Authority over the assault 1

It is very important for your constant encouragement that you never be discouraged or put down. You must realize how irrelevant it is that you are weak, incapable, and few in number. How encouraging it is to see the power manifested through small bodies of believers springing up throughout the whole country. You cannot understand this force until you read the Kingdom commission in Matthew 28:18–20. And Jesus came up (this was after the Resurrection) and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus said, “All authority is given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore, and behind you is the authority.”

When the seventy were sent forth earlier, as recorded in Luke, Christ said, “I give you authority over all the power of the enemy” (Luke 10:19). Do not be too deeply concerned about the strength or the power of demon forces: how much money they have, how much organization they possess, or what legal structures they have to back up their diabolical plans and purposes. That is not of any great significance, though it seems to be, according to natural reasoning. As real believers we are a minority, and we may think that we will never make it, but we will. We certainly will! We do not realize that when we start praying and prophesying, we are exercising the authority that is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the spirit realm, authority alone is significant. Power is not significant. Even in the end time, false prophets will arise and do such mighty miracles, such signs and wonders, that if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect (Matthew 24:24). We have known those things and have heard that many times. However, the power, the miracles, the signs, the wonders, and the marvels that Satan can perform have no significance. In this hour it is the authority of the Kingdom that has real significance. Christ said that because all authority in heaven and earth is His, we are to go with that authority and be backed by that authority.

In a small town a patrolman inched along the highway in an old police car. Someone sped by in a big limousine. The patrolman flashed on his red light and started after him. The man in the big car was sure that he could get away, but the faster he went, the faster the old jalopy went, until finally the policeman zoomed around and pulled him over. The man in the limousine said, “I can’t understand it. I drive this powerful car and you have an old jalopy; yet you pulled me over!” But under the hood of the jalopy was a sixteen-cylinder engine that could outrun anything on the road.

Sometimes we may appear like that fellow who had his car camouflaged. We may be moving along, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but let us not be deceived; there is much authority underneath this exterior. Sometimes we seem to be the little flock, but let us not be discouraged. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. If we are considered the offscouring of the earth, that is all right. We are kings and priests of God in disguise. We do not appear to be what we really are. Sometimes it looks as if we are very weak, but remember what the Lord told Paul, “My strength is made perfect in weakness” (II Corinthians 12:9).

Another story, which is fictional, will illustrate this point. A huge freight truck was barreling down the road followed by a little sports car driven by a large muscular man. Every time he tried to pass the truck, it zoomed ahead. He thought, “If I ever get hold of that truck driver, I’ll beat him up.” When the truck finally pulled into a truck stop, the big brawny fellow ran up to the truck and opened the door. Then he saw a little woman sitting there and he said, “The way you were speeding, I expected to see someone bigger. How can you drive so fast?” She replied, “It isn’t the size of the foot; it’s the size of the accelerator that counts!”

In serving God, it is the weak who confound the mighty. The person who learns how to use the name of Jesus is the one who steps on the accelerator. The one who learns how to use the authority vested in His name will make it. The person who relies on himself, thinking he has the gifts with which to go out and change the world, will not accomplish much. It is not your size that makes the devils tremble but your boldness in God to use the authority. Press your little foot on the accelerator and make that truck barrel down the road.

Our thinking has been conditioned to the idea that we need numbers, that we need human ability, and that we need money. But just use the name of Jesus Christ, which has all authority and power, and you will bring in the Kingdom. Rise up and take authority over your restrictions and your limitations, and cause your spirit to absolutely refuse the things which you know are out of the will of God in your life. Absolutely refuse the circumstances and limitations that you know are not in God’s perfect will for you. Start with faith and believe the Lord for the exercise of authority over the power of the enemy.

The policeman who stands in the intersection and directs traffic is another good illustration. Trucks and cars could run over him, but they stop when he blows the whistle. His whistle and his badge are signs of authority, which they respect. Likewise the Lord is saying, “I have given you a whistle: in My name you shall cast out devils.” Blow the whistle. Use the authority that is yours. It is not how big you are that counts, but whether you have faith to blow the whistle, whether you have faith to believe God for that which He has placed at your disposal. If you recognize that authority and you recognize your commission, you have the victory.

The greatest thing a Christian can do is to realize that the victory has already been won, and the provision is complete. As far as God is concerned, nothing more is required to bring in His Kingdom and to change the age. No further work is necessary on His part. He has already turned it loose. It is fearful to realize that all the responsibility is resting upon us. But it is no more fearful to us than it was to those to whom this text was spoken. To eleven men the word came, “You are to go out and make disciples of all the nations. You go and teach them to observe everything that I have commanded you.” Can you see them looking at one another, saying, “What, we eleven?” One says, “I know how to catch fish, but I wouldn’t know how to do that.” Another says, “I know how to collect taxes, but I wouldn’t know how to do that. He is telling me to go and make disciples of all the nations?” Yes, because He had just finished saying, “Boys, all authority—every bit of it in heaven and on earth—is given into My hand, and I am sending you. Now you go.”

You, too, must realize the authority that is behind you. You must realize that behind this walk with God is not a little promotion and some good ideas, but behind it is a commission by the Lord of lords and the King of kings; and He is saying to you, “Go, bring in the Kingdom.” That is all He has to say. As far as He is concerned, it is done; it has been provided. What do you have to do? Start using authority and bind the enemy. Pray the prayers of faith. Enter in with all of your heart! Do not let anyone despise either your youth or your old age. Do not let them despise you because you are a man or because you are a woman. Do not let them despise you for any reason, because none of those things is really relevant. The only thing that counts is that all authority in heaven and earth sends you forth. You have a whistle—blow it! You have a privilege. Do what you can in faith and watch God bless it.

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