Linear and cyclical

As human beings, we are very linear in the way that we think. This is part of the natural mind that thinks in straight lines and fixed points. We want the shortest route between here and there. When we receive a prophetic word, we want the outcome above all else. This is a normal, human… Continue reading Linear and cyclical

Process 3

Living in newness of life The ultimate result of process is where God takes up residence in our lives. We all have a story and we are all on a journey. Our journey needs to be a shared journey with who Jesus is. The reality of God is that He will not accept second best.… Continue reading Process 3

Process 2

Cultivating reciprocal abiding Jeremiah 17: 5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in… Continue reading Process 2

The process 1

The journey of trust Jeremiah 17: 5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places… Continue reading The process 1

The enemy is measuring you for a coffin… God is measuring you for an ongoing move of the spirit

What is the father lining up for you in this season? You are responsible for your own spirituality. There is no one else to blame. The Lord is in you and you have the joyful enterprise of learning to abide in him-John chapter 15 When we make someone else responsible for our development, we cease… Continue reading The enemy is measuring you for a coffin… God is measuring you for an ongoing move of the spirit

Failing is part of the developing, being a failure is not.

Whenever we do something for the first time we cannot make a mistake, because we are learning. Wanting to know how to improve skills, understanding and capacity are the keys to succeeding. When we love the learning we are less likely to fail and are more capable of improving. It’s possible to fail at everything… Continue reading Failing is part of the developing, being a failure is not.

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Coming into alignment

COMING INTO ALIGNMENT We need to learn how to come into alignment with the word God has spoken to us. We are to live by every word that God speaks to us. As the Holy Spirit reveals the word to us, it changes us, and then when we walk in it, it becomes written on… Continue reading Coming into alignment

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We first must be born from above

Before I teach you how to be filled with the Spirit, I have to teach you the difference between being born from above and being filled with the Spirit. There are three main feasts of the Lord we must experience to come into the fullness of Christ. 1-Passover-being born from above. 2- Pentecost- being filled… Continue reading We first must be born from above

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The ups and downs

At times every believer in Christ Jesus must have thought, “If only I could understand what God is doing in my life! Or if I could even know whether or not the present circumstances in my life are of God—maybe it is the devil, or perhaps it is only my friends or relatives that are… Continue reading The ups and downs

Babies-blame yourself!

Traditional churches have a way of covering over the immoralities and indiscretions in their midst; however, on the Kingdom level this is not possible. As we break into the Kingdom, we find that there will be a greater exposure of the things in our lives that are wrong and could cause offense. The religious world… Continue reading Babies-blame yourself!

Timothys everywhere

The vision of the Timothy ministry is very clear. What is God requiring of His people and of the apostolic ministry, and what it all is leading to? The teaching on the Timothy ministry has not yet been completed, but the vision of it has been very clear. We are aware that churches everywhere are… Continue reading Timothys everywhere

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Come alive!

There are some Scriptures which unfold a principle about being alive—totally and wholly alive. Paul recommended in I Thessalonians 5:23 that your whole spirit, soul, and body be sanctified wholly and preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord. This indicates that there are certain areas in your life right now which are dead to… Continue reading Come alive!

Expand like the universe

We now know that the universe continues to expand. Growth is a biblical principle that has ever-increasing implications. We begin our earthly life as a fetus in the womb and we continue to grow both physically as well as intellectually. This is also true spiritually, as the Apostle Paul wrote: 1 CORINTHIANS 3:1 And I,… Continue reading Expand like the universe

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The baby stage

John 3: 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The word again means from above. The Father has to draw us; the Holy Spirit has to convict us of sin and… Continue reading The baby stage

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The day of small things

In this day the Lord is revealing the principle of reversal. It is an end-time manifestation of both Mary’s Magnificat and Hannah’s song of praise. These women rejoiced in the way God brought down the rich and sent the full away empty, but exalted the poor. James prophesied that the rich should rejoice that God… Continue reading The day of small things

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Our growth in God

John 3: 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.  To enter into an intimate relationship with God, It is absolutely necessary that we be born from above. Unless our spirit is… Continue reading Our growth in God

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From futility to maturity

The book of Ephesians has many good chapters, but the fourth chapter often becomes the focus of our attention. Let me give a brief resume of this chapter, starting from verse 8. Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father with all majesty and authority and gave gifts to men. He gave some as… Continue reading From futility to maturity

The parable of the sower

The gospel of the Kingdom is the gospel that Jesus preached. The bible is a concealed revelation, in order to understand it; the Holy Spirit who is sent to teach us must open up our spiritual eyes. The Holy Spirit is the teacher. God has set certain ministries in the Church that the Holy Spirit… Continue reading The parable of the sower

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Growing up

When our spirit became alive in the Lord, our spiritual eyes and ears were opened. Our spiritual growth is a growing awareness of the life of the Lord. This life of the Lord begins to grow in us as we come into submission to it. It is called the mystery of the Kingdom-the Lordship of… Continue reading Growing up

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