Books and destinies

Everything in the spirit realm is about legalities. God is given mankind freedom of choice and therefore he can do nothing unless we give him the legal right. The devil, also, can do nothing unless it is legally allowed. We, as people of the earth, grant a legal permission for either the devil to work or God to work. Matthew 16:18 – 19 tells us that we as a church or ecclesia of God have been given the right to bind and loose.

Matthew 16:18 – and I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates and 80 shall not prevail against it. Now give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

The word Eckley Asea is the word translated church from the Greek. This word means the judicial, legislative and governmental people of God. Speaks of a people that have been granted legal positions on earth and before the Lord. We have been given a right and authority to get things legally in place so that God’s will can come into the earth realm.

The words bind and loose are actually legal terms at their root. The word buying speaks of getting a binding contract into place, while the word loose speaks of dissolving an existing contract. Jesus was saying that the Eckley Asea has a judicial responsibility to establish binding contracts with heaven that allow God the legal right to invade and impact the planet. The Eckley Asea also has the job of legally dissolving contracts with the devil that allow him to operate in the earth. When we learn to get legal things in place, we canthen see the devil expelled God’s will and established. This is our job individually and corporately.

Answering the accuser

This happen in peers life. Jesus went into the courts of heaven on behalf of Peter and secured the destiny written in the books of heaven for him. Luke 22:31 – 32 tells us that same desire to have Peter.

Luke 22:31 – and the Lord said, Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your facia not fail; when you have returned to me, strengthen your brethren.

The words asked for in the Greek actually says demanded for trial. Satan came in demanded that Peter be put on trial in the courts of heaven. Satan had developed evidence against Peter to try and thwart what was written in the books of heaven about him. Remember that when the court is seated, the books are open – Daniel 7:10. The devil understood something oh what was in Peter’s book. He understood the significant purpose Peter was to play in the kingdom of God. He knew that Peter was destined by heaven to have a radical and dramatic effect. At the devil didn’t stop him, Peter would do massive damage to his empire and established the kingdom of God. Satan, therefore, had to have scheme to stop Peter if he could. His plan was to bring him to court and put them on trial. The reason for this was to disqualify Peter legally from what was written in his book. Satan could disqualify Peter through accusation in court, he could stop the agenda of God for the earth.

We must realize that Satan is an accuser. Revelation 12 shows that Satan is accusing us day and night.

Revelation 12:10 – then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to death.

Satan is before the throne of God seeking to present evidence in the courts as to why we are disqualified from what is in our books. He wants to stop us, at any cost, from stepping into the destinies written about us in our books. It is our job to answer these accusations and silence them so that God has the legal right to grant us what is written in our books. When this occurs we fulfill our life’s destiny and God’s kingdom purposes are done

The only way the devil can stop us from fulfilling what is in the books, is through accusation. This was the tactic he used against Peter. It is the tactic that he used against Joel. Job 1:6 – 12 shows us activity in the courts of heaven.

Job 1:6 – now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan, from where do you come? So Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and fro on the earth, if walking back and forth on it. Then the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on earth, a blameless and upright man, but affairs God and shuns evil? So Satan answered the Lord and said, this Job fear God for nothing? Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But now, stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, he will surely curse you to your face! And the Lord said to Satan, bold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person. So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

Satan brings accusations against Job. He accuses Job of serving God with impure motives. As a result of this accusation, Job is thrown into devastation. The Lord is judge allows the devil to operate against Joel. I don’t have all the answers as to why this was allowed by God, but clearly the devil brought enough accusations against Joel that God legally allowed to persecution to occur. Perhaps, there was no one answer the accusations brought against Joel. This was prior to the cross of Jesus and there was not yet intercessor one the stand and Job’s behalf. Regardless, it is clear that the tribulation and Job was a result of the accusation of satan.

It is interesting that the accusation at St. Brautigan’s Job was concerning his motives for serving God. Wasn’t about a personal sin or ascendant his lineage your family line. The accusation was the Job only served God because God had a hedge about him and he couldn’t be touched. Sings lambasting of Job was that if life wasn’t so good, Job 1 serve God. Wow! The accusation was concerning interior motives. In other words, we must not just do the right thing; we must do the right things for the right reasons. This is why we must consistently allow the Lord to judge the motives and intents of our hearts. We must cry out with the Psalmist, – Psalm 139:23-search mail God see if there be any wicked ways and me. When we do, we take away from the devil any potential realms of accusation you can use against us.

But we must also realizes Job was rewarded in yen with the double portion. Job 42 shows that God and his justice restored Job’s fortunes.

Restoration is always a result of legal activity in the courts of heaven. God decreed a double portion restoration for all Job had suffered. Job had to first pray for the friends who had accused him during his troubles rather than stand with him. It is interesting that when Job prayed for his friends, it granted the courts of heaven the legal right to restore his fortunes. Often are we not getting our restoration because we will not forgive and release? When Job follow through with prayer forgiveness, the court rendered verdicts in his behalf of restitution and restoration of all that had been lost. Job qualified himself for this through his faithfulness towards God. The judicial system of heaven ruled in his favor.

Standing in holiness

Joshua the high priest in Zechariah’s being accused of uncleanness and resisted by Satan.

Zechariah 3:1 – then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel the Lord, Satan standing at his right hand to opposing. And the Lord said to Satan, the Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire? Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the angel. Then he answered and spoke to those who stood before him, saying, take away the filthy garments from him. And to him he said, see, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes. And I said, let them put a clean turban on his head. So they put a clean turban on his head, and they put the close on him. An Angel the Lord stood by. Then the angel Lord admonished Joshua, saying, thus says the Lord of hosts: if you walk in my ways, and if you keep my command, then you should also judge my house, and likewise have charge of my courts; I’ll give you places to walk among those who stand here.

Satan comes the resistant accused Joshua of uncleanness. Is resisting him because what God need to do through him. The purpose of God through Joshua the high priest was to rebuild and reestablished Jerusalem. The devil’s tactic to stop this from happening was to bring accusation against on that God would do it through. Our cleanness in holiness is essential to God’s will being done. Without it, Satan can stop what God will do through us with accusations.

The Lord’s answer to the uncleanness of Joshua was the rebuke Satan. Notice he didn’t rebuke Satan for Joshua Satan. He rebuke Satan for the sake of Jerusalem being rebuilt. Sometimes our greatest asset is what God has called us to do. Was saying was rebuke, Joshua needed to be cleaned up her Satan would have come back in legally resisted him again. Josh was uncleanness granted saying the legal right to resist him and what God was doing through him. The result was that the Angels began to clean them up. Then the Prophet began to cleanse him as well. Notice that the Angels are putting clean garments on Josh when the spiritual atmosphere. But saccharide the prophet then proclaims a clean turban on his said. Nor to be free from any place the devil can accuses, we need angelic and prophetic input. With these things working on Josh was behalf, he was cleanse.

Notice the result. She would stay clean and walk righteously, he would be granted charge the courts of the Lord and he would judge the house of the Lord. In other words, you’d be given authority in the courts of heaven to be able to render judgments that said things in order. If we are to operate in the Judicial place God has for us, we must be cleansed and purified for that operation. We are then granted authority because we have overcome the accusations of the devil and can access what is written in our book.

Before we move into what happened with Peter, we need to understand the way the devil accuses us. For Satan was cast out of heaven, he was a part of the judicial operation. Ezekiel 28:14 says that Satan, when he was Lucifer in heaven, walked on the fiery stones. This is a reference to the courts of the Lord and his throne.

Ezekiel 28:14 – you were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you are on the holy mountain of God; you walk back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.

This was before his fall. He was a part of the legal system of heaven. What is jobs was to gather evidence through his walking so God could render verdicts based on it. We don’t see him after his be cast out still walking. Job shows that, as Satan, he is still walking.

Joel 1:7 – and the Lord said to Satan, from where do you come? So Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.

The scene is walking about in the earth during Jobes days. But when we get the first Peter 5:8 we see why he is walking.

First Peter 5:8 – be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Satan is walking about to seek whom he may devour. Remember, saying can only devour when he has a legal reason. Is walking about is for the purpose of gathering evidence so we can accusing be granted legal rights to destroy. This could explain why we see bad things happen to good people. Somewhere in their lives are history and ancestry the devil finds a legal right to bring destruction. The devil can do nothing unless he finds a legal place he can exploit through his walking about.

When Satan comes before the throne of God regarding Job, the Lord asked him where he had been. His response was, from going to and fro on the earth and walking back and forth on it. Lord then says to Satan, have you considered my servant Job? No other words, have you gathered any evidence against him? This is when Satan brings up the whole motive issue. The Lord knew that Satan’s walking back and forth was a searching out of people quit kingdom destinies.

This is exactly what he had done with Peter. He targeted Peter because of the tremendous things in his book. He had gathered evidence against Peter to disqualify him from what was in his book. He had presented to heaven in demanded a court date concerning Peter. But Jesus said, I have prayed for you. Through the prayers of Jesus, Peter was not disqualified, he was qualified for his destiny. I want to look at what happened in the courts of heaven that allowed Peter to be secured for his future and fulfill what was in the books of heaven about him.

The power and authority granted us in the courts of heaven

The first thing that allowed Peter’s desk need to be secured was Jesus’s prayers. Luke 22:31 – 32 shows that Satan demanded Peter be put on trial, but Jesus stood firm in the courts of heaven.

Luke 22:31 – and the Lord said, Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your facia not fail; when you have returned to me, strengthen your brethren.

Everyone would probably think, well of course it worked, Jesus prayed for. But we must realize is that this was before Jesus died, was buried, resurrected and ascended. In other words this was before he won his position in the courts of heaven. What Jesus did for Peter, he did as a mortal man. This is important otherwise we disqualify ourselves from what we have been called to do. When Jesus prayed for Peter, he didn’t do it is God. He did it is a mortal man.

Philippians 2:5 – 11 shows us that Jesus lived on earth as a mortal man. He never once touched his God powers while here. Everything he did, he did as a man filled with God, not as God.

Philippians 2:5 – let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death on the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father.

We are told in the Scriptures at Jesus laid aside all of his God powers and function here totally as a human being. Because of his obedience to the father to do this, he one for himself a name greater than all other names. This speaks of the position Jesus holds in heaven. If Jesus had touched his God powers while living on earth, he would have forfeited the right to be our Savior. Adam, a human being, loss creation. Jesus, the second and last Adam, had to live totally as a human being to win it back.

This is why Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness with, if you are dissenting God, turn the stones into bread – Matthew 4:3. Satan knew that if Jesus ever touched his God powers while living on the earth, he would lose the right to redeem it back to God. The temptation was to use his powers as God to turn the stones into bread.

How did Jesus do what he did while on earth, if he didn’t touches God powers? He lived not as God on the planet but rather as a man filled with God. This is what happened at the river Jordan when the Holy Spirit descended on him. This is why the term incarnate one is used to describe Jesus. Incarnate means a body filled with a spirit. This is the way Jesus lived. He never did one recorded miracle into the Holy Spirit filled him. He lived the exact same way that we are to live. Not as God, that is people filled with God. This means everything you did is legal for us to do as well. If Jesus had performed miracles as God, then we would be excluded from such activity. We are not God, but part of humanity.

This is important concerning Jesus’s prayer for Peter. He did not intercede in the courts of heaven is high priest or even as God. Here not yet one that position. His prayer for Peter was as a man filled with God and under the function of the Holy Spirit.

In other words what he did for Peter we we can also do. Just like Jesus wanted to the courts of heaven and secured Peter’s destiny, we too can go into the courts of heaven and secure our destinies that are in the books. We can secure the destinies of others that are joined to us as well. The main thing is that we should not disqualify ourselves from the power and authority we haven’t heaven and its court system.

Closing doors open through sin

Another necessary thing that must be done to secure our futures from the books is to realize that Satan will explain anything possible. Most of us have enough personal issues that supply the devil with accusations to last a lifetime. As big of an issue as this is, there can be an even larger one. We must realize that anything in our bloodline can be legal fodder with which Satan can accuse us. In other words, if people in our bloodline have sexual sins, perversions, covenant breaking, innocent bloodshed, thievery, allegiance to other gods and idols, demotic worship and other things, the devil can exploit this in the courts of heaven to resist what is written in the books about us. I’m not referring about deliverance from personal demons. I am referring to sins in the bloodline that perhaps centuries or millennia was before, where someone opened a legal door that Satan can use to stop destinies. This is seen in Isaiah, chapters 43

Isaiah 43:25 – I, even I, him he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake; and I will not remember your sins. Put me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, it’s you may be acquitted. Your first father sin, and your mediators have transgressed against me. Therefore I will profane the princes of the sanctuary; I will give Jacob to the curse, and Israel to reproaches.

There are several issues in this Scripture. Notice that God is speaking from a courtroom perspective. When he says, state your case and be acquitted, this is the language of court settings. The word acquitted actually means to be justified. All the accusations against us have been silenced and God is free to deliver to us our destinies. Also notice that in this scenario, the destiny of a nation hangs in the balance. God is saying that because there is improper activity or in adequate operations in the court of heaven, Jacob is given over to a curse in Israel to reproaches. Operation in the courts of heaven can be on a personal level but it can’t go all the way up to the destinies of nations being fulfilled. In this Scripture the reason the nation was being afflicted was because of the first father sin. It goes on to say that the transgressions of a mediator can also prohibit the destiny of a nation from being realized. Before I go into these two things, I need to point out some other realities concerning operations in the courts of heaven.

Lord says that he blots out transgressions for his own sake. This means that God needs us. The saving of nations is not a sovereign act. The Lord needs our cooperation in the courts of heaven. We need to accept his forgiveness and walk in it. I usually tell people, for God sake, forgive yourself. He needs us to embrace the grace of his forgiveness so we can stand in the courts and work with him to get his will done in nations.

Then the Lord says, put me in remembrance. Remember we are in court. When he says, put me in remembrance, he is saying that we should remind him of what he wrote in the books of heaven. Call God into remembrance concerning what he said about you or a church or a business or a family or even a nation. God is saying, give me a legal reason to fulfill what I previously ordained. This is our job. We are to grant God the legal reason to show mercy and fulfill what is written in the books of heaven. The Lord says, let us contend together. Remember that this is from a courtroom setting. This Scripture does not mean that we should contend with him, but rather that we are going to contend with him against the accuser. Together we will answer every accusation until God legally grant what was written in the books. God is not our enemy. We are together with him as individuals and also as the Ecclesia granting God the legal right to fulfill his passions. Once this is in place the kingdom rule of God legally comes in the earth spheres.

The transgressions of the mediators

Notice that there are two things that can hinder us from getting verdicts for nations and ourselves. They are the mediators transgressions and first father’s sins. The word mediator in the Hebrew means one who is attempting to speak a foreign language. A court system has its own language. If you are not educated in speaking the language of the court you will not be effective. Attorneys go to school for many years learning the law and how to speak the language of the courts. They learn the protocol of the judicial system so that they can be heard. Without a proper knowledge of the system and an adherence to it they cannot function nor gain verdicts from the courts. Neither can we in the courts of heaven. Proper behavior and protocol is necessary if we are to be effective in this ultimate court system.

God said through Isaiah that these mediators(which is a legal term and function) had send. In other words there sin had caused them to lose their place and authority in the courts of heaven. We may be able to bluff our way through things on earth, but if there is sin in our lives, the spirit realm knows it. When we have until would sin in our lives, we forfeit any and all authority in the courts of heaven. In Isaiah 43, the result was a nation coming under curses, reproaches and judgment. Could it be that the reason we have not been effective in turning nations to their kingdom purpose is because those of us who were to have authority in heaven half forfeited it because of our sin? Mainly repent, and the Lord forgive us. Nations hang in the balance. We must learn to operate in the courts of heaven and grant the Lord his legal right to bless the nations and us again. It is his heart to bless us, but we must grant him the legal right to do so.

The first father’s sins

The other issue that was causing nations to fall short of the destiny written in the books concerning them, was the first father’s sin. This speaks of not my personal sin, but the sin connected to my bloodline. If there are sins that have contaminated my bloodline from even thousands of years gone by, this grants the accuser the legal right to resist me in the courts of heaven. This is why we see Nehemiah, Daniel and others are pending for the sins of their forefathers. They understood that until the sins that had allowed the devil to bring them into captivity were dealt with legally, there would be no deliverance. The devil would have a legal reason to afflict and hold them until that legal reason was taken away. Nehemiah, for instance, repent for himself, his nation and its history so that in the courts of heaven the accuser would be silenced

Nehemiah 1:5 – and I said: I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, you who keep your covenant and mercy with those who love you and observe your commandments, please let your ear be attentive in your eyes open, that you may hear the prayer of your servant which I pray before you now, day and night, for the children of Israel your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which have sinned against you. Both my father’s house and I have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against you, and have not kept the Commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which you commanded your servant Moses.

Nehemiah repent for himself, his nation, his father’s sins and his history they granted the devil legal rights to afflict him. This is a picture of the first father’s sin. If the devil cannot find a legal reason in my own personal life to stop what is in the books about me, he will search my bloodline. We see him doing this with Jesus. John 14:30 shows that the devil came and searched Jesus out, but found no place to accuse him.

John 14:30 – I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in me.

The reason the devil could find nothing in Jesus was because he lived a perfect life but also had a perfect bloodline. His bloodline was from God the father through the Holy Spirit. Our bloodline though is not perfect. There are all sorts of things the devil can unveil as he searches us out. What he finds some thing that is not dealt with in our bloodline, it gives him a legal right to resist us with that thing. The truth is that the devil will not bother with our bloodline into we become a governmental threat against him. We see this same strategy in the political arena all the time. When someone begins to rise on the political scene during election periods they always become a target. Their attempt to take a high governmental position causes their adversaries to search them out in their history. They are seeking to find a place of accusation that will damage them and disqualify them from the office they seek. This is very similar to what happens in the spirit realm when we begin to step into governmental places of authority to shift things.

More we become ones that can step into the courts of heaven and get things legally in place, the more he will seek a way to stop us. Remember, is only weapon against us is accusation in the courts. Every other attack flows from accusations made.

I personally experienced this. I was privileged to develop and lead an apostolic center there was a strong display of God’s grace and the earth. We had the supernatural flowing, healing occurring, prosperity in place and we were impacting the region for the kingdom. The Lord then spoke to my wife, Mary, and I to hand this ministry off and begin to lunch into a bigger kingdom spirit. We obeyed and did what we were told to do. What I didn’t understand was that when I transitioned from a local sphere of ministry to a national and even international one, I became a bigger threat to the devil. I had no known sin in my life. I sought to live a holy lifestyle before the Lord. We had blessings in every dimension in our home and family. Life was good. When we stepped out of the local ministry and into a bigger kingdom effect, everything changed. One of the main things that occurred was that literally millions of dollars were stolen from us. I had very diligently sought to have things properly ordered so that we would have plenty of finances to do the ministry Godhead assigned to us. As I was no longer leading a local work, I had spent years getting things financially in place so Mary and I could do whatever we were called to do. I was sure everything was properly ordered. What I didn’t understand was legal fight I was engaging.

I don’t want to bore you with the details. Just suffice it to say that people whom I trusted implicitly turned against me and incited others to do the same. This resulted in personal and financial devastation. We went from a very secure future to having to wonder how we could pay the bills from month to month, week to week and even date day. Even though the Lord was faithful, I still wondered how this had happened. We had faithfully obeyed in every area and had always practiced the principles of honor. We had obeyed the Lord in all forms of giving. We had shown mercy to people many times. We had always taken care of our leaders and others as well. Now it seemed that everything we had done to secure our future had work. I really wondered why this had happened as I sought to navigate through those very difficult days.

Then I began to learn about bloodlines in the courts of heaven. As I was preparing to minister for a particular group, the leader said that they would like to cleanse my bloodline. This group is highly apostolic and prophetic. I agreed for this to be done. As we began to go into the courts of the Lord one of this year profits suddenly said that someone in my bloodline in history had made a covenant with a demonic God name parax. Someone pulled out the computer and googled parax. To my astonishment there was a demonic God namedparax and its chief characteristic was to suck dry. Instantly a light came on for me. I realize that as I became a bigger threat in the spirit realm, the devil and his forces had search out my bloodline and founded an ancestor connected to me had made a covenant with this demonic entity. This gave the devil the legal right to go after all that Mary and I had built and steal it away. I knew that what we had experienced was not a result of our own personal sin, but the result of a sin in my bloodline and granted the devil legal right to resist and attack me. Finally, I understood what had stood against me. I repented for the ones in my ancestry that it made his covenant and then renounced and broke the covenant off my family line. The result was that a new realm of blessing began to break through in my life.

The devil was search our bloodlines and find ways to accuse us legally. We must know how to cleanse our bloodlines consistently so that we can take up our authority in the courts of heaven without fear of backlash.

This is why before every restoration that occurred in the Bible times, there was not just repentance for personal sin, but also for fathers sins. For instance when Nehemiah began to cry out for the restoration of Israel and especially Jerusalem, he repented for his own sins and the sins of his fathers. Nehemiah 1:4 – six show the prayers and Nehemiah prayed to begin the restoration process.

Nehemiah 1:4 – so it was, what I heard these words, then I sat down and wept, and I mourn for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven. And I said: I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, you who keep your covenant and mercy with those who love you and observe your commandments, please let your ear be attentive and your eyes open, that you may hear the prayer of your servant which I pray before you now, Dan Knight, for the children of Israel your servants, and confess the sins of the children is zero which we have sinned against you. Both my father’s house and I have sinned.

When Nehemiah repented for his father sin, he was not endeavoring to alter their eternal state. Pro-life had established what that status would be. The purpose of his repentance was to snatch from the devil the legal right to keep Israel in a place of captivity and oppression. It was the fathers sins that had legally allowed this to occur. They get Israel free and Jerusalem restored, something legal had to shift in the spirit realm. Someone had asked for and received mercy from the Lord. Was the mercy of God against their sin was received, legal issues in the heavenly realm were altered. God can now have a legal right to undo the captivity of the Jews and bring restoration to them in their land. But without dealing with the fathers sins that had allowed it, nothing would be able to shift. Send is not just disappear over time. Only disappears when someone grabs hold of the blood of Jesus and appropriate rates it into place against that sin. When this is done, legal things can come into order in heaven moves as a result.

This is what was happening with Peter. My suspicion is that Peter had plenty of personal issues the devil could use against him, but I’m sure that the devil had search Peter’s bloodline and it found reasons to accuse him before heaven. Jesus went into that trial setting, interceded for Peter and answered those accusations. The result was that Peter did step into his destiny. The devil was not successful in causing Peter to be disqualified. Peter shook the earth and nations and fulfilled what was written in his book.

We will, too, when we learn to operate in the courts of heaven and answer the accusations of the enemy. Not only do our individual destinies hang in the balance, but the destinies of nations as well. Let’s grant God the legal right to fulfill the passion of his heart and what he wrote in the books before time began.

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