Cast off the chains

Doth not the Lord look upon thy heart? Doth He not see the chains that yet ye bear? But for freedom hath the Lord set thee free, that every band and every yoke should be broken and that every limitation that thou hast upon thy life should be removed.

Is it the Lord that hath laid limitations upon thee? Nay, though He did lay them upon Adam, yet He hath removed them from thee. He hath removed from thee those limitations. And the chains that ye bear are of your own imposing. The limits that ye have are not scriptural limitations. If thou canst believe, are not all things possible to him that believeth? Yea, let thine eyes be lifted up to see that thy world is yet too small, that there are greater things for thee to walk in, greater revelations for thee to perceive, that thy Lord would be closer to thee and His power unleashed toward thee.

Behold, it is an hour that thou shalt be strong and say, “I shall arise and possess that which the Lord setteth before me,” for by promise and covenant hath He given it unto thee. The abundance of life He has declared is yours, yet behold in the midst of adversity and trial, do you not look up and blame the Lord and rebel against Him? Yet He saith, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

Oh, little flock, rise and possess the Kingdom. Oh ye that are blessed with such a heritage, enter into it with faith. Arise and walk through the land, for where the sole of your foot shall tread, shall it not be your inheritance forever? The Lord is with you to lift you up and make you strong, that by thy God you should fight a troop and leap a wall.

Behold, the Lord is with you. He is thy deliverance. He is thy strength, thy shield, and thy buckler. It is the Lord that defendeth thee and protecteth thee. Oh, when will thine eyes be opened? When will thy heart perceive and when will there dawn upon thee an awareness that the Lord is with thee, that thou art His people, that the promises of the Lord are sure and steadfast forever? Behold, behold, how the Lord would stir thy heart. Believe ye the words of the Lord and cast off these things that are like chains and fetters about thee. Be free, oh people of the Lord, and walk forth to possess; for thy limitations are not according to His word and they have not been imposed upon thee by the Lord. It is the Lord that shall make them free indeed. Amen.

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