration, we must… Continue reading Let us go on

Covering and accountablity

The word covering does not appear in Scripture in connection with accountability. However, it generally describes a position of being under spiritual authority and accountable to that higher authority. Many have had bad experiences with covering or oversight in the church. Many insecure pastors use the doctrine of covering as an excuse to try to… Continue reading Covering and accountablity

The coming inheritance

This war between the two kingdoms, Babylon and the Kingdom of God, is not just spiritual, it is also economic. Violent tremors caused by earthquakes can create huge tidal waves that can destroy great structures. There is coming a shaking to the modern-day church that will soon begin and increase, causing much of the present… Continue reading The coming inheritance

Exposure to light

Exposure to the light of God in Jesus Christ can take many forms. The manifest presence of the Lord exposes us to light. Revelation is a form of light. It is a form of enlightenment by the Holy Spirit. Revelation is a power. It is a type of light that informs our spirit; inspiration draws… Continue reading Exposure to light

Categorized as Revelation

Getting the breakthrough

There is a principle and law that states that once you have done something, you can do it again. Once you are so moved by the Holy Spirit that you prophesy, you can do it again. Getting the breakthrough is the first thing that is required for you to walk in it. In order to… Continue reading Getting the breakthrough

Categorized as Meditation

Imagination and reality

It is clear that Jesus considered imagination as reality in the spirit realm: MATTHEW 5:28 But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. However, we need to clearly understand that these laws, which were set in place by God,… Continue reading Imagination and reality

Categorized as Meditation

The man child company

The man-child comes forth at the end of this age — an event the whole of creation has been waiting for. ROMANS 8: 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. This man-child is caught up to God and His throne. Those who make up the… Continue reading The man child company

Categorized as End times

Build your house on the rock, so can stand as things start shaking

There must come an emphasis on hearing Jesus’s words. The words that he had spoken in the Scriptures. “Your life must be founded and built upon obedience to JESUS’ words. They are the foundation stones on which you are able to stand in the days ahead. Jesus says most Christians will study anything but My… Continue reading Build your house on the rock, so can stand as things start shaking

Categorized as End times

Building of the rock

We are coming into perilous times and our house will fall if it is not built upon the Rock. The rock is Jesus revealing Himself to us personally so that we can hear His voice, and then obey Him and partake of the divine nature of Himself that He is revealing. Our obedience is a… Continue reading Building of the rock

Categorized as End times


The book of Leviticus to most Christians is a very boring book and most people tend to skip over it. But 2 Timothy 3:16 says all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is  profitable to us for doctrine for reproof and for correction and for instruction in righteousness and that includes the… Continue reading THE FIVE OFFERINGS

Earth bound

How much is our thoughts, emotions and desires earthly orientated? Like Enoch, we must become more at home in the heavens than we are here on earth. We were created to walk on this earth in our bodies while our spirits soar into the heavens. We must seek to walk in Heaven’s standards and ways.… Continue reading Earth bound

Categorized as Levels

Let’s go on to perfection

Paul the Apostle said, “Let us go on to perfection.” (Hebrews 6:1) These foundations were designed to position us to move on into much greater things in God. The word perfection in Hebrews 6:1 is an interesting word. The Greek word is teleiotes (G5051): a completer or finisher and teleios (G5046): to reach a full… Continue reading Let’s go on to perfection

The need of the hour

Religion without reality is like hope that slowly diminishes into lethargy and mindless acceptance — a deception that this generation is not buying into. What we give this new generation must not just be doctrine but reality. It must work. If they are to walk with Jesus it must be real to them, not some… Continue reading The need of the hour

Time is being compressed

Did I not say, “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened?” (Matthew 24:22) The birthing of my sons will shorten the coming days of great tribulation. They will achieve their mandates with great speed. Understand this: it will no… Continue reading Time is being compressed

Categorized as End times

The feast of tabernacles

Now, the spirit-filled church has generally felt that it has it all. It has felt that having experienced salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit, there is nothing else to experience. Having kept Passover and Pentecost, what more is there? These were life changing experiences, and so often the attitude that we have experienced all… Continue reading The feast of tabernacles

Make disciples

“Don’t be impulsive like peter was, true sons of God are led by the Spirit of God.” We need a holy fear and a determination never to hurt or hinder the harvest — never to use it for our own ends and purposes. “Great grace will be given to our generation, but great accountability will… Continue reading Make disciples

Categorized as End times

The final harvest

“The final harvest must be reaped, but it can only be reaped by those who have crossed the River Jordan.” “Jesus was involved in two fishing trips while He walked this earth: one at the beginning of His ministry and one towards the end. (Luke 5:4-10; John 21:6- 8) “On the first fishing trip the… Continue reading The final harvest

Categorized as End times

Two harvests are becoming ripe: the good and the evil, and they are ripening together

Sinners are getting more proficient at sinning, and the righteous are becoming more righteous. Good and evil are maturing; darkness is increasing along with the light. The fragile empires of men are beginning to be shaken as the economy stumbles along from one crisis to another. In preparing for the coming harvests, it is vital… Continue reading Two harvests are becoming ripe: the good and the evil, and they are ripening together

Categorized as End times

Preparing for the Harvest

I have been aware that the spiritual level of the church is rising, though this was not always discernible to the natural mind as much confusion and division still control the church. There has never been a time like this – God is preparing to invade the church and this earth like never before. There… Continue reading Preparing for the Harvest

Categorized as End times

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Kingdom Message The Gospel of the Kingdom goes beyond what we normally understand as the gospel message. It is a message of the coming Kingdom of God on earth and across a vast universe in the eternal age to come. It is a message of justice, a message of healing the wounds of humanity’s… Continue reading The Gospel of the Kingdom

Categorized as Kingdom

The great falling away

Although the whole of Christianity does not believe in the restoration, even history, apart from the Scriptures, teaches us about it. The past five or six hundred years have seen some basic changes from the Dark Ages of Apostasy. Even though people look for the great falling away to occur sometime in the future, that… Continue reading The great falling away

Categorized as End times


Young people, as well as those in their middle years, are always looking forward to tomorrow, while old people live in yesterdays of the past. Can’t anyone ever live in the present? Paul said of David, “By the will of God he served his generation and slept with his fathers” (Acts 13:36). In other words,… Continue reading THE “NOW” REMNANT 1

Categorized as Repentance


I do not know of anything that I have ever taught that God has not burned in my spirit first. When you hear it, you know that I have already experienced it deeply. I could not talk you into anything at all if I did not know the truth of it within the depths of… Continue reading WITHOUT RESERVATION 1

Categorized as Repentance


Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God; for to draw nigh to hear is better than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they know not that they do evil. Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thy heart be hasty to utter anything before God; for God is… Continue reading LET THY WORDS BE FEW 1

Categorized as Repentance


The purpose of a probe is to dig down deep into our spirits to find the things that need to be uncovered and let the Spirit of the Lord deal with them. The difficulty with most of us is that we are too superficial in our understanding of ourselves or of the will of God.… Continue reading TRUTH OR DECEPTION? 1

Categorized as Repentance


There is a process by which you can get rid of resentment, rebellion and unsubmissiveness. One usually triggers off another until all three have run the complete cycle. When you have something like this that you battle continually, expect and believe for perfect deliverance. However, understand that the nature of your problem is so deep… Continue reading DYNAMITING THE STUMPS 1

Categorized as Repentance


Our focus is very much on the Lord, but because we are moving into days of restoration, many pressures are coming against the people of the Lord. For our survival, we have had to learn to deal with them and cope with them. We cannot judge anything on a human level. We cannot condemn anyone,… Continue reading TOTAL REPENTANCE 1

Categorized as Repentance


God is bringing forth a people today who are embracing a walk with God rather than a theology or a doctrine. The study of doctrine differentiates between Calvinism and Arminianism. The Calvinist doctrine, originally based upon John Calvin’s teachings, claims that those who in the foreknowledge of God are predestined to be saved, will be… Continue reading GOING ON TO MATURITY 1

Categorized as Repentance


Some stories in the Bible are classic, inasmuch as they apply to so many areas of our life. As we pass through one phase after another, one of these classic stories will always give the answer we need. How many times have you felt that you were crossing over Jordan into Canaan? How many times… Continue reading THE HALF-BREEDS 1

Categorized as Repentance


Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. Psalm 118:27b. Exodus 29 tells how the priests would dip a finger in the blood of sacrifice and put it upon the horns which extended up on each side of the altar. The horns had a specific purpose. The animal world seems to… Continue reading MORE ON DEDICATION 1

Categorized as Repentance


In almost every area where the Lord is dealing with people or even just setting them aside for the moment, problems suddenly erupt which look like utter disaster. Yet people go along on their merry way thinking they will keep it covered. God will not allow it to remain covered. This is a day of… Continue reading THE DAY OF TRANSPARENCY 1

Categorized as Repentance


It is amazing to see how many things people can be dedicated to, without being really dedicated to doing the will of the Lord. They use a walk with God with its miracle deliverances, believing they can create for themselves a selfish and rewarding personal life. Peter asked the Lord Jesus, “We’ve left all to… Continue reading DEDICATED 1

Categorized as Repentance

The only effective way of change 1

The self-knowledge behind psychoanalysis has been admittedly a defeat in probing to the depths of human problems. Very few psychiatrists engage in psychoanalysis now, but the need that they saw was very real. They saw that in some way every person with deep problems must discover both the conscious and unconscious basis for their problems.… Continue reading The only effective way of change 1

Categorized as Repentance

“Tell me what I am?!”

We want to see our women come up to what every woman should be in this walk with God: zero, where they are not put down because they put themselves down and are slobs, and they are not trying to put themselves up by becoming extravagant and trying to overdress and everything. You have to… Continue reading “Tell me what I am?!”

Faith without an “if”

I would like to give you some basic understanding of authority, and of judgment. What we are doing now is requiring a greater faith than any of us have ever realized. We have been slowly gravitating toward this truth: I not only must know who you are, but I also must have an equal revelation… Continue reading Faith without an “if”

Categorized as Authority

The unfolding part 9

Active or Passive? You Have a Great Action I know that the Kingdom of God comes because it is within you; but I am a little bit apprehensive that when you say, “The Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21), you could become quite passive about that. The very basis of the Kingdom as… Continue reading The unfolding part 9

Flaming sword

The lord placed a flaming sword which turned every way; it looked like a ball of fire to form a barrier, to not allow passing through the fallen nature of Adam, representing the D.N.A of the human race. God is a consuming fire; this fire separates that which is not like His Spirit from entering… Continue reading Flaming sword

Categorized as Transform

Learning about the world of the Spirit

Every new level presents its difficulties, because people are accustomed to one atmosphere and then they step into a whole new one. Can you tell the difference between reading the Old Testament and the New Testament? In the Old Testament, with its stories of wars and kings and judgments, all the things that happened were… Continue reading Learning about the world of the Spirit

The challenge of change

I think we are ready for the next level, the next breakthrough. Consider the former years: Five years ago were your song services different? Was the seating arrangement different? Were the services different? Before there is the creativity of God, there is the chaos (Genesis 1:2). The devastation has to come to an existing order… Continue reading The challenge of change

The unfolding part 8

Oneness is Forever We Don’t Have Any Point to Prove Because we are not in conflict to solve problems, we don’t seem to have any point to prove. We don’t have any point to prove—all we have to do is carry one another in love. Panning For Gold Let’s have faith. Of all people in… Continue reading The unfolding part 8

The unfolding part 7

Gazing Intently THE PRINCIPLES OF ONENESS I cannot open my heart to the Lord without opening my heart to His brethren (Hebrews 2:11). If I close my heart to my brother or sister in Christ, I’m closing it to the Lord. I cannot open my heart to my brother and close it to other brothers.… Continue reading The unfolding part 7

Always persistent

I have some things that I am going to read to you. First of all, I’m going to read a statement, so brace yourself. Fasten your seat belt. If you receive a Word and do not persist in it, you will seek in frustration for another Word. And then you will seek for another Word,… Continue reading Always persistent

God’s plan

What is the Purpose of Our Travail? It is easy for us to become involved with the conflict and the pains of travail, and to lose sight of the purpose of it. Is the purpose the defeat of Satan? No. Let’s go to Isaiah 66. This chapter talks about several things that we are very… Continue reading God’s plan

All God has said, I am

There is something about this, that you are immortal until your work is done. If you don’t hit resurrection life, at least nobody is going to take you away as long as you are set to do the will of God, until God says, “That’s enough. You have done My will.” I thought of the… Continue reading All God has said, I am

Categorized as Identity

The unfolding part 6

Present Changes It’s a Time of Healing, and It’s a Time of Change As the seasons in the natural, there are quite a few changes that take place. There is a change in the elemental spirits; there is a change in a lot of things. And when a season changes spiritually, it is very similar.… Continue reading The unfolding part 6

Categorized as Revelation

The unfolding part-5

A Dead Pharaoh God is Speaking of Something That We Don’t Understand Yet I think one of the greatest hindrances to faith is to take a Scripture that belongs to this level and interpret it on a lower level. That won’t work. “If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you, you shall… Continue reading The unfolding part-5

Categorized as Revelation

I wish I didn’t doubt it

A problem for which we have not yet been able to find a solution. The brothers start off with a real closeness with the apostle, but then over a period of time, they do not seem to be able to maintain that closeness and freedom. It is difficult for the brothers to feel his love… Continue reading I wish I didn’t doubt it

Categorized as Oneness

The unfolding part 4

How Do You Defend Yourself? Defending Yourself Started In The Garden Of Eden In what ways do you defend yourself? Have you noticed how easy it is to defend yourself, how easy it is to justify your actions? In the world, even when a person does something he knows is wrong, by the next morning… Continue reading The unfolding part 4

Categorized as Revelation


By Gary Evan Umphress There isn’t a believer in Jesus Christ that would dispute the fact that God despises Pride. Many scriptures refer to this spirit and how it separates man from God. It is the very spirit that separates Satan and God. Every demon in hell is full of pride. Adam and Eve disobeyed… Continue reading Leviathan

Categorized as Enemy, Pride

Only to believe

I think people sometimes read the Bible wrong; they read it with a negative depression on them that interprets it wrong. We are going to read a Scripture that to some may sound a little negative, but I’m going to tell you how positive it is. When the man brought his epileptic son to Christ,… Continue reading Only to believe

Prophecy 17

Behold, O flock of God, thou art at the threshold of great things that the Lord has promised thee. Shall not the searchings of thy heart be greater than all of the searchings that the Lord has brought to thee as thou shalt stand at the threshold of possessing and entering into the thing that… Continue reading Prophecy 17

Categorized as Prophecies

Prophecy 16

The Spirit of the Lord is constantly speaking unity to the house of the Lord. He is saying, “Ye shall not walk divided. Ye shall no longer look upon thyself as an individual, but ye shall look upon thyself as part of a Body” (Ephesians 2:19–22). Ye shall prepare thy hearts to walk together. So… Continue reading Prophecy 16

Prophecy 15

This is a Living Word born out of Psalms 125, 34, 35 and 37. Behold, there is no want to them that trust in the Lord, but the Lord causes them day unto day to be satisfied with His goodness. He taketh even the evil that befalleth them and turneth it into victory. Behold, He… Continue reading Prophecy 15

Prophecy 14

There is a Word that is to come unto the people of the Lord in this day, and how shall that Word come forth? Shall it be born of a fleshly enthusiasm in thine heart? Shall it be born in the midst of thy cries unto the Lord in trials? Nay, it shall come as… Continue reading Prophecy 14

Categorized as Prophecies

How the family flows

Walk in What You Believe I’ve been working on something for several years; and that is that we have a level of what we believe, of what the Scriptures have provided for us and we believe it, but then there’s always a level down here where we’re walking. And I’ve worked for thirty years to… Continue reading How the family flows

Our spirits 1

This was the day that the Lord gave us a Word, early this morning before dawn, that we were going to be in control; and it seems like everything has gone the other direction from that. But I’ve seen that happen before, haven’t you? You get a Word and you’re tried in it before it… Continue reading Our spirits 1

Categorized as Our spirit

Persistence-part 2

THE ANXIOUS—PHILIPPIANS 4:6 If we could have one Word for all those who are interceding and praying, it would be out of Philippians, the fourth chapter: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. That is the Word—“Be anxious for nothing.” There… Continue reading Persistence-part 2

God’s attributes within you

In Galatians 5 we find both a description of the works of the flesh and a list of the fruit of the Spirit: Now the works of the flesh (this is what your flesh produces) are manifest, which are these: fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties (or heresies), envyings,… Continue reading God’s attributes within you

The pure atmosphere-part 2

HE OWNS US ALL The Soul Level Has Either Position Or Possession The soul level in its emotions has a unique quality; it moves in either position or possession. You can find a couple who will love each other, but if they’re walking on a soulish level somebody has to have the position. One has… Continue reading The pure atmosphere-part 2

Categorized as Atmosphere

The unfolding-part 2

UNTIL THE WORD LIVES The Living Word—A Thing Of Destiny Now This is going to be one of the most interesting and profitable little meetings that you’ve ever been in your life. The reason for it is that I think that you’re going to understand the Living Word, and why it’s a thing of destiny… Continue reading The unfolding-part 2

Categorized as Revelation

Persistence-part 1

Luke 11:1–13: And it came about that while He (Jesus) was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples.” And He said to them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom… Continue reading Persistence-part 1

Excepts on the cross

FACING THIS HOUR Read John 12:27–33. When problems seem overwhelming, what do we say? “Father, save us from this hour”? If we answer honestly, we say like Christ, “For this cause came I unto this hour” (verse 27). Sometimes there are problems that you can’t avoid, because the whole destiny and purpose of your life… Continue reading Excepts on the cross

Categorized as Cross

Create the atmosphere

It is very important that we review all that God has said over each of us. God is very much concerned that we go forward on a positive note, and that first positive step would be to establish the commissions over each of the brothers. There should be very definite commissions and charges given to… Continue reading Create the atmosphere

He will heal us

In these days of restoration God is bringing forth a fresh emphasis upon the Scriptures. It is always interesting to watch the Scriptures that He highlights time and time again, such as Ephesians chapter 4, Hosea chapter 6, James chapter 5, Joel chapter 2, Acts chapter 3, and Isaiah chapter 61. All of these speak… Continue reading He will heal us

Our ultimate freedom

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:1, 13. The more we… Continue reading Our ultimate freedom

Categorized as Freedom

Are you aware of Him?

Our singing and our praising the Lord has gone through several phases. God certainly is not a God of ruts. If there is anything that tends to deteriorate, it is the spirit of worship through sameness. The greatest worshipers of all time were men like David, and he was continually giving himself to the invention… Continue reading Are you aware of Him?

Thinking as a son

The Feast of Passover represented two things. It was a culmination of judgment upon the Egyptians; and it was also, during the process of those ten judgments which culminated in the Passover night when the death angel came (Exodus 12:29–30), a concluding experience of judgment upon the Israelites. They suffered things at the hands of… Continue reading Thinking as a son

Categorized as Passover

Exhortation and prophecy

We are going to grasp a new concept of how to deal with sin. We have approached it wrong. We must minister to people who have been overtaken in a fault or a sin with the same simple faith with which we would lay hands upon them to heal them, and take dominion over their… Continue reading Exhortation and prophecy

Categorized as Prophecies

That new nature

We are pointing to the nature that we want to acquire. It is not that we condone what people do, but we are putting the focus on a different area. This is a shift away from the negativity. It is not that we do not have problems; but we see that the problems are not… Continue reading That new nature

Bonds nullify

In the “Unfolding,” the Word of the Lord has come about opening our hearts. It is based on the sixth chapter of II Corinthians, where Paul had written to the Church, Our mouth has spoken freely to you, O Corinthians, our heart is opened wide. You are not restrained by us, but you are restrained… Continue reading Bonds nullify

Oneness and bonds and vampires

This Word will deal with our relating to each other. Almost every problem that we face has been in making the transition to the Kingdom relationships. This Word speaks about the perfect Kingdom relationships that God is bringing. It reveals also our openness to assault through demonic sources, and how to see that ended. Let… Continue reading Oneness and bonds and vampires

You are in my heart

Paul wrote to the Corinthians: I do not speak to condemn you; for I have said before that you are in our hearts to die together and to live together. II Corinthians 7:3. This message will be one of the most important that I have ever given in my whole life. It is not a… Continue reading You are in my heart

Categorized as Oneness

Prophecy 13

Behold, O flock of God, thou art at the threshold of great things that the Lord has promised thee. Shall not the searchings of thy heart be greater than all of the searchings that the Lord has brought to thee as thou shalt stand at the threshold of possessing and entering into the thing that… Continue reading Prophecy 13

Prophecy 12

The Spirit of the Lord is constantly speaking unity to the house of the Lord. He is saying, “Ye shall not walk divided. Ye shall no longer look upon thyself as an individual, but ye shall look upon thyself as part of a Body” (Ephesians 2:19–22). Ye shall prepare thy hearts to walk together. So… Continue reading Prophecy 12

Categorized as Prophecies

Proverbs: the roots of fear

We have a full chronology of what has come so far in the “Unfolding,” the recent revelation teaching of the Kingdom. It is not so important that we try to make a history of it; however, the sequence of steps in this revelation is important, because they are working miracle changes wherever they are applied.… Continue reading Proverbs: the roots of fear

Prophecy 11

This is a Living Word born out of Psalms 125, 34, 35 and 37. Behold, there is no want to them that trust in the Lord, but the Lord causes them day unto day to be satisfied with His goodness. He taketh even the evil that befalleth them and turneth it into victory. Behold, He… Continue reading Prophecy 11

Categorized as Prophecies

How long does it take?

“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20. Have you ever asked yourself this… Continue reading How long does it take?

Prophecy 10

There is a Word that is to come unto the people of the Lord in this day, and how shall that Word come forth? Shall it be born of a fleshly enthusiasm in thine heart? Shall it be born in the midst of thy cries unto the Lord in trials? Nay, it shall come as… Continue reading Prophecy 10

A few things about oneness

Do you realize that the Lord has been bringing Words on our communication, relationships, and oneness for many years? We have all been into those Words, but the problem has been that until now the more we tried to make it work, the less it seemed to work. One of the clearest pictures we have… Continue reading A few things about oneness

Categorized as Oneness

Oneness is our potential

The believers in the Body of Christ constitute many different members, but one spiritual Body—one organism. As believers and bondservants we know that true oneness is our potential. Let’s look first at the illusions about oneness that are so subtle and undetected. One false illusion would be thinking that compatibility is oneness. Another illusion would… Continue reading Oneness is our potential

Categorized as Oneness

Prophetic music

We are living in an era of music that God is going to destroy. When God brings down the mystical Babylon described in chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation, He does more than just bring down religious systems. He brings down something that is quite commercial, something that is interwoven in the business, in the… Continue reading Prophetic music

Many channels of music

As the Lord brings the days of the Kingdom expanding to us, we are aware that the prophets of old spoke of this day and said that great things were going to be accomplished, especially in the realm of music. Isaiah prophesied: Thus says God the Lord, “Behold, the former things have come to pass,… Continue reading Many channels of music

The true humble

For thus says the high and the exalted One who lives forever, whose name is Holy, “I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.” Isaiah 57:15. Thus says the… Continue reading The true humble

Categorized as Humility

What is a parent?

Part Two What is a parent? A parent is a co-creator of life over which he struggles with a combination of responsibility for what he has produced and the subjective temptation to make that life an extension of himself irrevocably. Thus a parent is one who produces, but does not know how to let go… Continue reading What is a parent?

Categorized as Relating

What is a parent?

Part One What is a parent? A parent is one who not only gives birth to an offspring that takes on his own characteristics and heredity; he also becomes the father and creator of many things which that child will become. He opens the door of life to a child, but he never stops opening… Continue reading What is a parent?

Categorized as Relating

Who kills the wolves?

If the Lord brings discipline and judgment within these Kingdom churches, it will be because they preach the letter of the Word and they do not have the spirit of the Word. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made… Continue reading Who kills the wolves?

Prophecy 9

Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. Jude 3. Shall not the Lord build thee up together in the holy faith that was… Continue reading Prophecy 9

Prophecy 8

The Lord hath a Word for thee. For thou art no longer under the shepherds who are hirelings that shall forsake thee in the day of battle. Behold, they shall run from thee when the trouble comes; they shall forsake thee in the hour of thy need (John 10:12–13). But the Lord raises up shepherds… Continue reading Prophecy 8

Categorized as Prophecies

A rich head but poor feet?

Are there times as a believer when you feel that surely you must find an answer to what you are seeking God for, or else you must be embracing something that is not His will for you? You may be looking to God for His answer and you are not satisfied with the traditional, conventional… Continue reading A rich head but poor feet?

Categorized as Identity

Prophecy 7

Let all of your hearts take courage, for know that if the Lord brings a person within this Body and ye look upon his need and ye become burdened, then thy burden shall always be with a rejoicing of faith; for God brought him in that He might establish him in what He brought forth.… Continue reading Prophecy 7

Categorized as Prophecies

Everything goes better with praise

The Lord is setting before us a way of life. We have been changing constantly, and we have actually come to the place where we are conditioned to change. Before, we changed reluctantly. Even when we were adamant in wanting to change, there were deep, built-in traps in our very nature that were resisting change.… Continue reading Everything goes better with praise

Prophecy 6

Rejoice in the Lord who hath raised thee up together; and thou shalt perceive in the days to come that none of thee shall arise to walk in the Lord perfectly save that thou shalt see that thy brother and thy sister shall be thine instructor in the Lord. Behold how they shall help thee,… Continue reading Prophecy 6

Categorized as Prophecies


We are in the midst of days in which many troubles stalk the land. We are in the days of persecution and bigotry. But we are also in the days of great revelation from the Lord, which is unique to this transition period of ages that we are in. In the midst of it, we… Continue reading Unthankful


And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17. A similar passage is found in I Thessalonians 5:18: In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. This second Scripture is more… Continue reading Thankful

One by the blood

We are concerned about our receiving the real revelation of the Communion, and what it is to impart to us. And the impartation we receive becomes more effective when we realize the extent of what we can claim in that impartation. We can say, “I am going to receive a blessing,” and we will. We… Continue reading One by the blood

Prophecy 5

Behold, the Lord speaketh unto thee a thing that has been hidden from the hearts of men. For hast thou not read in the Word of the Lord that men passed through the veil and so they came into the presence of the Lord? Hast thou not read in the Word of the Lord that… Continue reading Prophecy 5

Categorized as Prophecies

Prophecy 4

Surely the Lord would make known unto thee that which has been the downfall, a snare and a trap unto God’s people in the past. Hast thou not known many assemblies and many people in whom the Spirit of the Lord has moved, and yet thou shalt look upon them today, and it is as… Continue reading Prophecy 4

Categorized as Prophecies

Prophecy 3

Behold, thou shalt not let thine eye fail to see the vision afar off. Thou shalt not turn thine heart away from the Words which the Lord speaketh unto thee of these days. For the Lord has spoken of glorious things and has set before thee a day like unto which men have not walked… Continue reading Prophecy 3

Categorized as Prophecies

The Lord has given a living Word, but who has heard it?

One of the greatest generals of all time was Joshua. Of course, West Point and other military academies came about long after his time—schools where men are taught the strategy that generals learned as they fought wars, changed the destinies of men, and directed the course of history. But there is nothing more important that… Continue reading The Lord has given a living Word, but who has heard it?

To wean or not to wean? that is the question

Sometimes we find that over the course of the last few years, people have come into this walk with God without really knowing the basic principles which had been taught before. It is good to review these basic foundations. It helps keep us within the divine order that the Lord revealed to us and directs… Continue reading To wean or not to wean? that is the question

Running in place

I am thinking about all of those who have thought they were walking with God, but they were not. To use an old exercise term, they were “running in place.” They were not going anyplace, because they did not have the faith to move on. This message is important because God is bringing forth so… Continue reading Running in place

The fire of God-part two

The fire of God will be the instrument of judgment through the mouths and the hands of His remnant that is coming forth. For behold, the Lord will come in fire and His chariots like the whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire. For the Lord will execute… Continue reading The fire of God-part two

The Word was God

What is the Living Word that God is speaking to us today, and what has He always been trying to do for us in both His written and spoken Word? The books of John and Revelation contain a number of passages about the Word. The first chapter of John tells us, In the beginning was… Continue reading The Word was God

Categorized as The Word

Prophecy 2

Shall the Lord perform miracles within thy circumstances? Nay, this shall not be the victory; instead He shall perform the miracle in thee, until men shall say, “What is this miracle that God worketh in this hour?” And they shall say, “Behold the children that the Lord hath brought forth—they are the miracles of the… Continue reading Prophecy 2

We drink, we die

We are beginning to understand how vulnerable we are through our frustrations. We overcome our spirits’ reluctance; but there still remains a certain element of frustration even when we earnestly strive to move ahead. Then in trying to cope with our frustration, we become aware that it—at least the effects of it—can largely be eliminated… Continue reading We drink, we die

Come up higher 1

We understand that the whole purpose of the Day of Atonement, preceding the Feast of Tabernacles, was that there should be the goat of removal, Azazel (Leviticus 16:10, NAS, ASV). This meant that Aaron the high priest laid his hands on a male goat and confessed the sins of the Israelites over that scapegoat, which… Continue reading Come up higher 1

Categorized as Oneness

Give God His voice

I present this Word with fear and trembling. While the Scriptures to be presented are familiar, and the truths that will be brought forth have previously been touched upon, this teaching remains one of the most revolutionary truths ever to come forth in the Living Word. It is revolutionary inasmuch as it can lead us… Continue reading Give God His voice

Categorized as Fullness

The trumpets are blowing

And on the day that the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered the tabernacle, even the tent of the testimony: and at even it was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until morning. So it was alway: the cloud covered it, and the appearance of fire by night. And whenever… Continue reading The trumpets are blowing

Of what do we repent?

Combat Communication Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 3:1–2. “And the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into… Continue reading Of what do we repent?

Categorized as Repentance

Accept yourself as a servant of the Lord 1

Self-confidence—the human level of confidence—must be taken away, and we must attain the level of divinely imparted confidence. In many places the Bible calls this “boldness,” or “confidence.” Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them,… Continue reading Accept yourself as a servant of the Lord 1

The uprooting of guilt

If you carry deep guilt and self-condemnation for stumblings or falterings along the way, look for the cause of them. Those failures were probably only symptoms of a deep-rooted unbelief in the Word. Believe the Word over you, for the Living Word is the issue, not the weakness of your flesh. There is nothing more… Continue reading The uprooting of guilt

Use God

Jesus Christ is our Lord, but have we lost our initiative of being His bondservants and doing what He wants us to do? Most of us are not yet moving in the realm God wants us to move in. We must change from fatalism to faith. Daniel 7:22 says that the saints possess the Kingdom.… Continue reading Use God

Is God my tool or my boss?

Devastation or discipline is wrought sovereignly by God usually through human instruments. Those whom God has devastated, He will let stay devastated until they take the faith and the initiative to create, in the authority of God and by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, what was lacking within them, so that they… Continue reading Is God my tool or my boss?

Categorized as End times

The fire of God-part one

This Word on the fire of God is not exhaustive by any means; but it will be basic to a great deal of teaching in the days to come. In its simplicity it could mold our whole thinking for the rest of our lives. What we want to deal with is the fire of God.… Continue reading The fire of God-part one

Categorized as Judgment

Lord, why parole satan?

In the book of Revelation we read about the conclusion of the whole conflict of the ages. Don’t you love to read about how it is all going to turn out? It is important for us to see what God says in His Word will be the conclusion of this great conflict that has gone… Continue reading Lord, why parole satan?

We kept His Word

This message gives a good perspective of what God is doing right now in the hearts of His people as far as the Word is concerned. It will also show the basis of intercession at this time; it is perhaps grim, but it is also victorious. There is a real flow of oneness right now… Continue reading We kept His Word

Half empty or half full?

We desire not only the scriptural teaching, but a very practical application of it to our lives. The result is that changes really take place. It is one thing for a baby to be born into this world; it is another thing for him to start breathing. Sometimes the baby is a little slow to… Continue reading Half empty or half full?

Categorized as Fullness

Is that legal?

This message is very precious to us because it highlights how much people are yet tainted with legalism, and the Word comes to release us from it. Many times there has been counseling and ministry which confused people’s minds so that they did not move in faith to appropriate the righteousness which comes by the… Continue reading Is that legal?

The kingdom is His oneness

We had been saying, “We’re in the Kingdom! We’re in the Kingdom!” And we really were, to some extent; but the Kingdom is characterized by relationships. All the relationships, as they had existed, began to sharply deteriorate. The relationships which God wanted to endure in the Kingdom, He devastated so completely that they came to… Continue reading The kingdom is His oneness

A gift is imparted

“But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you to the synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for My name’s sake. It will lead to an opportunity for your testimony.” Luke 21:12–13. Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have… Continue reading A gift is imparted

Is bitterness your future?

The roots that are down deep within us can be very, very deep. The root of bitterness is the result of unbelief (Hebrews 12:15). It grows because we go through our circumstances and we evaluate them without faith. Even when we go through the chastening of the Lord, we don’t interpret it correctly. We are… Continue reading Is bitterness your future?

Categorized as Bitterness

The memory that lives

The Word is deeper. Some of the best revelation teaching comes during times when there are only a few instead of the many. During these times of waiting on the Lord, the Words come because they are living experiences to us. We are living them. When we speak them to you, you are aware that… Continue reading The memory that lives

The end of false guilt

We don’t know what to do with this awful feeling of guilt, when a demonic assault is hitting… We try and find out what we did wrong. It is so haunting and depressing we recognize it as oppression. You do nothing to open the door to it. Sometimes you are into it before you realize… Continue reading The end of false guilt

Loving and attentive

We have been projected into a Kingdom level where we received much impartation from the Lord. Initially, this had to be accepted by faith; but now we want to find out what really happened to us. There were a number of things which we had not experienced before. We are experiencing quite a different atmosphere… Continue reading Loving and attentive

Don’t look where you are going

In order to fully understand the Beatitudes, you must understand the writings of John. John constantly talks about spiritual perception. He makes it very simple: there are those who see God, and those who do not see God. Of course, he is talking in mystical terms, but it becomes clear when you read Matthew 5:8:… Continue reading Don’t look where you are going

Is there an idol in your saddlebag?

Three can’t beat one. There are references in the Scriptures such as, “a threefold cord is not easily broken” which collaborate this principle (Ecclesiastes 4:12). This relates to the power of oneness when it is in Christ—not just one individual in Christ, but several individuals who have become one in Christ. This oneness is stronger… Continue reading Is there an idol in your saddlebag?


How can I share with you the wonder of the Kingdom—the beautiful, silent ethereal music and dance of His Kingdom? We who have gone through the night vigil of tribulation, through the trials, even knowing that there is more to come, cannot but fix our hope upon “the joys that are set before us.” Hebrews… Continue reading Awesome

Categorized as New age

Church membership verses Kingdom relationship

It is apparent that there is quite a difference between the form of membership that has locked in churches—even the local churches that were built on a New Testament pattern—and the freedom that exists in the Kingdom relationships to the Lord. Some of the most excellent spiritual ministries to come forth in the Kingdom are… Continue reading Church membership verses Kingdom relationship


This message is related to the hardness of the heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. So much of the Scriptures deal with a broken heart before the Lord, or with a heart that is hardened before God. David said, A broken and… Continue reading Hardness

The victory is more difficult to live with

Now, about love. I Corinthians 14:1 tells us, “Pursue love.” Doesn’t everyone? Yes, but this verse is the result of I Corinthians 13, which speaks about the love that you have in your waiting on God. Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. I Corinthians 14:1. This verse gives… Continue reading The victory is more difficult to live with

How close do we get?

We have received much scriptural teaching on our relating and communicating with one another. The question is, “How close do we get? How close can we be to one another?” We realize that this is a very scriptural question. We read in Matthew 20:20–21, Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Him… Continue reading How close do we get?

Categorized as Relating


We are beginning to learn something about the way oneness operates. When we take it out of the realm of struggling and contending for a relationship, then our oneness becomes functional. We have the idea that oneness must be a smooth, gentle relationship with one another, but nothing could be further from the truth—especially if… Continue reading “With”

It’s a game of leapfrog

This is a message to the leaders of all the churches. Repeatedly in the Scriptures the Lord brings forth this truth: “The first shall be last and the last shall be first” (Matthew 19:30; 20:16). This is a difficult Scripture to understand because He is speaking about our progress and our relationships in the Kingdom… Continue reading It’s a game of leapfrog

Thy kingdom- church come, thy will be done on earth

We are all aware in the Scriptures of the influence of principalities and powers and demonic hosts (Ephesians 6:10–12). We could spend considerable time and energy discerning and identifying them, but the Lord is leading us in another direction. Would you like to know the wisdom in this? Discerning what is working against you and… Continue reading Thy kingdom- church come, thy will be done on earth

What are you doing to me?

This question concerns our walls, our guards that we put up against one another, the defensiveness that we build because of the many times we have been wounded. A prophecy about the Lord Jesus Christ in Zechariah 13:6 says, And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall… Continue reading What are you doing to me?

Categorized as Open, Walls

You are prepared! explode!

The Lord is launching us into what is indeed a whole new beginning. After it explodes in our hearts, like the expanding mushroom cloud of a nuclear blast, it will spread with the swiftness of a prairie fire. We have passed through a number of stages during the past years. A tremendous flow toward restoration… Continue reading You are prepared! explode!

Hanging on or hung up

We all have times when we need our focus directed back to the Lord. We are creatures cursed with the Adamic curse of a tendency toward distraction. This Adamic nature, with its tendency toward distraction, makes it difficult even for those who desire to walk with God. Though they may have a Word from God… Continue reading Hanging on or hung up

The drawn sword-you get the point

After many years of walking with the Lord together and hearing His truths, we are being confronted with the realization that now we will either obtain what we came into this for, or we will not! If we are going to obtain it, it will require drastic measures on all of our part, because the… Continue reading The drawn sword-you get the point

Vision with understanding

A spirit of passivity is creeping like a paralyzing fog over the whole land. It is the spirit of this age. Christians can always find reasons or excuses for their passivity and their inattention to what God is doing, but none of those reasons or excuses is really valid. One thing that affects people today… Continue reading Vision with understanding

A little joy please

The first Passover was successful in delivering Israel from Egypt, but except for the giving of the Law, little else was accomplished during the next forty years. Israel wandered around in circles while God kept prodding them (Joshua 5:6). He had brought them out of bondage for a purpose, but they did not find that… Continue reading A little joy please

Take a little step

Is faith complicated? Or do we unnecessarily make it so? We often complicate our faith by thinking that faith is something so intricate and complex that we must work up to that high level of faith through a difficult mental reaching into some involved ethereal mystical realm. Actually that is not true at all. A… Continue reading Take a little step

Fervent our love

This Word on intense love is an important principle from the Lord, and it is so simple that you will wonder why it did not have more emphasis when the intense intercession first began. It will be good to examine the full scope of intensity the Lord really wants of us. During periods of deep… Continue reading Fervent our love

Rejected or accepted?

Read this message with the expectation that it will change you and open a new level of relationship for you that you have never experienced before. If you have difficulty relating to others because you feel rejected by them, this Word will reveal an important truth based on a familiar chapter of Scripture, Isaiah 53.… Continue reading Rejected or accepted?

Why do you put up walls?

We often encounter spiritual battles, and sometimes we think that the enemy assaults us only in our weak points. This is not always true. When you look into the Scriptures, you see that many men were not battled or defeated on their weak points. They were aware of their weak points and had built defenses… Continue reading Why do you put up walls?

Who’s on a pedestal now?

God established the Feast of Unleavened Bread as part of the Passover (Exodus 12:17–20), signifying that we must be concerned about eliminating the leaven from our lives—everything that would prevent our moving into the richness of all that God has set before us. One type of leaven with which we have been contending is the… Continue reading Who’s on a pedestal now?

Are you a turkey?

According to God’s law of reproduction, everything brings forth after its own kind (Genesis 1:24–25). Dolphins can communicate with humans by responding to certain whistles and other sounds. They are very intelligent; they have a brain similar in size to the human brain. On the other hand, dinosaurs supposedly had a tiny brain; some speculate… Continue reading Are you a turkey?

“One answer for a thousand problems”

This Word sets forth a vision, a revelation from the Scriptures, which will combine the relationship of worship and warfare with certain requirements God wants from each of us in Body ministry. In Colossians 3:16–17 we find truths which are very necessary for our hearts in relationship to our walk with the Lord and our… Continue reading “One answer for a thousand problems”

Thirty pieces

Every apostle of the Lord who has a ministry from God, who has received the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and has received a commission from Him, probably will have in his life one, or perhaps many, Judases. In II Corinthians chapter 11, the apostle Paul tells us about his. There were many who… Continue reading Thirty pieces

Categorized as Enemy

Seasoned with salt

An Old Testament law required that every meat offering be seasoned with salt (Leviticus 2:13). In the New Testament teaching of the Lord in the Sermon on the Mount, He tells us, Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth… Continue reading Seasoned with salt

Categorized as The Word

Our unwavering confession

The book of Hebrews indicates that it was difficult to talk to the Hebrews about certain things because they were “dull of hearing” (Hebrews 5:11). Actually, many people may read the book of Hebrews with a seeming “dullness of hearing,” because its passages are puzzling without an understanding of the Old Testament as well. The… Continue reading Our unwavering confession

Greater than a conqueror

Proverbs 16:32 tells us, “He that ruleth his own spirit is greater than he that taketh a city.” This proverb came from the wisdom of Solomon. As a ruler, he recognized what things were difficult to achieve. Although he failed in fulfilling his own proverb, yet he established a truth that is very real for… Continue reading Greater than a conqueror

How much do we tolerate?

How much do we conform to become one in the Holy Spirit? A truth established in the Scriptures is that we as the sons of God are to be in all points conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). This does not mean that we will all look alike or forego certain individual… Continue reading How much do we tolerate?

Categorized as Oneness

We must have enough!

We are becoming a prophetic community. Above that, we are becoming the Father’s family, who have learned to relate together without any religious spirit. No longer must we follow a certain set pattern or responses; we simply love God and open our hearts to Him. We have been shaken by the truth of these simple… Continue reading We must have enough!

Do we have enough?

If we could project ourselves five or six months into the future, and then look back to this present time, we would probably come to one basic, inevitable conclusion—the same conclusion we would reach if we now looked back five or six months. Each one of us would have to say, “God, help me. I… Continue reading Do we have enough?

No shoelace

The fourteenth chapter of Genesis records the story of the defeat of four kings by Abraham and his servants. Five cities in the valley of Jordan, including Sodom and Gomorrah, had been conquered by these four kings. Lot and his possessions also had been taken. When Abraham heard about it, he went out with his… Continue reading No shoelace

Parboiled Levites

If we could look back through history and ask, “God, what were You thinking about before all of this happened that we are experiencing today? What was in Your heart? What was in Your mind?” God would answer, “I wanted a priesthood, a people who would stand before Me and worship.” Israel never became the… Continue reading Parboiled Levites

Categorized as Priests

Let’s dig a canal

Visualize a beautiful tree, laden with lush foliage and bearing delicious fruit in its season. Next to the tree is a canal full of flowing water. This is the picture portrayed in the first Psalm when it describes the blessed man. How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the… Continue reading Let’s dig a canal

The ups and downs

At times every believer in Christ Jesus must have thought, “If only I could understand what God is doing in my life! Or if I could even know whether or not the present circumstances in my life are of God—maybe it is the devil, or perhaps it is only my friends or relatives that are… Continue reading The ups and downs

We are all sheep

If you want to know the truth of the Word, you must discern the spirit that is being conveyed. The tenth chapter of John is the Great Shepherd chapter, in which Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd.” Verse 14a. He talked about the sheep, about His love for them, and how He would give… Continue reading We are all sheep

Impartation is a two-way street

We are contending to see God’s Kingdom established in the earth with purity. If our striving has been remiss in any area, it is probably because we have not given enough attention to teaching the scriptural principles of divine order, particularly to those who really need to hear them. Pastors may have been set in… Continue reading Impartation is a two-way street

I was taught to love

If we are to contend with God as Jacob did (Genesis 32:24–32), we must first be rid of any feeling of uncertainty. We want to declare very positively to our Lord that we are reaching into more blessing, greater appropriation, and a deeper dedication. We are determined not to back off! The faith, the steadfast… Continue reading I was taught to love

Categorized as Love

Christ alone shall be exalted

When changes come in our lives, our reaction can be insecurity and fear. Within the local church we may go through testings which cannot be defined as normal church situations. Actually, God may be moving to bring us all into a different state, a different spiritual climate or condition. If we look to the Scriptures… Continue reading Christ alone shall be exalted

Faith is focused

Thank God for the whole Scripture, our wonderful Holy Bible. But if we have true faith, we may need only one verse of it all. One verse could change the world. It is when we penetrate into the deep meaning of a Scripture that we finally have detonated its divine power. We can look at… Continue reading Faith is focused

Categorized as Focus

The strength of joy

When the Lord tells us in the Scriptures, “Be of good cheer” (Matthew 9:2; 14:27; John 16:33), do you get the idea that He is saying, “Come on, cheer up now. Don’t be sad”? He probably is not referring to what we can produce in the way of good feelings and joy in ourselves, because… Continue reading The strength of joy

One Lord, One Body

In the book of Exodus, God spoke these words to the Israelites: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is… Continue reading One Lord, One Body

Mind control? Heart control!

Second Corinthians chapter 10 shows us the purpose of the ministry of deliverance and the purpose of authority that comes to the ministers whom God raises up. We need to understand the purpose and function of His ministers and what He is trying to do through them. One of the most audacious statements of authority… Continue reading Mind control? Heart control!

Is a miracle reasonable?

When we read the Scriptures, we are deeply impressed with the great faith of those people who moved in God. As we trace the miracles that occurred, we realize that they were not designed to impress anyone with the power of God; rather, their purpose was to manifest His presence through His people in difficult… Continue reading Is a miracle reasonable?

How do we bind Kings?

How are the New Testament churches to relate to the powers ruling over them? What will happen to these churches in the future—both here in the United States and in foreign countries? Tremendous pressures will be placed upon many of them, especially those in Canada, South America, and South Africa. Who knows what will happen… Continue reading How do we bind Kings?

Lonely? Run after Him!

As God brings us into spiritual maturity, we experience many adjustments of growth. We experience blessing as well as desolation, over and over again. We may not understand this process, but it is evidence to us that the Lord is drawing us into a closer walk with Himself. When you are trying to reach into… Continue reading Lonely? Run after Him!

Our cross is the cost

God has set before us a choice. It has been so from the beginning, whether it was Joshua thundering to all of the congregations of Israel, “Choose you this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15), or Moses saying, “Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse. Will you choose life… Continue reading Our cross is the cost

How we relate to commission

In the Kingdom of God there are many different relationships in the divine order which God is establishing. If we can relate correctly to divine order, we will have a key for all of our relationships—in the churches, in the Kingdom businesses, and in the homes. This could be a great factor in the way… Continue reading How we relate to commission

“Separate us from the nation’s impurity”

The book of Ezra records the rebuilding of the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem during the restoration period after the exile. This is an exact parallel of the present-day spiritual restoration that is taking place now—with one exception: We probably would go about this rebuilding project quite differently. We would rebuild the walls first,… Continue reading “Separate us from the nation’s impurity”

When God needs a miracle

This message may well be the most revolutionary and scriptural faith concept you have ever read! Do you ever find yourself in a troubled place because you are a believer in God and His Word? Then there is no question that you are in a difficult place because you are walking with God. Realize that… Continue reading When God needs a miracle

Categorized as Problems

Awareness… lest we wander from grace to self-condemnation

Every time we come together for worship; we should strive to break through into a higher level in God than we reached in the previous service. There should never be a service without a purpose. Progressively we must come into a greater awareness, of the Lord Jesus Himself, of what the Lord has promised us,… Continue reading Awareness… lest we wander from grace to self-condemnation

The fear of rejection

There is perhaps no greater drawback to the Body-of-Christ ministry than the fear of rejection. When that fear becomes a conviction to us, we think that no one really cares about us. The fear of rejection is Adamic in human nature. God does not deal with rejection; He deals with inclusion. God is not threatening… Continue reading The fear of rejection

Your faith in limitations

Your faith in your limitations is often greater and more deadly than you know. Notice that I call it “faith.” Perhaps you think of it as “unbelief”—but what is unbelief, except a reverse or negative faith? You are still believing in something. Even an atheist has faith. If you ask him what he believes, he… Continue reading Your faith in limitations

Are you locked in?

Do you believe that you can change? We can all experience drastic changes; we can all make phenomenal development. II Peter 3:18 tells us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” By the grace of God, we can be different in a year’s time from what we are… Continue reading Are you locked in?

How do we change 1

The people who walk with God today reach into great changes. How do we change? What is our goal? Are we to change until we all assume the mannerisms of our favorite leaders? It is very easy to place people in certain classifications in your mind: Citizen A, B, C, D. Then you measure the… Continue reading How do we change 1

Categorized as Change

A slave has no choices

The fourth and fifth chapters of Galatians contain interesting revelation concerning both slavery and freedom. A slave is not required to make many decisions. A slave in an oppressed land does not have to decide what courses he will take in school; he does not have to decide what food he is going to eat… Continue reading A slave has no choices

Categorized as Freedom

Let the Lord love you!

Jacob was an unusual man. His intense love for his wife Rachel teaches us something about God’s love for us. Jacob deceived his father and received the blessing meant for his brother Esau. Because of this, Esau hated him and threatened to kill him. Jacob fled to Haran, to the home of Laban, his uncle,… Continue reading Let the Lord love you!

Categorized as Love

They prophesied with harps

In this message we will explore the history of music in the Old Testament, particularly those aspects which relate to what God has promised to bring forth today. In Isaiah 26:18–20, the prophet speaks of the travail of the end time and the worship that will accompany the breakthrough into resurrection life. We were pregnant,… Continue reading They prophesied with harps

Insecurity’s cure

A wrong relationship usually comes because of our insecurity. We demand that someone be something to us which God does not want him to be, because we cannot trust the relationship which the Lord brings. Consequently, we try to perfect that relationship, not on a spiritual level, but on a human level that God does… Continue reading Insecurity’s cure

Categorized as Relating

Bearing the present reproach

At the present time there is strong agitation against cults. Imperceptive religious people tend to associate all nondenominational religious groups into one category. Such people love to pigeonhole. Unless we pray and are very careful, it is inevitable that we will be associated with the cults. It is very important for us to evaluate this… Continue reading Bearing the present reproach

Danger: mechanics without faith

Musical instruments must support the worship service, rather than dominate or drive the people into worship. The initiative to worship comes from the people. When we have difficulty in breaking through to worship the Lord because of spiritual warfare, the instruments should not be used like a bulldozer to plow through a service. If the… Continue reading Danger: mechanics without faith

How will His Kingdom prevail?

We are in a time of great spiritual conflict, but we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). That places us in a unique position, assuring us that anything which is plotted against us will be thwarted in the overall… Continue reading How will His Kingdom prevail?

Categorized as Kingdom

From whosoever to whatsoever

Has the Lord ever spoken a Word to your heart, but you did not realize the significance of it until a little time had passed? It lingered in your mind, and after an interval you realized what that Word was all about. The lord is blessing us with wisdom.” in counseling individuals and directing churches.… Continue reading From whosoever to whatsoever

Categorized as Wisdom

Not “for” but “with”

Progressively many of us have broken through to a freedom in intercession, but there may yet be a struggle before we enter into the next level. This simple message may help you to understand the more effective intercession that lies ahead. The next phase of intercession will require a greater awareness of the Lord through… Continue reading Not “for” but “with”

All His Miracles reveal Him

It is important that we understand how to pray. We must not lower our sights from the prime objective God has set before us, or ever focus upon our current passing circumstances or situations. We do not glorify the Lord when we seek miracles and the greater works in order to vindicate ourselves and to… Continue reading All His Miracles reveal Him

Categorized as Revelation

We bow down to cast down

What do the Lord’s soldiers in the battle need to know? When you are under spiritual assault and conflict, especially on the physical level, you need to know the way to get out from under it. There are aspects of authority presented in the Scriptures that you need to understand. A good illustration is the… Continue reading We bow down to cast down

The inexpressibles

Why does it take a long time for us to come into an awareness of a truth? When we read a passage of Scripture, the true impact of what it is saying may not reach us. Does it seem that you are enduring life instead of entering into the joy of it? We are still… Continue reading The inexpressibles

Categorized as Truth

Satan’s slick scheming

Satan is a slick schemer! We must be careful that he does not take advantage of us. To that end we need to be aware of his schemes and the devices he uses. Paul warns us concerning this in II Corinthians 2:11: In order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we… Continue reading Satan’s slick scheming

Categorized as Enemy

The gall of bitterness

This message can help us to understand what we have experienced or are experiencing or what others have gone through. It is not easy to minister to someone who has come into difficulties. Furthermore, it is not easy to help Christians who have experienced difficulties which have deeply affected their spirit. And we might well… Continue reading The gall of bitterness

In motion

Do you want to learn the way to end periods of discouragement? It is also the way to move into the fullness of the Lord. For some time I have known that there is a connection between encouragement and activity; the people who are the most depressed are probably those who are the most idle.… Continue reading In motion

Babies-blame yourself!

Traditional churches have a way of covering over the immoralities and indiscretions in their midst; however, on the Kingdom level this is not possible. As we break into the Kingdom, we find that there will be a greater exposure of the things in our lives that are wrong and could cause offense. The religious world… Continue reading Babies-blame yourself!

What is He worth?

A favorite tactic of the enemy is to push us a little off base until we lose our balance. Then he can move in against us because he has us on the defensive; he has us defending a lifetime of dedication. We must assuredly move out of the place where we are defending the dedication… Continue reading What is He worth?

Categorized as Dedication

Song of Solomon

Song of Solomon 1:1-2 This is the first song of a series of six. It is one song, in six parts, it is the greatest love song ever written. It reveals How the Love of God changes our life: it reveals the pattern of how His love is developed in our lives. It describes our… Continue reading Song of Solomon

Categorized as Love

What happened to the truth

The basic and most disturbing problem of the end time is the demonic intent to deceive people and then to lock them into that deception. Much of the warfare we face involves the assault by demons of deception, as false prophets and false Christs arise and persecutions mount up against us. Already, the persecutions have… Continue reading What happened to the truth

Timothys everywhere

The vision of the Timothy ministry is very clear. What is God requiring of His people and of the apostolic ministry, and what it all is leading to? The teaching on the Timothy ministry has not yet been completed, but the vision of it has been very clear. We are aware that churches everywhere are… Continue reading Timothys everywhere

Categorized as Growth

The double commitment

Isn’t everyone looking for the answers to his problems? Sometimes a problem is best solved, not by looking at the problem itself and its effects, but by looking at the changes that need to be wrought first in us. If an individual with a very strong spirit is married to someone who is extremely sensitive,… Continue reading The double commitment

The course of change

God is teaching us to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The carefulness with which we follow the Lord is important, but even that effort can become only a legalistic and religious form. A generation ago, a book was written teaching Christians to be imitators of Christ, to try to decide what Jesus would… Continue reading The course of change

Acts of aggression

AN ANALYSIS OF THE EPISTLES TO TIMOTHY The apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy give us a picture of the tremendous impact of the early apostolic company. Paul incited them to spiritual acts of aggression. In his exhortations to Timothy, Paul gives us one of the most unusual approaches to faith that is found in the… Continue reading Acts of aggression

Pure vessels for a pure word

The Lord Jesus Christ is again saying, as He said to His first apostles, “If they have received My Word, they will receive your word also” (John 15:20). The apostolic Word is being spoken again, and those who hear it have an option to accept it or reject it. They may not know that this… Continue reading Pure vessels for a pure word

Categorized as The Word

No man like Him

The epistles of Paul often refer to the ministry of Timothy. In the book of Philippians, Paul commended Timothy and some of the other ministries, including himself. Now we see the Lord bringing forth many ministries like Timothy. As we break through to a new level of dedication of oneness with the Lord and with… Continue reading No man like Him

Bonded, or fused into one?

When we experience the purification which God is restoring to the Church, our hearts are encouraged that the days of visitation are truly upon us. Our purification has prepared us to move into what has been labeled “Kingdom evangelism.” It is not so much evangelism that we are entering into, as it is an ingathering.… Continue reading Bonded, or fused into one?

Categorized as Oneness

“The hope of righteousness”

Many people have a desire to walk with God, but they do not understand their need of a hope of righteousness. It is not only believing for initial salvation, but believing also for the completion of that salvation and the way it becomes real to their heart. Certain Scriptures can open up this truth to… Continue reading “The hope of righteousness”

Categorized as Hope

The barrier to love’s flow

It is often a struggle to believe that God really loves you, although you may be convinced that He loves others, for you see His love flowing to them. Many problems stem from this mistrust of His love: a basic mistrust of the love the Lord has for you. Hebrews 12:5–8 tells us: “Whom the… Continue reading The barrier to love’s flow

Categorized as Love

The initiative is ours

Every time the saints of God gather together in this end time, it becomes more and more important that we move further into what God wants. We must not dillydally around and merely have another meeting, but we must touch God and reach in for ourselves and each other with all of our heart. The… Continue reading The initiative is ours

What is a shield of gold worth

The man who obeys the first commandment and loves the Lord his God with all of his heart, all of his soul, and all of his might (Deuteronomy 6:5) has certain laws working for him of which he is often unaware. It is said of Caleb that he wholly followed the Lord (Deuteronomy 1:36). When… Continue reading What is a shield of gold worth

Categorized as Love

What does He want?

The times of restoration of the Temple, described in the book of Ezra, were prophesied by Haggai and Zechariah. The restoration they were prophesying in their time is closely paralleled with our situation today. We are believing to see the restoration of all creation for God’s Kingdom on earth. The book of Haggai shows us… Continue reading What does He want?

Living now!

We all should have one motto: We are living our life now! We are not living it in the future, but in the present. If you have many years behind you, do not live like someone who is waiting to retire and die. Satan may remind you that you are not as active as you… Continue reading Living now!

Serving Him now!

In Psalm 40, the prophet David spoke of the great desire of his heart which he no doubt was enabled to fulfill. Sacrifice and meal offering Thou hast not desired; my ears Thou hast opened; burnt offering and sin offering Thou hast not required. Then I said, “Behold, I come; in the scroll of the… Continue reading Serving Him now!

What you can’t lose

Almost every problem that arises has something to do with relationships. The issue is whether or not you are accepting your relationship to others. Of course, this goes right back to the fact that you must have faith in the Lord. When you do not have the faith and trust in the Lord, then you… Continue reading What you can’t lose

What He is to us

We are concerned about giving God our deep dedication and our full consecration, but if that is the sole basis of our relationship with Him, we tend to feel insecure. And that may be the reason why some believers do feel insecure. It is true that the Lord demands a great deal of us, but… Continue reading What He is to us

The burden we share

When the captain of a ship sees an iceberg, he knows that he must be very careful so that it does not wreck his ship. He knows that he is only looking at the tip of the iceberg, which comprises a small part of the total mass. The invisible portion under the surface presents the… Continue reading The burden we share

The interceding priests

We are entering the time of the fruitfulness of the Kingdom. Our intercession has opened the door to the Kingdom priesthood. As God lays the guidelines before us, we realize that intercession mingled with worship actually is the Kingdom and the priesthood that is spoken of repeatedly in Revelation (Revelation 1:6; 5:10; 20:6). The book… Continue reading The interceding priests

The covenant basket

This message will reveal truths from the Scriptures which you may never have seen before. Even people who are generous in their giving may not be pleasing God because they are not giving God the basic thing that He wants. God wants a relationship with you when you give. Otherwise, your giving is not acceptable… Continue reading The covenant basket

The pure offering

Here is an exhortation and a promise which is renewed to us in this day: Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you. Joshua 3:5. God wants us prepared. Already we are walking into the judgments of God on this age. They begin in the house of the Lord, and then they… Continue reading The pure offering

Categorized as Judgment

How limited is your God?

We need to examine afresh our concepts of God. What is your concept of Him? Does your revelation of Him constantly expand, to see Him as Lord of lords and King of kings? Think of the thirty-fourth Psalm, verse 3, which says, O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.… Continue reading How limited is your God?

Categorized as Provision

How great is your God?

The answer to every problem is found in the Lord. Often that answer comes by a fresh revelation of the Lord rather than by a revelation of the answer itself. Many people come to the Lord for an answer to their problems, when actually their need is not so much for an answer to problems… Continue reading How great is your God?

Categorized as Awareness

We’ve softened the rock

A scriptural study of the judgment of the nephilim and the gods of Egypt helps us to understand the judgment upon the gods of this age. The judgments that happened in Egypt have deep significance today. What God was doing in the first Passover, against all of the gods of Egypt, was one of the… Continue reading We’ve softened the rock

Categorized as Judgment

Holy and His

How shall we think about God, about His people? What should be the attitude of a man of God, and what is God’s attitude toward His people and toward the man He chooses to lead them? Two passages in the book of Exodus will help us to understand what God is seeking. Then the Lord… Continue reading Holy and His


A new year and a new age has started! It is a time of waiting on the Lord, of drawing the anointing of the Lord for more than just blessings or spiritual experiences. God has opened the door for us to have a real walk with Him. As we walk with Him we must close… Continue reading JUDGMENT

Categorized as Judgment

Bring your ears with you

A new age has started! It is a time of waiting on the Lord, of drawing the anointing of the Lord for more than just blessings or spiritual experiences. God has opened the door for us to have a real walk with Him. As we walk with Him we must close ranks and walk arm… Continue reading Bring your ears with you

How’s your spirit?

There is a simplicity in all that God does. God has a way of speaking a simple Word over your life that gives you something in your heart that you know is your destiny to fulfill—that is, the works which He has “before ordained that you should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). There is a… Continue reading How’s your spirit?

Categorized as Our spirit

Lay hold of life

A passage of Scripture may be so familiar to us that we miss its deep meaning. I Corinthians 15:50–58 should be read very carefully because it is such a passage. Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold, I tell… Continue reading Lay hold of life

This is a package deal

There must be an honoring of divine order. If there is not, we will hit impasses that will frustrate everything that God sets before us. In the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church, we read how he set them in order. Divine order has many aspects. There is to be submission to apostolic… Continue reading This is a package deal

What is this violence?

There seems still to be some confusion as to what the violence of spirit is all about, even in those who are so violent in their own spirit. At times it seems to be a cry of frustration coming out of our heart because of promises yet unfulfilled, promises that said, “this is the time”… Continue reading What is this violence?

Categorized as Violence

Father, what’s your name?

We can get the idea that the Passover came about because the Lord wanted to deliver the Israelites out of slavery and kill some Egyptians, but that was not really the reason. Basically, God wanted to introduce Himself as Yahweh. The Passover is to mean much in the way of real experience in God, but… Continue reading Father, what’s your name?

Categorized as Passover

How’s your heart?

Joel 2:13 says, “Rend your heart and not your garments.” We go through many experiences in our emotions which are often expressions of our spirit. We all get to the place at times where in sorrow, in frustration, or in grief we could react by rending our garments. The Scriptures give many accounts of people… Continue reading How’s your heart?

The tent from above

Everyone is concerned about life; yet when most people think of life, they also think of its termination—of death. Then they begin to think of their preferences. Sometimes a person would rather not be alive, but at the same time he also does not want to be dead. Although there is much teaching about what… Continue reading The tent from above

The peg in a firm place

The Lord is placing authority upon His people in this day to bring forth His Kingdom on the earth. However, there is a certain procedure to be followed in order to see the purposes of God fulfilled. The job is not done simply by receiving a revelation and prophesying about it. After a prediction comes… Continue reading The peg in a firm place

Categorized as Authority

Can you drink the cup?

Of the twelve disciples who walked with Jesus, three seemed to be especially close to Him. These were Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, James and John. James was the first apostle to be martyred, Herod had him put to death with a sword. Then Herod arrested Peter and put him in prison, intending… Continue reading Can you drink the cup?

Categorized as Relating

I will not smite you

When the people of the Lord look for the men who will be the apostles, prophets, and elders to lead them in this day of restoration, they may find it is natural to look for those who stand head and shoulders above the rest of the people in their spiritual maturity. But now the Holy… Continue reading I will not smite you

Earnest expectation 2

As you press into the Kingdom, you will face one crisis after another. Many times you may not understand where you are, what is happening to you, or why it is happening; but in Romans 8 there is a key to show you where you are and how to break through into what God has… Continue reading Earnest expectation 2

Categorized as Kingdom

A prophetic proclamation

What are the sounds that we hear? It sounds like the noise of a battle, like the clamor of those who are engaged in a death struggle. Nay, it is not the sound of a death struggle; it is the sound of a birthing. Sons are come to birth, and travail is in the land.… Continue reading A prophetic proclamation

Categorized as Prophecies

Come to order, please

One of the beautiful things seen in the fresh birth of the early Church was their spontaneous moving into divine order. It was not something difficult which had to be taught to them. Because they had not learned a wrong way that had to be unlearned, they readily came into line with the true pattern… Continue reading Come to order, please

I was not known as Jehovah

God was not known as Jehovah to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He revealed Himself by other names, such as Elohim and El Shaddai. Just before the first Passover of judgment on Egypt, He called Himself Jehovah. Whenever He does business with His people in a present manifestation, He reveals Himself as Jehovah (YHVH), which means,… Continue reading I was not known as Jehovah

What next? perpetual blessing

One of the problems you will face as you walk with God is the problem of losing strength, especially as you labor and become weary in well-doing. Therefore, you will need to know how to regain your strength in order to be effective. A crisis comes to those whom God has brought to a place… Continue reading What next? perpetual blessing

Categorized as Provision

Who’s first into the kingdom

If you trace the references to the Kingdom in a concordance, you will notice that there is a great difference among the four Gospels in the emphasis given to the Kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God. You will find a minimum of references in the Gospel of John, which seems strange, since John’s… Continue reading Who’s first into the kingdom

Categorized as Kingdom

The truthers and the liars

In the title of this message, we are coining a new word, truthers, referring to those who tell the truth, just as those who tell lies are called liars. It is natural or human for a Christian to try to conceal certain problems in his life, because he knows that as soon as he confesses… Continue reading The truthers and the liars

Categorized as Deception

Keys for locked doors

Sometimes walking with God and believing for the fulfillment of His promises is like walking down a long corridor and seeing thousands of doors. The Lord has set them before us, and we keep trying them; but too many of the doors are locked. Sometimes we face problems that we do not know how to… Continue reading Keys for locked doors

Categorized as Ministry

Breaking the time barrier

God always holds the past, the present, and the future before Him in His mind. Therefore, a man of faith who comes to God may claim promises of the past or prophecies of the future as the provision for the present moment. God made promises concerning the future, and those promises, as well as His… Continue reading Breaking the time barrier

When God becomes our boundries

In the Old Testament, David’s greatest sin against the Lord was not his sin with Bathsheba. The sin that brought the greatest trouble to Israel occurred when David numbered the children of Israel (II Samuel 24). From a human viewpoint, that action can be easily understood—he wanted to know how many men he could depend… Continue reading When God becomes our boundries

The tormenting walk of fear

The following truths may be read within a few minutes, but they will bless you for years if you remember them. Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor… Continue reading The tormenting walk of fear

Categorized as Fear

Look! God is with you!

Abraham lived in the day of Amraphel, king of Shinar, who was better known as Hammurabi. Hammurabi was one of the first to codify the law in Babylon. If you were to read those laws, you would be shocked at the injustices that were perpetrated in those days. It was back in those ancient times… Continue reading Look! God is with you!

Categorized as Dealings

First, we grovel, then we grab

In the original Greek Scriptures which speak about authority, we find the Greek word exousia. It is often translated in the King James Version as “power.” The American Standard Version translates it “authority.” Actually, it means both power and authority, but it also means privilege. There is no one word in English that gives the… Continue reading First, we grovel, then we grab

Categorized as Authority

The hands are a channel

Take a look at your hands. Are you aware of the great significance God has attached to the hands? Concerning the hands, the psalmist David sang, Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not… Continue reading The hands are a channel

The lifted hand of covenant

What is the scriptural meaning of the lifting up of the hands? Ezekiel 20 gives us several examples of the Lord lifting up His hand when He made a covenant with His people. We read in the following verses that He “sware unto them,” which meant in the original Hebrew that He lifted up His… Continue reading The lifted hand of covenant

We have the uglies

In these days, there is a necessity for a manifestation of intercession which you will be drawn into in order to walk with God. No one will be able to survive without intercession, because Satan is set to destroy everything that God is bringing forth. Revelation 12:4 tells us that the dragon is waiting to… Continue reading We have the uglies

Preparing for the Honeymoon

The book of Esther, though written in the style of a short novel, is the historical story of a beautiful Jewish girl in exile, who saved the Jewish nation in its captivity when it was under great attack and persecution. The king during this period, King Ahasuerus, became very agitated and deposed Queen Vashti because… Continue reading Preparing for the Honeymoon

To new levels of joy

Children should have beautiful and pleasant childhoods. To that end, we should teach them the principles for being joyful which will guide them through their time of growth. Those little feet have a long way to go; those little hands have many things to learn. Children live in a world where everything is too large… Continue reading To new levels of joy

Categorized as Joy

There’s more to take

In the conquest of Canaan, under the leadership of Joshua, we find a similarity between the attitude toward purity that was required of the Israelites then, and of those who seek to walk with God now. This account in Joshua shows us that God does not allow a tolerant coexistence with corruption: Joshua waged war… Continue reading There’s more to take

Categorized as Promises

I’ll tolerate no delay-2

We are confronted continually with the problem of redeeming the time because the days are evil. Satan has his own time schedule; and if it succeeds, no flesh will be saved alive, according to the prophecies of Christ (Matthew 24:22). Satan is working to bring about the destruction of the entire human race. Every science,… Continue reading I’ll tolerate no delay-2

I’ll tolerate no delay-1

Have you been hindered and delayed in your walk with God? If so, you need to learn one simple key that will blast you into motion and propel your life into orbit. There needs to be an expectancy in your heart which gives birth to a joy, even as you face the onslaught of the… Continue reading I’ll tolerate no delay-1

Categorized as Promises

Polish up your dream

The description of the Feast of Tabernacles in Leviticus 23 can open our hearts to dream dreams, just as if we were living in Old Testament times and keeping that feast. Some of the other feasts described in that chapter were very simple and brief. The Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the… Continue reading Polish up your dream

Always aware

As you read Psalm 84, imagine that you are remembering what took place a long time ago, almost three thousand years ago. It may even have been on a day during the Feast of Tabernacles. Can you picture a man singing this Psalm in Hebrew? He is singing about how wonderful it is to be… Continue reading Always aware

Categorized as Awareness

A perfect priest, perfect sacrifice, perfect victory

The fifth chapter of the book of Hebrews reveals the spirit of the Day of Atonement. However, looking back to Old Testament times, both the twenty-third and sixteenth chapters of Leviticus picture the Day of Atonement as having rather involved rituals that were to be followed. Today we are not interested in following the ritual;… Continue reading A perfect priest, perfect sacrifice, perfect victory

Perfect in one

God is bringing the Body of Christ together today in a true unity and oneness of Spirit. In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he told them to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. After that he told them about the gifts that Christ gave to the Church as… Continue reading Perfect in one

The Greeks has a word for it

What is synergistic action? It is the tremendous effect that takes place when one force, having little or no effect alone, is combined with another force. Their combined energy is then multiplied in an outstanding way. The word “synergistic” comes from the Greek word sunergeo, which means “work together.” Two words make up sunergeo: sun,… Continue reading The Greeks has a word for it

Categorized as Power

Beware of the dogs

The third chapter of Philippians is one of the outstanding chapters of the New Testament. Paul tried to show from the very first verse the protection and the safety that come from a continual emphasis on the basic truths of a walk with God, and what constitutes an experience with the Lord. He said, Finally,… Continue reading Beware of the dogs

Categorized as Legalism

We’ve done it, we won it

Those who trust in the Lord are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever. Psalm 125:1–2. God’s people are to be like an immovable mountain with the Lord surrounding them. Zechariah prophesied a similar Word:… Continue reading We’ve done it, we won it

Categorized as Victory

Proclaim Him Lord !

As you walk with the Lord, you must be concerned about anything that affects your dedication to do the will of God. One area that you must consider is the self-deception that will occur if you join the mixed multitude. The mixed multitude went along with the children of Israel when they left Egypt. They… Continue reading Proclaim Him Lord !

Come alive!

There are some Scriptures which unfold a principle about being alive—totally and wholly alive. Paul recommended in I Thessalonians 5:23 that your whole spirit, soul, and body be sanctified wholly and preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord. This indicates that there are certain areas in your life right now which are dead to… Continue reading Come alive!

A prophetic proclamation on liberty for the citizens of His kingdom

Come alive! Lift up your hearts. Strengthen the feeble knees. Let none say that his labor is vain in the Lord. Be steadfast and immovable, because the Lord bringeth forth even that which is the reward of thy labors prematurely. Even as ye plow the ground, does not the Lord cause thee also to reap… Continue reading A prophetic proclamation on liberty for the citizens of His kingdom

Categorized as Prophecies

“To proclaim liberty unto them”

Jeremiah 34:8 The spirit of revolution is coming to God’s end-time remnant as they enter into wholehearted spiritual warfare against the religious systems which actually bring people under bondage. The Lord is forging a tool of spiritual revolution. There is no hope for a nation’s liberties except that which comes through the sons of God… Continue reading “To proclaim liberty unto them”

Categorized as Freedom

When the heart speaks

Did you know that there is a chapter in the Bible which described, many centuries in advance, everything that was to happen to the Jewish nation? How many disastrous things could have been avoided if they had only heeded the warnings God gave them. God oftentimes gives a Word telling His people what will happen… Continue reading When the heart speaks

Categorized as Prayer

When the heart hears

For there is no good tree that bringeth forth corrupt fruit; nor again a corrupt tree that bringeth forth good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. The good man out of the good treasure of… Continue reading When the heart hears

It begins with you!

Malachi is a book of restoration, speaking in its initial prophecies about the people after their return from exile in Babylon. Malachi was a good prophet who spoke forth, trying to establish the remnant that had returned and to encourage their hearts in the things God had for them. Haggai and Zechariah were also prophets… Continue reading It begins with you!

The Christ in me speaks

The greatest vice in the Kingdom of God will not be lust; it will be laziness. A man who is given to lust sins against himself and sets into action those sins which can destroy him, but a man who is lazy sins against the Kingdom of God and holds back the Kingdom of God… Continue reading The Christ in me speaks

Categorized as Repentance

I will not compete with you

If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty… Continue reading I will not compete with you

Categorized as Unity

Parallel to our path

It is very worthwhile to exercise yourself in studying the Scriptures. If too much help is given to you, you will not learn to find the answers yourself. Many of the most intriguing lessons taught in school are those in which the teacher leads the student just so far, giving him the questions and the… Continue reading Parallel to our path

The vision sustains us

The temporal existence you are passing through must never overwhelm the eternal vision that God is placing in your heart. When the momentary circumstance or problem becomes too big in your sight, you can lose the overall goal and the overall vision. Keep your eye on the goal continually. Never lose sight of the vision,… Continue reading The vision sustains us

Categorized as Revelation

The new kingdom woman

There is quite a changing scene in marriage today. How does it differ from marriage in past generations and from what the Scripture portrays as the role of the woman in marriage in the generation before us and in the years to come? In these days, the world’s spotlight is on open marriages and the… Continue reading The new kingdom woman

Categorized as Relating

Who knows the submissive do!

When you voice your submission, with real faith and intercession, to those whom God has set over you, you actually open the door to walk on with God in a way that you may not realize. The moment you become submissive to someone to teach you, you lay a great deal of responsibility upon him… Continue reading Who knows the submissive do!

Categorized as Submission

The high-level prayer

Your membership in the Body of Christ is accomplished in the Spirit, not through human zeal. That which is born of the flesh is flesh (it produces a fleshly result); and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6. A ministry of the Lord could lay hands on you to bless you,… Continue reading The high-level prayer

The formula for joy

The eighth chapter of Nehemiah refers to the observance of the Feast of Tabernacles, or the Feast of Booths, after Israel’s return from captivity. The Word of God was being read to the people day after day, and all were feeling a spirit of repentance and mourning over their sins and over their neglect and… Continue reading The formula for joy

Categorized as Joy

Tomorrow’s joy

The Word is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. Where we need it, it cuts away and circumcises our hearts. Where we need it, it feeds the inner man with that which will make us more than conquerors. It must be written on the tablets of our hearts, so that we might not… Continue reading Tomorrow’s joy

Categorized as Joy

Prepare to prosper

As we are being prepared by the Holy Spirit to possess our inheritance, we are exhorted by God, “Sanctify yourselves today, for tomorrow I shall do wonders among you” (Joshua 3:5). This purification is a prelude to the immunities that God has for us. When we prepare our hearts, we receive protection as we go… Continue reading Prepare to prosper

I am a broken sacrifice

It is very devastating when the Lord searches our hearts, and this is the way it should be. It leads to repentance and the exalting of the Lord, and it creates a deep hunger and thirst for righteousness to come forth. Sometimes a man thinks that a change of scenery will make him more spiritual,… Continue reading I am a broken sacrifice

The thief and the contaminator

With a fervor we should hate not only sin, but we should hate Satan and the way he assaults the people of God. It is abhorrent the way he blocks and hinders the anointed of the Lord. We also should despise the conditionings in our own spirits that make us reluctant to accept the full… Continue reading The thief and the contaminator

Categorized as Enemy

The cross-out principle

The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain; and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the sky poured rain, and the earth produced… Continue reading The cross-out principle

When love takes over

Let all that you do be done in love. I Corinthians 16:14. Would everyone agree with you if you actually fulfilled this Scripture? Christ did many things that caused people to wonder if love was really motivating Him; yet it was. You, too, will be called upon to walk in many things, and all that… Continue reading When love takes over

Categorized as Love

Look, no vipers!

How can you be an overcomer and win the victory over the flesh? You cannot win by your own efforts. Do not let yourself be distracted by the problems within. Focus your faith upon the Lord to bring the cleansing and the change. Do not look inward and struggle, but trust the Lord and relax… Continue reading Look, no vipers!

Categorized as Victory

Rebuke the devourer

The Old Testament tells of a time, like the restoration that God is giving His people today, in which the Jewish people laid the foundation for the temple after bitter years of exile. When they were captive in Babylon, they had no song, and so they hung their harps on a willow tree and wept,… Continue reading Rebuke the devourer

Categorized as Authority

Demand that He be God!

Can a believer take advantage of God? Does God want us to know everything about Him? Contrary to common belief, God does not harbor any deep dark secrets about Himself. In fact, He constantly urges us, “Go ahead, find out about Me. Put Me on the spot!” God can do whatever He wants. He does… Continue reading Demand that He be God!

What’s happening to time?

Time presents two problems that we must cope with in these last days. One, Satan knows that he has but a short time, and therefore he rages against the inhabitants of the earth (Revelation 12:12); two, unless these days are shortened, no flesh will be saved alive (Matthew 24:22). Because of this, Ephesians 5:16 urges… Continue reading What’s happening to time?

Categorized as End times


In the Body of Christ, there is a divine order of relationships. Sometimes in a family, the husband scolds his wife, the wife spanks the children, the oldest child hits the next oldest, and so on down the line to the youngest, who in turn kicks the cat. There may be times when you feel… Continue reading Infallible?

The “now” remnant

Young people, as well as those in their middle years, are always looking forward to tomorrow, while old people live in yesterdays of the past. Can’t anyone ever live in the present? Paul said of David, “By the will of God he served his generation and slept with his fathers” (Acts 13:36). In other words,… Continue reading The “now” remnant

Without reservation

I do not know of anything that I have ever taught that God has not burned in my spirit first. When you hear it, you know that I have already experienced it deeply. I could not talk you into anything at all if I did not know the truth of it within the depths of… Continue reading Without reservation

Let thy words be few

Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God; for to draw nigh to hear is better than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they know not that they do evil. Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thy heart be hasty to utter anything before God; for God is… Continue reading Let thy words be few

Categorized as Ministry

Truth or deception?

The purpose of a probe is to dig down deep into our spirits to find the things that need to be uncovered and let the Spirit of the Lord deal with them. The difficulty with most of us is that we are too superficial in our understanding of ourselves or of the will of God.… Continue reading Truth or deception?

Categorized as Repentance

Dynamiting the stumps

There is a process by which you can get rid of resentment, rebellion and unsubmissiveness. One usually triggers off another until all three have run the complete cycle. When you have something like this that you battle continually, expect and believe for perfect deliverance. However, understand that the nature of your problem is so deep… Continue reading Dynamiting the stumps

Categorized as Repentance

Total repentance 1

Our focus is very much on the Lord, but because we are moving into days of restoration, many pressures are coming against the people of the Lord. For our survival, we have had to learn to deal with them and cope with them. We cannot judge anything on a human level. We cannot condemn anyone,… Continue reading Total repentance 1

Categorized as Repentance

Going on to maturity

God is bringing forth a people today who are embracing a walk with God rather than a theology or a doctrine. The study of doctrine differentiates between Calvinism and Arminianism. The Calvinist doctrine, originally based upon John Calvin’s teachings, claims that those who in the foreknowledge of God are predestined to be saved, will be… Continue reading Going on to maturity

Categorized as Sonship

Plumb perfect

The first few chapters of the book of Amos record prophecies and exhortations that were related to various events. Chapters 7 through 9 describe the many visions that Amos received. Amos was a shepherd, and he also worked with orchards. He himself said that he was not a prophet nor the son of a prophet… Continue reading Plumb perfect

Christ is where you find Him

“But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the… Continue reading Christ is where you find Him

Categorized as Relating

All chiefs and no indians

The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the Kingdom of God. “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.… Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:10, 13. “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.… And this gospel of the kingdom shall… Continue reading All chiefs and no indians

Categorized as Kingdom

Hold Isaac in your arms

By faith you can bring in a new age. By faith you can do anything. Pure faith often moves in a world of unseen fantasy, as far as your circumstances are concerned. Illusions of spiritual battle and struggles around you are unreal, for you actually possess the victory of the Lord. The fantasy world that… Continue reading Hold Isaac in your arms

Fathers and sons

Part Two As members of the Body of Christ, we are not so much an organization or a functioning unit as we are a family. To please God, we must work together to be a family—brothers and sisters together, knowing that we are seated at the Father’s table. The family relationship should exceed everything else… Continue reading Fathers and sons

Fathers and sons

Part One The father ministry is very evident in the books of I and II Timothy. However, the second Epistle to Timothy is more tender and more related to the father-and-son relationship of Paul and Timothy than the first Epistle. In this generation, we see the coming forth of the prophets of God who desire… Continue reading Fathers and sons

A thanksgiving message

On Paul’s second missionary journey, he, Silas, and young Timothy went to Philippi, where they were shamefully treated. Paul and Silas were beaten in the public square and put in prison. Then at midnight, while they were singing praises to God, an earthquake came to turn them loose (Acts 16:12–26). Leaving a good church at… Continue reading A thanksgiving message

Rejoicing with the Thessalonians

We can learn something about thanksgiving, praise, and rejoicing from three verses in I Thessalonians 5. These verses are short, but they sum up Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church. Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Verses 16–18. There is an… Continue reading Rejoicing with the Thessalonians

Categorized as Joy

I will surely multiply you

For ground that drinks the rain which often falls upon it and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God; but if it yields thorns and thistles, it is worthless and close to being cursed, and it ends up being burned. But, beloved, we are… Continue reading I will surely multiply you

Walk pleasing

To be pleasing to God involves a faith that first accepts God’s revelation of Himself and then believes that God will meet and reward those who seek Him. Many people believe in God, but they do not walk with God and they do not please Him. To walk with God is not as easy as… Continue reading Walk pleasing

The walk that pleases God

What does it mean to walk with God? Those who are concerned about having a real walk with God do not want organization, promotion, or the prestige of money and success. People would be foolish to come into the Spirit-led walk that God is now bringing forth in order to fulfill great ambitions in their… Continue reading The walk that pleases God

Winner or loser?

What are the true values that exist in the Kingdom of God? We read in Matthew 16:24–26: Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any one wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever… Continue reading Winner or loser?

Categorized as Sin

A living word concerning judgment

Judgment will begin at the house of the Lord. The twenty-first chapter of Matthew illustrates this, in which Jesus, after driving the moneychangers out of the Temple, gave the following parable. “Listen to another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard and put a wall around it and dug a wine press in… Continue reading A living word concerning judgment

Categorized as Judgment

Real giving

What actually happens in the realm of spirit in the process of giving and receiving? When a person receives a present, he is in a position to receive more from the spirit of the giver than he probably is aware of. This is because the receiver of a present is open and vulnerable to the… Continue reading Real giving

Authority over the assault 1

It is very important for your constant encouragement that you never be discouraged or put down. You must realize how irrelevant it is that you are weak, incapable, and few in number. How encouraging it is to see the power manifested through small bodies of believers springing up throughout the whole country. You cannot understand… Continue reading Authority over the assault 1

Categorized as Authority

His joy for our heaviness

Very little joy exists in the world today. Instead, there appears to be a dedication to heaviness and to sorrow. The heaviness and sorrow may be a part of God’s dealings upon mankind, for Joel’s prophecy tells us that joy is withered away from the sons of men (Joel 1:12). The current generation has seen… Continue reading His joy for our heaviness

Categorized as Joy

Dedicated to total loss

The course of a believer, from spiritual infancy to deep spiritual maturity, generally passes through seven phases of expectation. In most churches those phases begin when the new convert is baptized with water. He is told that he also received the Holy Spirit at that time, and that there is nothing more for him to… Continue reading Dedicated to total loss

Categorized as Dedication

Take God in your arms

God has given His people the gifts of the Spirit, but the gifts are only as effective as the dedication of the people to give and to receive. A man who prophesies, and who is dedicated to convey and impart in his prophesying, gives a great deal. However, the rest of the congregation must be… Continue reading Take God in your arms

Glug! glug! glug!

The book of Matthew often refers to the compassion of Christ as the motivating force for miracles. One such passage is found in Matthew 14:14–34. And when He came out, He saw a great multitude, and felt compassion for them, and healed their sick. This end-time walk in the Spirit will never become noted for… Continue reading Glug! glug! glug!

Categorized as Love

I won’t be a sad sack

Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. Philippians 3:1a. Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4. Rejoice always. I Thessalonians 5:16. These are three simple exhortations to rejoice. This is not just a statement; it is a command, as shown by the construction of the sentences. There were many occasions… Continue reading I won’t be a sad sack

Categorized as Joy

Believe! you’ll see!

Most of the stories in the Gospel of John are like parables. In the beginning of his Gospel, we read about the Lord’s first miracle at Cana of Galilee, where He turned the water into wine (John 2:1–11). In that chapter we see a beautiful analogy: the best wine is saved for the last. The… Continue reading Believe! you’ll see!

Wring every promise dry

How can you be truly receptive to a word from God? This is one of the most practical truths you can ever learn. You can hear a word, but you want to be able to receive it. If you really open your heart to receive as you should, you will almost embarrass the preachers and… Continue reading Wring every promise dry

If we thirst

In this hour, God does not need people to just quote Him; He needs a mouthpiece to speak His word. Amos prophesied concerning the time in which we are now living: “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine for bread or a… Continue reading If we thirst

Categorized as Fullness

Exhortation on love

When there are problems among those who are trying to walk with God, you cannot say, “This one is right and this one is wrong.” Everyone is under unbelievable pressures, and if they are not, God will soon see that they are. He must put them under pressure; then the negative things within them can… Continue reading Exhortation on love

Categorized as Love

Love and kindness

Have you hungered and yearned for love, thinking that is what you need? Everyone else thinks that way too. Try to think of love in terms of kindness. In the fruit of the Holy Spirit, sometimes kindness is a better channel for the flow of pure, divine love than the love that is just an… Continue reading Love and kindness

Categorized as Love

To the least

And an argument arose among them as to which of them might be the greatest. But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking in their heart, took a child and stood him by His side, and said to them, “Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent… Continue reading To the least

To the least

And an argument arose among them as to which of them might be the greatest. But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking in their heart, took a child and stood him by His side, and said to them, “Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent… Continue reading To the least

Now give God your best

The book of Malachi contains excellent teaching for God’s people today, for Malachi is speaking of the days of the Kingdom and the great ministry of giving to the Lord. He is speaking of the purging fire which comes to refine the people of God so that their offerings to the Lord will be pure,… Continue reading Now give God your best

The walk is …

The walk is … … the cry of a new day at midnight. … God’s divine order in a chaotic and lawless world. … God’s final manifestation of grace to the Church age. … the first manifestation of the Kingdom age. … God’s vehicle of deliverance in and through the tribulation. … God’s answer to… Continue reading The walk is …

What is the walk?

What does the end-time walk with God involve? Without the vision of it through a revelation from God, it is difficult to walk with God. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to review the basic characteristics of walking as God’s disciples in this day and to gain a fresh emphasis on what God is doing now.… Continue reading What is the walk?

And everyone brings a basket

Most people probably consider tithing as an austere and legalistic requirement of the Lord. They picture it under the Law of Moses as being very burdensome; but actually, tithing was filled with good principles of giving which also apply today. The instructions for presenting the tithe to the Lord were given in Deuteronomy 26. “Then… Continue reading And everyone brings a basket

The Apostolic Word-accepted or rejected

The Thessalonian church began through an apostolic Word brought by the Apostle Paul on his second missionary journey. The people were not brought into a walk with God by his shaking their hands and talking to them; rather, a living Word pierced the inner area of their spirits, their souls, and their minds. In the… Continue reading The Apostolic Word-accepted or rejected

Extending ourselves

You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier… Continue reading Extending ourselves

Enriching ourselves

Luke 6:26–38. “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for in the same way their fathers used to treat the false prophets. But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Whoever hits… Continue reading Enriching ourselves

Categorized as Ministry

To whom it may concern

The key of Body ministry is found in I Corinthians: That there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you… Continue reading To whom it may concern

It can happen so quickly

God seems to move according to a certain timetable. The Word tells us, for example, that when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son made of a woman (Galatians 4:4). In Habakkuk 2:2, 3 the prophet wrote: Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on… Continue reading It can happen so quickly

How soon can it be? right now!

In our walk with God, we often look at God’s promise and ask, “How soon can it be?” A number of scriptural situations answer this question. Therefore also there was born of one man, and him as good as dead at that, as many descendants as the stars of heaven in number, and innumerable as… Continue reading How soon can it be? right now!

Categorized as Promises

The wave offering

Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, ‘When you enter the land which I am going to give to you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring in the sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest.’ ” (This corresponds approximately to… Continue reading The wave offering

Categorized as Pentecost

Family life

Your family life and what God expects of you concerning your family is very important. A beautiful promise is found in Exodus 2:1–10. And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that… Continue reading Family life

Categorized as Relating

The kingdom mother

When the book of Genesis speaks of a man having sexual intercourse with his wife, various expressions are used. The King James Version of Genesis 4:1 states: Adam knew his wife… Genesis 4:17: And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived… Genesis 4:25: And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son… The… Continue reading The kingdom mother

Categorized as Relating

The threat within

Once again the Body of Christ is in a significant step toward total, absolute victory in the end-time battle against antichrists, false prophets, false Christs, and nephilim spirits. Let us determine to settle for nothing less than that. The book of Revelation tells about three unclean spirits that come to pervade the whole earth. We… Continue reading The threat within

Categorized as Enemy