Blockages in the soul

How do we prepare our soul? All the sin that we commit is an indicator of our need for God. Because we sin to try and make ourselves feel better about ourselves or our life which is an indication of how much we need God. If we struggle with lust, it is because we desperately desire intimacy.

 So if we want an intimate relationship with another person, we have to learn how to be rightly related to God so that through him we can be rightly related to another person.  A relationship with God is the best thing that we can find in terms of intimacy and love. And this happens inside of us therefore we have to surrender.

Are we willing to love God and give ourselves up to him? Just like Jesus loved us and gave his life for us. We have to surrender and give ourselves up to him to change us and transform us and conform us to the image of Jesus so that we become like Jesus here on earth.

 Through the years of our life we have developed blockages in our soul.

The first love gate is the key because all of us have emotional damage through relationships, parents, spouse, family, friends or authority figures which cause us to lack trust.

 We put barriers up to protect ourselves. When it comes to letting those barriers down and letting God come in and actually be in control of our lives we are often afraid to let go and let God be in control. So we have to deal with those things. Unmet needs will affects our soul desires and motives. Unhealed hurts will affect our emotional desires and motives. Unresolved issues in our lives will affect our trust.

Now we have to surrender and allow God to purify our souls. If we have problems we need to work through them. We need to forgive people who have let us down and disappointed us. We need to be willing to repent and to renounce the things that we have done to meet our own needs and to protect ourselves.

 We all need acceptance, love, affection, value and worth. We need approval, significance, affirmation, identity, purpose, security and safety. These are all needs that God has built into us .They are all needs that he himself wants to meet in us. He doesn’t want us to try to meet those needs through the flesh.

All of us have met those needs through our flesh. All of us have been damaged. All of us need to be transformed and find God’s love.

So we have to work through the gateways of our soul. The areas of our conscience, our imagination, the reason, the subconscious mind, emotions and will.  We have to work through each one of them to deal with things that were blockages in stopping God from flowing through us and working through our lives.

We may think this is really complicated and this is hard, no it is just a choice. Do we really want God’s presence and God’s power in order to manifest the kingdom of heaven on earth or do we want to carry on living the way we have always lived.

       We have a choice whether we are willing to go through this process and allow God to change us so that we can fulfill our destiny, or we can just stay the same. If we want to be transformed we have to allow the presence of God to flow through these gateways.

So we have to deal with our conscience. Our conscience because of sin and rebellion gets dulled therefore we have weaknesses, patterns of sin, normal acceptable behaviors which are not normal and acceptable to God, operating in our lives.

 We have to be willing to own them. With maturity comes responsibility. We cannot argue with God in this process, if we do we will lose the argument and it will be much harder to be transformed.

 We have to learn how to own it, confess it, repent of it, and renounce it. If God shows us it, we are not going to argue. Yes we have sin areas in our lives, weaknesses, weak areas in our lives. God will show us patterns of sin when we go through this process that we have to own, to realize that we are responsible for.  We have to confess our sin, say the same thing God says about them.

 Yes we have acted like that. We may not realize some of these things until God show’s us. We have to open up our heart and we ask God to show us what is going on inside of us. And in doing this we are enabled to repent and renounce those things and our conscience will become really sharp.  

We apply the blood of Jesus to our conscience. We receive forgiveness and cleansing, we refuse to feel guilt, shame and condemnation. This is something the enemy brings.

Every one of us needs to know that we are righteous, because God has made us righteous and then reverence can flow through that conscience gate and guide us and direct us in everything we do and say every day.  

Righteousness is a gift; we receive it by coming into his presence. He clothes us with his righteousness.  But if that conscience gate is damaged, blocked, affected by sin it will lead us astray. We need to have our conscience transformed.  

Reason, rationalism, skepticism, cynicism, denial, projection, our mind will fool us into putting the blame on somebody else and not dealing with what is going on in the inside of us. This is what we do.

We might have words, ideas, philosophies, doctrines in us that need changing, familiar spirits, religious spirits operating in us, behaviors cycles that we recognize, we need to own it. We don’t argue, we give up fighting for the flesh. And we surrender to the spirit.

       As we renounce doing that, we apply the word of God and the truth and then the mind of Christ will start flowing through us. The thoughts of God will start flowing through us. Revelation and faith will flow through us.  

Imagination – everyone us has seen loads of negative images we have to deal with them otherwise the enemy will bring them back and will pollute our imaginations and we won’t be able to see a flow of revelation and images and visitation that we want in the heavenly realms and in this realm.  

TV, films, games, magazines, books, fantasies, life itself, whatever we have seen that is negative we need to get rid of it. We need to own it. We own everything we saw as sin. We repent and renounce it and we paint it out with the blood of Jesus. Then we no longer have any of these images in our memory they are completely gone.

It is like having a filing cabinet in our mind that has a bunch of folders in it with little tabs that say something and when we look in there, there is nothing in it. We can remember the things that happened in our lives but we can no longer remember the details of it because they are gone and they have been cleansed, so all those images are completely wiped out of our minds, out of our memory.

If we have things that we are plagued with in terms of images then we need to put it under the blood of Jesus and paint it out so that it is no longer there. We can then have a purified memory and a cleansed screen so that we can see visions and have dreams and have revelation from God flowing.  We can have the eyes of our heart opened and enlightened. A flow of hope and a flow of revelation, visions, dreams and visitations in the heavenly realms because our imagination is clean, and cleansed. We need to actually do it.

 We have to deal with our subconscious mind. All the memories, the words, vows, curses, all sorts of stuff, every trigger that we know is a trigger in our life. A coping mechanism, a defense mechanism, we need to own it, repent of it and renounce it. We apply the blood of Jesus and that soil of our heart will be dealt with. The hardness will be dealt with. The stones and the weeds will be removed and we will get a flow of revelation knowledge from God to flow through our subconscious and trigger the right things. Then we will be moved by the things that move God.

We have to deal with our emotions, all the hurts, the trauma, the betrayal, the abuse, disappointments, pain, and rejection. We have to admit we’ve hurt other people just like we’ve been hurt. If we are having anger or withdrawal or depression, these are things in our heart because of undealt with emotions, we either turn inward or outward. All these mechanisms we need to own them, repent, forgive and release all the hurts. Repent of everything we have done to hurt others, renounce it. We have to start to get a flow of God’s heart. The life of God has to flow into our intuition, so that we can sense what God wants us to do. We have to begin to be moved by what moves God.

We have to be willing to allow God to search our heart and be willing to surrender it to God and let God deal with it.  

We have to deal with our will. If we have been stubborn and rebellious, willful or controlling we have to own it. Fear, doubt, unbelief, in-decision, if they are operating in our life we have to own it repent of it and renounce it.

And in that process we apply the truth of the blood of Jesus and God will start to work his attributes in us, patience, perseverance, persistence, courage, boldness, and all these positive things. To get a flow of worship, a flow of obedience in which we are out working the truth of God’s word.

We need to make some declarations of our willingness to allow the Holy Spirit to transform and to change us, our willingness to allow God to show us what’s going on in the inside of us so we can change.

 We don’t want to pray these prayers or make these declarations unless we are willing. If we are not yet willing, it’s better not to say that if we don’t mean it. We are giving permission to God to work in our lives. He will listen to what we are saying and the authority that we are giving him and he is going to start to move. There will be a release of the angelic to operate in our lives, Seraphim angels with coals of fire and other angels, the gathering angels to remove the stumbling blocks from our lives.

Father I choose to give you full permission to do whatever it takes to change me and transform me into the image of Jesus Christ.  

I give you full permission to remove all stumbling blocks from me.

 I give you full permission to use whatever means you see fit to purify, refine and restore me to the image of Jesus Christ.

Father I choose to deny myself, I surrender control of my life to you. I give you my conscience. I repent and renounce of everything that has damaged my conscience. I ask you to purify and restore my conscience. Direct and protect me through my conscience by a flow of reference and the fear the Lord.

Father I choose to deny myself and surrender control my life to you. I give you my reason center. I repent and renounce doubt, unbelief, rationalism, skepticism, cynicism and denial. I ask you to cleanse me of all false doctrine, philosophies and ideas. I ask you to renew and restore my reason. Use my reason to interpret your thoughts and to understand your ways.

 Father I choose to deny myself and surrender control my life to you. I give you my imagination. I repent and renounce of viewing any image that has polluted me. I ask you to blot out every negative image with the blood of Jesus. Purify and restore my imagination, restore my screen to receive vision and Revelation.  

Father I choose to deny myself and surrender control of my life to you. I give you my heart, my subconscious mind. I repent and renounce all strongholds, negative beliefs and values systems, vows, words, curses doctrines, triggers, coping and defense mechanisms. I ask you to cleanse every negative memory. Purify and restore and reprogram my heart with your truth, values and my destiny.

Father I choose to deny myself and surrender control my life to you. I give you my emotions. I repent, and renounce all un-forgiveness, bitterness and anger. I ask you to purify and restore my emotions. Use my emotions to feel your heart guide me through my intuition.

       Father I choose to deny myself and surrender control my life to you. I give you my will. I repent and renounce all sin, rebellion, stubbornness, willfulness, control, fear, doubt, unbelief and in-decision. I ask you to purify and restore my will. Restore my courage and perseverance and boldness; use my will to enable me to do your will through obedience and true worship.

Father I choose to follow my eternal destiny into Lordship kingship and Son ship. I choose as an ambassador to administer the rule of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Display me as a son of light on the earth. I choose to do the works of Jesus and the greater works.  

Father I ask that you release the gathering angels to operate in my life and to remove all stumbling blocks, To restore, to heal, to make my life whole.  Bring me into my eternal destiny and purpose. Release the seraphim angels into my life to bring the coals from the altar of heaven, to purify my lips, to purify my heart in every way so that I can be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

Father I ask that you release the anointing of your presence to transform my life and to change me into the image of Jesus so that I can manifest the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

 Each day we need to surrender ourselves as a living sacrifice to allow God’s presence to change us. We give up all efforts to change ourselves and we allow the presence of God to change us from the inside out as we surrender and yield to His Spirit.

We thank you lord that you do not punish us, but discipline us to transform us into the person that you have called us to be.

1 comment

  1. Brother Lee, this is awesome and is gathering a lot of loose ends for me, I believe. Thanks for putting this here and giving me access to these words. I will be working on transformation to fulfil my destiny.

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