It is good to have a vision of what is to come in the will of God. With that vision we have wasted no time in preparing ourselves in that which will be essential and important in the days ahead. Firstly, we are working for the Body to learn how to survive and care for… Continue reading The school of the prophets
Category: Apostolic-Prophetic community
New Testament church pattern
God is restoring the foundational gift ministries; and coupled with that, He is restoring the order of the local church and real authority. With the exercise of this authority, a tremendous amount of submission is required. In this order the elders are a part of an apostolic company. A man who is not an apostle… Continue reading New Testament church pattern
A culture that transforms
Mark 12: 30-love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. As we make honest attempts to live where God has placed us in Christ, abiding in the fruit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit’s grace and mercy will overwhelm us, fill… Continue reading A culture that transforms
The apostles doctrine
Unless we are founded in the Apostles doctrine. Our theology will be off. We will teach, preach, evangelize, prophecy, have heavenly encounters, that will be off-causing more division in the Body of Christ. When we have a heavenly encounter, most of our experiences will be interpreted by the subconscious part of our brain, which influences… Continue reading The apostles doctrine
Covering and accountablity
The word covering does not appear in Scripture in connection with accountability. However, it generally describes a position of being under spiritual authority and accountable to that higher authority. Many have had bad experiences with covering or oversight in the church. Many insecure pastors use the doctrine of covering as an excuse to try to… Continue reading Covering and accountablity
The search for a father
I have noticed that society has tied children to the mother, and it uses every device of law there is to try to make the father responsible. When couples go to court to get a divorce, a father will very often argue because he doesn’t even want to support his children. The accident of birth… Continue reading The search for a father
Create through me, thy servant
INISIST THAT GOD IS GOING TO DO SOMEHING FOR YOU NOW Just thank Him for it by speaking it out loud. It is that simple. We are in the midst of something here that I am very much wanting to convey to you. We have been in a transition period for so long that for… Continue reading Create through me, thy servant
Let’s kill time
This is truly the day for the Living Word, for every seal to be taken off His Book, for every barrier to our understanding to be lifted. It is a day for our faith to be aggressive, for it to be demanding and insistent. It is a day for us to believe, to expect and… Continue reading Let’s kill time
The need to be needed
In John chapter 6 we read one of the references about our appropriating and partaking of the Lord Jesus Christ. Following His feeding of the multitude in the wilderness, there came a discussion out of which they could have created a good political slogan to establish Christ as a king or a great leader. This… Continue reading The need to be needed
The Lord has given a living Word, but who has heard it?
One of the greatest generals of all time was Joshua. Of course, West Point and other military academies came about long after his time—schools where men are taught the strategy that generals learned as they fought wars, changed the destinies of men, and directed the course of history. But there is nothing more important that… Continue reading The Lord has given a living Word, but who has heard it?
Your house is on fire
How foolish and how evil has been the bitterness and rebellion of some hearts, and how wonderful has been the oneness and unity that has come forth in others. I was not able to tell you these things before, but I’m going to tell you some things now that started a number of days ago.… Continue reading Your house is on fire
Authority serves and submits
The days of sermonizing, with only one man speaking a Word, may give way to an apostolic company function that will be exceedingly great. We will speak the Word of the Lord together, yielding to one another in speaking and teaching that may become very common in the days to come. The Word says, “If… Continue reading Authority serves and submits
Mobile, flexible, versatile, responsible
We ministers of His Word speak about flexibility and mobility, but we ought to add a third point, versatility, because the apostolic company that is coming forth has to be viewed in that light. For instance, the ones who do the best in any job are the ones who have been trained from the beginning… Continue reading Mobile, flexible, versatile, responsible
The victory is more difficult to live with
Now, about love. I Corinthians 14:1 tells us, “Pursue love.” Doesn’t everyone? Yes, but this verse is the result of I Corinthians 13, which speaks about the love that you have in your waiting on God. Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. I Corinthians 14:1. This verse gives… Continue reading The victory is more difficult to live with
You are prepared! explode!
The Lord is launching us into what is indeed a whole new beginning. After it explodes in our hearts, like the expanding mushroom cloud of a nuclear blast, it will spread with the swiftness of a prairie fire. We have passed through a number of stages during the past years. A tremendous flow toward restoration… Continue reading You are prepared! explode!
God opened the door
A great deal of what we go through in our relationships is based upon our fear of being rejected and our struggle to be accepted. In Peter’s first Epistle, he wrote about rejection, about our acceptance by God, about our own acceptance of our place in God, and our acceptance of one another with a… Continue reading God opened the door
Zion Revolutionaries
For the Kingdom of God to come forth, we must speak His Word and walk in His victory. We must only accept as our reality all that God has said. In fact, we must prophesy it into being. The initiative to prophesy is given to us by the anointing of the Lord, and we should… Continue reading Zion Revolutionaries
You must not be disappointed
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul conveyed to them the fact that his difficult circumstances had resulted in greater progress of the gospel. In chapter 1, verses 12–18 he wrote: Now I want you to know … that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well-known throughout the whole praetorian guard and… Continue reading You must not be disappointed
I appeal for my child-
Philemon 10 The book of Philemon is a personal letter from Paul to Philemon, a man in the church at Colossae, concerning a runaway slave named Onesimus. Before he ran away, Onesimus had stolen quite a bit of money from his master Philemon. Then he went to Rome, where he met the apostle Paul and… Continue reading I appeal for my child-
In the Body of Christ, there is a divine order of relationships. Sometimes in a family, the husband scolds his wife, the wife spanks the children, the oldest child hits the next oldest, and so on down the line to the youngest, who in turn kicks the cat. There may be times when you feel… Continue reading Infallible?
Continuing in the Apostle’s teaching
So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and there were added that day about three thousand souls. And they were continually devoting themselves (first) to the apostles’ teaching and (then) to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and… Continue reading Continuing in the Apostle’s teaching
Fathers and sons
Part Two As members of the Body of Christ, we are not so much an organization or a functioning unit as we are a family. To please God, we must work together to be a family—brothers and sisters together, knowing that we are seated at the Father’s table. The family relationship should exceed everything else… Continue reading Fathers and sons
Fathers and sons
Part One The father ministry is very evident in the books of I and II Timothy. However, the second Epistle to Timothy is more tender and more related to the father-and-son relationship of Paul and Timothy than the first Epistle. In this generation, we see the coming forth of the prophets of God who desire… Continue reading Fathers and sons
The Apostolic Word-accepted or rejected
The Thessalonian church began through an apostolic Word brought by the Apostle Paul on his second missionary journey. The people were not brought into a walk with God by his shaking their hands and talking to them; rather, a living Word pierced the inner area of their spirits, their souls, and their minds. In the… Continue reading The Apostolic Word-accepted or rejected
Manifestation of the Son in the sons
In the vision the Lord gave me when He projected me into the future to look back on the days that are ahead of us in the next few years, I noticed two things. The people who survived, who were not under deception, who were able to make it, were the people who were a… Continue reading Manifestation of the Son in the sons