Being in the Spirit


Our spirit has eyes and ears, it has perception and feeling. Our spirit is a person. God is a person and He is spirit. Our re-created man is a person and is a spirit, with a full set of senses separate to our natural senses.

Fellowship with Jesus requires an awareness of the kingdom of God realm and ability to be in the spirit.

To be in the Spirit, we have to be filled with the Spirit, when we are in the Spirit the Spirit has come upon us. This requires time. You have to worship the Lord until you sense the presence of the Lord. When we learn how to be filled with the Spirit in worship then we have opened a portal into heaven, we have a break through. And then we can do it again and again.

Then we have to learn how to wait upon the Lord in stillness until we can hear his voice. Once we break through we can do it again. When we learn how to hear the voice of God, then we can be lead of the Spirit and our spirit can start growing fast.

The key to this is total surrender to the Lord and then yielding to the Spirit so that we can walk with Him.

Once we learn how to wait upon the Lord, then we have to learn also how to meditate upon the Lord and his word. We have to speak the word of the Lord, to confess scriptures over and over until they become a part of us. in a new tab)

John 4:24 – God is spirit – and if we are going to relate to him, if we are going to worship him, we have to worship him in spirit.

Revelation 1:10 – John said I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day, and then he began to see spiritually and hear. He saw and he heard but first he was in the spirit. Then I saw – vision.

We are told to live in the spirit, we are supposed to serve God with our spirit, and we are to walk in the spirit, with spirit direction and insight. What does that mean?

To be in the spirit means the life of God is flowing into our spirit and outworking through our spirit faculties with a conscious awareness of the kingdom realm.

 Our spirit is joined to the Lord; it is one spirit with the Lord. Our spirit is joined to the Holy Spirit. When we become sensitive to our spirit we become sensitive to the Lord, because the two are joined. When we become sensitive to our spirit and we begin to work out of our spirit we begin to work with God.

Being in the spirit means we are in touch with the spirit realm, in touch with the kingdom of God realm, which is an invisible kingdom. That kingdom is not of this world. It is in the world of spirit.

How to do we bridge the gap between the natural and the spiritual? The Bible tells us how to get into the realm of God’s Spirit, the kingdom realm.

The pure in heart shall see God. If our conscience is not clean it locks us out of that realm. If our conscience is not right we cannot get into that realm. Our soul is blocking us.

Proverbs 23:7 – as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. As we think in our hearts so are we in reality. The Hebrew tense is very clear. As you think – so you are. As we think it becomes reality.

This is not mind over matter; this is the reality of the spiritual kingdom of God, with our spirit’s awareness of it, flowing into the imagination and mind gate in our soul where it becomes a mind set.

If we pursue with that kind of thinking it will then manifest itself in the natural world.

As a man thinks in his heart so he is. When we begin to think or imagine and focus, the reality of the kingdom realm manifests in the natural realm. If we continue that form of thinking, that line of thought it becomes manifest in the physical realm.

There is a process and a time lapse in what is formed in a natural realm. But if we hold that form of thinking, hold that focus it will manifest itself in the physical realm. We are made that way; it is one of the laws of God. 

With an open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord. How do we do this? While we don’t look at things which are seen, but we look at the unseen – how do we do this? As you think – you are.

Jesus considered imagination as reality. He that looketh at – has committed. Imagination is considered as reality. Imagination is part of the language of the spirit realm. And that realm is more real than this physical realm. Jesus considered imagination as reality.

It is a spiritual law – that what we focus upon we connect with in the spirit realm. What we focus upon we will connect with – if we hold our focus on that, we will connect with that.

If we focus upon the Lord Jesus Christ we will connect. This is what worship is about. If we focus upon him we will make a connection with him. If we focus upon demons we will connect. Speak of the devil and he turns up.

Our focus is a spiritual law that connects us.

We cannot think about Jesus without imagining him. Imagination and thought are connected. People get locked out of the kingdom of God because of seducing spirits, they believe a lie. And they are afraid of the spirit realm.

We have got to get past the new age complex that the church has got, and come into a new age, the right one- the kingdom age, so that we can begin to live in this realm.

We cannot walk in the spirit until we first learn how to live in it.

The realm of Satan does not want you to know how to connect and walk with the Lord. He has blinded the church for so long concerning this reality.

The rulers of this age speaks of a kingdom that is in darkness. The enemy does not want us to enter the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom, because when we do we then have the authority to displace him.

As our spirit, soul and body gates are open and cleansed we will be able to ascend into the heavenly places in Christ and be able to function in the government of the Kingdom and displace the spirits in darkness that operate in this realm that the first Adam delivered to them, but the last Adam bought it back for us to occupy.

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