New depths of Habitation

Behold, I make my face shine upon you. I am delighted in you. You are awesome! Can you feel my overwhelming love for you! Do you feel it! Well remain there then. Abide there.  Abide in my keeping power. Dwell in this place because this is the place of fullness. This is the place of… Continue reading New depths of Habitation

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Days of heaven on earth

Even under the Old Covenant, God promised that we could live our days here on earth as “days of heaven on earth”. DEUTERONOMY 11:21 That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the LORD swore unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon… Continue reading Days of heaven on earth

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Seeking God

We are going to look at the concept of seeking God and what that means and eventually how we can do that. The Scripture says in Jeremiah 29 versus 13 and 14  you shall seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all of your heart and I will be found… Continue reading Seeking God

Pressed up, caught up

It is so important that the Lord cause our faith to center on the word that is coming, for it is literally driving us into the Lord. We bless our reception of the word. When the pull of faith is as strong in the hearer as the inspiration is to preach the Word, receptive hearts… Continue reading Pressed up, caught up

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Being in the Spirit

          BEING IN THE SPIRIT Our spirit has eyes and ears, it has perception and feeling. Our spirit is a person. God is a person and He is spirit. Our re-created man is a person and is a spirit, with a full set of senses separate to our natural senses. Fellowship with Jesus requires an… Continue reading Being in the Spirit

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Heavenly places

In order to transform the city we live in, the church in that city-which are those called out to govern, must displace the principalities and powers that are governing that city. The worst mistake in war is to not know where the battleground is located. Where is the battle? Is the battle in the mind?… Continue reading Heavenly places

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Living in two worlds

ECCLESIASTES 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men. Jesus clearly said that He was not of this world (Jn 8:23). Now, because Jesus was the firstborn of many who would follow in His footsteps, we too are not of this world. Just as… Continue reading Living in two worlds

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Jeremiah 29:  13 And ye shall seek (search out, strive after, to obtain) me, and find (root-to come forth, appear, meet) me, when ye shall search for (to tread or frequent; to follow in pursuit or search) me with all your heart. 14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I… Continue reading Breakthrough

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Unseen realm

The realm of eternity and the realm of heaven are two different realms. God created the heavens and the earth. As our spirit grows and develops we can learn how to see into heaven and go and live there in our spirit. Before Adam fell he could see into both realms. Because we do not… Continue reading Unseen realm

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Unseen reality

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn giving us access by one Spirit unto the Father. We have access to the heavenly realms and are citizens there. Ephesians 2: 18For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. 19Now therefore ye are no more strangers… Continue reading Unseen reality

Categorized as Ascension

Entering the realm of heaven

We need to learn how to step into heaven by faith. Ephesians 2: 6And hath raised us up together (an action that happened at a specific point in the past, to cause to raise together with), and made us sit together (specific point past, cause to sit down with) in (intimate union with, remaining in)… Continue reading Entering the realm of heaven

Categorized as Ascension