
Jeremiah 29:  13 And ye shall seek (search out, strive after, to obtain) me, and find (root-to come forth, appear, meet) me, when ye shall search for (to tread or frequent; to follow in pursuit or search) me with all your heart. 14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity,

Many Christians seek fulfillment in their lives from what they do or what they can accomplish for the lord. We can never find real fulfillment by doing, by just serving the Lord, it actually ministers and strengthens the self-life. It makes us feel special, important, we are a servant of the lord, busy doing our fathers will. But these can still be dead works, which will be consumed in the fire of God’s presence because the self-life has not been dealt with.

Real fulfillment is only found on the other side of the veil. But we have to learn how to press into the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit which is a different dimension. Once inside the kingdom, we are clothed with His righteousness, it is a gift. It has nothing to do with our self-our human life.

Fulfillment is not found in what we do but in understanding who we are. We are a child of God, our real father is God. We are first of all a spirit being and the father of our spirit is God.

 Our soul and body have the DNA of our natural parents, our earthly parents. But our spirit did not come from our earthly parents it came from God, from our heavenly Father. And through the conception of His seed in us we have the DNA as it were of our heavenly Father within us, the real us, our family line goes way back to God in eternity past. We need to understand this concept and look at the perspective of our lives from an eternal point of view.

We came from a line of God. Our spirit came out of heaven, we are of the same species of God and we were born a human being for the purpose of training in sonship, and then bringing the will of our father into the natural realm as part of the government of God in our assigned role as sons.

Our home is in heaven and unless we can break through into this realm we will not find true fulfillment. And we will not be able to bring the kingdom into the natural realm.

When Jesus walked the earth, he said the kingdom of God has come near you; he was able to bring that will into manifestation in the earth because he lived in heaven while on the earth- he operated in dual realms.

So what I want to begin to teach on is how to break through into the kingdom realm of our Father which is a different dimension, and then learn how to live there, so that we can bring the will of God into manifestation on the earth, so that we can change the natural realm that we live in.

John 16 25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. 26 At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: 27 For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.

Asking in the name of Jesus is asking in intimate union with the person that name refers to. Asking in the name is asking in oneness of spirit, being in Him where we are seeing the Father face to face. It is not some magic word we repeat thinking, now my prayer will come to pass because we add in the name of Jesus at the end of it.

We have to learn how to pray on the other side of the veil. Prayer is two way conversation with God. We are talking to the father in the realm of the Spirit, like we would talk to a person in the natural realm.

But first we have to learn how to break into that realm. The veil is torn between heaven and earth, but there is still a veil between our spirit and soul. There are things within our soul that keep us from experiencing the realm of God’s Spirit, and this is what we are breaking through.

There is a seed in our spirit that cannot sin; it is the seed of God. It is the DNA, it is the nature of God within us. That nature cannot sin. In our Soul we can sin. Our physical flesh and body can sin. But there is a seed in us, the very nature, the pattern, the DNA, the likeness of God, our real lineage going back to God, that cannot sin. We are in his likeness and image. We are created to walk with God like Enoch did. We were created to walk as a son with God.

The first Adam walked with God in the garden .He saw the Lord every day and he talked to the Lord every day. He had this kind of relationship with him. He lived in dual realms heaven and earth. Adam was flesh and bone as well as spirit. So what was the difference between Adam and us? Why can’t we have the same walk with God that Adam had?

His mind, his body had not been polluted with sin. Even after he fell his mind and his body had not the pollutions of sin that we have. His mind was pure there were no ungodly images stored within his mind-brain.

Adam could walk with God, he could see God, he could see into heaven, he could see the Lord and hear the Lord walking in the garden. The Lord would walk with him every day, and they would walk together. There were no false concepts stored in his brain. Even after he sinned, his brain had none of the images that are in ours.

But we are different; we have lived from the outside in. False concepts and error and so much unbelief is stored in our brain, that if we could see it for just a moment, it would be hard to believe all that was in us.

Every time we watch TV more pollution enters our mind and is stored in our brain. Images, sounds, find their way through our body gates into our brain and is stored there. Just being in the world but not of the world can pollute our brain if we do not learn how to open and close our spirit to things.

When we break through into the realm of God’s kingdom, on the other side of the veil, and begin to see in the Spirit, then we have a new memory stored in our brain and we can revisit it again. But we have to have the initial breakthrough.

Adam didn’t have any of this pollution in his brain that we have. There was no problem between his body, soul and spirit they were all harmonized as one. His spirit could flow through his body and mind and he could see the Lord, walk with the Lord and that is the difference between Adam and ourselves.

There is a very powerful veil that has been erected between our spirit and our soul – body. There is a veil that shuts us off and we have to learn how to break through that veil.

If we died today and we came out of our body we would be able to see clearly in the spirit realm. We would be able to see Angels Demons and if our spirit is alive to God, the heavenly realm. We would see it, it would be as clear as it is in the natural to us. So why couldn’t we see that before? Because our soul filters it all out.

There is a veil erected between our spirit and our outer man-soul and body. The Bible tells us that the natural man, the natural mind cannot know God, cannot see in the spirit, cannot know God.

As a Christian our spirit man is in prison behind an impregnable barrier, which locks us out from the spirit realm. We are still a Christian but we walk in the flesh and the spirit world is closed to us.

 What How do you break out of this? What do we have to do to change this situation?

There are three things which are required to break out of this. One is a hunger, a hunger for God, a hunger to walk with him in a new way, a hunger as strong as if we were starving to death in the natural realm.

Secondly there is determination. We have to determine in our heart, in our spirit and soul, that we are going to seek God and find him, meet him in the realm of His Spirit and begin to walk with him in that realm.

 And the third is single mindedness, a mind set. We have to learn how to focus, we have to learn how to tune into the Lord and let nothing distract us.

God visits some people sovereignly, and if we have had these kinds of visitations we have an anchor to use. But I am talking about seeking God until we find him, entering into his realm, the fourth dimension, the realm of His Spirit, the kingdom realm of our Father.

If we hunger and thirst we shall be filled- this is a spiritual principle. Hunger in the natural is a very powerful force, if we want it bad enough we will do anything to get it. If we run out of food, and are hungry enough, we will do anything to find food. It is a very powerful force, this is the kind of hunger that God wants us to have for him.

Then we must become determined, as it were to find food or to find the object of our desire, meeting God in the realm of His Spirit. That determination is so very important. Then we must develop a single mindedness, so that is the only thing on our mind, that’s the only goal in life is to find some food, to have a meeting with God in the realm of His Spirit.

Hunger in the spiritual realm is very powerful. Every strong desire emanates from us as a force, either righteous or unrighteous. Now it is not just a desire, it’s more than just a passive thing within us, it is a force. When we strongly desire, hunger and thirst we release a force.

Hunger, determination, singleness of mind reaches into heaven. It can be felt in heaven. We cannot hide who we are in the spirit realm, we emanate all the time who we are in the form of light, sound, color, and smell. These vibrations come through us and from us and they are recognizable in the spirit realm, to the demonic and God’s angels, and the cloud of witnesses.

When we have a strong determination to find God, have a meeting with him in the realm of His Spirit and there is a hunger in us, in such a way that we are going to continue on to find God, no matter what it takes. There is that determination, that hunger, that mindset within us, something registers in the realm of the spirit, in Gods realm.

 Something happens; there is a sound like thunder in heaven. We don’t hear it on earth, but it reaches such an intensity that something breaks in the spirit realm, an entrance begins to be opened up to us. Angels will be assigned to us to help us, the cloud of witnesses become involved.

If we stay with it, if we determined to do whatever it takes, if we keep pushing, keeps seeking, keep knocking, keep asking,keep desiring and we don’t give up that door or veil that is blocking us from experiencing the realm of the kingdom of God’s Spirit will get wider and wider and wider until an entrance will be granted to us into the realm of the spirit.

This is not just for the casual Christian who is content in their relationship with God. It doesn’t work like that. You have to seek the Lord, if you search for me with your whole heart. This is what separates those who have heavenly encounters from the others- this kind of determination.

This is the hallmark of all of those in the past who found their way into this kind of walk with God. It is available, for all of us. All the people I know that are way beyond me spiritually, have had this kind of determination, they broke through into the realm of God’s kingdom, where they have learned to live in this realm.

When our hunger and thirst and determination to meet God on the other side of the veil reaches a certain intensity, a certain level something cracks in the spirit realm, something registers in the realm of the kingdom of God’s Spirit and they’ll look down from the heavenly realm and say that one just broke through.

 Those who reach this point, never go past it. They say we just cracked something, we got something. But all we have done is just opened the door, now we have to walk through it, the door of the Kingdom, into the kingdom realm is open, and we can see it, now we have to go through it.

Once we have done this once and made the breakthrough, we can do it again because the door has been opened to us.

We seek the Lord, get into his conscious presence, we get into the spirit , maybe just worship and wait on the Lord until we are  conscious of his presence. And then in our mind’s eye, the screen of our mind, we can see that place again, and as soon as we see it we are there, walking with the Lord. Now experiencing this can become intense and clearer until it becomes a vivid experience, the more we walk in that with the Lord, the clearer it becomes.

We are to walk with the Lord upon the earth, but also the heavenly realms of His kingdom.

Getting the initial breakthrough in the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit is the hard thing, unless he visits us sovereignly, but then we may struggle to break through into it again.

We must determine to seek the Lord until we find him. But once we get a breakthrough in the realm of the spirit, that position you got through breakthrough is easy to maintain. It is a lot easier to maintain than getting the initial breakthrough.

And it takes encounters with the Lord to condition us to be able to walk with Him in the realm of His Spirit. It takes encounters with the Lord to condition us in our spirit and our soul to bring you to a place where we can continually walk with him.

Our spirit has to grow so that we can become aware of it. We have to know through experience the difference between our spirit and our soul and learn how to live in our spirit and exercise it, expand it, release it in the atmosphere around us, and go places in our spirit in God’s kingdom realm.

It takes encounters with the Lord to cleanse, heal and renew and restore our soul, so that it assists us in our walk with God, instead of hindering and blocking us from the realm of God’s Spirit.

We cannot condition ourselves. This is very important for us to realize, our mind has to be renewed and the barriers have to be removed-dissolved and this takes some time.

 God waits for us to make the first move. We can do nothing without him, he draws us to himself and then he works in us to desire and then he gives us the necessary power. We work with him and this is why it is called walking with God. We have to learn how to walk with God in the natural realm so that we can begin to walk with him in the heavenly realm.

 God says in James four and verse eight – draw near to God and he will draw near to you. He promises, and his word is forever settled in heaven and he says if you draw near to me, I will draw near to you.

Most of the times God does not deal with us in sovereign encounters, most of the time, our walk with God and our progress in the spirit has to do with us taking the initiative to seek God. To draw near to him and then he draws near to us and we encounter Him. These encounters with the Lord can be at many different levels.

Sometimes it can just be an encounter where we are in the presence of God and we feel his presence. This is a lower-level encounter but it is still an encounter.

We encounter the lord through the consciousness of the anointing, and we feel his presence. We can be in a church service, and people can minister to us and we experience the Lord in it.  But there are other levels or encounters with the Lord that are stronger.

As we begin to become aware of the realm of God’s kingdom, which is another dimension we can begin to see-through the veil dimly but we see the Lord, but it’s very faint, and very vague and very dimly but it’s an encounter with the Lord.

The level of our encounters has to deal with the level of conditioning we have had by being in the presence of the Lord. Everything begins with a small little awareness of His presence and we learn how to practice it. One tear as a result of the awareness of His presence is the beginning of a flowing river.

We draw near to him and by being in his presence begins the working and the conditioning we need to go deeper into him through personal encounter.

As we begin to experience the presence of the Lord, there is a flow of light and life that comes from him at different intensities to begin to condition us.

In order to begin to experience the heavenly realms, a systematic regular waiting on God in quality time is required. Just 10 minutes a day is not going to do it.

We got to have a systematic time where we shut the world out and we come and we wait on God. This is one of the disciplines that is required on our part.  We discipline ourselves to have a meeting with the Lord on whatever level we have attained.

If we will seek him, it requires discipline. And that discipline is important. Drawing near to him requires discipline. God will watch, he will stand back for a while and watch to see how consistent we are, how determined we are. Do we really mean business, or is this just some casual thing we are going to try and it doesn’t work, we will give up.

We have to hunger, and then we have to determine. We have to determine in our heart. We are going to do this and we are going to do it every day for the next year or however long it takes until we can break through and have a walk with God in which we are aware of the Kingdom realm of God’s Spirit.  To break into an intimacy with God so that what we see the Father do, we are going to do. What we hear him say we are going to say.  We are going to walk in the supernatural dimension of God’s kingdom.

We are talking about a lifestyle, not a short period of time and if nothing happens we are going to give up. We have to mean business with God. Quality time, where there are no interruptions, and wait in his presence until he becomes more real to us than the natural world around us.

We have to hunger, we have to determine, and then we must have a mind-set-that becomes a way of life.

We cannot give up if nothing seems to happen. After a couple months of doing this and nothing happens most people will give up. There is a separation at this point which takes place from those who are seeking with their whole heart and those who are not.

We are seeking to have a walk with God in the spirit, in the heavenly realms in Christ. The enemy dwells in the heavenly realms. The heavenly realms are the realm of the spirit. When we enter into this realm in Christ, then we can displace the enemy, so he fights this more than anything else.

The enemy will come and pressurize us; he will say you know nothing is happening this is a waste of time, why don’t you give it up. Most people give up at this point and disqualify themselves.

We must have a hunger, a determination and a mindset. We are going to walk with God like Enoch did no matter what it takes. It may seem that nothing is happening in the natural realm but what we don’t see is what is going on in the spirit realm around us.

Once we determine to set our heart to seek the Lord, we trigger something in the realm of the Spirit, like Daniel and we don’t see what is happening in that realm, but we are seeking to break through so that we can begin to participate in that realm ourselves.

Once we set our heart to break through into the realm of God’s Spirit, God will set aside special groups in heaven to work with us. The cloud of witnesses will be releasing light and encouragement to us.

But hunger, determination and a mind-set is the key to break through the barrier that keeps us from seeing and entering into the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit.

What we need to realize is that it takes time to condition us in our spirit and soul.  It takes time for God to clear the way for us, so that there is nothing blocking us inside our soul, inside our heart.

God has made a perfect provision for us. But we have to appropriate that. God has to do a work within us to purify our hearts, so that we can begin to see in the realm of the Spirit, and by seeing we can enter into that dimension and experience a realm that is more real than the natural world we have been living in.

We need permission to enter into another realm. We need a passport to travel to the next level. We must become not just a servant, but a bond-servant of the Lord, which leads us into the different experiential levels of relationship with the lord.

If we were to travel to another country we need a passport otherwise we can’t get in there. We need a passport from heaven; written permission to get in. Through the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ a passport has been provided for us, but it has to be examined, approved and stamped so to speak so that we can walk through the gate into a whole new world.

But how does this access into the heavenly realms, become a vital experience in our lives?

When our spirit becomes awakened or alive to God in the natural realm, it appears before God in Zion. Our spirit has access to the heavenly places in Christ, but our soul-body veils us from experiencing what our spirit already has access to.

So a cleansing, a healing, a renewing, a restoring must take place within our soul. So that what our spirit is receiving can flow into our soul, so that we can consciously experience the heavenly places beyond the veil.

A transforming work must take place in our soul. There is the applying of the blood, the work of the cross, the washing of the water, the consuming fire of God’s presence. That purifies our heart so that we can begin to see in the spirit and enter into that realm, where our soul participates in it.

We have to receive the mark of God, and only the bond-servants receive this mark, it is the piercing of our ear. We enter into a bond-servant relationship with the Lord, where we become a love-slave so to speak. We only have ears for our master; we lose our soul in this life and find it as our soul begins to experience the life that is beyond the veil. This is our passport, to begin to walk in the heavenly realms and experience what is beyond the veil.

As God begins to open the eyes of our spirit, or the eyes of our soul we can begin to see the veil. It is referred to as a door or a gate, but it looks like a wall or energy field. It is translucent and we can step through it into another dimension, and we can step back into this dimension.

When you step through it, everything is heightened, it is absolutely amazing. When you step through you enter into another dimension, the heavenly places in Christ. You step through the veil and you are in heaven. It is called engaging God. But you are on the outskirts of the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit.

It is the doorway between heaven and earth, it is described as the first step of a ladder where you ascend or descend, and you can step in and out.

This doorway becomes like a wormhole where you can instantly travel to different places in the heavenly realms. The problem is that we have no conscious memories of this realm, so it is all about developing pathways.

We walk on pathways in the spirit realm. We are walking with Jesus in the heavenly places and he begins to show us things. But once we experience something and have memory of it, then we can go there instantly and be there in reality.

Walking with God in the realm of His Spirit is all about relationship. If we don’t learn how to develop a personal intimate relationship with God on the earth where we become a bondservant of Jesus Christ, we will not be able to walk with God in the heavenly places, because being a bondservant of Jesus Christ is the passport into the realm of the Kingdom.

Once we have experienced the heavenly places in Christ, we have found what we are looking for. Nothing of this world can compare to it, it loses all its attraction so to speak, and becomes the passing scene.

 It is our calling and destiny to loose all creation from futility, but that is not going to happen unless we first learn how to experientially enter into the heavenly places in Christ and take our seat. But there is a cost involved, in order to make the initial breakthrough.