Spiritual workshop 2-1

There is basic foundational teaching that we need to get a hold of. We need to learn how to build our spirit. Without our spirit being built and grown and developed we will not find it very easy to connect up with the spirit of God and with heavenly things. If we want to get… Continue reading Spiritual workshop 2-1

Categorized as Encounters

Spiritual workshop 1-1

call it practice it because that’s really what encouraged that what is the purpose will ultimately everything supernatural is is not actually the characters themselves because you while supernatural experiences as to the supernatural experiences are there to help us fulfill our best and our destinies is to be WordPress that means having kingly royalty… Continue reading Spiritual workshop 1-1

Categorized as Encounters

Spiritual workshop 4

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Heb 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. (spirit & soul) Practice Desire – Discipline – Delight Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Accountability Questions  Have you spent more time or better  quality time with God?  Have… Continue reading Spiritual workshop 4

Categorized as Encounters

Spiritual workshop 1

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Purpose? Fulfil our destinies – Royal Priesthood Manifest as sons of God on the earth Live a supernatural lifestyle as a gateway for heaven to invade earth Develop our ability to see and walk in the light Access the heavenly realms Access and develop the kingdom of God within us Supernatural… Continue reading Spiritual workshop 1

Categorized as Encounters

Tangible reality

We can be so full of God’s presence that all things become possible through him. We are an unstoppable force when we develop confidence in his goodness. The promise of Isaiah 40: 28 -31 becomes ours to possess: Isaiah 40: 28-have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God the Lord, the creator… Continue reading Tangible reality