The enemy is not content to depress you-he needs you for an ally

Whenever we have a negative mindset and confession, we give the enemy permission to afflict us. Agreement is either the making or the breaking of us, depending upon who we align ourselves with, the Holy Spirit or the enemy. We allow ourselves to be overcome mostly by default. We are weak in our acceptance of… Continue reading The enemy is not content to depress you-he needs you for an ally

Combat communication

THE DECEPTION THAT DIVIDES The great problem that has hit the churches has been a spirit of illusion to create division. It looked as if contention was the big problem, when really the assault against our striving for oneness was a spirit of illusion, a lying spirit to create division. As you look back on… Continue reading Combat communication

Categorized as Enemy


By Gary Evan Umphress There isn’t a believer in Jesus Christ that would dispute the fact that God despises Pride. Many scriptures refer to this spirit and how it separates man from God. It is the very spirit that separates Satan and God. Every demon in hell is full of pride. Adam and Eve disobeyed… Continue reading Leviathan

Categorized as Enemy, Pride

Why do you put up walls?

We often encounter spiritual battles, and sometimes we think that the enemy assaults us only in our weak points. This is not always true. When you look into the Scriptures, you see that many men were not battled or defeated on their weak points. They were aware of their weak points and had built defenses… Continue reading Why do you put up walls?

Thirty pieces

Every apostle of the Lord who has a ministry from God, who has received the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and has received a commission from Him, probably will have in his life one, or perhaps many, Judases. In II Corinthians chapter 11, the apostle Paul tells us about his. There were many who… Continue reading Thirty pieces

Categorized as Enemy

Satan’s slick scheming

Satan is a slick schemer! We must be careful that he does not take advantage of us. To that end we need to be aware of his schemes and the devices he uses. Paul warns us concerning this in II Corinthians 2:11: In order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we… Continue reading Satan’s slick scheming

Categorized as Enemy

I’ll tolerate no delay-2

We are confronted continually with the problem of redeeming the time because the days are evil. Satan has his own time schedule; and if it succeeds, no flesh will be saved alive, according to the prophecies of Christ (Matthew 24:22). Satan is working to bring about the destruction of the entire human race. Every science,… Continue reading I’ll tolerate no delay-2

The thief and the contaminator

With a fervor we should hate not only sin, but we should hate Satan and the way he assaults the people of God. It is abhorrent the way he blocks and hinders the anointed of the Lord. We also should despise the conditionings in our own spirits that make us reluctant to accept the full… Continue reading The thief and the contaminator

Categorized as Enemy

The threat within

Once again the Body of Christ is in a significant step toward total, absolute victory in the end-time battle against antichrists, false prophets, false Christs, and nephilim spirits. Let us determine to settle for nothing less than that. The book of Revelation tells about three unclean spirits that come to pervade the whole earth. We… Continue reading The threat within

Categorized as Enemy