
How do we deal with iniquity? As we have seen throughout this book, iniquity is not a simple sin that we just ask for forgiveness and and the problem. Iniquity is an entire body of sin and evil, rooted within our spirit. Iniquity has corrupted the whole structure of our thoughts and our behavior, and… Continue reading Conclusion

Categorized as Iniquity

The dwellings of iniquity

Genesis 2:7 – and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. Genesis 1:28 –… Continue reading The dwellings of iniquity

Categorized as Iniquity


The major hindrance to see God’s glory manifested in your life. I’m greatly way down within my soul as I observed thousands and hundreds of thousands of Christian suffering greatly, going through never ending deserts, bearing sicknesses with no apparent relief and burdened by irrevocable curses. This suffering is caused me to intensely seek God’s… Continue reading Iniquity

Categorized as Iniquity