Being spirit and truth

 Such beautiful worship. It is always a struggle for me during worship, especially when I know I am speaking. It is a battle because I don’t want to go to far in because I have to try and hold it together, so I can put words together. So I was trying to come back, reading some scriptures , try and engage something in this realm to bring me back. It is like hitting a few  triggers  in the scriptures and It is like-woo, it is happing again.

 thank you Sean and Virginia, it was so awesome coming here.  I was hanging out with Virginia before in California. i just love you guys and the DNA of what  you carry .

help me to present like a comprehensible message this morning.  the more I try and hold it together, it is the more he overtakes me with his goodness.  last night just about such wonder, don’t you love that love it when you just got to spot that wonder. and that’s what he delights in doing, he is the God of wonder. and he delights in bringing us to that place of wonderment. Because it stretches us out of where we are.

 father we just offer you our hearts right now. we present ourselves joyfully as living sacrifices .  we invite  the flames, Lord invite the flames. Enflame us in your love today Lord . consume us in your  goodness. thank you Father for the incineration of our souls, lord , that you would smelt us into your sweet divine image Lord. thank you father thank you father , that whatever fire touches it changes the very substance of it. thank you Lord that we are not going to make it out alive . we are going to look different. thank you Lord thank you Father for this purging fires. thank you to thank you Jesus. we welcome his realms of your heart lord. we welcome your overshadowing breathing of you papa God. thank you lord that you have anchored us  in your goodness Lord. You are so good Lord, we honor  you .

can you feel his goodness just settling on you right now. just like do you like riding a bicycle through honey up here. He is tangible. he is tangibly and he wants to be known by us. He is not God over in the corner. He is Christ in you the hope of glory .so he is stretching us out of where we were before, without us realising it. he is ushering us into his reality. it is the reality of his divine imminence. Because he is here, he is imminent . he is right here. evidence of him, the kingdom is at hand. Within reach.  because it’s flowing through us. We are found in the source. Abba, he is our source. He is our endless source of supply. You are flowing through us. He is not just flowing through me, because I’m up here and I got a fancy microphone. He is flowing through each of us. one body united in his breath. united in the very words which he spoke  creation into being . he hid us there in him, in before the beginning .so we are  in a bit of a time of awakening. We hear that word bounced about quite a lot. Awakening, we are awaking, what we waking up to  see , we are starting to remember. were starting to remember where we came from .waking up to the immensity of his goodness .and we have no idea of the implications of his goodness. If we did, we would be different. we glimpse his goodness in little portions and end up going wow.  because we can’t contain him. we can’t contain the excessiveness of his goodness. flesh cannot contain him because he is spirit. so his goodness cannot be contained by physicality. he simplifies the magnitude of all of his beauty into tiny little fragments throughout creation. Just so we can behold him. Isn’t he kind, is that thoughtful. the magnitude of creation where he holds the heavens in the span of his hand and then and then he simplifies that into the tiny little bite-size portions so that we can go, oh that is a pretty flower. But there is wisdom in the flower. Have I fryed the microphone. thank you jeuse.  There are  weird things happening with the electrics at the moment. 6:24

 sometimes I have just been frying things different electrical equipment coffee machine and microwave, I don’t use them but I still seam to fry them. charges long haul flight the cabin crew get quite irritated with me because the light keeps  going on and calling them over and I don’t touch it. I am just leaning in and coming in and out of the kingdom realm. standing in the reality of the oneness of where we are found in him. who we really are in him.

 one Corinthians 13:12 this is the Aramaic version but say it in English just just a general understanding not fluent in Arabic so when I was a child I was speaking as a child I was led as a child I was thinking as a child. thinking as children relates to our belief systems. and children they just believe what they are told. they don’t often ask the wise till they start to get a bit older. You just tell them what to believe and they believe.   But then as they  grow as they mature they  come to that realisation that if i touch the stove its hot. that’s all part of growing up. and so do as I say not do as I do. then it goes on to say that when I became a man I ceased these childish things. now we see as in a mirror in an allegory but then face-to-face .now I know partially but then I shall know as I am known. then I shall know as I am known. so we are awakening to the reality of who we are. as I am known. as you are no known.  That reality is spirit. the Lord is spirit, where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. but we all with unveiled faces beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as from the Lord the spirit. the spirit which can’t be contained because it uncontainable. you guys getting this.

 year it is still early days only a few more shots coffee Scripture to wake you up, to have some breakfast who has breakfast you’ve had breakfast the case got some more account he okay

beloved now we are children of God and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is. as he is, not as he was.  not as Jesus in a manger, not as Jesus walking the streets performing miracles. Jesus as he is .Jesus is not limited to the physical realm. Jesus that has risen, Jesus that has overcome death, Jesus as he is now . what is  Jesus up to now. As he is. Everyone who has  this hope in him . there is a restoration of hope coming this weekend. Some of us have been put through a blender. There is hope being restored .and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure .patience that Kirby was sharing on last night, this has all been part of the refinements. We are learning patience, it is all the part of the refinements in the purging of our souls. That we can be found in him. so that we can be as he is. that yummy breakfast or what.

 The flesh can’t contain spirit. But we spend so much of our lives caught up in the sensory hypnosis. We are just moved by every little thing that is  going on in this realm. By what  we can see touch, taste, smell. it is like the physical realm is become like the biggest idol of our time . because we devote all of our attention into it.

 We are worshipping it. Our work our jobs, our family. But we are spirit.  spirit can’t be contained. How do we shift out of this  sensory hypnosis? How do we shift out of this trance where were just obsessed with what we can see can around us in the natural realm. like so many people want prayer because they say I want to see, I want to see. They want to see physically. They want to bring God who is spirit into into this natural world. So they are trying to bring God who is unexplainable to be able to see something  tangible. he can’t be revealed like that because he wants to teach us how to live and move and operate in oneness in spirit. And then we are trusted how to allow him to assess our souls and be revealed physically. So how do we get liberated? by choice. given us something so precious, he has given us free . so we confess with our mouth and we believe in our heart were saved right. likewise we can be saved, we can be saved out of this physical sensory hypnosis of being confined to the flesh. We can be saved, liberated out of that by confessing with our mouth, by speaking scripture allowing them to be formed and fashioned in us where we can be displayed as truth. It is so easy to just change your mind about something isn’t it.  just to allow that, you can do it in in a split second. it doesn’t take you that long to sin does it? Suddenly you shut your hands on the car door. doesn’t take you long, you don’t have to think through that decision . as to what swear  words you might come out with.  that choice is made in a minni second, it just pops out. we can choose to change the attention and the gaze of our heart into his reality. Into being spirit. So often we operate out of our flesh we operate out of our flesh and we dial down the power and immensity of what he’s doing through us. We try and control his precious precious spirit which he gave us. Where he United us into the essence of who he is. and yet we try and numb that down and nullify it so that we can please people, so  that we can please man. But  we are being awakened to the reality of spirit and this isn’t just some cloudy floaty , lets talk about heavenly things and be mystical and not relevant. Spirit is substance. the spirit is substance .because it came at such a great a great price, the cost was high, the cost was high for him and the cost is high for us. as the sacrifice comes joy with joy sacrifice .  I leak sometimes I can’t help that. his precious blood , precious lifeblood displays us to the cosmos as his beloved .  his Spirit is the evidence of his existence in you. and that is what is awakening us to who we really are. he is trying to get out. and we are spirit and he is trying to rise up in us. we are starting to wake up to different things that we were not aware of before.  we are starting to change. We are starting to change as we become more yielded, as we become that expanding vessel, more of him is allowing to flow through and it’s starting to display stuff in our souls . it’s starting to display stuff in our bodies over the very density of a physical matter starting to change and take on the image of the incorruptible. It is happening. I have changed twice this week in front of people. Don’t be freaked out if it starts happening. I’m trying to stay here.  But he is waking us up. He is waking us up because is not about trying to  have this type of ministry or that type of ministry of this empire or that empire.  He is immersing us in the reality of who he is. It is a revealing, it is the manifestation of the sons. of Christ in you the hope of glory. hope is his words are spirit and life. Christ in me the hope of glory. I am releasing these words they are  bringing life, hope, hope, hope. Those who are led by the Spirit, the sons of God. all this talk of sonship . by why sons?  The lord is about multiplication . he is about bringing seed to multiply .  he is not into this mass-marketing replication. he multiplies the uniqueness of what he has placed in each of us. only God can do that. we just try and make cookie cutters, we will be the same as this person , the same as that person. he multiplies us in uniqueness. he is so out-of-the-box we can’t contain him. so we each have a piece of his divine nature so that we can reflect that back to him in all its beauty.  Do you know that clear reflection. clear reflection comes on waters and absolute stillness. so it’s through rest, its through rest that we are  engaging with him because rest is what transposes the eternal into the temporal. Through rest that we begin to bear his image on the earth.  He wants us to abide in him.  to abide in his words.

 one John therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. we were in him at the beginning. so we already heard  this, we are hearing this the second time. Your spirit has already been telling you this from the beginning. Okay, so if what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the son and in the father. so we reveal him we manifest him as sons through being in him from the beginning . so we are spanning the cosmos we are spanning space and time were in him in eternity. so the abiding, were in him, so right now we are in him at the beginning right now. as he is ,so when we are as he is, we are in him at the beginning. and we are in what we shall be, we don’t know yet. this is exciting isn’t it. and this is the promise that he has promised us eternal life these things I’ve written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. There will often be those who try and take away these treasures, the honey which the father’s feeding us. But if we are  before abiding in him we are in truth. We are abiding  in the person of truth . so there’s no sense of fear because we are in the perfection of his love. were found and established in truth. so you don’t need to worry about being deceived. although there will be to those that will try to deceive you, there be those that try to bring you back to the image of physicality. back to the fleshly, everything that you limited to. That is what the enemy ever tries to do, he tries to confine us to physicality, because then he knows he can have something  to fight with. but the anointing which you have received from him abides in you and you do not need that anyone teach you that is the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie and just as it has taught you you will abide in him. so good . he is teaching us to live from the inside to the outside. it is not living from a little small confined space. It is living from the unseen dimensions of where we connected to his heart, to the depths of our hearts. not physicality not physical hearts. John six says it is the spirit who gives life the flesh is no help at all. the words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. the flesh is no help at all. So we are living from the unseen reality. speaking the mysteries from the hidden place of his heart .that’s where he has established us in oneness. so when we are hidden in that place, we are hidden in his heart, connected from the depths of who we are, abiding in him from the beginning, he begins to trust us with the things that he is pondering in his heart. Isn’t that amazing, he will trust us, with the secrets of his heart, those things that are hidden. those things are hidden to those that in carnality or caught up in the fleshly realm.  but those that are found entwined with his heart he trusts with  those mysteries. and then we can begin to bring those things from the unseen realm out into the scene. How do we do that? by being found in his voice. we become his voice, when we are bringing words, when we are prophesying or when we show up in a place, the more we are immersed in him we begin to carry that very frequency of his voice. The sounds of the father. so that begins to change things. It doesn’t mean   you have to show up somewhere and prophesy. you just show up somewhere because you’re carrying the frequency of his voice. that can change everything around you. so his voice then brings that substance to frame the reality around us. So it doesn’t have to be what you are seeing on the news. he can bring an alternate reality, just by showing up. so then we become living words we become his word bringing substance into the physical realm out of the realm of spirit. we are found centered in his desires, because we are anchored in that place of intimacy, were in him, there is no separation, were found in oneness, were found in his desires,  every ebb and flow of his heart, we are there with him.  There is an ease, there is a grace on that, there is a rest. so as we see who we are and the glory that he has placed in us, we start to remember. We start to remember that we are born of above that we are sons, that we are righteous. I love what he  showed last night about righteousness . and the power of that righteousness, i never heard it explained like that before. His righteousness is truth, when we are found in his righteousness, not a  righteousness of our own, but when  we are found in his righteousness we are found in that place of truth. his righteousness outworked in us is truth. It is light.  So we are starting to remember who we are and where we came from. We are awakening to the truth that we are loved, precious isn’t it. so then we are starting to remember that we are loved but then that love in itself provokes a reaction in us. It  provokes us to surrender all. 26:30

that is what you Want to do when you genuinely fall in love, that is what the marriage covenant is all about . what is mine is yours. What  is yours is mine, there is no more separation.  And it is love that provokes us into risking the fragility of our own hearts for him. to the one who is life. So it is through that we begin to come up, we begin to step out into the truth of who we are. we letting go of what was in order to step into as he is. And then gradually the revealing is happening, gradually the revealing is happening . father is a fan of mystery he really is and he hides himself in obscurity he hides himself in the dark cloud and he invites us in. he even communicates the mysteries of the kingdom through parables of our own lives. He wispers through creation continuously.

 numbers 12 eight says with him I speak face-to-face clearly and not in riddles he sees the form of the Lord why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses. Moses was one that carried the light and the truth of heaven Moses was one that was changing the more he was engaging with God , it began to have an effect on him , his face could not contain him, his flesh could not contain the image of what he had seen. Some freaky stuff.  So he is starting to manifest through us as vessels of the kingdom of heaven. to display us here and its though understanding that we can then bring. It is through wisdom that we behold him, overwhelmed with who he is, but it is understanding that helps then to distribute that here, to actually bring it into substance. How to be able to operate as sons on the earth. instead of just hearing something in a conference and going out, just living your life normally and get locked into sensory hypnosis again. it is understanding that helps us to change. helps us to become, helps us to lock into what we are supposed to be doing here.  There is a real beauty in reconciliation isn’t there. The cross is all about reconciliation and so is sonship. reconciling and restoring what’s been lost what is corruptible to incorruptible.

how are we going to learn to live from that place of reawakened to truth.l we need to break through the flimsy veil of flesh. we might be thinking that sounds really unpleasant and it is . to rend your heart and not your garment. He does not just want a public display , yes lord I give you my heart. He wants you to give him your heart so that he can be revealed through it.  because we can’t contain him in the flesh. he wants to liberate us from physicality so that the corruptible record, all that was  limited to the earth, that was locked into time and space when Adam fell into time . he wants that to give way to reveal the eternal incorruptible image of who he is in and through each of us as one body. the truth of his existence, the eternal reality revealed through us. so that we become shining ones, shining with revelation of the truth of who he is effortlessly. It is not about trying to be something,it is not about trying to be this certain identity, it is just shining. it’s just revealing who he is, it is  just leaking, because your are walking in that realm of truth. So it starts to be displayed. so in this process of being displayed. There is a few little things like triggers that pop off in our soul, little things like fear.  fear just distorts that  perception of reality.  Fear is like having those scratches on your glasses,it just distorts how you see things because you’re judging things according to pain of past memory or sometimes if it’s just stuff like on your DNA, you don’t even know why you react in certain ways to certain situations because that is stored in your unconscious and subconscious. are we willing we willing to actually hand  these triggers to him. because it might not be a very fun process initially, you might think, I am all falling apart, why is this hurting this hurting why am I  like going crazy. It is because the lord is allowing these things to be revealed because he is bringing us into higher levels of truth,he is starting to lift us as a body into higher into higher realms of truth where stuff is being revealed .where it is all  being laid bare because he is wanting to bring his beloved into the place of truth . so that we can be trusted to revealing and to display him on the earth. holy holy. It could  be a character flaw it could be something through fear that we don’t even face. Fear tries to keep us from the very thing that the Lord is leading us into. so they could be the pain of letting go could be the pain of letting go of the familial . could just be an irrational fear that the enemy uses to try and hold us captive because then we carry the enemy’s identity, we don’t walk in our God-given identity so we all have some kind of triggers don’t we . being real. but we will have the choice as well as to what to do about them. and it’s love, it’s that love that  provokes us to surrender all. If we want to leave things hidden in the in the dark shadows of our soul, those very things will call us back to our fallen identity. We are still believers, there is still grace, we are still loved but we won’t be fulfilling our complete mandate as a son if we allow those things to hide out in the shadows. There is a solution as well / there is a solution found in the perfection of his blood. the solution for all of our DNA, all of our issues, all our heartache, it is all found in the perfection of his blood. Psalm 19? I’ve seen the consummation of all perfection. David is looking ahead, he is looking ahead into the into the power of the precious blood that was being spilled for us. so as we embrace him, as we apply his precious blood as priests of his presence taking responsibility for our own lives. Being trusted with a little will be trusted with much . as we are eating his body is drinking his blood his DNA his life strand begins to be  found in us. we begin to be entwined into his image and freedom is the outworking of this journey. He will  take us into greater and greater measures of freedom and it takes faith to believe and to apply this. We are being united in him even now even as I’m sharing is your heart just turning towards him. You can be entwined  and entangled into into his image even now. You don’t have to wait till later, just keep offering yourself up now and the truth of his love you will become a display of his splender. There is a continual revealing from glory to glory. it is continual it’s not like one day , when I have dealt with all my junk then. It is a continual , the more of you that you give him , it’s a continually entwining into him. Where we are going into higher and higher levels of truth revelation and revealing. So we are being unfolded in the truth of his love. we become like gold, we become living portals, so we can display the potential of the endlessness of his great love. He has began to show me the mystery of the eternal circles of his nature. very special , that is where he connects us at the very core into the core of who he is. And he begins to entwine  us in the heavenly dance of the divine. you know in our DNA is a multidimensional ladder that leads us on this path way of remembering . I don’t have all the answers on this. I’m a tiny portion of my way in the journey. I’ve no idea what I’m doing most of the time. I keep the angels very busy.  But  we will learn as we journey . we learn through experience, until that truth is established in and through us. And he is leading us into a corporate expansion. a corporate expansion into the Christ consciousness into the mind of Christ we are unique expressions, but he trust us with the very thoughts the very intents of his heart. And it is through being  in that Christ consciousness, the omnipresence. because our father’s eternal. He spands the cosmos were in him , therefore we are omnipresent. So as we are found in spirit we can actually be found in wherever he is. There is a whole process, a  whole expansion sometimes there is a bit of, we are left with a fews stretchmarks from his love oil . we need the oil of holy spirit. Keep our hearts soft . don’t let our hearts  be hard or toughened through scare tissue or hard or toughened through pride Lord we want our hearts to be malleable. you know that in him when we are born of the spirit we can break through the confines and the limitations of the earth. Because we are powerful little acorns and he is forming us into being the righteousness but if you think that little acorn has got to really push through the darkness of the soil of where it’s been held in the earth, in the natural realm. We can break through the natural realm, we can break through that fleshly veil of physicality to be revealed as oaks of righteousness plantings of the Lord. the Lord said that to me a little while ago .when I thought all hell was breaking out but actually it was just a process of becoming.  and the Lord said to me so kindly but sternly how can an oak tree grow in a greenhouse, a glass house ? because we have this, you know we think we are there, we think we are living it. we think yeah man, I am saved, I am engaging heaven and stuff . but actually it is this greenhouse that is the limiting us here. sometimes that glass of our belief systems needs to be shattered.  We think we can be looking up at the starry skies. But it is our minds that actually keep us earthbound. 41:57

 everything that we have known before. everything that we have known before keeps us earthbound. contained in the Earth’s atmosphere of the temporal world consciousness. we don’t have to believe the same as the world. Because he has overcome the world, he has given us the mind of Christ you have permission to think differently. You don’t even have to agree with me. But you have permission to think differently. because he has given us the power of free will- choice. He is calling us to breakthroughs calling us to breakthrough out of the darkness of the earthly realm  even beyond the confines of this four dimensional reality into a multidimensional reality but yea for the cleansing of the process of the purging of the soul. because as we encounter that extravagance of his goodness that leads us into repentance brings us to that place of awe, brings us to the place of wonder. By the the spirit of the fear of the Lord teaches us his way into the ancient paths. his love induces a shift in desire letting go of that which is carnal and then this redirection of desire ushers us into the deep deep wave of healing. healing of all brokenness and insecurities, of false identities, framed in this four dimensional world confined by the five senses. so when we try and build an identity for ourselves like we basically trying to retain to God likeness. Because we are trying to  be something like exteriorly we want to be like this person or just trying even kind of like getting into the works thing trying to attain  to something. so then  we are trying to attain to God likeness, the  tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then we become that idol building our own little empire. an empire that demands others to serve it instead of being the servant of all .so a bit like a Rubik’s cube. Our lives are to be clicked into alignment and its through this process of his love that he’s actually lining us in this divine Rubik’s cube in the hand of the father. We are being fitted and fashioned into place as living stones. I just had a really great weekend, hung out with some awesome friends and as with Jason Westerfield on the weekend that he was just running through some things and one of them. amazing keys he just gave,in just in bringing a lot of this stuff together was he said it it’s just here .and he was speaking about another solar system and he was describing it is  just here. Because  we are connected through the depths of our heart to the depth of his heart. I was pondering some of the stuff and I was like talking with the father about it and  he was explaining to me about the expanse and enormity of of his nature and all that he is .and I kind of stood before him and he showed me a bit like flashcards. 46:02

 and the like laid out flashcards on the table and on one was like a galaxy and then one another was like a plant cell and another it was like I do not boat or something just in a children’s flashcards that you AAS Apple would ever think might have been on one of his light flashcards laid out in the table and that’s what it’s like when women him when we found in eternity we don’t need to be overwhelmed by work because and our responsibility as sons is actually lethal here because we are in him and his kingdom is at hand holding a well took a 45 minute you believe that sorry I just checked can you believe Y by resisted Ross was will ever read the flyer can you believe telling me to me before I was a Christian I like it is in bold is your I was here before the Christian I can ever had a bit of a crazy background in multidrug than as an abusive relationship and was is living a lifestyle of absolute rebellion and as I was starting to come out of that my parents were just continually reaching out to me my dad used to video videotaped the drop so supernatural and the development it was it was like videotape and as they usually these tapes out as he knew I was really interested in speaking stuff that your so I such this sit with my friends and get stained and watching supernatural know the Lord had the Lord had the last laugh in the visible me back from the depth means that my feet as many things in is the time to get our attention with many things that we may come under the influence of things within the are things outside year the this cleansing of our soul is to be like when you have something toxic in your body and to find its way out it looks for the fastest expert the I’m sorry if you are is not something that just comes out naturally through your skin is sometimes it a painful process sometimes it is not very pleasant but we just need to the the more we just yield to him into his outworking is the his desires then the faster the process will be outworked to predict nice pleasant British language it’s so crucial to our awakening as the body of Christ into Christ consciousness the amount that we are willing to yield is really important to embrace the fires of refining on these pathways of becoming because it burns away all of this dusty sediment of pride and self-love that settles on our hearts incinerated completely incinerated so that we can be smelted and fashioned into his likeness novel of the mystics and the saints of old they were incorruptible – had no restingplace on the really continue to omit heavenly fragrances long after they’ve been dead sometimes when like other witnesses show up incredible fragrance the room often stay there like supernatural not not just like when I’m get my oil down anything supernatural fragrance will stay flat seven days will be offer everything so that he can burn away everybody dusty sediment and our heart will be willing to trust him in the process even if things get completely out of our control sometimes you have to take a hands off the jolly table and trust him with the flashcards safe in his hands so of our function will we can do about it it’s for us to administrate light as the priest of his presence so it’s for us to administrate his light in three well in the draft thoughts when we were having a minds renewed were ministering like the bringing truth into places where there wasn’t before I was just friendly systems that are bringing in his light as feasting on his body is a drinking his blood pressure administrate his light in and through bodies through being found in him and the access into this place by his grace through faith lovely faith there’s an an Orthodox monk could father Maximus and this is what he said about faith I really love this is the true faith means I live with God I am one with God I have come to know God and therefore I know that he truly is God lives inside me and is victorious over death and I move forward with God powerful faces when we reached the stage being conscious of the reality of God within ourselves until we reach that point we remain stranded within the domain of ideas and not within the essence of Christian spirituality which is direct communion with God’s just truncate the analysis with the idea Orthodox monk likewise rich chunky revelation so often we allow defence of our hearts deceptive to come of separate us from similar treasures that hidden places that we been told is darkness so faith faith faith and the outworking of works faces the wavelength of creation with connected in these living wavelength as we waken as we waken and as we found in alignment found in the essence of his word we overcome so it’s in this place that we administrating his light was standing as priest because Preece would stand in the gap with a initially was standing in the gap on behalf of our own DNA and behalf of our own lives part of our families was with be found faithful in the little would be entrusted with more he begins to expand the the circumference of of our overshadowing is all part of the process of maturity as well like their holier families in a heart will holding a citizen the heart of the estate and the Lord begin to surface in your heart things that matter to him so awesome having Mayer him a hosted us recently a conference in South Africa and them and these guys we stand in the gap on behalf of the city in the nation, so there will just able to share some things and how they can like administrate stuff and in the nation stuff in healthcare system stuff in transport stuff to especially concerning the the the power out these power outages when they save on electricity there will sing a notice of invitation to engage the courts and to bring change as sons so is, like when we were found in his spirit were not just confined to to the stuff that is going on in this room like the Lord is combining us Internet his strategies his blueprint so that we can begin to read re-establish and terraform the Kosmos and you know what was standing in the gap as the priestly is the priestly function that comes before the kingly intimacy always comes before rulership humility before authority and reconciliation about bringing his light in his truth in and through the government of our own lives displayed on the inside to the outside Romans five Paul is leading us through this awakening and now it’s just with any just received it because we’ve been reading according to a limited understanding okay just quickly share a sleeving to Romans 65 and if we have been united with him in a death like this like his we shall certainly be united with him in the resurrection like his so if we found in the resurrection like his dealers were confined to the physical laws he was called to to perceived physical laws with me to live according to the laws of the spirit as his father part of my journey was when none of the Lord was was taking me on this part of teach me how to supersede the laws of the laws of natural round to live according to the laws of the eternal and so I was starting the Lord already teach me his often is start to open up truth to me and some of its colour science and I really felt like science College in a school so he’s been really teaching me his ways which are different laws so I thought Americana start to learn about the natural laws just like in breach of so and so yes it was part of that journey in fact in the week when I just started to really dive deep into that out of the place of business the other place of just this continual longing is desire to go deeper in him the desire to have more of him displayed in and through the as I would lean into him I would just incorporate that into my daily activities whether I was at work with was driving or feeding the animals or restaurant with friends just incorporate him and that reality of oneness wherever I was discover can bear to be apart from him and I found sometimes it can be such a distraction so I just was just Wanna keep myself in that awareness being in him and not the first time this happened when I started to change was when I was washing the dishes and I was talking to my mum and then she can went off on a tangent was talking about other stuff that I found on interesting and I allow myself to be more captivated by the presence and the pleasure of God and it was in that moment of my mum just started to scream and yell out half of his got with lots of you gone and I had no idea what she was talking about I could as it is normal targeted hear voice, like muffled screaming and as I began to turn back and in China figure out what was going on she was saying half of his gone half of his God and she was really terrified wouldn’t just react like that reason at all so I might just have decided to talk to her and after to explain offer me gone completely just disappeared and the other half was like holographic translucent so she could see through me and I began to take on the image of the incorruptible rather than the image of the corruptible so that’s been happening happened at work as well in front of a colleague who thought was a ghost and screen gave him a real fry bless his heart and a few other times as well as happened so is wanting to shift that it is one us to be confined by all of this Jesus walk through walls Jesus hid himself and he will Tronic kill him we hide ourselves in him Romans 1115 says for if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world what will their acceptance mean that life from the dead so we reconciling right in him we have that ministry of reconciliation through the cross I love the cross across the reconciling account will reconcile week been written reconciled to him reconcile to each other so that we can be revealed as one body but will also reconciling creation the Kosmos were even reconciling the flesh spirit because it’s just bringing it back into the tree place of governance I was speaking to a friend recently that used to be in the military and he was telling me that he was actually taught how to operate in some of the quantum stuff hearts are recorded remote viewing and is likely be given a certain numbers to focus on and then he was able to remotely view in other places and he did this without using without without going through the door this was this is not legitimate this was outside of the knowledge of God this was that was pulling away from the overshadowing of of proper that we called to reconcile the call to bring all into the knowledgeable record to bring people back into the into the into the overshadowing just as Adam justice first Adam was overshadowing was found in the knowledge God there is no separation you know you were created as a physical being created a spirit Adam spirit Adam walked regarding the garden as there is no separation last Adam has brought us back into the place of no separation but we are waking up that reality service where we reconciling a bringing together fallen death religion it brings separation that his bringing us back into oneness by spirit we love the ministry of reconciliation is because of love, love because he first loved us Matthew five the Lord says I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in heaven is crucial to some shipping love and friendship are completely inseparable from sister Sal said that love is the life of the soul so his United us in him his United us in his eternal strength his United at in his limitless this his United us in his grace his United us in in that in that tangible power of her readers that’s not just a Paphos Apple give us a fancy ministry name to bring change to empower us because the times are changing the changing quickly how quicker we can awake at how quick we can be found in in that reality how quickly can let go of those things that are holding us back to lay hold of what’s been promised have you guys doing here the tummy is rumbling your okay okay we have adventuring only it is all quite an adventure we have no ideal what we doing that with venturing into the unsearchable depths of him which is trusting to be like reformats like or trusting in the refining is in the paintings of our soul we were trusting him away quickly giving it all to him to lay hold on a promise of oneness with him to become love to become his expression of love on the earth and remember it’s a choice such was how how we surrender as we surrender all to inherit all he didn’t just break off little pieces of himself to distribute he gave each of us all of himself we can’t contain him when cultured only with his little fledgling body but we can bring his expression through it we are ageless we are eternal identities in spirit and American your Father in heaven so will be be found in the heights and the depth and breadth of his love will we be broken wide open to display his splendour in a recently to quite a painful time where his said that he was walking me and journeying with me through the knowledge of the heights and the debt the breadth of his love which I was quite excited about I thought yes law that all of our soul longs for is to know the heights of the depth and breadth of your love when you walking through in your being stretched and torn into the heights of the depth and breadth of his love when you’re being stretched beyond your own limitations of what you thought your able to endure and become love to learn in a given of his opportunities when you’re being crushed and broken refined and the Lord said would love from your first enthusiastic when you run forward to the altar and the like a everything Lord to the reality of journeying through that year he is so faithful his faithful in he is so patient is the patient with us and all of our deliberations of how we will be worried about injuring or overcoming his patient with his coaxing a series the good Shepherd by the still waters the response our soul is not God of Chaos is Jehovah shall all know his preparing away from the expanse of his kingdom has thrown his government to break for a and done and through that through that tearing that exposes what what is actually hidden within we think it’s painful we think it’s agony that every part of the tearing every part of the breaking open is just revealing what is actually there Christ in you the hope of glory within the chambers of darkness from many fear to tread it might not be what you expect because you know this exposing reveals what every single fear has been afraid of you finding out that exposes what fear was been afraid of a case to Corinthians for sex says because it is God who said out of darkness light is to sign out of darkness light is to sign he did sign in our hearts for the enlightening of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ that the Young’s literal translation so out of darkness light is to shine he said it and its signing in the sweet face of Jesus are yet still found in our hearts they reunited in oneness with him the depth of our hearts the depth of his and our hearts are broken open we see Jesus’s shiny face receivers then what of fears be crowned Peconic system the face of Jesus Christ that is despite all of our weaknesses is to spy our shortcomings in a we said yes to his call then we can expect to be emptied out because that’s how much he loves is that how much I destinies are so precious to him that he is without is with us in the whole process of pouring out is with us because his faithful and you know as undeserving as we are he chose us he chose us when his flesh was torn and punctured in his blood was spilled out and water toward a pure offering broke open the earth love and friendship are inseparable so to be found and established in his love, found in son Shepherd found in the life strand of the father were encoded with his DNA not the earthly record got the heavenly record the record of the incorruptible supper so the key to the life strand of the father and son ship the cutest sunset as John 316 for God so loved the world God so loved the world that he gave like everything about love is is giving is and it is the generosity of the generosity the father’s heart God so loved the world that he gave only begotten son that whoever believes can you believe can you believe it is promises in here that this promise here of eternal life of eternal life is promised in and through this so as sons that’s what we can expect he said it is true eternal life that is eternal and ending life and even life the definitions that is both physical and spiritual love is the only ministry that there is and it’s also a mystery and it’s very very messy I’ve got a quick way to share its by young sister Mary of the holy Trinity to the dear Catholic nun that had an these incredible encounters with Jesus and she would just journal her conversations with him and what he would say to her son not saying I’m I’m in full like endorsement and in celebration of the Vatican that I die I honour other parts of the body and and I’d really treasure when people are having tangible encounters of Jesus I don’t even know if this is delayed even knows that her journal was published that Jesus this humble none that had these wonderful times of Jesus so this is what Jesus said to her during one of these visitations you cannot live without being loved and without loving when it is not God or some of your fellow creatures that you love you love yourself love is as the breath of your soul love must be spoken of with respect because it comes from God it must be received as a messenger from God as his spirit it is an impulse which you receive that which does not come from you and which is divine in its source keep it in its purity and strength by using it for others and not for yourselves and by directing it back to him who gives it to you to the saviour who waits unwaveringly for your gratitude the souls who surrender themselves to love never regret it it is true that I break down the boundaries of their hearts for the narrow horizon of their knowledge must be rent that they may catch a glimpse of the splendours of my kingdom boundless world of the spirit holy Jesus to no longer be dependent on this physical reality again allow him to expand beyond the boundaries of our hearts Jesus Navas think quickly a case Christina this is a SH was from Poland and six here for the Scots of the sheriffs here and because this is the fire of God is something that is really defined by journey with him as we embrace that fire in the process that allows us to be slotted into his image and this lady she really she will equal truth as well so she said everlasting love pure flame burning my heart ceaselessly and deify my whole being according to your infinite pleasure by which you summoned me to take part in your everlasting happiness is a joy there is a joy over joy that is coming is a joy to come to the overcome is as well as the sacrifice as well as the cost there is joy his promise of joy and you know what the CAD witnesses their trading into your life because of joy they saw our day because the deck is trading into his studio life as a trading platform to see his trusted vessel to steward the riches of Abba’s endless supply is continuous is continuous father we offer up all that we are Lord you relinquish a dependency right now Lord we relinquish our dependency on our controllable carnality I think if you goodness in your pleasure Lord we embrace you we embrace you in the limitless myth of your goodness we embrace the eternal reality Lord we ask that we would be found and established in your love we thank you Lord for the trials we thank you for the hardships and we thank you for the refinements we give you the glory the owner and the praise in the midst of adversity Lord thank you that you are strengthen your a song just give you glory communities thank you for thank you thank you thank you Lord said gently right now just disentangling those at the weeds that is not adapting your heart the weeds are hooked into a fence and I thank you Lord for that sweet water of your word Lord softens the soil of our hearts Lord alone makes the makes it so much easier to remove those weeds and things that would choke the evidence of the corruptible Lord thank you Lord pleasure findings of our soul you display you clearly thank you father thank you father feel lovingkindness thank you father feel strength thank you Lord that you’re hugging us even now into yourself disperses your sons the last that we would be found faithful with all the even trusted us thank you love you teach us your ways justice and righteousness thank you father for those records that are being taken even now choices of people’s hearts Lord thank you father for those choices to endure as a supernatural grace just being released now to endure a his wings of grace his wings a grace is uplifting you in his breathing fresh his fresh breath breathing is a life breath in the resuscitates reanimate you as reanimating dreams is reanimating those promises and is restoring hope some of you seen many grains fall to the ground and it’s been a sense that they died in order to bring life father’s bringing life his bringing life we thought that there was death his bringing life thank you father thank you for that reanimation of those promises Lord thank you Lord your promises are yes and amen thank you father thank you father for those angels of power promise of protection and of provision thank you fire they are bringing in your promises about bringing in the provision for what you call that T9 bringing in the protection and the covering Lord that we need in order to go into the places that you calling us thank you father the bringing in that power the lights the strength of heaven only use the Lord is good Lord your so good so good Lord your so good Lord invite you to trade of the faith of the promise of what his place the new precious just keep giving to him whatever that is in your heart right now just give it faces a currency the first time engage with Melchizedek and I I I do I traded of the faith of the promise of what the Lord placed in me to trust him trust father with the promises of what has made of your life sometimes is power in unlocking and releasing when you actually hand over those things that is promise that you’ve been holding onto betrayed them back to him thank you for your infinite goodness thank you that we cannot continue thank you liberation on the King Jesus only you communities

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