Broken Seals, Open Warfare

“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase” (Daniel 12:4).

Seal up the book

We are in a time when the seals are being broken and the books that were sealed up are being opened. There is revelation coming, revelation of the truth of God’s Word, revelation from the heavenly realms, and its purpose is to prepare us for these days.

‘But just as it is written, “things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love him.”’ That is 1 Cor 2:9 and it is not a very encouraging verse unless you read the one that comes after it, verse 10: ‘For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God’.

You see, verse 9 is a quotation from the Old Testament, and there were things in the Old Testament that could not be revealed. Before the Holy Spirit came, there were things that could not be revealed, not even to Jesus’ disciples. Nicodemus could not understand spiritual things that had no earthly counterpart. But today, by the Holy Spirit, God is revealing those things.

‘The Spirit searches all things’ – that is, everything about us, everything about God, even to the very depths of God, and He is revealing them to His people in these days to prepare us for what is to come. The prophetic books are being opened, and in opening those books there is new and fresh revelation being released, and we need to listen.

God’s Prophetic Timetable

Now when I talk about God’s prophetic timetable, I am not going to give you dates for things, I am going to give you a prophetic expectation about periods of time in which God is going to be working in particular ways.  I am not going to tell you everything that goes on in those periods because I don’t know it all, but I am going to tell you the things that God has shown me that are going to go on in those periods. We need to get ready and be prepared for these things that are coming.

We need to get ready and be prepared, because there is a challenge that God is going to bring. And if we are not ready and if we are not prepared, then we are in for a big shock. There are things you are going to have to do very soon in the kingdom of God that, if you had to do them now, would really, really challenge you.

Spiritual warfare

Spiritual warfare will become more open. In this country, spiritual warfare is hidden. Most of it is done behind closed doors by those ministering deliverance, or intercessors who are trying to engage the atmosphere of the earth. This is the kingdom in darkness where Satan rules as prince of the power of the air and his fallen angels rule over principalities, powers and territories.

Intercessors and others are engaging that kingdom in darkness mostly from this earthly realm, when, if they are engaging it at all, it should be from a position seated in authority in the heavenly realms of the kingdom of God or kingdom of Heaven. We need to go to the realms of the kingdom and directly obtain mandates or court orders if we are going to engage the kingdom in darkness, and we can then come down through the kingdom in darkness bringing the light of God’s glory to transform it, refine it and purify it. I will teach more about that as we go along.

But where spiritual warfare is concerned, I am telling you, things are going to ‘hot up’. The enemy’s schemes that are hidden are going to be exposed, and it is our light that is going to expose them.

The days of Noah

Jesus said that ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man’ (Matt 24:37).  Jesus came in judgment in 70 AD. But the difference between what happened in the days of Noah and what happened in the days of Jesus, is that one was defeat and the other was victory.

Then the whole planet was wiped out, other than Noah and his immediate family; now the whole planet can be saved. I am not saying that everyone is going to be saved while on earth, but the potential of these days, when there are so many billions of people on earth, is that there are going to be more people in heaven than not. There is not going to be a defeat for God’s people. Jesus is going to come back for a church and world that has been restored.

In spiritual warfare we see that the seed of woman and the seed of Satan are in opposition, that they have always been in conflict. Satan has always tried to wipe out the seed. Cain killed Abel; later the enemy would try to wipe out Moses, he would tempt and try to kill Jesus. But in the days of Noah, his strategy was to pollute the seed, to make the people on the earth genetically impure.

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