Category: Devotional
Designations of ministry
A designation is a description, name, or title that is given to someone or something. All true mentors would never place the emphasis on character before gifts, simply because God is not inclined that way. He works life and gifting together. He produces character out of our anointing as he works character into our gifting. Ministry supplies us with lots… Continue reading Designations of ministry
Mentoring through paradox
In mentoring, we must deal with people in a paradox rather than a paradigm. A paradox is two apparently conflicting ideas contained in the same truth. We must die in order to live. We must give in order to receive. We must be last in order to be first. Paradox is both/and, not either/or. A… Continue reading Mentoring through paradox
The value of faithfulness
Everything that we have is given to us by God first. John 3: 27 John answered and said, a man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven. Romans11: 35 or who has first given to him that it might be paid back to him again? For from him and through him… Continue reading The value of faithfulness
Christ is a guaranteed life
We are not given favor because of who we are but because of who Jesus is in the eyes of the father. His favor is now ours because we have been placed in him. We’re not given favor because of our performance as Christians, but because of our placement in Christ. We are given favor… Continue reading Christ is a guaranteed life
Focus increases favor
It is important to pay attention to blessing. To live in a way that positions our life to receive from the Lord. We must concentrate on who Jesus is for us and know exactly what it means to be in Christ. Focus will always bring forth truth and power to bear on our circumstances. Focus… Continue reading Focus increases favor
When we give, we are being challenged to receive and move into fullness
We know that tithing is a tribute to the sovereignty of God. We give to him in recognition of His Majesty and his claim over us as his subjects. We give to him because we are in partnership with him in the Kingdom. We believe that all we are and all we have belong to… Continue reading When we give, we are being challenged to receive and move into fullness
Relinquish the pain
We’ve all dealt with or are dealing with issues of betrayal, disappointment and woundedness. In the future we will have situations that are unfair and hurtful. Prior to the resolution of those incidents is the matter of becoming Christ like. The fruit of the Spirit mostly grows in bad soil. How does kindness grow? It… Continue reading Relinquish the pain
Every circumstance has upgrades attached to it
Our circumstances are not the problem. Our perception of our circumstances is the problem. We think of situations only in the context of the difficulties they contain. God sees them in the content of the provisions he has made available. Every situation has opportunities for us to discover more about God and ourselves. The Lord… Continue reading Every circumstance has upgrades attached to it
The internal power of our identity will discover the external power in a crisis
When we know who we are in Jesus, we receive the confidence necessary to pursue that identity. What the Lord says about us is a major clue to our inheritance. When we have received scripture from the Holy Spirit that pertains to a particular calling, then all our resources will flow through that identity. The… Continue reading The internal power of our identity will discover the external power in a crisis
A renewed mind is one that will not contemplate a single day without favor
When the father puts us into Christ, he envisions the same relationship with us that he enjoys with Jesus. We are in Christ so that all the favor Jesus enjoys now comes to us also. We are not given favor because of who we are in ourselves, but because of who Jesus is in us.… Continue reading A renewed mind is one that will not contemplate a single day without favor
We can only be challenged by God’s goodness
It was the relationship between the Lord and Moses that first gave us the glimpse of the power, significance, and importance of the goodness of God. Moses request to see God’s glory thrust him into an encounter with goodness that opened him up to all the claims of God about who he essentially is in… Continue reading We can only be challenged by God’s goodness
There is no internal struggle over sin; only a simple resting in the righteousness of Christ
When I speak on the truth that we are to focus only on righteousness rather than sin, the question is asked concerning Romans 7: 14-25. 14 For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do,… Continue reading There is no internal struggle over sin; only a simple resting in the righteousness of Christ
God is not dealing with our sin; he is establishing our righteousness
The father loves to give us permission to be like him, to view ourselves as he does and then to take on that identity. He gave Jesus both as savior, to bring closure to the old nature, and as Redeemer, to turn a sin habit into righteous behavior. He gave the Holy Spirit to each… Continue reading God is not dealing with our sin; he is establishing our righteousness
Your starting point always guarantees your outcome
Of him are you, in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1: 30). The father commands us to think afresh about our beginning in this spiritual journey and to live from that new beginning always. The old nature is dead, and we are to consider it so for the rest of our lives (Romans 6: 11). We… Continue reading Your starting point always guarantees your outcome
Take responsibility for your blessing
The chief role of ministry is to release people to find and discover God’s hearts for themselves as individuals. We are not here to tell them what to do but to empower them to be sensitive to the Lord. The Lord will work in them to do when they become sensitive to him. We teach… Continue reading Take responsibility for your blessing
It takes God to love God
Nothing that we give to God can originate within us. We can only love God because he first loved us (1John 4: 19). Everything that we have is given to us first by God (James 1: 17). The way we come into salvation is the way that our fellowship with God is maintained. He initiates… Continue reading It takes God to love God
The fruit is the Spirit is a more potent weapon against the enemy than the gifts
We must defeat the enemy personally and then we have power over the enemy in ministry. We cannot take ground from the enemy if he has ground in us. In warfare the enemy uses our own flesh against us. It makes sense therefore that our first line of defense is the nature of God and… Continue reading The fruit is the Spirit is a more potent weapon against the enemy than the gifts
There is no frustration in heaven
Whatever has been bound already in heaven is capable of being bound on earth. Whatever has been loosed in heaven can be released into the earth (Matthew 18: 18). This is one of the major keys of the Kingdom (Matthew 16: 19). If frustration does not exist in heaven, there is no need to give… Continue reading There is no frustration in heaven
God allows our preferences, but not our prejudice
Prejudice overwhelms us and prevents us from seeing and experiencing so many things in life. A prejudice, once formed, can take a long time to undo. It can kill our enjoyment of so many things. Having a preference for one thing over another is natural. Turning that preference into a prejudice against someone or something… Continue reading God allows our preferences, but not our prejudice
What does God want to be for you now?
Most of our circumstances are a result of our thought life, emotions, and the words that we speak. But when we come into a walk with God, he orders our steps and allows certain circumstances. In any circumstance, the two best questions that we can ask are what does this mean? And what shall we… Continue reading What does God want to be for you now?
The greater the discomfort, the closer you are to giving birth
Nothing that is worth having is ever obtained cheaply. To give birth to the dream that is in your heart will be painful. It will cost you time, effort, money, and discomfort. You cannot hand over the bad parts for others to do. There is no quitting if you are the one who is creating… Continue reading The greater the discomfort, the closer you are to giving birth
The enemy cannot penetrate God’s comfort
It is impossible to live on the frontline and not be wounded. We cannot be a prophet and not be persecuted. Some battles leave scars. Relationships disappoint. Life brings grief and brokenness at times. We can be undone by our own carnality, embarrassed by our own stupidity. The valley is where we connect with God… Continue reading The enemy cannot penetrate God’s comfort
Make it a rule
Make it a rule of life that you will never talk about your own limitations and failings without, in the same breath, magnifying the Lord for all his sufficiency and greatness! God’s greatness overwhelms our inadequacies.
To increase significance, we must upgrade our focus
Sometimes life can be so busy we lose sight of what is most important. We all need to put time into the schedule for personal reflection and not allow anything to override our desire for greater significance. Focus allows us to see the Lord in our circumstances. It sharpens our worship and maintains our thanksgiving… Continue reading To increase significance, we must upgrade our focus
We shrink when we resist God: we expand when we submit
When we say yes to God, we must say no to something else. The reverse of that is also true. When we say no to God it is because we have already chosen something or someone else instead. Counting the cost of both decisions is therefore a crucial exercise in discipleship. When we walk with… Continue reading We shrink when we resist God: we expand when we submit
Rethink your assumptions
Assumption (a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof): If all our thinking has brought us to a place that we do not like, it’s time to acquire some new thoughts. Our thinking always leads us somewhere. It’s our responsibility to ensure that our thinking is compatible with God’s… Continue reading Rethink your assumptions
Live in harmony with God’s delight
God is amazingly loving and kind and gracious. He is deeply affectionate towards his people. He has set his heart upon us and simply will not be deflected from the outpouring of his love (Deuteronomy 10: 15). He sets us apart for his own possession. There is joy, a pleasure, enjoyment and a delight that… Continue reading Live in harmony with God’s delight
People want new but think old
Every time a church, organization or business goes through transition they hit this particular crisis. It’s not hard to help people envision the future. It is easy to inspire people about the purposes of God. People love his promises-but not the process which is attached. Generally, people wish to obtain an impartation- that means they… Continue reading People want new but think old
Always leave a door open to possibilities
Jesus said, all things are possible to him who believes(Mark 9: 23). The origin of the word possible has its roots in the concept of being made powerful, capable, strong and mighty. It is a word relating to empowerment. God gives us power by putting us into a state of favor with him. He puts… Continue reading Always leave a door open to possibilities
Warriors do not look for sympathy; They look for majesty
We are the army of the Lord, but are we a warrior? Warriors do not need rescuing. They do not avoid tough situations. They see every circumstance as an opportunity to believe the Lord for something. They are privileged to trust, excited at the prospect of moving in faith. Every situation provides them with the… Continue reading Warriors do not look for sympathy; They look for majesty
Your resources are your weapon
There is only one way to live by faith. We simply must become preoccupied with God’s presence and focus on his promises. The faithfulness of the Lord in keeping his word is the very currency of heaven. We believe him because he never lies; he is the personification of the truth. More than provision, we… Continue reading Your resources are your weapon
Before we choose an action, we have already chosen a thought
Every action has a starting place. Every strong emotion has a beginning. There is a reason why the father wants us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). All transformation originates in renewed thinking (Romans 12: 2). How we think about ourselves dominates our behavior (Proverbs 23: 7) and… Continue reading Before we choose an action, we have already chosen a thought
Stress is a choice that you make for yourself
Stress is always an inside job. We’re in the process of learning how to put off the old man and put on the new man, the new nature of Jesus. The subject of the old nature (do we have two natures?) is a controversial subject. Some say we have two natures, and some say we… Continue reading Stress is a choice that you make for yourself
There is a quickening Spirit abroad in the earth
It is written the first man; Adam became a living soul. The last Adam became a quickening Spirit-1Corinthians 15: 45. The power of God that revitalizes us is astonishing. In Christ we are learning to partner with resurrection life in all its forms. His capacity to impart spiritual life and momentum is amazing! Quicken means… Continue reading There is a quickening Spirit abroad in the earth
Whatever God is, he is relentlessly
His love never fails, his mercy never ceases. Everything about God is forever. He never changes. He is not unpredictable. His joy is eternal and His loving kindness is from everlasting to everlasting. He is relentless in his grace for us. His love is so Persistent. God is continually showing me his loving kindness. I… Continue reading Whatever God is, he is relentlessly
Do not ignore the negative, learn how to use it! We have a creative spirit within that knows how to take advantage of every situation and circumstance. One of God’s prime development tools is teaching us how to move in the opposite spirit. The teachings of Jesus known as the beatitudes are a prime example… Continue reading Persecution
The enemy is not content to depress you-he needs you for an ally
Whenever we have a negative mindset and confession, we give the enemy permission to afflict us. Agreement is either the making or the breaking of us, depending upon who we align ourselves with, the Holy Spirit or the enemy. We allow ourselves to be overcome mostly by default. We are weak in our acceptance of… Continue reading The enemy is not content to depress you-he needs you for an ally
A life of continual rejoicing
Rejoice always, and again I say rejoice. Give thanks in everything; It’s the will of God for you. We are made for celebration. Everything in us resonates when we give thanks. We are happiest when we exult in someone or something. Elation is a tangible expression of being overjoyed. Gladness, jubilation, and delight are visible… Continue reading A life of continual rejoicing
Every problem has a provision attached to it
It is impossible to grow in faith unless you have something to overcome. Life in the Spirit is about how we meet problems, difficulties and adversity and the process of learning how to rise up and surmount those obstacles. An authentic life in the Spirit requires both training and proving. Jesus learned obedience by the… Continue reading Every problem has a provision attached to it
When God points to a deficiency
When God points to a deficiency in your life, he’s introducing you to your next miracle. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who are seeking to pursue their identity in him. We are in Christ, learning to be Christ like. Your heavenly father loves strategic life exchange. He loves to… Continue reading When God points to a deficiency
Turn weakness into a joyful vulnerability
There is a strength in weakness that only God can bring. He has a way of investing himself into our lowest place to release an empowerment that changes a deficit into an advantage. God’s Spirit is a spirit of strength. When we are filled with his Spirit, we can feel it, we can feel the… Continue reading Turn weakness into a joyful vulnerability
The why question will never be answered on earth
Why me? Why is this? Why now? Why? Often this type of question can come out of shock, anger, self-pity and bewilderment. We seek meaning, purpose, and significance. This particular question (why me) can deliver none of the answers that would be most helpful. It’s the question that will leave us trapped in our own… Continue reading The why question will never be answered on earth
We are deluding ourselves when we focus on what is wrong
Focus must always empower. It captures our heart and claims our attention. Focus has no preference of its own. It is given to us by the inclination of our heart. No one’s born a pessimist. We learn it in the setting of our childhood and from the people who influence us the most. It is… Continue reading We are deluding ourselves when we focus on what is wrong
The battle is not ours to win
Jesus has disarmed both rulers and authorities, making a mockery of their power in the process, and celebrating his own triumph over them by the cross-Colossians 2: 15. The battle is not ours but the Lords-2 chronicles 20: 15. We serve a powerful king who loves to fight! He laughs at those who oppose him… Continue reading The battle is not ours to win
We are defined by the quality of the opposition against us
When we look at a giant, there are mixed messages that we receive. Firstly, the enemy tells us that we are too small and not strong enough, big enough or powerful enough to overcome the opposition in front of us. The purpose of the enemy is to make us feel like grasshoppers in our own… Continue reading We are defined by the quality of the opposition against us
Reclaim your inner territory as a place of joy
What your soul thinks is a crisis, your inner man of the spirit perceives as an opportunity. Scriptures contain numerous commands for us to rejoice. Giving thanks is good for us. The culture of heaven is founded on celebration. All heaven rejoices in the presence of God. Joy is the nature of the father and… Continue reading Reclaim your inner territory as a place of joy
Love without trust is nothing
If we Love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength, then we must trust him in the same way. At the very least, that means we must expel negativity in our minds and hearts. At the very best it means that we are capable of incredible acts of faith in the power of the… Continue reading Love without trust is nothing
Failure is less traumatic than regret
Failure is not to be feared. We cannot win if we are afraid to lose. It takes real courage to try something when the odds are overwhelmingly against you. A renewed mind and an enlightened heart will both face life positively. They’re both confident in the grace and goodness of God. It is much better… Continue reading Failure is less traumatic than regret
Your truest identity is composed of your persona and your personality
Our persona is who we are, our person. Our personality includes our patterns of thoughts, actions, and emotions. It’s also influenced by our temperament and experiences. Our persona is who God says we are, and our personality must come into alignment with it. Our persona is our spirit in union with God, our personality resides… Continue reading Your truest identity is composed of your persona and your personality
Make sure the Holy Spirit has enough room to move
Doubt, fear and unbelief close down the operation of God (Matthew 13: 58.) God loves to create a climate of faith; the Emmy one of unbelief. The father stimulates, the devil debilitates. We must open ourselves for up to God, because he is for us. The best and most consistent way to do that is… Continue reading Make sure the Holy Spirit has enough room to move
A crisis attracts the power and the strength of God
On the pathway of your life, the father knows where every attack, every crisis, and every problem is located. Next to Eash difficulty he has placed a promise and a provision. When we experience the tribulation, then we must uncover the revelation of the promise and the provision that is also present. We stand on… Continue reading A crisis attracts the power and the strength of God
We can wear down the enemy by our freshness
Though our outer man, the body, is decaying, yet our inner man, of the spirit is being renewed day by day-2nd Corinthians 4: 16. The Lord’s loving kindness indeed never cease for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul. Therefore I… Continue reading We can wear down the enemy by our freshness
It’s hard work being out of sync with the father!
We are in Jesus. We have been put in this place by the father as a gift. We need do nothing to get there; We are in. We abide by agreement. We experience the power of that union through our obedience to stay, dwell and remain. We can do nothing to enter this place; We… Continue reading It’s hard work being out of sync with the father!
Our boldness
We need his boldness worked into our life. Our boldness in coming to God and our sense of expectation will be a huge inspiration to others. The one who believes in Jesus shall not be disappointed (Romans 9: 33). The Holy Spirit is our tutor to school us into becoming like Jesus. On earth Jesus… Continue reading Our boldness
His all-consuming life makes our heart feel like a fortress
How glorious it is to simply rest in majesty. To relax into the immensity of God. He fills everything with himself. He loves you. He loves you with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. He loves you in the same way that he requires love from you. The difference is that he supplies you… Continue reading His all-consuming life makes our heart feel like a fortress
Unlearning is as much fun as the learning of new things
We learn retrospectively as much as we do in the moment. We are always changing, becoming more in our identity. In our prior persona we were sure about so many things. As we change and become more like Jesus some of these old thoughts and paradigms pass away and new things emerge. Our experiences of… Continue reading Unlearning is as much fun as the learning of new things
You are either the obstacle or the catalyst for change to occur
Do you want to be a part of the problem or a part of the solution? How many times has your resistance prevented something from happening? How often has your obedience created an opportunity? You are a catalyst; A door opener; One who creates breakthrough. God can trust you to stand when others run. He… Continue reading You are either the obstacle or the catalyst for change to occur
Walking in the intentionality of God
In ministry, one gets used to being asked the same questions over and over. People all over the world have similar wanderings, dreams, fears and concerns when it comes to walking with God. But there is one question that I’m asked more than any other: what is the will of God? What is God saying… Continue reading Walking in the intentionality of God
What we are learning in walking in the intentionality of God
The father is present/ future with us, not present/past. Our development is exponential. We are making our responses compatible with God’s perception. The antidote to our past is our future. The fear of the Lord is a crucial part of our anointing. We need assurance more than permission. Guidance flows from the right relationship. Waiting… Continue reading What we are learning in walking in the intentionality of God
Faith does not procrastinate
Faith is living and active. It should match the relationship that we have with the father. It is our privilege to be confident and assured in his name and nature. Faith steps out onto the ground of God’s identity. He is worthy of trust. Faith never hangs back. It climbs out of the boat at… Continue reading Faith does not procrastinate
The enemy is measuring you for a coffin… God is measuring you for an ongoing move of the spirit
What is the father lining up for you in this season? You are responsible for your own spirituality. There is no one else to blame. The Lord is in you and you have the joyful enterprise of learning to abide in him-John chapter 15 When we make someone else responsible for our development, we cease… Continue reading The enemy is measuring you for a coffin… God is measuring you for an ongoing move of the spirit
Opposition attaches to what you don’t remove
In order to give us a brilliant future, the father must eradicate our past. When we do not cooperate fully in the present, we leave gaps in our obedience that the enemy will manipulate. Are you holding on to grudges, offences and betrayals? When you think of people who have wounded you, is there still… Continue reading Opposition attaches to what you don’t remove
Rejoicing in who you are… and who you are becoming!
Our relationship with God is always present/future in nature. He loves who we are now; he sees the emerging us that is coming to meet us from the future. Jesus was fond of saying: an hour is coming and now is… (John 4: 23) highlighting the relationship between present and future that makes our spirituality… Continue reading Rejoicing in who you are… and who you are becoming!
There is no freedom outside of rest
Without rest we are bound. We are prone to worry, anxiety, and fear. Our anger, bitterness and resentment will get the better of us. Rest allows us space to be. Inner space is freedom to perceive a thing as God sees it. Rest is a prelude to focus. Focus is the forerunner of faith. When… Continue reading There is no freedom outside of rest
The gifts of God must be contended for in life
Gifts are freely given in the Kingdom. However, they only remain with us at a low level of power. Our spirit generates power. Personal discipline increases power. What is true for an athlete is true for a minister. Training makes us fit to contend effectively. Gifts grow by use. The intimacy that surrounds each gift… Continue reading The gifts of God must be contended for in life
In all circumstances, anxiety is tiring
Check yourself out. What level of peace, joy and laughter is in your life at this time? How much energy, faith and passion are you walking in? Tiredness, weariness and doubt can all lead us to a place where we live under our circumstances instead of above them. We cannot unconsciously slip into a negative… Continue reading In all circumstances, anxiety is tiring
Don’t pretend, practice
Talking to a friend one day who was struggling with his relationship to another person, I shared about the need to love as a first requirement. This clearly bothered him and he was exasperated with me and defensive about his own actions. We can never justify un-Christ like behavior. When I gently pressed him on… Continue reading Don’t pretend, practice
Many people are unequally yoked to a negative
When we learn rest, we become more yoked to Jesus in partnership-Matthew 11. If our normal tendency is to think from a negative mindset, we need to repent and think again. Worry, anxiety, fear, anger, bitterness and Resentment will not enable us to become like Christ. A successful relationship with Jesus is founded on rest,… Continue reading Many people are unequally yoked to a negative
Owning the future starts now
Do not wait for circumstances to improve before you think about your future. Your future arises out of your present responses. At this moment your behavior could be denying you a future success. Your calling is made sure in your current development. What do you wanna be when you grow up into Jesus? What do… Continue reading Owning the future starts now
God does not measure success by results, but by the faithfulness that we display
The world is success oriented; the Kingdom defines success differently on some days. Success can be to remain standing in difficult circumstances, even if they are not resolved. Other people’s obedience may be a factor in us achieving a purpose. Some situations are mainly about learning patience, being steadfast, and developing trust in the goodness… Continue reading God does not measure success by results, but by the faithfulness that we display
God is consistent… and unpredictable
We always know where we are at with God because he never changes. He remains the same towards us even if our life, responses, and obedience fluctuates. He will always be gracious and merciful because of Jesus. He will always operate in the fruit of the Spirit in his dealings with us. We seldom will… Continue reading God is consistent… and unpredictable
The inner man of the spirit must become the Anchorman of the soul
We are not governed by externals. We are led by the Spirit. Our soul by itself will control our experience, but then we will go nowhere. Our soul was created as a vehicle for the spirit. It should have no authority, only obedience. Your soul is made-up of your will, your mind, your emotions, your… Continue reading The inner man of the spirit must become the Anchorman of the soul
Divine acceleration
There is a quickening spirit abroad in the earth. The father is speeding up his timetable. He is redeeming time for us because the days are increasing in wickedness. He redeems time by speeding up our development. Have you felt the pace of your spirituality and faith increasing? What we think will take years will… Continue reading Divine acceleration
Tension does not mean that something is wrong… it means something is happening!
There is no movement without tension. If you are relaxing at home and you reach for your cup of coffee, your hand must tense up in order to grip the handle properly. What is true in the natural is also true in the spirit. In order for us to get ahold of what God is… Continue reading Tension does not mean that something is wrong… it means something is happening!
Pay attention to the wonder of it all
It’s possible to go through life and never touch as much as the Lord would desire you too. Our spiritual perceptions can be measured in fragments of time and experience. If God never leaves us nor forsakes us, then he is always present. You owe it to yourself to be more aware of his position… Continue reading Pay attention to the wonder of it all
For every flow, there is an ebb
We cannot live in a constant flow of the Spirit. It is not how life in Jesus is defined. What is true in the spirit is also true in the natural and vice versa. Life is seasonal. While it does not match the annual calendar of nature, there are times and seasons. Read Ecclesiastes chapter… Continue reading For every flow, there is an ebb
All of life is spiritual
There is no sacred and secular; There is only life in the spirit. Everything we do and say impacts the realm of the spirit. We are more when we are concentrating on being alive to God rather than dead to self. We are more focused on being led by the spirit than trying to avoid… Continue reading All of life is spiritual
Disempower your disappointments
What we focus on; we give power to. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth-Colossians 3: 2. We have all had experiences of being hurt, wounded, betrayed and let down. It is as sure, as the sun rises and sets, that we all have similar experiences. Life is not about… Continue reading Disempower your disappointments
It’s gonna rain; sell your umbrella!
Sometimes we unconsciously protect ourselves from an outpouring of God. We demonstrate caution when we should be full hearted. We look from the sidelines instead of jumping into the action. We are passive in our worship rather than engaged. We must never be cautious about the Holy Spirit. There is no discretion when it comes… Continue reading It’s gonna rain; sell your umbrella!
Radical renewal or business as usual?
When push comes to shove, most of us stay the same. We are in love with the idea of change but not the practice of it. We love to respond to God in meetings. We want impartation. We love the promises and the prophecies of God. All of these impart an anointing to partner with… Continue reading Radical renewal or business as usual?
Your identity is who you are… regardless of circumstances
If you come home from work one evening to find your home and all your possessions have been a burned to the ground and your wife and children safe but crying… what would you do first? Probably a dozen things would come to your mind. What are the first aspects of your identity to reassert… Continue reading Your identity is who you are… regardless of circumstances
We are always defined by the intentions of God
To do well in the Spirit your heart must be attuned to the purpose of the father. His heart and affections for you must govern every facet of your being. To walk in the Spirit is to walk in the acceptance of a loving God who sees you as much beloved child. Brilliant fathers have… Continue reading We are always defined by the intentions of God
Purpose of meditation
The purpose of the meditations I write is to lead you out of the business of life and into the still waters of deep thought, restful perception and therefore Presence. As you give yourself to this process you will become more God conscious, more of a worshipper, and more peaceful in how you approach life.… Continue reading Purpose of meditation
In Christ we are always reconciled to our potential
When Jesus is irresistible to us, the life that He generates within us flows out and immobilizes the enemy. When our flesh is overthrown, the enemy is dispossessed. Everything that is positive towards us has the opposite consequence for our adversaries. The keys of the Kingdom come when we live an ascended lifestyle. When we… Continue reading In Christ we are always reconciled to our potential
Reinvention has many layers
Poverty is not economical. It is the acceptance of meager possibilities. There’s a poverty of thinking, imagination, passion, courage, vision and the will to succeed. We become limited by our fears. Fear of failure, change, looking foolish and being criticized makes us dormant and inactive. Fear of man is one of the most debilitating phobias… Continue reading Reinvention has many layers
God meets us more in our imagination than He does in logic
To move in passion…. To live passionately… we must develop intuition. Intuition is a state of mind and heart, that takes us into a higher place than logic or reason. Logic and reason are base camp number one on the climb up Mount Zion. They must be left behind if we are to reach the… Continue reading God meets us more in our imagination than He does in logic
The key is the test
People who are always looking for a shortcut seldom pass the tests of God. The test is the shortcut. The key is the test that God gives us so that we can receive, become, inherit what he sees over us. Testing is always linked to the development of our obedience-2 Corinthians 2: 9; 10: 5.… Continue reading The key is the test
A truth which is not practiced denies God the right to upgrade your experience of him
The truth not practiced is merely true for us, but not the truth which sets us free. We remain bound because only experiencing the truth can set us free. A truth believed but not experienced has no power to renew or upgrade our fellowship with God. What truths have you believed but not experienced to… Continue reading A truth which is not practiced denies God the right to upgrade your experience of him
Passion creates focus
Passion (a compelling, a powerful emotion of love and delight) never allows you to see yourself as a failure. Everything is useful in our development. Mistakes, humiliations, defeats and obstacles are as valuable as success, achievement, victory and breakthrough. Passion wastes nothing. Passion always learns and always overcomes. Passion is belief in action. What if… Continue reading Passion creates focus
We never exit worship
Passion is the discovery of what is true and empowering about God’s personality. This touches our emotions and releases revelation. Key insights are released and become possibilities that empower our faith. Worship in that context is the permission to become lost in the rhythm of God’s heartbeat. The father is never passive in worship. He… Continue reading We never exit worship
Your intimacy is intimidating
When the father placed us into Christ, he put us into a position of intimate affection between him and the son. In this incredible place of emotional attachment, we are allowed to experience the intimate connection in their relationship. We encounter their unique oneness. We are lovingly confronted by the radiance of their shared glory.… Continue reading Your intimacy is intimidating
The mind of Christ gives us a different language
We have grown up in the world system of perception, thinking and language. We have grown accustomed to our thinking being derived from the world, the flesh and the devil. When we connect with Jesus we come under a mindset from a different domain. The mind set on the flesh is hostile to the majesty… Continue reading The mind of Christ gives us a different language
The fruit of the Spirit is our divine advantage
We are in Christ learning to live from heaven to earth in our salvation experience. We are learning the joy of the Lord in all circumstances. Joy is unlimited delight. It is his gladness rooted in His Majesty. His cheerful disposition is grounded in the omnipotence of his strength. His joy becomes our strength! His… Continue reading The fruit of the Spirit is our divine advantage
Faith and patience always inherit the promises of God
Promises are the seed bed for miracles to occur. It is the language of God that guides our thinking and response. He loves promises, inheritance, favor and fullness. He gives his Word so that the outcome may be guaranteed. This will free us up to enjoy the process of how we get there! Promises are… Continue reading Faith and patience always inherit the promises of God
Love the learning
life involves unrelenting learning. Every situation, problem, people difficulty and oppositional circumstance has something to teach us about God and ourselves. We learn to stand in God. We learn to press into His Majesty. We learn to overcome, persist and receive under pressure. We learn to rejoice always, and in everything give thanks. We learn… Continue reading Love the learning
Learn the language of promise
As the people of God, our lives are defined by our promises, prophecies and possibilities. The father inserts a promise into our lives lovingly, so we have his word to hold on to when we need it. Not all promises need to be understood when they are first given, but they do need to be… Continue reading Learn the language of promise
Attending is the key to hearing God
The father’s passion for our current identity is the key that unlocks our present circumstances. What is He developing in our identity and how will it impact on our personality? As we allow that thought to be cultivated in us, the situation we are currently in can begin to serve the purposes of God. As… Continue reading Attending is the key to hearing God
To solve your problem you must get above it
Vision is never just about the direction that we are moving towards. It is also about the height at which we are expecting to travel in the Holy Spirit. To be in Christ is to experience His exultation. Everything about being in Christ is concerned with elevation. We need the spirit of wisdom and revelation… Continue reading To solve your problem you must get above it
Resources are attached to our identity not our circumstances
God does not allocate resources to your problems. He attaches them to our identity in Jesus. His primary purpose is in our becoming the exact likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are therefore learning how to grow up in all things in Christ. In our life events we are being schooled that God says… Continue reading Resources are attached to our identity not our circumstances
Knowing how to receive under pressure is a great key to have in your possession
Conventional thinking wants to receive everything in advance. However, the Lord will simply not allow us to plan everything out beforehand. We count the cost in advance but we receive our provision on the way. This is precisely why Jesus described himself as the way! In order to walk by faith we must learn to… Continue reading Knowing how to receive under pressure is a great key to have in your possession
The humble man has an advantage over all other men… no one can put him down!
We are always victims to our own smugness, arrogance and self delusion. Rest assured we will be taken down a peg or two if those attitudes persist in us. Humility begins to grow in us when we learn to recognize what we are like without Jesus and what we are capable of in him. Humility… Continue reading The humble man has an advantage over all other men… no one can put him down!
Faith is the consequence of being loved
Faith works by love – Galatians 5: 6. When we learn to celebrate being the beloved of God, the action of that love promotes faith. When we receive Christ the object lesson of our life is to become rooted and grounded in the love of God. As we pursue love with God we are built… Continue reading Faith is the consequence of being loved
Imagine God inhabiting your space!
What the Lord creates in us grows progressively out of his abundance and our imagination-Ephesians3: 20. We cannot plan beauty, elegance or excellence. It is the fruit of our response to being rooted and grounded in his love. It is normal, inevitable expression of an identity greater than our own working in us through our… Continue reading Imagine God inhabiting your space!
Life is emotional and therefore Christ centered.
When the father put us into Christ, he created an internal environment within us that would always be centered around his passion for his son, Jesus. He sees us in Christ and loves us with the same identical love that he has for Jesus. His declaration that “This is my beloved son in whom I… Continue reading Life is emotional and therefore Christ centered.
God has all the best thoughts!
When our mind is renewed, it is because we have accepted that God has all the best thoughts, and we want them too! To be renewed in the spirit of our mind (Ephesians 4: 23) is to listen to the voice of God in our heart relationship, and then establish that as our way of… Continue reading God has all the best thoughts!
When God grants you something, he expects you to take him for granted!
In life we are always being challenged to want more of God. Heaven desires to release its resources to us. We must pray in line with God’s purposes not our problems. We are often undone by our language. We pray like a widow when we should pray like a bride. We ask God to open… Continue reading When God grants you something, he expects you to take him for granted!
Fascination beats intimidation.
The goal of all the working of the Holy Spirit is to make us like Jesus in everything. A major part of our experience with him is that we become astonished at our new man in Christ. We are a new creation, all the old things are passed away, everything has become new, and all… Continue reading Fascination beats intimidation.
Disappointment occurs when our experience of the truth is much smaller than our knowledge of it. When God shows you something, the knowledge of it must translate into experiences that transform your life. To be ankle deep in blessing is the lowest form of spiritual expression Ezekiel 47: 3 – 5 there are four measures… Continue reading Disappointment
It’s time!
Now is the accepted time. Today’s the day. We are learning to be present in the moment in Christ. This results in that we are up to date with regard to his current purpose. Paul statement of focus was this: this one thing I do. Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies… Continue reading It’s time!
Knowing your stance in the circumstance
One who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double minded man, unstable in all his ways- James 1: 6-8. When we doubt, we are aiding the enemy in his desire to… Continue reading Knowing your stance in the circumstance
There is always enough light
The point of darkness is to release the light. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it-John 1: 5. The darkness cannot stop something it cannot understand. You cannot penetrate something that is unfathomable. The enemy is destined to misunderstand God’s ultimate purpose. If he had known the purpose of… Continue reading There is always enough light
Focus provides high definition
It should not matter how much the enemy spins us around in life situations. Christ is the center of who we are, which means we have a fixed point to which we always return. The Holy Spirit will always make Jesus our focal point for response. In Christ, the enemy is never allowed to determine… Continue reading Focus provides high definition
Impossibility thinking
People always want to talk about the odds against something happening. They will have the opinion that declares something is 90% improbable. The mind of Christ declares then a 10% chance of success is good enough to launch something as an idea, what is impossible with men is possible with God Luke 18: 27. As… Continue reading Impossibility thinking
Refreshing is a constant
The promise of God is that we’ll have internal rivers of water flowing into everlasting life-John 7: 38. The goal and blessing of our life is that we live in the powers of heaven. On earth as it is in heaven was the prayer of Jesus- Matthew 6: 10. Our spirituality and what we can… Continue reading Refreshing is a constant
Presence is always tangible
Presence is always real whether we are feeling His company or believing that His Spirit is in attendance. By faith we receive Him because of the truth of His word, whether we feel Him or not; I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am with you always, even unto the end of the… Continue reading Presence is always tangible
Being stretched is the key to growth
This one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and reaching forth unto those things that are before, I press on to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus- Philippians 3: 13-14. Allowing ourselves to reach out in the spirit to pursue fullness and abundance will cause us to be stretched… Continue reading Being stretched is the key to growth
What is God replacing in you
Some people are going through intimidation (being frightened or pressured) in a particular situation and are seeking how to deal with this debilitating negative emotion. In the Kingdom that we inhabit, all negativity has been laid on Jesus. He bore it in His own body and soul so that we could be free. He was… Continue reading What is God replacing in you
Identity accelerates the impossible
It’s impossible! It can’t be done! How often does our lack of imagination or faith cause us to make the impossible become our truth of convenience? We take the line of least resistance when we give up without really trying. Thus, the impossible becomes merely the untried. When we use logic instead of faith the… Continue reading Identity accelerates the impossible
The real you is not stressed
Even a superficial look at Romans 6 tells us that our old man or old nature is crucified with Christ and is therefore dead and buried. We are given permission to consider ourselves dead to sin and to only live as those who are alive to God, walking in a newness of life that He… Continue reading The real you is not stressed
Process always makes us rich
Process is the series of steps we must take in order for our destiny to come into fulfillment. Imagine standing in 2024 and hearing God speak to you from 2034. He sees who you are there and communicates that to you in your present. He sees it as a done deal and releases it to… Continue reading Process always makes us rich
Always start with your future, not your present
It is so very easy to become dismayed about the future. It can seem so out of focus or out of reach. One reason for that lack of clarity is that we are discouraged about who we are in the present. We can lack the fortitude to move forward because our identity needs an upgrade… Continue reading Always start with your future, not your present
Proclamation on the level you are at, is the key to the next level
In the Spirit we must talk our way into everything. We must speak out loud the word of God! What we believe must be spoken aloud into the atmosphere of our circumstances. We speak from the inner man of our spirit into the outer world of our life situation. Faith comes by hearing and confession.… Continue reading Proclamation on the level you are at, is the key to the next level
To practice your delight, you must first turn it all on Jesus
There are no disciplines in heaven. No one is standing around the throne, looking at their watch and gritting their teeth to get through the discipline of worship. In Christ we make his passions our own with the help of the incomparable Holy Spirit. In Christ all our disciplines must become delights. Life in the… Continue reading To practice your delight, you must first turn it all on Jesus
Make yourself vulnerable to God
Because we are in Jesus and He is in us, we are learning the lifestyle of the power of the one with the one. Jesus is the substance and source for our spiritual development. In him we live and move and have our being-Acts 17: 28. That means we are completely open to all the… Continue reading Make yourself vulnerable to God
Heaven is attracted to Jesus in us
One of the greatest ideas of the father was to put us into Jesus and Jesus into us. The father and Jesus love to make their abode in us – John 14: 23 We are the residents of God and as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to love Jesus and keep his words,… Continue reading Heaven is attracted to Jesus in us