We’ve all dealt with or are dealing with issues of betrayal, disappointment and woundedness. In the future we will have situations that are unfair and hurtful. Prior to the resolution of those incidents is the matter of becoming Christ like. The fruit of the Spirit mostly grows in bad soil. How does kindness grow? It… Continue reading Relinquish the pain
Category: Bitterness
We are in the midst of days in which many troubles stalk the land. We are in the days of persecution and bigotry. But we are also in the days of great revelation from the Lord, which is unique to this transition period of ages that we are in. In the midst of it, we… Continue reading Unthankful
Bitterness remembers what God has forgotten
God changes the past, the present, and the future. In His mind, the only true history is not a record of facts; it is the reality that came into existence by faith. When you read all the stories of faith in Hebrews 11, and when you read the records of men in the Scriptures and… Continue reading Bitterness remembers what God has forgotten
Is bitterness your future?
The roots that are down deep within us can be very, very deep. The root of bitterness is the result of unbelief (Hebrews 12:15). It grows because we go through our circumstances and we evaluate them without faith. Even when we go through the chastening of the Lord, we don’t interpret it correctly. We are… Continue reading Is bitterness your future?
Is there an idol in your saddlebag?
Three can’t beat one. There are references in the Scriptures such as, “a threefold cord is not easily broken” which collaborate this principle (Ecclesiastes 4:12). This relates to the power of oneness when it is in Christ—not just one individual in Christ, but several individuals who have become one in Christ. This oneness is stronger… Continue reading Is there an idol in your saddlebag?
“Call me mara”
Ruth 1:19–21 The truths that are found in this message apply to anyone who has received a Word from the Lord and has set his heart to walk with Him in that Word. In our seeking God, we may be pressing toward the goal which we see, only to have God say, “Here is one… Continue reading “Call me mara”
Are you locked in?
Do you believe that you can change? We can all experience drastic changes; we can all make phenomenal development. II Peter 3:18 tells us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” By the grace of God, we can be different in a year’s time from what we are… Continue reading Are you locked in?
Bitterness-the shut off valve
Communication among the people of the Lord must be free and frank, because problems that are buried in the heart and are not communicated or shared tend to congeal and take on a permanent form. The sooner the problems are brought to light, the quicker they can dissolve. Bitterness is almost always the result of… Continue reading Bitterness-the shut off valve