Busting through

The Lord has given us everything we need to get us where he wants us to go. That includes recovering our site. I say recovering our site because children usually have no or very little trouble seeing into the spirit realm. It one time you probably saw in the spirit just fine.

What happens is, as we get older, we learn such things as doubt and unbelief. We get told over and over, it’s not real, it’s just your imagination. Then, as we go through life, we see things that the file our eyes and injure them. Add all that up and before you know what we are spiritually blind.

Because most, if not all of our tools to recover our site working concert with each other, some of the areas we talk about will overlap. I prefer to allow this rather than keep them separate so I can give a full explanation.


The Lord loves it when we get it. Revelation is not just something the Lord gives to us it’s something we have to receive as well. It begins to happen when we allow ourselves to think from heaven’s perspective and not our own. How is the Lord honored by what we are seeking are what we are thinking? We consider the Lord, revelation can engage us.

Bobby Connors great story

I love Bobby Connor. He is one of my favorite people in the world. He also sees in the spirit and has lots of great stories that he tells in order to teach us lessons

Bobby tells a story of being out on the road ministering in preaching and going back to his hotel at the end of the day. He was weary and his feet were tired and sore. As he lay there in the bed, he was thinking about how nice it would be to have a foot massage. So, he said it sure would be nice to have someone rub my feet right now.

He says, all of a sudden the coverslip to expose his feet and someone grabbed his feet and started rubbing. Bobby says I scream like a little girl! And then he yelled what are you doing in the Angel – it was an angel – yelled back I ministering to you!

Well, after that story, I began to tell the Lord it sure would be nice for an angel to rub my feet. I know that that is probably a real inappropriate thing to be asking the Lord for, for many reasons. But that’s what I did. I did that for 2 years! I’m glad God is merciful!

One night about midnight, everyone was asleep and I went to my perch or to pray for a while, and this thought came into my head about asking the Lord for an angel to rub my feet. Immediately, an image popped into my head. It was an image that corrected my thinking. It was an image that gave me revelation.

As I sat there in my chair, an image of the Lord having spikes driven through his feet came into my mind and I was cut to the heart. I came to my senses. I said Lord I’m so sorry. I should be rubbing your feet instead of asking for a foot rub.

In my mind, I imagined what it would be like to minister to the Lord’s feet. I imagine massaging his pierced feet because if anyone deserves a foot massage, it’s him.

As this revelation swept over me, I felt an urge to open my eyes and look. As I did, I saw an angel of the Lord there by my feet, holding my left foot in his hands. He wasn’t rub in my foot, he was just holding it. But that foot had had pain in it when I walk, for 5 or 6 months, and that pain was instantly gone and is never returned.

That was an important lesson for me, and also for you as well. Revelation opens your eyes.

I spend more time asking Lord now about what he wants to tell me or show me and less about getting foot rugs. Asked the Lord for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to come upon you.


The 1st thing about repentance is the obvious thing. Do you have any sin in your life you have to repent. Turn and go the other way. Get extreme. Repent for yourself, your family, your household, your ancestors. Leave no stone as they say.

The previous story could well represent repentance as well as revelation. Repentance breaks legal holds the enemy has over your life to afflict you and that would include your ability to see as well.

Unconfessed sins are one of the arguments demons give as to why they cannot be cast out from their victims during deliverance. Do not allow them to have anything in you that would influence or affect you in any way.

Hereafter, I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world, and hath nothing in me – John 14:30

Be like the Lord Jesus allow Satan to have nothing in you!

More angels than squirrels

There is a radio comedian that sometimes tells humorous stories. Whenever he has to qualify something in his stories, he’ll use squirrels as his measure. For example, in one public interest story, a town in the far North was complaining about being overrun by moose. As he relayed this he said, there were more moose than squirrels.

I thought it was funny, and began saying of our home, there are more angels here than squirrels. I thought it was clever. The more I said it, the worst it began to sound to me. I started thinking that perhaps I was being disrespectful the angelic host or the Lord, or both. One morning as I was getting ready for work, I was just about to walk out the door and began thinking about the angelic presence in our home.

So again I said, there are more angels here than squirrels. I still wasn’t sure, but I thought that if what I’m saying is wrong, why take the chance. So I repented. I told the Lord I’m sorry. I don’t want to be disrespectful. I won’t say that anymore.

The Lord is a sense of humor

I walked out of the house towards my work truck. I looked to my left and across the yard, I saw a squirrel run into our yard and jump up on our fire pit. He then began to chatter loudly and soon to other squirrels joined him.

These 3 squirrels then began to run all over our yard making all kinds of racket and within 30 to 45 seconds squirrels from every surrounding yard and from every direction ran into our yard and began running up and down the side and play structure, and jumping off of the fire pit and chasing each other over the art. It was surreal! I tried best as I could to count them and came up with well over 20!

The Lord loves it when we repent. And he is not sitting off in the sky somewhere this interested in our lives. He isn’t waiting to punish us when we get it wrong. He gave me a lesson in repent and sell never forget and I never felt one old of condemnation from him. He is a good God.


Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth – John 17:17

Sanctify means to set apart for sacred use: to make holy: to make pure. If we are clean, God can pour his power into us. He can use us. If our eyes are sanctified, if they are made clean, we can see.

We have to read the word and let it sanctifies. We must ask the Lord to make us clean. This is not a theory. We must give serious effort and time to sanctification.

Asked the Lord to sanctify you

I’m going to tell you what this process looks like for me. In addition to reading the word and in addition to praying and asking God to sanctify me, I asked the Lord for his holy fire declines in sanctify me.

And I’ll put this 3rd into the fire, and refine them as one refined silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, they are my people. And they will say, the Lord is there God – Zachariah 13:9

The Lord will let you see what this process can look like. I’m not saying it is always like this, but this is what I have experience on several occasions.

At the end of the day, when everyone has gone to bed, I will stay up to pray. As I pray, I try to be led of the Lord as to what to pray for. Sometimes I ask them to sanctify me.

When I do this, I pray the same thing with my thoughts and words also. Everything focused on the Lord sanctifying me. I picture in my mind fire falling on my head, or angels dumping buckets of fire over me as I asked the Lord to cleanse me and sanctify me. I ask him to make me clean.

If I pursue this for a little while, the Lord allows me to experience this. Usually I will pray this way, for sanctification for a couple of hours. After 2 hours more or less, I have literally had the Lord open my eyes to see fire fall upon me. Once there appeared behind me a pillar of fire and I kept leaning my head back into it. It was amazing.

These experiences have been life-changing. To see God’s involvement in my life in this way has fueled my passion for the Lord.

Actively pursue sanctification in this way and you will be blessed in like manner. God is no respecter of persons.


For some reason this topic is hard for a lot of us to deal with. Many of us grew up with the teaching the demons can’t bother Christians. That whole thing about, how can an evil spirit be where the Holy Spirit is?

Many Christians will live their whole life’s bound to some sin rather than face the fact that an evil spirit is afflicting them and deal with it. There is a stigma concerning this.

If a Neil spirit has access to your life in some way, as you begin to press in for your site to be made whole, he will manifest himself in some way if he can, to thwart your efforts. Then when you stop pressing into God, he will recede so that you never even know he is there. But why take chances?

Personally, I minister deliverance to myself every day. As a believer, we have authority over demons, so I use it. I bind any demon that may have gained access to my life in any way, and then I command them to leave. And they leave.

Somehow we got a strange idea that only godless people in remote parts of the world are afflicted by evil spirits, and that they are the ones who need deliverance. But the Bible makes it clear who deliverance is for.

In the story of the Canaanite woman who came to Jesus for help in Matthew chapter 15, Jesus tells us who deliverance is for. The woman came to the Lord saying please help me. My daughter is demon possessed and is severely tormented. Jesus answers are eventually and says this… It is not me to take the children spread and casted the dogs – Matthew 15:26.

This blessing of deliverances for us, his children


Dealing with iniquity, is also very important if we are to walk in the spirit and see in the spirit.

Iniquity is that twisted thing inside us that causes us to desire to sin. It is like a root, and it must be removed if you don’t want to constantly keep fighting the same battles.

Prophetess Ana Mendez Ferrell has a book on iniquity that lays it all out as to what it is and how to deal with it. I highly recommend that you read it. It’ll change your life.

From moving iniquity has to do with repentance. When you repent, you break a legal right of sin over your life. The root of that sin may have been passed down from generation to generation. The iniquity is the root. As you repent from every sin you can think of that you have ever committed, you asked the Lord to remove the iniquity that is behind us in.

The Lord will do this. Leaving nothing to chance. If you feel that something may be a sin, but probably not, repent anyway. Don’t do half of the work only to leave the other half undone.

To give you an idea of the scope and thoroughness that I’m talking about, when I did this it took me 3 weeks of constantly asking the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of my life or acts of the need to repent over. And to be completely honest, I don’t think I’m done yet.

When you have done this, you then command all the garbage, and all of the physical substance formed by iniquity to leave you in Jesus name. I prayed and commanded this for my spirit, soul and body. Be prepared to possibly be sick for a couple of days as this stuff leaves you. I personally wasn’t sick but I just Spitting stuff up for a few days.

If you have nothing of the enemy in you, you will operate more freely as a spirit being who lives in a body. You can then enter into the deep things of God without the interference that you would otherwise face.

That would include seeing in the spirit, moving in the spirit, angelic visitations or visitations from the Lord Jesus, and access to heavenly places. Also, you will find an increase in faith, as well as an increase in the anointing a carry, to do the work that the Lord is giving you, such as healing the sick and casting out devils etc.

Engaging the kingdom

Revelation – asked the Lord to give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Find a quiet time that you won’t be disturbed and spend some time with the Lord. I plan on at least 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

Repentance – I know it’s hard but asked the Lord to bring to mind every sin. Anything you could possibly repent for and do it. Jewett just before you go to bed and then asked the Lord to give you further revelation about it as you sleep.

Sanctification – find a quiet place in a quite time to do this. Sit very, very still in a comfortable chair and close your eyes and asked the Lord to sanctify you. At 1st asked aloud, but after a few minutes, asking your mind and picture the Lord pouring fire on your head every time he asked. Again, spend at least 45 minutes doing this. I mentioned earlier that I spent 2 hours and the result is pure joy.

Deliverance – invest in a book such as pigs in the parlor by Frank Hammon, or another book that lists groups of evil spirits. Read through the list and command anything that is invaded your life believe in Jesus name. Even if this sounds this tasteful to you, just do it at least once to cover all the bases, so to speak.

Iniquity – get Anna Mendez Ferrell’s book and follow the full instructions laid out for removing iniquity.

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