Becoming the beloved

In order to reflect the image of Jesus Christ we need to be able to see the Lord (his divine nature so that it can be transferred to us), but we also need to be able to see ourselves the way that God sees us.

The Father put us into Christ, so that his feelings towards his beloved son Jesus Christ, is the exact same way that he feels about us. He loves us with the identical same love that he loves Jesus. And then he puts that same identical love in our heart so that we begin to love him the same way that he loves us.

We enter into a marriage relationship with Jesus, where we become one with Jesus to such a degree that we become a member of his body, our body becomes the temple in which he lives.

Not only are we joined in body, but we become one spirit with him, where he dwells within our spirit, so that the marriage we enter into is perfect. We have the same desires, pursuits, motivations, purposes, that we become the perfect help mate to bring his will to pass, because his will becomes our will. Everything that we have becomes his, and everything that he has becomes ours.

Being in Christ causes us to enter into an intimate oneness where his inner being, his very essence penetrates into us as we partake of it. His mind, thoughts, emotions, desires, motivations, everything about him enters into us so that we become exactly like him.

When we learn how to see ourselves the way that God sees us, our whole identity shifts to a different level, we see ourselves as the object of God’s desire, the beloved of God.

To experience being the beloved, we have to see ourselves the way that God see’s us. We are the affection of His heart, the apple of his eye; there is absolutely nothing he would not do for us. We become the recipient of perfect love. A life that we couldn’t possibly dream to be possible becomes our reality.

First love opens our spiritual eyes, our capacity to see begins to be developed, we begin to see what God see’s. Everything begins to look different; we begin to see the glory of God filling the earth. Our heart begins to engage with his and our view of life begins to shift. We begin to see beyond and rise above our current circumstances and situations and realize that they are just a momentary thing, subject to change.

We begin to see into the unseen realm, that dimension of the kingdom that vibrates with the life of God. As we enter into the kingdom realm we become filled with God’s vision and perception.

It is God’s perception of us that must become a mindset. It must occupy our affections. We love the Lord because he first loved us. It is all about relationship and intimacy. We cannot allow ourselves to have thoughts that are separate from him. His thoughts towards us are full of life and strength and empower us to become what He sees when he looks upon us.

The Holy Spirit is a genius at making us feel loved and appreciated. When God’s love begins to flow into our hearts, it moves us and motivates us and we begin to carry ourselves differently. We begin to walk in our identity.

As we begin to see into the kingdom realm, we realize we are not alone, we are literally surrounded by a great cloud of witness that feel the same way about us as God does. They get excited when they see that we are finally started to get it. We are the beloved, and we are starting to see what God has in store for us.

God’s thoughts towards us are so numerous that they cannot be numbered, just like the sand of the seashore. We have his fullest attention.

Our perception of being the beloved actually opens the door, for God’s reality of us to become ours. Through the first love gate in our spirit being opened, the love of God begins to flow in us and we begin to pray differently, the faith of God begins to flow into our spirit, opening up the hope gate in our spirit. Life starts to become exciting which opens up the door for heavenly encounters.

God’s love for us is not based upon our performance, it is based upon our identify as the beloved of God. When we begin to see who we are in Christ, it affects the way that we behave.

God perfectly understands every struggle that we have and it is only as we partake of his nature that we overcome them. As we begin to see who we are in Christ, we begin to absorb the essence of that identity which causes us to grow out of those struggles that have captivated us.

It is as we become captivated with being the beloved that our focus on who we are not begins to lose its hold upon us. We begin to see ourselves differently, we begin to see ourselves the way that God see us and this empowers us to become the person that God see’s when he looks upon us.

When God’s perception of us begins to flow into our spirit, it becomes our identity in our personal experience and produces rest in us. We are not trying to become someone, we already are that person.

As our awareness of who we are in Christ is growing we find ourselves changing. Our growth is a growing awareness of seeing his beauty, and as we behold his glory, that glory penetrates into us changing us into that image.

When we learn how to rest in His love for us, our spiritual eyesight begins to develop and we begin to hear his thoughts towards us. The Spirit of God begins to enter our conscious awareness, and as we thinketh in our heart so we become.

What we are learning is how to abide in this place of his deepest affection for us. What he thinks about us he begins to speak to us, and those words empower us because he releases himself into them and they cause us to rise up to that identity.

Faith comes by hearing and we begin to hear God’s voice and his faith is imparted to us. This is who you are, this is who you are, this is who you are. And it begins to penetrate the darkness we may be in, and it breaks our heart. The love of God has to penetrate into us. you are my beloved, you are my beloved.

His love never fails, it transforms us from the inside out. As it begins to fill us through our awareness of being the beloved, that love will begin to transform the way that we think about ourselves, and will then transform the way that we think about others.

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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