
We need to learn how to get the word in our spirit where faith becomes a substance in it.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance (that which underlies the apparent, therefore it is the reality, the essence, the substance; that which is the basis of something coming into manifestation) of things hoped for, the evidence (conviction, the convincing proof) of things not seen.

The substance of things in the heavenly realm, become manifested in the natural realm as the word becomes rooted in our spirit. As the word is joined to our spirit the byproduct is faith in that word.

 When the word is rooted in our spirit, the gateway of faith in our spirit is working.

What helps get the word in our spirit is our imagination. We have to allow the word to captivate our mind. We have to see it; we have to dream about it, we have to set our mind on heavenly things.

As our mind becomes captivated with the word, it becomes an entry point into the heavenly realm.

What captivates our heart and mind will begin to be released around our life, because what captivates our inner being is what begins to become real for us. We are starting to believe. Faith then becomes the reality of heaven around our life.

       The provision of the word needs to captivate our heart with that reality. The reality of the realm of the kingdom of heaven has to penetrate into us. It becomes our experience as we honor it and desire it.

What we desire will captivate our heart and release faith for it around our life. Heaven invades earth as we come into alignment with His kingdom. The reality of it first flows into our spirit and then is released around our lives.

We have to learn how to press into the kingdom realm. The consciousness of the natural realm surrounding us and the pressures of life is what is hindering us from breaking through.

We have to build up our spirit, through worship and prayer until God shifts us, so that we can go through the door.

We start confessing the word, your word says it, therefore it can happen to me, all things are possible to those who believe. We have to lay hold of the potential that the word of God paints for us, the picture it gives us, so that it becomes real for us.

Our biggest problem is what goes on in our hearts and minds. The things People say and do, people, places and things can attach to our soul so that we become fragmented in our personality.  

We have to disconnect from these things because they hinder faith. Uncontrolled reasoning destroys faith. Our soul does not want our spirit to have dominion and until the things of this life lose their hold upon our soul, it will hinder us from entering the kingdom realm, where faith and all the fruit of the Spirit flow.

What God wants is for us to come to faith, so we have to start dreaming. Dreaming goes on in our imagination. Our imagination is one of the points of connection with the realm of heaven. God speaks in pictures.

This requires us meditating and allowing our mind to be captivated by the word of God. The potential inside of it is amazing, but we have to be able to see it.

When we learn how to be captivated by the word of God, so that we are meditating upon it day and night, we will find the reality of it coming to pass in our lives.

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