
Math 13: 9Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. 10And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 11He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. 12For whosoever… Continue reading Hades

Categorized as Hell

We first must be born from above

Before I teach you how to be filled with the Spirit, I have to teach you the difference between being born from above and being filled with the Spirit. There are three main feasts of the Lord we must experience to come into the fullness of Christ. 1-Passover-being born from above. 2- Pentecost- being filled… Continue reading We first must be born from above

Categorized as Growth

The living Word

I have been writing since 2011, so the messages I share on Facebook are from years ago, as I edit my website, and share some of the things I have edited. I have so much written that I am trying to preserve it, but it is stale manna, as far as the ministry is concerned… Continue reading The living Word

Categorized as The Word

The five offerings

The book of Leviticus to most Christians is a very boring book and most people tend to skip over it. But 2 Timothy 3:16 says all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable to us for doctrine for reproof and for correction and for instruction in righteousness and that includes the… Continue reading The five offerings

Show me your glory!

Moses asked God to show him His glory. What did Moses see? God said to Moses that He would hide him in the cleft of a rock and cover him, and that when he passed by, Moses would get a glimpse of His glory. EXODUS 33: 22 And it shall come to pass, while my… Continue reading Show me your glory!

Categorized as Glory

We are two people

Gen2:7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The word life in the expression “breath of life” is chay in the Hebrew which is plural in number. When God breathed Adam’s spirit into the body he… Continue reading We are two people

How God sees us

We need to learn how to rest in the Love of God, because that is our primary destiny to become love. We need to learn how to abide in this place of His deepest affection for us. If you really want to know how spiritual you are in the natural realm, then you need a… Continue reading How God sees us

Categorized as Identity

Becoming the beloved

In order to reflect the image of Jesus Christ we need to be able to see the Lord (his divine nature so that it can be transferred to us), but we also need to be able to see ourselves the way that God sees us. The Father put us into Christ, so that his feelings… Continue reading Becoming the beloved

Revival or outpouring?

I have never been in an outpouring of The Spirit, but the three Apostles I have studied under have, who are now with the Lord having finished their course here on earth. I know the kind of life they lived and how it positively changed the lives of thousands of people. In an outpouring of… Continue reading Revival or outpouring?

Categorized as Presence


The great need of the hour is for understanding of what is about to happen and how we prepare for it. Leaders in the church teach on the rapture and the tribulation. However, very little is taught on getting ready for these events. Preparing for the days ahead requires insight and foresight. A great unseen… Continue reading THE BATTLE FOR THE PLANET

Categorized as End times


Is the Asbury revival of God? Yes! And I will show you why. The Asbury revival began in a Methodist church, when a student confessed his sins, his faults, the things he was struggling with. The atmosphere changed as the Holy Spirit moved upon the young man. And then spread through the students that were… Continue reading THE CHARACTERISTICS OF REVIVAL

Categorized as Revival


This is the first message I ever preached in a Church in which I became the co-pastor. At the time I was in a drug and alcohol program which lasted 4 months, but I graduated in three. If you are struggling with a life controlling problem, don’t hesitate to ask for help, it was the… Continue reading Transformed

Categorized as Audio's

Combat communication

THE DECEPTION THAT DIVIDES The great problem that has hit the churches has been a spirit of illusion to create division. It looked as if contention was the big problem, when really the assault against our striving for oneness was a spirit of illusion, a lying spirit to create division. As you look back on… Continue reading Combat communication

Categorized as Enemy

Born again

This is my first Audio on my website I did back in 2019 when I co-pastored a church and it was an evangelical message, because a lot of people in the service were not saved, God moved mightily even though I was physically sick.

Categorized as Audio's

The lamb led to the slaughter

In the Old Testament, especially among the prophets and in the Psalms, there are many Scriptures about the Passover and about the Exodus out of the land of bondage into what God had for His people. These passages have a way of looking forward to a spiritual Exodus, a spiritual Passover that was to come.… Continue reading The lamb led to the slaughter

Categorized as Passover

This is the day

This message deals with the Psalm that was sung by the Lord when He kept the last Passover with His disciples. It is a Psalm that has many references in it, some of which are very definite allusions to Christ in His first coming, while others are related to Christ as He is coming forth… Continue reading This is the day

Categorized as Passover

The parable of the sower

The gospel of the Kingdom is the gospel that Jesus preached. The bible is a concealed revelation, in order to understand it; the Holy Spirit who is sent to teach us must open up our spiritual eyes. The Holy Spirit is the teacher. God has set certain ministries in the Church that the Holy Spirit… Continue reading The parable of the sower

Categorized as Growth