Be warned!

I know this is meat, for the mature in the Lord, and they will choke on it.

But this is also milk for the Babes, which I weep for, who are being led astray.

I Believe that prophecy can have a dual fulfillment. But all the prophecies in the Bible including the book of Revelation have already been fulfilled except the wrath of God, even if they are still in seed form, whether they will have a secondary fulfillment is not my concern at the moment.

All those who are teaching and preaching a coming Anti Christ, the mark of the Beast, A one world church, the Judgments of God in the earth. A future rapture which is not based of the second coming of Jesus Christ in flaming fire to take vengeance on His enemy’s as the Wrath of God is being pour out upon the earth;

THEY ARE FALSE PROPHETS AND TEACHERS! (at least in part concerning the end times due to a false theology)Their motivation may be right, but they have been mislead by the error of the leaders in the Body of Christ.

The Apostles doctrine has been lost, and the Father is restoring it.

The revivals and the move of God in the earth today are of GOD! They are not part of the great falling away and the apostasy and the great tribulation, that has already taken place.

We are in the time of the restitution of all things. Truths are being restored. I am probably the only preacher that you know that is constantly editing my website.

The Kingdom is NOW! The kingdom is in you, if you have been born from above. And it will expand from within you and fill the whole earth.

In Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, And the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

The word is risen “in the Hebrew” means it will break forth from within you and cover you creating a kingdom atmosphere around you.

It means you will shine! And we see an example of this in Jesus on the Mount of transfiguration. He was still in his earthly body, not a glorified body. Expect it to happen, after you learn the Apostles doctrine and are walking in it.

We are taking over this planet, and when all of Jesus’s enemies are under our feet, He is coming back, as we execute the finished work of the Lord, And Jesus becomes the one in Command of the Planet which He has already redeemed.

I expect to be persecuted because of this word! Because God has already separated me in the spirit from those who teach contrary to what I now believe. But I reject no ONE, I love them and believe God for them and I will not stop praying for them. UNLESS the Father tells me to stop praying for them like He did to Samuel concerning Saul.

Pray for our President and stop cursing him, no wonder he is making all these bad decisions. I believe in the separation of church and state. I expect the Father to put born again leaders in our government. So let the Church pray for them!

I break the power of the Nephilm spirit that is operating in our President and I loose the fear of God upon Him!

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